konero d579b8
name: Bug report
konero d579b8
description: File a bug report to help us improve
konero d579b8
labels: 'bug'
konero d579b8
konero d579b8
  - type: markdown
konero d579b8
konero d579b8
      value: |
konero d579b8
        Please search existing issues before posting to avoid creating duplicates.
konero d579b8
konero d579b8
        We strongly urge you to test if your issue still persists on the latest nightly build which contains the latest bug fixes before making your report. You can find the latest build [here](https://github.com/opentoonz/opentoonz_nightlies/releases).
konero d579b8
  - type: textarea
konero d579b8
konero d579b8
      label: Description
konero d579b8
      placeholder: Please write a clear and concise description of what the bug is.
konero d579b8
konero d579b8
      required: true
konero d579b8
  - type: textarea
konero d579b8
konero d579b8
      label: Steps to Reproduce
konero d579b8
      description: We are much more likely to fix your problem if you can provide clear steps for us to reproduce it.
konero d579b8
      value: |
konero d579b8
konero d579b8
konero d579b8
  - type: textarea
konero d579b8
konero d579b8
      label: Expected Behavior
konero d579b8
      placeholder: A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
konero 2fbfdf
  - type: textarea
konero 2fbfdf
konero 2fbfdf
      label: Screenshots, Video & Crash Logs
konero 2fbfdf
      placeholder: Include any screenshots, video or crash logs that helps illustrate your problem here.
konero d579b8
  - type: markdown
konero d579b8
konero d579b8
      value: |
konero 2fbfdf
        ## System Information
konero 2fbfdf
  - type: dropdown
konero 2fbfdf
konero 2fbfdf
      label: OpenToonz Version
konero 2fbfdf
      description: You can find version information from the main menu bar [Help > About] within the software.
konero 2fbfdf
      multiple: false
konero 2fbfdf
konero 2fbfdf
        - 1.6
konero 2fbfdf
        - 1.5
konero 2fbfdf
        - 1.4
konero 2fbfdf
        - Nightly (Specify below)
konero 2fbfdf
        - Other (Specify below)
konero 2fbfdf
konero 2fbfdf
      required: true
konero 2fbfdf
  - type: input
konero 2fbfdf
konero 2fbfdf
      label: OpenToonz Version Information
konero 2fbfdf
      placeholder: Ex. built Mar 25 2016
konero d579b8
  - type: dropdown
konero d579b8
konero d579b8
      label: Operating System
konero d579b8
      multiple: false
konero d579b8
konero d579b8
        - Windows
konero d579b8
        - macOS
konero d579b8
        - Linux
konero eb98c9
        - Other
konero d579b8
konero d579b8
      required: true
konero d579b8
  - type: dropdown
konero d579b8
konero d579b8
      label: GPU
konero d579b8
      description: Please check that your graphics drivers are up to date before posting.
konero d579b8
      multiple: false
konero d579b8
konero d579b8
        - NVIDIA
konero d579b8
        - AMD
konero d579b8
        - Intel
konero eb98c9
        - Other
konero 2fbfdf
konero 2fbfdf
      required: true
konero d579b8
  - type: dropdown
konero d579b8
konero d579b8
      label: Graphics Tablet
konero d579b8
      description: If your problem relates to pen input please check that your graphics tablet drivers are up to date before posting.
konero d579b8
      multiple: false
konero d579b8
konero d579b8
        - Wacom
konero d579b8
        - XP-Pen
konero d579b8
        - Huion
konero d579b8
        - Xencelabs
konero d579b8
        - Ugee
konero d579b8
        - GAOMON
konero d579b8
        - Monoprice
konero d579b8
        - Parblo
konero d579b8
        - Other
konero d579b8
  - type: markdown
konero d579b8
konero d579b8
      value: |
konero d579b8
konero d579b8
        Thank you for taking the time to fill out this bug report!