3d8d28 |
cbf076 |
import datetime
05525d |
05525d |
import db.types
05525d |
import db.pool
b838e2 |
import db.cache
b838e2 |
import page.root
b838e2 |
import page.error
b838e2 |
import action.actions
b838e2 |
import session
e5b0ac |
from repoproxy import RepoProxy
e5b0ac |
from repotypes.git import RepotypeGit
cbf076 |
cbf076 |
3d8d28 |
class Server:
3d8d28 |
def __init__(self, config):
e5b0ac |
self.repotypes = {
e5b0ac |
'git': RepotypeGit() }
cbf076 |
e5b0ac |
self.config = self.apply_defaults(config)
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
self.dbtypebytype = db.types.bytype
e5b0ac |
self.dbtypebychar = db.types.bychar
e5b0ac |
self.dbpool = db.pool.Pool(self)
e5b0ac |
self.dbcache = db.cache.Cache(self)
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
self.sessions = session.SessionManager(self)
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
self.repoproxy = RepoProxy(self)
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
self.pageroot = page.root.RootPage()
e5b0ac |
self.pageforbidden = page.error.ErrorPage('403', 'Forbidden')
e5b0ac |
self.pagenotfound = page.error.ErrorPage('404', 'Not Found')
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
self.actions = action.actions.actions
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
for key, repotype in self.repotypes.items():
e5b0ac |
repotype.configure(self, self.config['repositories'][key])
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
def get_defaults(self):
e5b0ac |
return self.apply_defaults(dict())
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
def apply_defaults(self, config):
cbf076 |
config_db = config.get('db', dict())
cbf076 |
config_db_pool = config_db.get('pool', dict())
b838e2 |
config_db_cache = config_db.get('cache', dict())
e5b0ac |
b838e2 |
config_users = config.get('users', dict())
e5b0ac |
b838e2 |
config_session = config.get('session', dict())
cbf076 |
e5b0ac |
config_repositories = config.get('repositories', dict())
e5b0ac |
config_repositories_git = config_repositories.get('git', dict())
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
urlprefix = self.fixpath( config.get('urlprefix', '') )
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
return {
e5b0ac |
'protocol' : str(config.get('protocol', 'https://')),
e5b0ac |
'domain' : str(config.get('domain', '')),
572081 |
'name' : str(config.get('name', 'Earthworm')),
572081 |
'debug' : bool(config.get('debug')),
e5b0ac |
cbf076 |
'urlprefix' : urlprefix,
cbf076 |
'urldataprefix' : str(config.get('urldataprefix', urlprefix + '/data')),
cbf076 |
b838e2 |
'db': {
cbf076 |
'connection' : dict(config_db.get('connection', dict())),
4656ad |
'prefix' : str(config_db.get('prefix', '')),
cbf076 |
'retrytime' : float(config_db.get('retrytime', 0)),
cbf076 |
'pool': {
cbf076 |
'read' : int(config_db_pool.get('read' , 10)),
cbf076 |
'write' : int(config_db_pool.get('write', 10)),
cbf076 |
b838e2 |
'cache': {
b838e2 |
'maxcount' : int(config_db_cache.get('maxcount', 10000)),
b838e2 |
b838e2 |
b838e2 |
b838e2 |
'users': {
b838e2 |
'salt' : str(config_users.get('salt', 'ndina82899nda90pn0al')),
b838e2 |
'selfcreate' : bool(config_users.get('selfcreate', False)),
b838e2 |
'selfdelete' : bool(config_users.get('selfdelete', False)),
b838e2 |
'showlist' : bool(config_users.get('showlist', False)),
b838e2 |
'showprofile' : bool(config_users.get('showprofile', True)),
b838e2 |
b838e2 |
b838e2 |
'session': {
b838e2 |
'time' : float(config_session.get('time', 30*60))
cbf076 |
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
'repositories': {
e5b0ac |
'git': {
e5b0ac |
'internalurl' : str(config_repositories_git.get('internalurl', '')),
e5b0ac |
'path' : str(config_repositories_git.get('path', '')),
e5b0ac |
'command' : str(config_repositories_git.get('command', '/usr/bin/git')),
e5b0ac |
'environment' : config_repositories_git.get('environment', dict()),
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
cbf076 |
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
def check_config(self, config):
e5b0ac |
assert config['protocol'] == 'http://' \
e5b0ac |
or config['protocol'] == 'https://'
e5b0ac |
assert config['db']['retrytime'] >= 0
e5b0ac |
assert config['db']['prefix'] == '' \
e5b0ac |
or config['db']['prefix'].isidentifier()
e5b0ac |
assert config['db']['pool']['read'] > 0
e5b0ac |
assert config['db']['pool']['write'] > 0
e5b0ac |
assert config['db']['cache']['maxcount'] > 0
e5b0ac |
assert config['session']['time'] > 0
cbf076 |
e5b0ac |
for i in config['domain'].split('.'):
e5b0ac |
assert i.isidentifier()
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
config['urlprefix'] = self.fixpath(config['urlprefix'])
e5b0ac |
config['urldataprefix'] = self.fixpath(config['urldataprefix'])
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
for key, repotype in self.repotypes.items():
e5b0ac |
repotype.check_config(self, config['repositories'][key])
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
def fixpath(self, path, root = False):
e5b0ac |
assert type(path) is str
e5b0ac |
while path and path[-1] == '/':
e5b0ac |
del path[-1]
e5b0ac |
if path != '':
e5b0ac |
assert path[0] == '/'
e5b0ac |
for i in path[1:].split('/'):
b838e2 |
assert i.isalnum()
e5b0ac |
if root:
e5b0ac |
assert path and path[0] == '/'
e5b0ac |
return path
b838e2 |
e5b0ac |
e5b0ac |
def fixenv(self, environment):
e5b0ac |
assert type(environment) is dict
e5b0ac |
for k, v in environment:
e5b0ac |
assert type(k) is str and k.isidentifier()
e5b0ac |
assert type(v) is str
e5b0ac |
return environment