Blame doc/usage/flags.rst

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Pierre-Yves Chibon 1ffce3
.. _flags:
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 1ffce3
Pierre-Yves Chibon 1ffce3
Pagure offers the possibility to flag pull-requests and commits. A flag
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is a way for a third-party tool to provide feedback on a pull-request or a
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This feedback can be as simple as the outcome of running the tests, or some
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lint tool, or test coverage evolution.
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 1ffce3
Pierre-Yves Chibon 1ffce3
Add a flag
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 1ffce3
Pierre-Yves Chibon 1ffce3
Flags can be set via the API, see the ``/api/`` url in your pagure instance
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or at ` <https: 0="" api="""">`_ and look for the endpoints</https:>
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with the titles: ``Flag a commit`` or ``Flag a pull-request``.
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- **uid**: the API endpoints to add flag have an optional UID argument. It
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  is a unique identifier (of maximum 32 characters) that is unique the commit
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  or pull-request that is being/has been flagged.
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  If it is not specified by the user/tool adding the flag, it will be
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  automatically generated and in either case, will be returned in the JSON
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  data returned by the API endpoints. Note that this is the only time you
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  would be able to retrieve this identifier if you do not specify it
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 443742
- **status**: this field indicates the status of the task in the system
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  running it. Pagure supports the following statuses:
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  - ``success``: the task ended successfully.
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  - ``canceled``: the task was canceled.
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  - ``failure``: the task ended but failed.
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  - ``error``: the task did not end at all.
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  - ``pending``: the results of this task are pending.
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    (for ``failure`` vs ``error`` think of the test system ran the tests but
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    they failed vs the test system did not get to run the tests)
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- **percent**: this is an optional field which allows to provide some more
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  details about the outcome of the task. For example this could be used for
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  test coverage, or the number of test that failed/passed.
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- **username**: the name of the system running the tests. While not being
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  restricted in length, a shorter name will render better in the interface.
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- **comment**: a free text form not restricted in length (however, here as
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  well if the comment is too long it may render off in the interface).
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 443742
- **url**: the url the flag is linked to and where the user should be able
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  to retrieve more information about the task and its outcome.
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 443742
Pierre-Yves Chibon 1ffce3
.. _example_flag_commit:
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 1ffce3
Example of two flags on a commit:
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 1ffce3
Pierre-Yves Chibon 1ffce3
.. image:: _static/pagure_commit_flag.png
Pierre-Yves Chibon 1ffce3
        :target: ../_images/pagure_commit_flag.png
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 1ffce3
.. _example_flag_pr:
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 1ffce3
Example of two flags on a pull-request:
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Pierre-Yves Chibon 1ffce3
Pierre-Yves Chibon 1ffce3
.. image:: _static/pagure_flag_pr.png
Pierre-Yves Chibon 1ffce3
        :target: ../_images/pagure_flag_pr.png