Inaccessible pull-requests ========================== The symptoms ------------ When trying to open a pull-request, if you run into this error: :: The branch into which this pull-request was to be merged: XXX seems to no longer be present in this repo (Where ``XXX`` is a branch name). .. image:: _static/inaccessible_pr.png :target: ../../_images/inaccessible_pr.png (Here ``XXX`` is ``m2``). This means that the pull-request was opened against a branch on your repo and that this branch no longer exists. Pagure is therefore unable to compute the diff between the sources and the target of the pull-request. The pull-request is thus inaccessible but remains in the list of open pull-requests. The solution ------------ The easiest solution to solve this problem is to re-create the target branch in your repo. This can be done using git simply by doing: :: git checkout -b git push origin It will create the branch named ```` in pagure, allowing the diff to be computed for that pull-request and thus allowing it to be displayed. It is then up to you to see if this pull-request is still relevant and should be merged or closed.