Shinya Kitaoka e4b7c0
# How to contribute
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This document describes some points about contribution process for OpenToonz.
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## Pull-requests
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OpenToonz organization loves any kinds of your contributions, such as fixing typos and code refactroing.
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If you fixed or added something useful to the OpenToonz, please send pull-requests to us.
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We review the request, then we accept it, or add comments for rework, or decline it.
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### Workflow
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0. `fork` OpenToonz to your GitHub account from `opentoonz/opentoonz`.
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  - (use the `fork` button at the
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0. `clone` the repository.
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  - `git clone`
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  - `git remote add upstream`, additionally.
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0. modify the codes.
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  - `git checkout -b your-branch-name`
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    - `your-branch-name` is a name of your modifications, for example,
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      `fix/fatal-bugs`, `feature/new-useful-gui` and so on.
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  - fix codes, then test them.
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  - `git commit` them with good commit messages.
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0. `pull` the latest changes form the `master` branch of the upstream.
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  - `git pull upstream master` or `git pull --rebase upstream master`.
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  - apply [clang-format]( with `toonz/sources/.clang-format`.
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    - `cd toonz/sources`
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    - `./` or `beautification.bat`.
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  - `git commit` them.
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  - `git push origin your-branch-name`.
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0. make a pull request.
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## Bugs
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If you found bugs, please report details about them using [issues](
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Then we will try to reproduce the bugs and fix them.
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Unfortunately, sometimes bugs can be only reproduced in your your environment,
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so we cannot reproduce them. We believe you can fix the bug and send us the fix.
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## Features
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If you had an idea about a new feature, please implement it and send a pull-request to us.
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Even if you cannot implement the feature, you can open a topic in [issues](
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It enables us to discuss about implementaions of the feature there.
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## Translations
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Translation source (`.ts`) files for OpenToonz GUI are located in `toonz/sources/translations`.
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If you create new `.ts` files for your language or polish existing ones,
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please send us those modifications as pull-requests. 
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[Qt Linguist]( is usefull for translating them.
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Please send us Qt message (`.qm`) files with `.ts` files if you can make the following modifications.
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OpenToonz uses `.qm` files generated from `.ts` files.
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You can generate `.qm` files by using [Qt Linguist](
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Please locate generated `.qm` files in `stuff/config/loc`.
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It enables OpenToonz installer to install them into the `stuff` directory.