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Theming Guide

Pagure is built on Flask, and uses Jinja2 for templates. Pagure also includes the ability to apply different themes that control the look and feel of your pagure instance, or add or remove elements from the interface.

Setting a theme

The theme is set in the Pagure configuration file. The theme name is defined by the name of the directory in the /themes/ folder that contains the theme. For example to enable the theme that is used on Pagure.io, add the following line to your Pagure configuration:

theme = "pagureio"

Theme contents

A theme requires two directories (templates and static) in the directory that contains the theme. The only other required file is theme.html which is placed in the templates directory


The templates directory is where pagure will look for the theme.html template. Additionally, if you wish to override any template in Pagure, place it in the theme templates/ directory, and pagure will use that template rather than the standard one.

Take care when overriding templates, as any changes to Pagure upstream will need to be backported to your theme template override.


The static directory contains all the static elements for the theme, including additional a favicon, images, Javascript, and CSS files. To reference a file in the theme static directory use the jinja2 tag {{ url_for('theme.static', filename='filename')}}. For example:

<link href="{{ url_for('theme.static', filename='theme.css') }}"
      rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />


The theme.html file defines a subset of items in the Pagure interface that are commonly changed when creating a new theme. Theming is a new feature in Pagure, so this set is currently small, but please file issues or PRs against pagure with ideas of new items to include.

The current items configurable in theme.html are:

masthead_class variable

A string of additional CSS class(es) to be added to the .masthead element. The masthead is the topbar in Pagure. For example:

{% set masthead_class = "bg-dark" %}

masthead_nav_class variable

A string of additional CSS class(es) to be added to the bootstrap navbar element that is used as the top level menu in the top right of the Pagure interface. This is primarily used to control the text color of the nav elements. For example, if you have a dark colour for the masthead, you would set this:

{% set masthead_nav_class = "navbar-dark" %}

site_title variable

A string containing the text to append at the end of the html title on every page on the site. Usage:

{% set site_title = "Pagure" %}

head_imports() macro

A Jinja macro that defines the additional items in the html head to be imported. The base templates do not include the bootstrap CSS, so this needs to be included in this macro in your theme. Additionally, include your favicon here, and a link to any additional CSS files your theme uses. Example:

{% macro head_imports() %}
    <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/vnd.microsoft.icon"
          href="{{ url_for('theme.static', filename='favicon.ico')}}"/>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('theme.static', filename='bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css')}}" />
    <link href="{{ url_for('theme.static', filename='theme.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
{% endmacro %}

js_imports() macro

A Jinja macro that defines the additional javascript files to be imported. The base templates do not include the bootstrap JS, so this needs to be included in this macro in your theme. Example:

{% macro js_imports() %}
    <script src="{{ url_for('theme.static', filename='bootstrap/bootstrap.bundle.min.js')}}"></script>
{% endmacro %}