Blame .pylintrc

Adam Williamson 4f8141
Adam Williamson 4f8141
Adam Williamson 4f8141
# add,bind,close,commit,delete,flush,rollback are for SQLAlchemy's
Adam Williamson 4f8141
# scoped_session implementation, which uses __call__ to pass the call
Adam Williamson 254a80
# to a backing instance. We always call instances of scoped_session
Adam Williamson 254a80
# `session` or `SESSION`. Unfortunately due to
Adam Williamson 254a80
# we cannot use regexes
Adam Williamson 254a80
# like `(session|SESSION)\.add` here.
Adam Williamson 4f8141
Adam Williamson 4f8141
# secure_filename is from werkzeug, which lazy loads functions from
Adam Williamson 254a80
# submodules.
Adam Williamson 4f8141
Adam Williamson 4f8141
# get_object,set_target,shorthand,target are for some kind of
Adam Williamson 254a80
# shenanigans going on with flask and werkzeug proxying and pygit2.
Adam Williamson 254a80
# We always call the object `head`, in this case, it seems.
Adam Williamson 4f8141
Adam Williamson 4f8141
# GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_SHARED_GROUP is for a constant we get from
Adam Williamson 4f8141
# pygit2; we could use:
Adam Williamson 4f8141
Adam Williamson 4f8141
# instead of:
Adam Williamson 4f8141
Adam Williamson 4f8141
# and avoid the pylint error, but per
Adam Williamson 4f8141
Adam Williamson 4f8141
# that only works since a commit in early 2015 which may be too new
Adam Williamson 254a80
# to be safe.
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80
Adam Williamson 254a80