Blame doc/overview.rst

Pierre-Yves Chibon e68ff3
Pierre-Yves Chibon e68ff3
Pierre-Yves Chibon e68ff3
Pierre-Yves Chibon 18e5d3
Pagure is split over multiple components, each having their purpose and all
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but two (the core web application and its workers) being optional.
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These components are:
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.. contents::
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Pierre-Yves Chibon dd9db6
Before going into the overall picture, one should realize that most of the
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components listed above are optional.
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René Genz 520020
Here is a diagram representing pagure without all the optional components:
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Pierre-Yves Chibon dd9db6
.. image:: _static/overview_simple.png
Pierre-Yves Chibon dd9db6
        :target: _static/overview_simple.png
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Pierre-Yves Chibon dd9db6
And here is a diagram of all the components together:
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 2b448e
.. image:: _static/overview.png
Pierre-Yves Chibon 2b448e
        :target: _static/overview.png
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Pagure core application
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The core application is the flask application interacting with gitolite to
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provide a web UI to the git repositories as well as tickets and pull-requests.
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This is the main application for the forge.
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Pagure workers
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 45a893
Interacting with git repos can be a long process, it varies depending on the
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size of the repository itself but also based on hardware performances or
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simply the load on the system.
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To make pagure capable of handling more load, since pagure 3.0 the interactions
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with the git repositories from the web UI is performed by dedicated workers,
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allowing async processing of the different tasks.
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 45a893
The communication between the core application and its worker is based on
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`celery <http:"">`_ and defaults to using `redis</http:>
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<https:"">`_ but any of the queueing system supported by `celery</https:>
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<http:"">`_ could be used instead.</http:>
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 45a893
Pierre-Yves Chibon 8bbf26
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 8bbf26
Currently pagure uses `gitolite <http: gitolite="""" index.html="">`_</http:>
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to grant or deny `ssh <https:"" secure_shell="" wiki="">`_ access</https:>
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to the git repositories, in other words to grant or deny read and/or write
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access to the git repositories.
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 8bbf26
Pagure supports cloning over both ssh and http, but writing can only be done
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via ssh, through gitolite.
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 8bbf26
Pierre-Yves Chibon e68ff3
Pagure doc server
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Pierre-Yves Chibon e68ff3
While integrated into the main application at first, it has been split out
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for security concern, displaying information directly provided by the user
René Genz 520020
without a clear/safe way of filtering for unsafe script or hacks is a
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security hole.
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For this reason we also strongly encourage anyone wanting to deploy their
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own instance of pagure with the doc server, to run this application on a
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completely different domain name (not just a sub-domain) in order to reduce
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the cross-site forgery risks.
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Pierre-Yves Chibon e68ff3
Pagure can be run just fine without the doc server, all you need to do is to
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**not** define the variable ``DOC_APP_URL`` in the configuration file.
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Pagure milter
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Pierre-Yves Chibon e68ff3
Pierre-Yves Chibon e68ff3
The milter is a script, receiving an email as input and performing an action
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with it.
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Pierre-Yves Chibon e68ff3
In the case of pagure, the milter is used to allow replying on a comment
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of a ticket or a pull-request by directly replying to the notification sent.
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No need to go to the page anymore to reply to a comment someone made.
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Pierre-Yves Chibon fab115
The milter integrates with a MTA such as postfix or sendmail that you will
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have running and have access to in order to change its configuration.
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Pierre-Yves Chibon e68ff3
Pierre-Yves Chibon e68ff3
Pagure EventSource Server
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Pierre-Yves Chibon e68ff3
Pierre-Yves Chibon e68ff3
Eventsource or Server Sent Events are messages sent from a server to a browser.
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Pierre-Yves Chibon e68ff3
For pagure this technology is used to allow live-refreshing of a page when
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someone is viewing it. For example, while you are reading a ticket if someone
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comments on it, the comment will automatically show up on the page without
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the need for you to reload the entire page.
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Pierre-Yves Chibon d89186
The flow is: the main pagure server does an action, sends a message over
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redis, the eventsource server picks it up and send it to the browsers waiting
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for it, then javascript code is executed to refresh the page based on the
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information received.
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Pierre-Yves Chibon cd8e87
Pagure web-hook Server
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Sends notifications to third party services using POST http requests.
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Pierre-Yves Chibon cd8e87
This is the second notifications system in pagure with `fedmsg <http:"">`_.</http:>
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These notifications are running on their own service to prevent blocking the
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main web application in case the third part service is timing-out or just
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being slow.
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Pierre-Yves Chibon d89186
The flow is: the main pagure server does an action, sends a message over
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redis, the web-hook server picks it up, build the query and performs the
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POST request to the specified URLs.
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 45a893
Pagure load JSON service
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 45a893
The load JSON service is an async service updating the database based on
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information pushed to the ticket or pull-request git repositories.
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This allows updating the database with information pushed to the git
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repositories without keeping the connection open with the client.
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Pagure log com service
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 45a893
Pierre-Yves Chibon 45a893
The log com (for log commit) service is an async service updating the log
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table of the database on every pushed made to any repository allowing to
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build the data for the calendar heatmap graph displayed on every user's
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