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To access some endpoints, you need to login to Pagure using API token. You can generate one in the project setting page.

When sending HTTP request, include an Authorization field in the header with value token $your-api-token, where $your-api-token is the API token generated in the project setting page.

So the result should look like:

Authorization: token abcdefghijklmnop

Where abcdefghijklmnop is the API token provided by pagure.

Anyone with the token can access the APIs on your behalf, so please be sure to keep it private and safe.

Request Encoding

The payload of POST and GET requests is encoded as


This is an example URL of a GET request:


Return Encoding

The return value of API calls is application/json. This is an example of return value:

  "args": {
    "assignee": null,
    "author": null,
    "status": null,
    "tags": []
  "issues": [
      "assignee": null,
      "blocks": [],
      "comments": [],
      "content": "Sample ticket",
      "date_created": "1434266418",
      "depends": [],
      "id": 4,
      "private": false,
      "status": "Open",
      "tags": [],
      "title": "This is a sample",
      "user": {
        "fullname": "Pagure",
        "name": "API"