f63775 |
f63775 |
#include <ft2build.h></ft2build.h>
f63775 |
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
f63775 |
f63775 |
#include "private.h"
f63775 |
#include "font.h"
a20939 |
#include "drawing.h"
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
#define FONT_MAP_CNT 16
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
#define FONT_MAX_GLYPHS (256*256)
f63775 |
#define FONT_BASE_SIZE 72
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
typedef struct _HeliFontMap HeliFontMap;
f63775 |
typedef struct _HeliFontInstance HeliFontInstance;
f63775 |
typedef struct _HeliCharDesc HeliCharDesc;
f63775 |
f63775 |
typedef struct _HeliGlyph {
f63775 |
HeliFontMap *map;
f63775 |
HeliFontInstance *fi;
f63775 |
int code;
f63775 |
int index;
f63775 |
double l, t, r, b;
f63775 |
double advance;
f63775 |
} HeliGlyph;
f63775 |
f63775 |
struct _HeliFontMap {
f63775 |
HeliFontMap *prev, *next;
f63775 |
unsigned int texid;
f63775 |
int count;
f63775 |
HeliGlyph glyphs[FONT_MAP_FULLCNT];
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
struct _HeliFontInstance {
f63775 |
char *path;
f63775 |
FT_Face face;
f63775 |
double height;
f63775 |
HeliGlyph *glyphs[FONT_MAX_GLYPHS];
f63775 |
int refcount;
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
struct _HeliCharDesc {
f63775 |
HeliGlyph *glyph;
da4619 |
int charpos;
f63775 |
double pos;
f63775 |
double x, y;
f63775 |
HeliCharDesc *next;
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
typedef struct _HeliLineDesc {
f63775 |
int begin, end;
f63775 |
double x, y;
f63775 |
double l, t, r, b;
f63775 |
double height;
5a7c99 |
double width;
f63775 |
} HeliLineDesc;
f63775 |
da4619 |
struct _TextLayout {
da4619 |
Font font;
da4619 |
int linesCount;
da4619 |
HeliLineDesc *lines;
da4619 |
HeliCharDesc *chars;
da4619 |
double l, t, r, b;
5a7c99 |
double ll, lt, lr, lb;
da4619 |
da4619 |
f63775 |
struct _Font {
f63775 |
HeliFontInstance *instance;
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
static int ftInitialized = 0;
f63775 |
static FT_Library ftLibrary = NULL;
f63775 |
static HeliArray fontCache;
f63775 |
static HeliFontMap *fontMapFirst, *fontMapLast;
f63775 |
static HeliGlyph blankGlyph;
f63775 |
static const char blankPath[] = "";
3954ba |
static Font defaultFont = NULL;
2fcd94 |
static Font unicodeFont = NULL;
ca6bde |
static int memFontIndex = 0;
f63775 |
f63775 |
static HeliFontMap* createFontMap() {
f63775 |
HeliFontMap *map = calloc(1, sizeof(*map));
f63775 |
map->prev = fontMapLast;
f63775 |
*(fontMapLast ? &fontMapLast->next : &fontMapFirst) = map;
f63775 |
fontMapLast = map;
f63775 |
f63775 |
for(int i = 0; i < FONT_MAP_FULLCNT; ++i)
f63775 |
map->glyphs[i].map = map;
f63775 |
0cbd57 |
unsigned int prevtex = 0;
0cbd57 |
glGetIntegerv(GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, (int*)&prevtex);
f63775 |
glGenTextures(1, &map->texid);
f63775 |
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, map->texid);
502515 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
b9c036 |
glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS, -0.7f);
b9c036 |
502515 |
unsigned char *buffer = (unsigned char*)calloc(1, FONT_MAP_TEXSIZE*FONT_MAP_TEXSIZE);
502515 |
for(int level = 0, size = FONT_MAP_TEXSIZE; size > 0; ++level, size >>= 1)
b9c036 |
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_ALPHA, size, size, 0, GL_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer);
f63775 |
f63775 |
502515 |
int maxLevel = 0;
502515 |
for(int border = FONT_MAP_BORDERSIZE; border > 0; border >>= 1) ++maxLevel;
502515 |
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, maxLevel - 1);
502515 |
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD, maxLevel - 1);
502515 |
0cbd57 |
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, prevtex);
f63775 |
return map;
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
static void destroyFontMap(HeliFontMap *map) {
f63775 |
f63775 |
glDeleteTextures(1, &map->texid);
f63775 |
*(map->prev ? &map->prev->next : &fontMapFirst) = map->next;
f63775 |
*(map->next ? &map->next->prev : &fontMapLast ) = map->prev;
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
static HeliGlyph* loadGlyph(HeliFontInstance *fi, int code) {
f63775 |
int index = FT_Get_Char_Index(fi->face, (unsigned int)code);
f63775 |
if (!index) return &blankGlyph;
f63775 |
f63775 |
if (FT_Load_Glyph(fi->face, index, FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING))
f63775 |
return &blankGlyph;
f63775 |
f63775 |
HeliFontMap *map;
f63775 |
for(map = fontMapFirst; map; map = map->next)
f63775 |
if (map->count < FONT_MAP_FULLCNT) break;
f63775 |
if (!map) map = createFontMap();
f63775 |
f63775 |
HeliGlyph *g = NULL;
f63775 |
for(int i = 0; i < FONT_MAP_FULLCNT; ++i)
f63775 |
if (!map->glyphs[i].fi) { g = &map->glyphs[i]; break; }
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
const double ftkf = 1/64.0;
f63775 |
const FT_Glyph_Metrics *metrics = &fi->face->glyph->metrics;
f63775 |
g->l = metrics->horiBearingX*ftkf;
f63775 |
g->r = (metrics->horiBearingX + metrics->width)*ftkf;
f63775 |
g->t = -metrics->horiBearingY*ftkf;
f63775 |
g->b = (-metrics->horiBearingY + metrics->height)*ftkf;
f63775 |
g->advance = metrics->horiAdvance*ftkf;
f63775 |
502515 |
unsigned char buffer[FONT_MAP_GLYPHSIZE*FONT_MAP_GLYPHSIZE] = {};
b9c036 |
if (metrics->width > 0 && metrics->height > 0) {
3e56ed |
FT_Pos size = metrics->width > metrics->height ? metrics->width : metrics->height;
b9c036 |
FT_Matrix matrix = {};
3e56ed |
matrix.xx = (FONT_MAP_GLYPHWORKSIZE-2)*64*65536/size;
3e56ed |
matrix.yy = (FONT_MAP_GLYPHWORKSIZE-2)*64*65536/size;
b9c036 |
FT_Vector offset = {};
c629d4 |
offset.x = 64 - metrics->horiBearingX;
b9c036 |
offset.y = -(64 + metrics->horiBearingY - metrics->height);
b9c036 |
FT_Set_Transform(fi->face, &matrix, &offset);
b9c036 |
int success = !FT_Load_Glyph(fi->face, index, FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING)
502515 |
&& !FT_Render_Glyph(fi->face->glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL);
b9c036 |
FT_Set_Transform(fi->face, NULL, NULL);
b9c036 |
if (!success) return &blankGlyph;
b9c036 |
b9c036 |
const FT_Bitmap *bitmap = &fi->face->glyph->bitmap;
c629d4 |
int dr = 0;//fi->face->glyph->bitmap_top + 1 - FONT_MAP_GLYPHWORKSIZE;
c629d4 |
int dc = 0;//-fi->face->glyph->bitmap_left;
b9c036 |
int r0 = -dr;
b9c036 |
int r1 = r0 + bitmap->rows;
b9c036 |
int c0 = -dc;
b9c036 |
int c1 = c0 + bitmap->width;
b9c036 |
if (r0 < 0) r0 = 0;
b9c036 |
if (c0 < 0) c0 = 0;
b9c036 |
b9c036 |
b9c036 |
for(int r = r0; r < r1; ++r)
b9c036 |
for(int c = c0; c < c1; ++c)
b9c036 |
buffer[r*FONT_MAP_GLYPHSIZE + c] = *(bitmap->buffer + bitmap->pitch*(r + dr) + c + dc);
b9c036 |
f63775 |
502515 |
unsigned int prevtex = 0;
502515 |
glGetIntegerv(GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, (int*)&prevtex);
f63775 |
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, g->map->texid);
f63775 |
int gi = g - g->map->glyphs;
f63775 |
int r = gi/FONT_MAP_CNT;
f63775 |
int c = gi%FONT_MAP_CNT;
b9c036 |
b9c036 |
for(int level = 0, border = FONT_MAP_BORDERSIZE; border > 0; border >>= 1, ++level) {
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
b9c036 |
b9c036 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
buffer );
f63775 |
if (border > 1) {
b9c036 |
size >>= 1;
f63775 |
for(int r = 0; r < size; ++r)
f63775 |
for(int c = 0; c < size; ++c)
f63775 |
buffer[r*size + c] = (unsigned char)((
b9c036 |
(unsigned int)buffer[((r*2 + 0)*size + c)*2 + 0]
b9c036 |
+ (unsigned int)buffer[((r*2 + 0)*size + c)*2 + 1]
b9c036 |
+ (unsigned int)buffer[((r*2 + 1)*size + c)*2 + 0]
b9c036 |
+ (unsigned int)buffer[((r*2 + 1)*size + c)*2 + 1] + 2) >> 2 );
f63775 |
f63775 |
502515 |
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, prevtex);
f63775 |
f63775 |
g->fi = fi;
f63775 |
g->code = code;
f63775 |
g->index = index;
b9c036 |
f63775 |
return g;
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
static void unloadGlyph(HeliGlyph *g) {
f63775 |
g->fi = NULL;
f63775 |
g->code = 0;
f63775 |
g->index = 0;
f63775 |
if (g->map && --g->map->count <= 0)
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
static HeliFontInstance* loadFont(const char *path) {
f63775 |
HeliFontInstance *fi = calloc(1, sizeof(*fi));
f63775 |
fi->path = heliStringCopy(path);
f63775 |
f63775 |
if (!ftInitialized) {
f63775 |
if (FT_Init_FreeType(&ftLibrary))
3954ba |
fprintf(stderr, "helianthus: cannot initialize FreeType library\n");
f63775 |
ftInitialized = TRUE;
f63775 |
f63775 |
if (ftLibrary) {
ca6bde |
if (strncmp(path, "helimem:", 8) == 0) {
ca6bde |
void *data = NULL;
ca6bde |
int size = 0;
ca6bde |
fi->face = NULL;
ca6bde |
if (sscanf(path, "helimem:%p:%d:", &data, &size) != EOF && data && size > 0) {
ca6bde |
FT_Open_Args args = {};
ca6bde |
args.flags = FT_OPEN_MEMORY;
ca6bde |
args.memory_base = (FT_Byte*)data;
ca6bde |
args.memory_size = (FT_Long)size;
ca6bde |
if (FT_Open_Face(ftLibrary, &args, 0, &fi->face))
ca6bde |
fi->face = NULL;
f63775 |
ca6bde |
if (!fi->face)
ca6bde |
fprintf(stderr, "helianthus: cannot load font from memory\n");
f63775 |
} else {
ca6bde |
if (FT_New_Face(ftLibrary, path, 0, &fi->face)) {
ca6bde |
fprintf(stderr, "helianthus: cannot load font from file: %s\n", path);
f63775 |
fi->face = NULL;
f63775 |
f63775 |
ca6bde |
f63775 |
if (fi->face) {
f63775 |
FT_Set_Char_Size(fi->face, 0, FONT_BASE_SIZE*64, 72, 72);
f63775 |
fi->height = fi->face->size->metrics.height/64.0;
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
return fi;
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
static void unloadFont(HeliFontInstance *fi) {
f63775 |
f63775 |
for(int i = 0; i < FONT_MAX_GLYPHS; ++i)
f63775 |
if (fi->glyphs[i]) unloadGlyph(fi->glyphs[i]);
f63775 |
f63775 |
if (fi->face) FT_Done_Face(fi->face);
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
static HeliGlyph* getGlyph(HeliFontInstance *fi, int code) {
f63775 |
if (code < 0 || code >= FONT_MAX_GLYPHS) return &blankGlyph;
a20939 |
if (!fi->glyphs[code]) fi->glyphs[code] = loadGlyph(fi, code);
f63775 |
return fi->glyphs[code];
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
Font createFont(const char *path) {
f63775 |
if (!heliInitialized) return NULL;
f63775 |
if (!path) path = blankPath;
f63775 |
Font f = calloc(1, sizeof(*f));
da4619 |
HeliPair *item = heliStringmapGet(&fontCache, path);
da4619 |
if (!item) item = heliStringmapAdd(&fontCache, path, loadFont(path), (HeliFreeCallback)&unloadFont);
da4619 |
f->instance = (HeliFontInstance*)item->value;
f63775 |
f63775 |
heliObjectRegister(f, (HeliFreeCallback)&fontDestroy);
f63775 |
return f;
f63775 |
f63775 |
ca6bde |
ca6bde |
Font createFontFromMemory(const void *data, int size) {
ca6bde |
char buffer[1024] = {};
ca6bde |
sprintf(buffer, "helimem:%p:%d:%d", data, size, ++memFontIndex);
ca6bde |
return createFont(buffer);
ca6bde |
ca6bde |
ca6bde |
ca6bde |
Font fontClone(Font font) {
ca6bde |
if (!font) return NULL;
ca6bde |
return createFont(font->instance ? font->instance->path : NULL);
ca6bde |
ca6bde |
ca6bde |
f63775 |
void fontDestroy(Font f) {
f63775 |
3954ba |
HeliDrawingState *ss = heliDrawingGetState();
3954ba |
for(HeliDrawingState *s = heliDrawingGetStateStack(); s <= ss; ++s)
3954ba |
{ if (ss->font == f) ss->font = NULL; }
f63775 |
f63775 |
if (f->instance->refcount <= 0)
f63775 |
heliStringmapRemove(&fontCache, f->instance->path);
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
3954ba |
void textAlign(HAlign hor, VAlign vert) {
3954ba |
HeliDrawingState *s = heliDrawingGetState();
3954ba |
s->horAlign = hor;
3954ba |
s->vertAlign = vert;
3954ba |
f63775 |
void textFontDefault()
3954ba |
{ heliDrawingGetState()->font = NULL; }
f63775 |
void textFont(Font f)
3954ba |
{ heliDrawingGetState()->font = f; }
f63775 |
void textSize(double size)
3954ba |
{ heliDrawingGetState()->fontSize = size; }
f63775 |
f63775 |
da4619 |
static void expand(double *min, double *max, double x) {
da4619 |
if (*min > x) *min = x;
da4619 |
if (*max < x) *max = x;
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
TextLayout createTextLayout(const char *text) {
da4619 |
TextLayout layout = calloc(1, sizeof(*layout));
f63775 |
f8dca4 |
if (!text) return layout;
534343 |
3954ba |
HeliDrawingState *drawingState = heliDrawingGetState();
3954ba |
ca6bde |
if (!defaultFont)
ca6bde |
defaultFont = createFontFromMemory(heliBlobDefaultFont, heliBlobDefaultFontSize);
ca6bde |
if (!unicodeFont)
ca6bde |
unicodeFont = createFontFromMemory(heliBlobUnicodeFont, heliBlobUnicodeFontSize);
2fcd94 |
2fcd94 |
HeliFontInstance *fonts[10];
2fcd94 |
int fontsCount = 0;
2fcd94 |
if ( drawingState->font
2fcd94 |
&& drawingState->font->instance
2fcd94 |
&& drawingState->font->instance->face )
2fcd94 |
fonts[fontsCount++] = drawingState->font->instance;
2fcd94 |
if ( defaultFont
2fcd94 |
&& defaultFont->instance
2fcd94 |
&& defaultFont->instance->face )
2fcd94 |
fonts[fontsCount++] = defaultFont->instance;
2fcd94 |
if ( unicodeFont
2fcd94 |
&& unicodeFont->instance
2fcd94 |
&& unicodeFont->instance->face )
2fcd94 |
fonts[fontsCount++] = unicodeFont->instance;
2fcd94 |
2fcd94 |
if (!fontsCount)
2fcd94 |
return layout;
f63775 |
f63775 |
int linesAllocated = 256;
da4619 |
layout->linesCount = 1;
da4619 |
layout->lines = calloc(linesAllocated, sizeof(HeliLineDesc));
da4619 |
HeliLineDesc *line = layout->lines;
2fcd94 |
line->height = fonts[0]->height;
da4619 |
layout->chars = calloc(strlen(text) + 1, sizeof(HeliCharDesc));
ca6bde |
if ( drawingState->font
ca6bde |
&& drawingState->font != defaultFont
ca6bde |
&& drawingState->font != unicodeFont
ca6bde |
&& drawingState->font->instance == fonts[0] )
ca6bde |
layout->font = fontClone(drawingState->font);
f63775 |
f63775 |
// gather glyphs
f63775 |
const char *c = text;
f63775 |
while(1) {
da4619 |
const char *charpos = c;
f63775 |
f63775 |
while((*c & 0xC0) == 0x80) ++c;
f63775 |
if ((*c & 0x80) == 0x00) {
f63775 |
code = *c;
f63775 |
} else
f63775 |
if ((*c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) {
f63775 |
if ((c[1] & 0xC0) == 0x80) {
f63775 |
code = ((c[0] & 0x1F) << 6) | (c[1] & 0x3F);
f63775 |
c += 1;
f63775 |
f63775 |
} else
f63775 |
if ((*c & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
f63775 |
if ((c[1] & 0xC0) == 0x80 && (c[2] & 0xC0) == 0x80) {
f63775 |
code = ((c[0] & 0x0F) << 12) | ((c[1] & 0x3F) << 6) | (c[2] & 0x3F);
f63775 |
c += 2;
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
HeliGlyph *glyph = &blankGlyph;
da4619 |
int code2 = (code == 0 || code == 10 || code == 13) ? 32 : code;
2fcd94 |
for(int i = 0; i < fontsCount && !glyph->fi; ++i)
2fcd94 |
glyph = getGlyph(fonts[i], code2);
2fcd94 |
for(int i = 0; i < fontsCount && !glyph->fi; ++i)
2fcd94 |
glyph = getGlyph(fonts[i], FONT_BADCHAR_CODE);
f63775 |
if (!glyph->fi) continue;
f63775 |
da4619 |
HeliCharDesc *cc = &layout->chars[line->end++];
da4619 |
cc->charpos = charpos - text;
f63775 |
cc->glyph = glyph;
f63775 |
if (line->height < glyph->fi->height) line->height = glyph->fi->height;
da4619 |
if (line->begin < line->end - 1) {
f63775 |
HeliCharDesc *cp = cc - 1;
f63775 |
cc->pos = cp->pos + cp->glyph->advance;
f63775 |
FT_Vector kerning = {};
f63775 |
if ( cp->glyph->fi == cc->glyph->fi
f63775 |
&& !FT_Get_Kerning(
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
&kerning ))
f63775 |
cc->pos += kerning.x/64.0;
5a7c99 |
if (line->width < cc->pos + cc->glyph->advance)
5a7c99 |
line->width = cc->pos + cc->glyph->advance;
f63775 |
da4619 |
expand(&line->l, &line->r, cc->pos + cc->glyph->l);
da4619 |
expand(&line->l, &line->r, cc->pos + cc->glyph->r);
da4619 |
expand(&line->t, &line->b, cc->glyph->t);
da4619 |
expand(&line->t, &line->b, cc->glyph->b);
da4619 |
expand(&line->t, &line->b, -glyph->fi->height);
da4619 |
da4619 |
if (code == 10 || code == 13) {
da4619 |
if ((code == 10 && *c == 13) || (code == 13 && *c == 10)) ++c;
da4619 |
if (layout->linesCount >= linesAllocated) {
da4619 |
linesAllocated += linesAllocated/4;
da4619 |
layout->lines = realloc(layout->lines, linesAllocated*sizeof(HeliLineDesc));
da4619 |
memset(layout->lines + layout->linesCount, 0, (linesAllocated - layout->linesCount)*sizeof(HeliLineDesc));
da4619 |
line = &layout->lines[layout->linesCount - 1];
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
line->begin = line->end = (line - 1)->end;
2fcd94 |
line->height = fonts[0]->height;
da4619 |
da4619 |
if (code == 0) break;
f63775 |
f63775 |
da4619 |
int charsCount = layout->lines[layout->linesCount-1].end;
da4619 |
if (charsCount <= 0) return layout;
534343 |
f63775 |
// bounds
534343 |
double l = 0;
da4619 |
double t = -layout->lines->height;
534343 |
double r = 0;
534343 |
double b = 0;
5a7c99 |
double ll = 0;
5a7c99 |
double lt = -layout->lines->height;
5a7c99 |
double lr = 0;
5a7c99 |
double lb = 0;
da4619 |
for(int i = 0; i < layout->linesCount; ++i) {
da4619 |
HeliLineDesc *line = layout->lines + i;
534343 |
if (i > 0) line->y = (line-1)->y + line->height;
5a7c99 |
f63775 |
if (l > line->l) l = line->l;
f63775 |
if (r < line->r) r = line->r;
f63775 |
if (t > line->t + line->y) t = line->t + line->y;
f63775 |
if (b < line->b + line->y) b = line->b + line->y;
5a7c99 |
5a7c99 |
if (lr < line->width) lr = line->width;
5a7c99 |
if (lt > line->y - line->height) lt = line->y - line->height;
5a7c99 |
if (lb < line->y) lb = line->y;
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
// alignment
5a7c99 |
double dx = drawingState->horAlign == HALIGN_RIGHT ? -lr
5a7c99 |
: drawingState->horAlign == HALIGN_CENTER ? -0.5*(ll + lr)
5a7c99 |
: -ll;
5a7c99 |
double dy = drawingState->vertAlign == VALIGN_BOTTOM ? -lb
5a7c99 |
: drawingState->vertAlign == VALIGN_CENTER ? -0.5*(lt + lb)
5a7c99 |
: -lt;
da4619 |
for(int i = 0; i < layout->linesCount; ++i) {
da4619 |
HeliLineDesc *line = layout->lines + i;
5a7c99 |
line->x = drawingState->horAlign == HALIGN_RIGHT ? -line->width
5a7c99 |
: drawingState->horAlign == HALIGN_CENTER ? -0.5*line->width
5a7c99 |
: 0;
f63775 |
line->y += dy;
f63775 |
for(int j = line->begin; j < line->end; ++j) {
da4619 |
HeliCharDesc *cc = layout->chars + j;
f63775 |
cc->x = cc->pos + line->x;
f63775 |
cc->y = line->y;
f63775 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
da4619 |
// bounds
da4619 |
layout->l = l + dx;
da4619 |
layout->t = t + dy;
da4619 |
layout->r = r + dx;
da4619 |
layout->b = b + dy;
da4619 |
5a7c99 |
layout->ll = ll + dx;
5a7c99 |
layout->lt = lt + dy;
5a7c99 |
layout->lr = lr + dx;
5a7c99 |
layout->lb = lb + dy;
5a7c99 |
f63775 |
// sort by textures
b9c036 |
for(int i = 0; i < charsCount-1; ++i)
da4619 |
layout->chars[i].next = &layout->chars[i+1];
da4619 |
HeliCharDesc *first = NULL, *last = NULL, *current = layout->chars;
f63775 |
while(current) {
f63775 |
if (!current->next) {
f63775 |
current = current->next = first;
f63775 |
} else
f63775 |
if (current->glyph->map != current->next->glyph->map) {
f63775 |
*(last ? &last->next : &first) = current->next;
f63775 |
last = current->next;
f63775 |
current->next = current->next->next;
f63775 |
last->next = NULL;
f63775 |
} else {
f63775 |
current = current->next;
f63775 |
f63775 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
return layout;
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
void textLayoutDestroy(TextLayout layout) {
da4619 |
if (layout) {
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
if (layout->font) fontDestroy(layout->font);
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
void textLayoutDrawSubstr(TextLayout layout, double x, double y, int start, int length) {
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
if (layout->linesCount <= 0) return;
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
int charsCount = layout->lines[layout->linesCount - 1].end;
da4619 |
if (charsCount <= 0) return;
da4619 |
da4619 |
int textEnd = layout->chars[charsCount - 1].charpos;
da4619 |
int begin = start;
da4619 |
if (begin < 0) begin = 0;
da4619 |
long long endll = (long long)begin + length; // to avoid overflow on length == INT_MAX and begin > 0
da4619 |
if (endll > textEnd) endll = textEnd;
da4619 |
int end = (int)endll;
da4619 |
if (begin >= end) return;
da4619 |
da4619 |
HeliDrawingState *drawingState = heliDrawingGetState();
f63775 |
da4619 |
double fontScale = drawingState->fontSize/FONT_BASE_SIZE;
da4619 |
if (fontScale <= HELI_PRECISION) return;
deef1d |
if ( drawingState->strokeColor[3] <= HELI_PRECISION
deef1d |
&& drawingState->fillColor[3] <= HELI_PRECISION ) return;
da4619 |
f63775 |
f63775 |
const double texStep = 1.0/FONT_MAP_CNT;
3e56ed |
const double texBorder = 0.5*FONT_MAP_BORDERSIZE/FONT_MAP_TEXSIZE;
3e56ed |
const double texGlyphSize = (double)FONT_MAP_GLYPHWORKSIZE/FONT_MAP_TEXSIZE;
f63775 |
8bc1f1 |
if (!heliGLIsIntegerClipping()) glEnable(GL_MULTISAMPLE);
f63775 |
f63775 |
glTranslated(x, y, 0);
f63775 |
glScaled(fontScale, fontScale, 1);
da4619 |
deef1d |
if (drawingState->fillColor[3] > HELI_PRECISION) {
deef1d |
double strokeAlpha = drawingState->strokeColor[3];
deef1d |
drawingState->strokeColor[3] = 0;
da4619 |
for(int i = 0; i < layout->linesCount; ++i) {
da4619 |
HeliLineDesc *line = layout->lines + i;
da4619 |
int found = FALSE;
da4619 |
double l = 0, r = 0;
da4619 |
for(int j = line->begin; j < line->end; ++j) {
da4619 |
HeliCharDesc *cc = layout->chars + j;
da4619 |
if (cc->charpos < begin || cc->charpos > end) continue;
da4619 |
if (!found) { l = r = cc->x; found = TRUE; }
da4619 |
expand(&l, &r, cc->x);
da4619 |
if (cc->glyph && cc->charpos < end) {
da4619 |
expand(&l, &r, cc->x + cc->glyph->l);
da4619 |
expand(&l, &r, cc->x + cc->glyph->r);
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
if (found)
da4619 |
rect(l, line->t + line->y, r-l, line->b - line->t);
f63775 |
deef1d |
drawingState->strokeColor[3] = strokeAlpha;
f63775 |
da4619 |
deef1d |
if (drawingState->strokeColor[3] > HELI_PRECISION) {
deef1d |
da4619 |
HeliFontMap *currentMap = NULL;
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
for(HeliCharDesc *cc = layout->chars; cc; cc = cc->next) {
da4619 |
if (cc->charpos < begin || cc->charpos >= end) continue;
da4619 |
if ( !cc->glyph->map
da4619 |
|| cc->glyph->r - cc->glyph->l <= HELI_PRECISION
da4619 |
|| cc->glyph->b - cc->glyph->t <= HELI_PRECISION )
da4619 |
da4619 |
if (currentMap != cc->glyph->map) {
da4619 |
da4619 |
currentMap = cc->glyph->map;
da4619 |
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, currentMap->texid);
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
3e56ed |
double gw = cc->glyph->r - cc->glyph->l;
3e56ed |
double gh = cc->glyph->b - cc->glyph->t;
3e56ed |
double gs = gw > gh ? gw : gh;
3e56ed |
double dx = gs*borderK;
3e56ed |
double dy = gs*borderK;
da4619 |
double l = cc->x + cc->glyph->l - dx;
da4619 |
double t = cc->y + cc->glyph->t - dy;
da4619 |
double r = cc->x + cc->glyph->r + dx;
da4619 |
double b = cc->y + cc->glyph->b + dy;
da4619 |
3e56ed |
double ttx = gh > gw ? gw/gh : 1;
3e56ed |
double tty = gw > gh ? gh/gw : 1;
3e56ed |
da4619 |
int gi = cc->glyph - cc->glyph->map->glyphs;
3e56ed |
double tl = (gi % FONT_MAP_CNT)*texStep - texBorder;
3e56ed |
double tt = (gi / FONT_MAP_CNT)*texStep - texBorder;
3e56ed |
double tr = tl + texGlyphSize*ttx + 2*texBorder;
3e56ed |
double tb = tt + texGlyphSize*tty + 2*texBorder;
da4619 |
da4619 |
glTexCoord2d(tl, tt); glVertex2d(l, t);
da4619 |
glTexCoord2d(tr, tt); glVertex2d(r, t);
da4619 |
glTexCoord2d(tr, tb); glVertex2d(r, b);
da4619 |
glTexCoord2d(tl, tb); glVertex2d(l, b);
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
f63775 |
8bc1f1 |
f63775 |
glColor4d(1, 1, 1, 1);
f63775 |
a20939 |
a20939 |
da4619 |
void textLayoutDrawFrom(TextLayout layout, double x, double y, int start)
da4619 |
{ textLayoutDrawSubstr(layout, x, y, start, INT_MAX); }
da4619 |
void textLayoutDraw(TextLayout layout, double x, double y)
da4619 |
{ textLayoutDrawFrom(layout, x, y, 0); }
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
void text(const char *text, double x, double y) {
da4619 |
da4619 |
if (!text || !text[0]) return;
da4619 |
da4619 |
HeliDrawingState *drawingState = heliDrawingGetState();
da4619 |
double fontScale = drawingState->fontSize/FONT_BASE_SIZE;
da4619 |
if (fontScale < HELI_PRECISION) return;
deef1d |
if ( drawingState->strokeColor[3] < HELI_PRECISION
deef1d |
&& drawingState->fillColor[3] < HELI_PRECISION ) return;
da4619 |
da4619 |
TextLayout layout = createTextLayout(text);
da4619 |
textLayoutDraw(layout, x, y);
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
double textLayoutGetWidth(TextLayout layout) {
da4619 |
HeliDrawingState *drawingState = heliDrawingGetState();
da4619 |
double fontScale = drawingState->fontSize/FONT_BASE_SIZE;
da4619 |
return (layout->r - layout->l)*fontScale;
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
double textLayoutGetHeight(TextLayout layout) {
da4619 |
HeliDrawingState *drawingState = heliDrawingGetState();
da4619 |
double fontScale = drawingState->fontSize/FONT_BASE_SIZE;
da4619 |
return (layout->b - layout->t)*fontScale;
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
a20939 |
void heliFontFinish() {
2fcd94 |
defaultFont = NULL;
2fcd94 |
unicodeFont = NULL;
a20939 |
a20939 |
if (ftInitialized && ftLibrary) FT_Done_FreeType(ftLibrary);
a20939 |
ftLibrary = NULL;
a20939 |
ftInitialized = FALSE;
a20939 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
static void findChar(TextLayout layout, int cursor, int *lineIndex, int *charIndex) {
da4619 |
*lineIndex = 0;
da4619 |
*charIndex = 0;
da4619 |
if (!layout || layout->linesCount <= 0 || !layout->lines || !layout->chars) return;
da4619 |
da4619 |
*lineIndex = layout->linesCount - 1;
da4619 |
*charIndex = layout->lines[*lineIndex].end - 1;
da4619 |
for(int i = 0; i < layout->linesCount; ++i) {
da4619 |
HeliLineDesc *line = layout->lines + i;
da4619 |
if (line->begin < line->end) {
da4619 |
if (layout->chars[line->end-1].charpos >= cursor) {
da4619 |
*lineIndex = i;
da4619 |
*charIndex = line->end-1;
da4619 |
for(int j = line->begin; j < line->end; ++j)
da4619 |
if (layout->chars[j].charpos >= cursor)
da4619 |
{ *charIndex = j; break; }
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
static int moveCursorVert(TextLayout layout, int cursor, int offset) {
da4619 |
if (!layout || layout->linesCount <= 0 || !layout->lines || !layout->chars) return 0;
da4619 |
da4619 |
int li = 0, ci = 0;
da4619 |
findChar(layout, cursor, &li, &ci);
da4619 |
da4619 |
li += offset;
da4619 |
if (li < 0)
da4619 |
return 0;
da4619 |
if (li >= layout->linesCount)
da4619 |
return layout->chars[ layout->lines[layout->linesCount-1].end - 1 ].charpos;
da4619 |
da4619 |
double x = layout->chars[ci].x;
da4619 |
HeliLineDesc *line = layout->lines + li;
da4619 |
for(int j = line->begin; j < line->end; ++j) {
da4619 |
HeliCharDesc *cc1 = layout->chars + j;
da4619 |
double xx = layout->chars[j].x;
da4619 |
if (xx + HELI_PRECISION >= x || j == line->end - 1) {
da4619 |
if (j > line->begin) {
da4619 |
HeliCharDesc *cc0 = cc1 - 1;
da4619 |
if (fabs(cc0->x - x) < fabs(xx - x)) return cc0->charpos;
da4619 |
da4619 |
return cc1->charpos;
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
return cursor;
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
int textLayoutCursorUp(TextLayout layout, int cursor)
da4619 |
{ return moveCursorVert(layout, cursor, -1); }
da4619 |
da4619 |
int textLayoutCursorDown(TextLayout layout, int cursor)
da4619 |
{ return moveCursorVert(layout, cursor, 1); }
da4619 |
da4619 |
double textLayoutCursorGetX(TextLayout layout, int cursor) {
da4619 |
if (!layout || layout->linesCount <= 0 || !layout->lines || !layout->chars) return 0;
da4619 |
HeliDrawingState *drawingState = heliDrawingGetState();
da4619 |
double fontScale = drawingState->fontSize/FONT_BASE_SIZE;
da4619 |
int li = 0, ci = 0;
da4619 |
findChar(layout, cursor, &li, &ci);
da4619 |
return layout->chars[ci].x * fontScale;
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
double textLayoutCursorGetY(TextLayout layout, int cursor) {
da4619 |
if (!layout || layout->linesCount <= 0 || !layout->lines || !layout->chars) return 0;
da4619 |
HeliDrawingState *drawingState = heliDrawingGetState();
da4619 |
double fontScale = drawingState->fontSize/FONT_BASE_SIZE;
da4619 |
int li = 0, ci = 0;
da4619 |
findChar(layout, cursor, &li, &ci);
da4619 |
return layout->chars[ci].y * fontScale;
da4619 |
da4619 |
da4619 |
double textLayoutCursorGetHeight(TextLayout layout, int cursor) {
da4619 |
if (!layout || layout->linesCount <= 0 || !layout->lines || !layout->chars) return 0;
da4619 |
HeliDrawingState *drawingState = heliDrawingGetState();
da4619 |
double fontScale = drawingState->fontSize/FONT_BASE_SIZE;
da4619 |
int li = 0, ci = 0;
da4619 |
findChar(layout, cursor, &li, &ci);
da4619 |
return layout->lines[li].height * fontScale;
da4619 |