.. _custom-gitolite: Customize the gitolite configuration ==================================== Pagure provides a mechanism to allow customizing the creation and compilation of the configuration file of gitolite. To customize the gitolite configuration file, we invite you to look at the `sources of the module pagure.lib.git_auth `_. As you can see it defines the following class:: class GitAuthHelper(object): __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def generate_acls(): pass This will be the class you will have to inherit from in order to inject your own code. You will then declare an entry point in your `setup.py` following this template:: entry_points=""" [pagure.git_auth.helpers] my_git_auth = my_pagure.my_module:MyGitAuthTestHelper """ Then you can adjust pagure's configuration file to say:: GITOLITE_BACKEND = 'my_git_auth'