Blame alembic/versions/

Matt Prahl b49f93
"""Add granularity to watching repos
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Revision ID: d4d2c5aa8a0
Matt Prahl b49f93
Revises: 4255158a6913
Matt Prahl b49f93
Create Date: 2017-04-28 14:39:09.746953
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
Matt Prahl b49f93
revision = 'd4d2c5aa8a0'
Matt Prahl b49f93
down_revision = '4255158a6913'
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
from alembic import op
Matt Prahl b49f93
import sqlalchemy as sa
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
# A helper table that is a hybrid with both states. This is used for data
Matt Prahl b49f93
# migrations later on.
Matt Prahl b49f93
watcher_helper = sa.Table(
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
    sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
Matt Prahl b49f93
    sa.Column('watch_issues', sa.Boolean),
Matt Prahl b49f93
    sa.Column('watch_commits', sa.Boolean),
Matt Prahl b49f93
    sa.Column('watch', sa.Boolean),
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
def upgrade():
Matt Prahl b49f93
    op.add_column('watchers', sa.Column('watch_commits', sa.Boolean(),
Matt Prahl b49f93
                                        nullable=False, server_default='false'))
Matt Prahl b49f93
    op.add_column('watchers', sa.Column('watch_issues', sa.Boolean(),
Matt Prahl b49f93
                                        nullable=False, server_default='false'))
Matt Prahl b49f93
    # This section is to update the `watch_issues` and `watch_commits` columns
Matt Prahl b49f93
    # with the value of `watch`
Matt Prahl b49f93
    connection = op.get_bind()
Matt Prahl b49f93
    for watcher in connection.execute(
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
    with op.batch_alter_table('watchers') as b:
Matt Prahl b49f93
        # Remove the server_default now that we've set values
Matt Prahl b49f93
        b.alter_column('watch_issues', server_default=None)
Matt Prahl b49f93
        b.alter_column('watch_commits', server_default=None)
Matt Prahl b49f93
        # Remove the watch column
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
def downgrade():
Matt Prahl b49f93
    op.add_column('watchers', sa.Column('watch', sa.BOOLEAN(), nullable=False,
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
    # This section is to update the `watch` column with the value of
Matt Prahl b49f93
    # `watch_issues`
Matt Prahl b49f93
    connection = op.get_bind()
Matt Prahl b49f93
    for watcher in connection.execute(
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93
    with op.batch_alter_table('watchers') as b:
Matt Prahl b49f93
        # Remove the server_default now that we've set values
Matt Prahl b49f93
        b.alter_column('watch', server_default=None)
Matt Prahl b49f93
        # Drop the added columns
Matt Prahl b49f93
Matt Prahl b49f93