Theme your pagure ================= Pagure via `flask-multistatic `_ offers the possibility to override the default theme allowing to customize the style of your instance. By default pagure looks for its templates and static files in the folders ``pagure/templates`` and ``pagure/static``, but you can ask pagure to look for templates and static files in another folder. By specifying the configuration keys ``THEME_TEMPLATE_FOLDER`` and ``THEME_STATIC_FOLDER`` in pagure's configuration file, you tell pagure to look for templates and static files first in these folders, then in its usual folders. .. note: The principal is that pagure will look in the folder specified in the configuration file first and then in its usual folder, so the **file names must be identical**. Example ------- Let's take an example, you wish to replace the pagure logo at the top right of all the pages. This logo is part of the ``master.html`` template which all pages inherit from. So what you want to do is replace this ``master.html`` by your own. * First, create the folder where your templates and static files will be stored: :: mkdir /var/www/mypaguretheme/templates mkdir /var/www/mypaguretheme/static * Place your own logo in the static folder :: cp /path/to/your/my-logo.png /var/www/mypaguretheme/static * Place in there the original ``master.html`` :: cp /path/to/original/pagure/templates/master.html /var/www/mypaguretheme/templates * Edit it and replace the url pointing to the pagure logo (around line 27) :: - `_ is provided as part of the sources of `flask-multistatic `_.