a7d88a Rename the milter service to pagure-milter

Authored and Committed by Pierre-Yves Chibon 7 years ago
    Rename the milter service to pagure-milter
    This makes it easier to identify and is more consistent with how we named
    our other services.
file modified
+1 -1
file modified
+9 -9
file modified
+3 -3
file modified
+3 -3
pagure-milters/comment_email_milter.py milters/comment_email_milter.py
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file
pagure-milters/milter_tempfile.conf milters/milter_tempfile.conf
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file
pagure-milters/pagure_milter.service milters/pagure_milter.service
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file