Blame doc/usage/pull_requests.rst

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.. _pull-requests:
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Pull Requests
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Pagure uses the concept of pull requests to contribute changes from your fork
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of a project back to the upstream project. To contribute a change to a project
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you first open a pull request with original project. The project maintainer
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then merges the pull request if they are satisfied with the changes you have
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.. _open-pull-request:
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Open a Pull Request
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Before you can open a pull request, you need to complete the :ref:`first-steps`
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and :ref:`create-fork` of the project you would like to contribute to. Once
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you have a fork and you have pushed a `git branch <https: docs="" git-branch="""">`_</https:>
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containing one or more `commits <https: docs="" git-commit="""">`_, you are</https:>
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ready to contribute to the project. Navigate to the project's Pull Request page
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and click on the ``File Pull Request`` button.
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A dropdown menu should appear containing the git branches in your fork. Select the
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branch containing your changes. You will be taken to a page where you can customize
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the title of your Pull Request and its description. By default, this is populated
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using your commit message.
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Once you are satisfied with your title and description, click ``Create``.
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Congratulations! It is now up to the project maintainer to accept your changes by
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merging them.
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.. _update-pull-request:
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Updating Your Pull Request
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It is likely that project maintainers will request changes to your proposed code
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by commenting on your pull request. Don't be discouraged! This is an opportunity
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to improve your contribution and for both reviewer and reviewee to become better
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Adding to your pull request is as simple as pushing new commits to the branch you
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used to create the pull request. These will automatically be displayed in the
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commit list for the pull request.
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You may encounter a situation where you want to include changes from the master
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branch that were made after you created your pull request. You can do this by
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`rebasing <https: docs="" git-rebase="""">`_ your pull request branch and</https:>
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pushing it to your remote fork.
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.. _working-with-prs:
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Working with Pull Requests
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It's quite common to work with a pull request locally, either to build on top of
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it or to test it. Currently, the best way to do this is by adding a remote to your
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git repository and checking out the branch the pull request is based on. For example,
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suppose user ``jcline`` has opened a pull request on the ``pagure`` project. The
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pull request was created using the branch name ``doc-prs-locally``. You can work with
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the commit or commits in this pull request by doing::
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    $ git remote add -f jcline  # Add and fetch the remote
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    $ git checkout jcline/doc-prs-locally
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You will now be in a "detatched HEAD" state. If you want to build off this pull
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request, just create a local branch, add some commits, push it to your fork,
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and open your own pull request::
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    $ git checkout -b better-docs
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    $ git commit -m "Improve this documentation"
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    $ git push -u origin better-docs