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Using the doc repository of your project

On the overview page of your project, on the menu on the right side, are presented the Source GIT URLs. Next to this title is a little more button. If you click on this, you can see three more sections appearing: Docs GIT URLs, Issues GIT URLs and Pull Requests GIT URLs.

Each section correspond to one of the four git repositories created for each project:

  • 1 git repository containing the source code, displayed in the main section of the pagure project.
  • 1 git repository for the documentation
  • 1 git repository for the issues and their metadata
  • 1 git repository for the metadata for pull-requests

In this section of the documentation, we are intersting in the doc repository.

The doc repository is a simple git repo, whose content will appear under the Docs tab in pagure and in https://docs.pagure.org/<project>/.

There are few ways you can put your documentation in this repo:

  • Simple text files

Pagure will display them as plain text. If one of these is named index it will be presented as the front page.

  • rst or markdown files

Pagure will convert them to html on the fly and display them as such.

  • html files

Pagure will simply show them as such.


Pagure's documentation is kept in pagure's sources, in the doc folder there. You can see it at: https://pagure.io/pagure/blob/master/f/doc. This doc can be built with sphinx to make it html and prettier.

The output of this building is at: https://docs.pagure.org/pagure/.

This is how it is built/updated.

  • Clone pagure's sources:

    git clone https://pagure.io/docs/pagure.git
  • Move into its doc folder:

    cd pagure/doc
  • Build the doc:

    make html
  • Clone pagure's doc repository:

    git clone ssh://git@pagure.io/docs/pagure.git
  • Copy the result of sphinx's build to the doc repo:

    cp -r _build/html/* pagure/
  • Go into the doc repo and update it:

    cd pagure
    git add .
    git commit -am "Update documentation"
    git push
  • Clean the sources:

    cd ..
    rm -rf pagure  # remove the doc repo
    rm -rf _build  # remove the output from the sphinx's build

To make things simpler, the following script (name update_doc.sh) can be used:


make html

git clone "ssh://git@pagure.io/docs/$1.git"
cp -r _build/html/* $1/
pushd $1
git commit -av
git push

rm -rfI _build
rm -rfI $1

It can be used by running update_doc.sh <project> from within the folder containing the doc.

So for pagure it would be something like:

cd pagure/doc
update_doc.sh pagure