Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
.. _pull-requests:
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Pull Requests
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Pagure uses the concept of pull requests to contribute changes from your fork
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
of a project back to the upstream project. To contribute a change to a project
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
you first open a pull request with original project. The project maintainer
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
then merges the pull request if they are satisfied with the changes you have
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
.. _open-pull-request:
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Open a Pull Request
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Before you can open a pull request, you need to complete the :ref:`first-steps`
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
and :ref:`create-fork` of the project you would like to contribute to. Once
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
you have a fork and you have pushed a `git branch <https: docs="" git-branch="" git-scm.com="">`_</https:>
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
containing one or more `commits <https: docs="" git-commit="" git-scm.com="">`_, you are</https:>
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
ready to contribute to the project.
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Pagure to Pagure pull request
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
You can create a pull request from a pagure project, using one of the following options
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
From the project overview
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
#. Go the the ``overview`` tab of your fork.
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
#. Locate your feature branch (Right hand side), and press the button ``New PR`` button.
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
#. Fill the Create a pull request form (Title and Description) and create your pull request.
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Notes: The ``New PR`` button appears only if there are commits not available in the main branch.
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
.. image:: _static/pagure_pr_overview.png
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
:target: ../_images/pagure_pr_overview.png
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
From the commits history
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
#. Go to the ``commit`` tab of your fork and select your feature branch.
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
#. Press the ``create pull request`` button (above the latest commits).
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
#. Fill the Create a pull request form (Title and Description) and create your pull request.
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
.. image:: _static/pagure_pr_commits.png
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
:target: ../_images/pagure_pr_commits.png
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
From the pull requests list
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
#. Go to the main project's (not your fork) pull requests list and press the ``File Pull Request`` button.
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
#. Select the feature branch containing your changes from the dropdown menu.
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
#. Fill the Create a pull request form (Title and Description) and create your pull request.
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
.. image:: _static/pagure_pr_pull_requests.png
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
:target: ../_images/pagure_pr_pull_requests.png
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Remote Git to Pagure pull request
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
You can create a pull request from an other git hosting platform (eg github, gitlab).
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
This is a remote pull request.
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
From the pull requests list
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
#. Go to the main project's (not your fork) pull requests list and press the ``File Pull Request`` button.
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
#. Select the ``Remote pull-request`` option from the dropdown menu.
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
#. Fill the New remote pull-request form (Title, Git repo address and Git branch) and create your remote pull request.
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
Congratulations! It is now up to the project maintainer to accept your changes
Clement Verna |
0afe07 |
by merging them.
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
.. _update-pull-request:
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Updating Your Pull Request
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
It is likely that project maintainers will request changes to your proposed code
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
by commenting on your pull request. Don't be discouraged! This is an opportunity
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
to improve your contribution and for both reviewer and reviewee to become better
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Adding to your pull request is as simple as pushing new commits to the branch you
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
used to create the pull request. These will automatically be displayed in the
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
commit list for the pull request.
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
You may encounter a situation where you want to include changes from the master
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
branch that were made after you created your pull request. You can do this by
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
`rebasing <https: docs="" git-rebase="" git-scm.com="">`_ your pull request branch and</https:>
Jeremy Cline |
0b19fd |
pushing it to your remote fork.
Jeremy Cline |
0e256c |
Jeremy Cline |
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Jeremy Cline |
0e256c |
.. _working-with-prs:
Jeremy Cline |
0e256c |
Jeremy Cline |
0e256c |
Working with Pull Requests
Jeremy Cline |
0e256c |
Jeremy Cline |
0e256c |
It's quite common to work with a pull request locally, either to build on top of
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
it or to test it. You can do this by editing your git configuration as follow.
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
Locate your remote in the ``.git/config`` file, for example: ::
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
[remote "upstream"]
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
url = ssh://git@pagure.io/pagure.git
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
Now add the line ``fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*`` to this section. ::
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
[remote "upstream"]
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
url = ssh://git@pagure.io/pagure.git
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
Obviously, the remote url should be matching the url of your project (pagure project in
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
this example).
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
Now you can fetch the all the pull requests: ::
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
$ git fetch upstream
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
From ssh://pagure.io/pagure
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
* [new ref] refs/pull/2541/head -> upstream/pr/2541
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
* [new ref] refs/pull/2540/head -> upstream/pr/2540
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
* [new ref] refs/pull/2538/head -> upstream/pr/2538
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
To checkout a particular pull request: ::
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
$ git checkout pr/25413
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
Branch pr/2541 set up to track remote branch pr/2541 from upstream.
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
Switched to a new branch 'pr/2541'
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
Clement Verna |
ea0206 |
You will now be able to use this branch to work from or on this pull requests.
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
If you are only interested in one particular pull request and do not want to fetch all the project PRs,
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
you can add to your ``~/.bashrc`` the following function: ::
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
function pullpr {
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
git fetch $remote pull/$1/head:pr_$1
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
git checkout pr_$1
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
Then after sourcing your ``~/.bashrc`` or restarting your shell, you can use the
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
pullpr function to checkout a pull request from within the clone of the git repository.
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
For example checkout pull request number 58 from current git clone (here the
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
infra-docs project) ::
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
$ source ~/.bashrc
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
$ pullpr 58
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
remote: Counting objects: 393, done.
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (238/238), done.
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
remote: Total 365 (delta 231), reused 255 (delta 127)
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
Receiving objects: 100% (365/365), 71.36 KiB | 63.00 KiB/s, done.
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
Resolving deltas: 100% (231/231), completed with 20 local objects.
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
From ssh://pagure.io/infra-docs
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
* [new ref] refs/pull/58/head -> pr_58
Clement Verna |
f39e6e |
Switched to branch 'pr_58'