Blame pagure/templates/repo_roadmap.html

Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
{% extends "repo_master.html" %}
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
{% block title %}Roadmap - {{
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
    repo.namespace + '/' if repo.namespace }}{{ }}{% endblock %}
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
{% set tag = "home"%}
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
{% block repo %}
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9

Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
    {% if g.authenticated %}
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
        {% if g.repo_admin %}
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
                namespace=repo.namespace) }}#roadmap-tab"
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                class="btn btn-outline-primary"
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                title="Configure Milestones"
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
            Configure Milestones
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
        {% endif %}
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
    {% endif %}
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1370a4
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                            {% if milestones_status_select == 'active' %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                     {{milestones_totals['active']}} Active Milestones
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                            {% elif milestones_status_select == 'inactive'%}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                     {{milestones_totals['inactive']}} Inactive Milestones
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                            {% elif milestones_status_select == 'all' %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                     {{milestones_totals['inactive']+milestones_totals['active']}} All Milestones
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                            {% endif %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        href="{{ url_for('ui_ns.view_roadmap',
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        username=repo.username if repo.is_fork else None,
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                       keyword=keyword,) }}">
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                       {{milestones_totals['active']}} Active Milestones
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                    href="{{ url_for('ui_ns.view_roadmap',
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        username=repo.username if repo.is_fork else None,
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        keyword=keyword) }}">
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        {{milestones_totals['inactive']}} Inactive Milestones
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        href="{{ url_for('ui_ns.view_roadmap',
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        username=repo.username if repo.is_fork else None,
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                       keyword=keyword) }}">
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                       {{milestones_totals['inactive']+milestones_totals['active']}} All Milestones
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                <button aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary border-0 dropdown-toggle" data-flip="false" data-toggle="dropdown" id="dropdownMenuButton" type="button"></button>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                Filter{%if keyword %}:{% endif %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                    {% if keyword %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                    {{ keyword }}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                    {% endif %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                    {% if onlyincomplete == True %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                    only incomplete
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                    {% endif %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                               ) }}" method="GET">
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                    <input name="status" type="hidden" value="{{ milestones_status_select or 'all' }}">
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        <label class="col-auto align-self-center pl-1 pr-0" for="tags"> Show Incomplete only</label>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        <input '="" class="ml-auto mr-1" if="" name="onlyincomplete" onlyincomplete}}="" type="checkbox" value="True" {{'checked="checked">
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        <label class="col-auto align-self-center pl-1 pr-0" for="search_pattern"></label>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                                name="keyword" placeholder="Search"
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                                value="{{ keyword or '' }}" />
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        <label class="col-auto align-self-center pl-1 pr-0" for="milestone"></label>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        <select id="milestone-selectize" name="milestone" placeholder="Milestone"></select>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            <option value=""></option>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            <option %}="" %}selected="selected" endif="" if="" no_milestones="" value="none" {%="">Milestone unset</option>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% for stone in repo.milestones %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% if loop.first %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                                <optgroup label="Active"></optgroup>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% endif %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% if repo.milestones[stone]['active']%}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            <option %}="" %}selected="selected" endif="" if="" milestones[0]="=" stone="" value="{{ stone }}" {%="">{{stone}}</option>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% endif %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% if loop.last %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% endif %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% endfor %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% for stone in repo.milestones %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% if loop.first %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                                <optgroup label="Inactive"></optgroup>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% endif %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% if not repo.milestones[stone]['active']%}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            <option %}="" %}selected="selected" endif="" if="" milestones[0]="=" stone="" value="{{ stone }}" {%="">{{stone}}</option>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% endif %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% if loop.last %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% endif %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% endfor %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        <label class="col-auto align-self-center pl-1 pr-0" for="priority"></label>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        <select id="priority-selectize" name="priority" placeholder="Priority"></select>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        {% for p in repo.priorities | sort %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            <option %}="" %}selected="selected" endif="" if="" int="=" p="" priority="" value="{{ p }}" {%="" |="">{{repo.priorities[p | string]}}</option>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        {% endfor %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        <label class="col-auto align-self-center pl-1 pr-0" for="assignee"></label>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        <select id="assignee-selectize" name="assignee" placeholder="Assignee"></select>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% if assignee %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            <option selected="selected" value="{{assignee}}">{{assignee}}</option>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% endif %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        <label class="col-auto align-self-center pl-1 pr-0" for="author"></label>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                        <select id="author-selectize" name="author" placeholder="Submitted by"></select>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% if author %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            <option selected="selected" value="{{author}}">{{author}}</option>
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                            {% endif %}
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                    <input class="btn btn-block btn-primary" type="submit" value="Apply Filters">
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
                                    status=milestones_status_select) }}" class="btn btn-link btn-block">Reset Filters
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch b4021a
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
            {% if milestones %}
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
            {% for milestone in milestones %}
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Pierre-Yves Chibon 4a2cf2
                username=repo.username if repo.is_fork else None,
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
                milestone=milestone) }}"
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
                class="list-group-item list-group-item-action">
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
                            {% if repo.milestones[milestone]['date'] %}
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
                                Due: {{repo.milestones[milestone]['date']}}
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
                            {% endif %}
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
                            {{milestones[milestone]['Total']}} issues
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
                        {% if milestones[milestone]['Total'] != 0 %}
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
                            {% set completed_percentage = (100.0 * (milestones[milestone]['Closed'] / milestones[milestone]['Total'])) %}
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
                                 title="{{completed_percentage|round|int}}% Completed | {{milestones[milestone]['Closed']}} Closed Issues | {{milestones[milestone]['Open']}} Open Issues"
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
                                 data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom">
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
                        {% else %}
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
                                    title="no issues assigned to the {{milestone}} milestone"
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
                                    data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom"
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
                        {% endif %}
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
            {% endfor %}
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
            {% else %}
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9


Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
                            {% if milestones_status_select == 'inactive' %}completed{% else %}active{% endif %}
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
            {% endif %}
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
Ryan Lerch 1cdcf9
{% endblock %}
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
{% block jscripts %}
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
{{ super() }}
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
<script nonce="{{ g.nonce }}" type="text/javascript"></script>
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
function update_progress_bar() {
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
  $(".progress-bar").each(function(ind, obj) {
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
    $(obj).css('width', $(obj).attr('data-width'));
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
$(document).ready(function() {
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
Pierre-Yves Chibon 3ff704
{% endblock %}