Blame doc/usage/forks.rst

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.. _forks:
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A fork in Pagure is a copy of a repository. When contributing to a project on
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Pagure, the first step is to fork it. This gives you a place to make changes
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to the project and, if you so wish, contribute back to the original project.
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If you're not already familiar with Git's distributed workflow,
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`the Pro Git book has an excellent introduction
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<https: book="" distributed-git-distributed-workflows="" en="""" v2="">`_.</https:>
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You can see a list of projects you've forked on your home page.
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.. _create-fork:
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Create a Fork on Pagure
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To fork a project, simply navigate to the project on Pagure and click
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the fork button. You will then be redirected to your new fork.
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.. _configure-local-git:
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Configure your Local Git Repository
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Now that you have forked the project on Pagure, you're ready to configure a
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local copy of the repository so you can get to work. First, clone the
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repository. The URL for the repository is on the right-hand side of the
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project overview page. For example::
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Jeremy Cline 0b19fd
    $ git clone ssh://
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    $ cd pagure
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After cloning your fork locally, it's a good idea to add the upstream
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repository as a `git remote <https: docs="" git-remote="""">`_. For</https:>
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    $ git remote add -f upstream ssh://
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This lets you pull in changes that the upstream repository makes after you
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forked. Consult Git's documentation for more details.
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Pushing Changes
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After you :ref:`configure-local-git` you're ready to make your changes and
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contribute them upstream. First, start a new branch::
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    $ git checkout -b my-feature-or-bugfix
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It's a good idea to give the branch a descriptive name so you can find it later.
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Next, make your changes. Once you're satisfied, add the changes to Git's staging
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area and commit the changes::
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René Genz a2130c
    $ git add -A  # add all changes
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    $ git commit -s # prepare changes for upload
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Your text editor of choice will open and you can write your commit message.
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If you have not done so already :ref:`upload-your-ssh-key` now.
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Afterwards, you are ready to push your changes to your remote fork::
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    $ git push -u origin my-feature-or-bugfix # upload changes
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In case you cloned the repo via HTTP, for example using a command like `git
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clone https://...`, the push will fail. does not support pushing
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over HTTP. An easy workaround is to use::
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René Genz a2130c
    $ git push -u origin my-feature-or-bugfix ssh://
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René Genz a2130c
You are now ready to :ref:`open-pull-request`.