program expressions; uses SysUtils; var s: string; a, b, c: single; result: single; begin a := 10; b := 15; c := 20; result := (1/4)*sqrt((a+b+c)*(b+c-a)*(a+c-b)*(a+b-c)); Writeln('Area of triangle with' + ' sides ' + FloatToStr(a) + ', ' + FloatToStr(b) + ' and ' + FloatToStr(c) + ' is ' + FloatToStr(result) ); result := (1/3)*pi*a*(b*b); Writeln('Volume of cone with' + ' height ' + FloatToStr(a) + ' and radius ' + FloatToStr(b) + ' is ' + FloatToStr(result) ); result := (4/3)*pi*a*b*c; Writeln('Volume of ellipsoid with' + ' radiuses ' + FloatToStr(a) + ', ' + FloatToStr(b) + ' and ' + FloatToStr(b) + ' is ' + FloatToStr(result) ); Readln(s); end.