kogaki |
da8c4b |
# OpenToonz
kogaki |
da8c4b |
kogaki |
da8c4b |
Shinya Kitaoka |
f26251 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
796086 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
796086 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
796086 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
f26251 |
kusano |
4fc845 |
kogaki |
da8c4b |
OpenToonz is a 2D animation software published by
Shinya Kitaoka |
00edc4 |
[DWANGO](http://dwango.co.jp/english/). It is based on **Toonz Studio
Shinya Kitaoka |
00edc4 |
Ghibli Version**, originally developed in Italy by
Shinya Kitaoka |
00edc4 |
[Digital Video, Inc.](http://www.toonz.com/), and customized by
Shinya Kitaoka |
00edc4 |
[Studio Ghibli](http://www.ghibli.jp/) over many years of production.
kusano |
4fc845 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
f26251 |
Garrett Guillotte |
c6df3f |
Tom Byrer |
160f50 |
Please refer to the OpenToonz site at <https: e="" index.html="" opentoonz.github.io="">.</https:>
kusano |
4fc845 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
f26251 |
kusano |
4fc845 |
Keisuke Ogaki |
e1ec5f |
Please download and install OpenToonz from the latest installer at <https: e="" index.html="" opentoonz.github.io="">.</https:>
Keisuke Ogaki |
e1ec5f |
Keisuke Ogaki |
e1ec5f |
Older versions and unstable nightly build are also available at <https: github.com="" opentoonz="" releases="">.</https:>
kusano |
4fc845 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
f26251 |
kusano |
4fc845 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
f26251 |
- [Windows](./doc/how_to_build_win.md)
Shinya Kitaoka |
f26251 |
- [OS X](./doc/how_to_build_macosx.md)
Campbell Barton |
3cb5de |
- [Linux](./doc/how_to_build_linux.md)
kusano |
4fc845 |
Tom Byrer |
160f50 |
Tom Byrer |
160f50 |
Tom Byrer |
160f50 |
- To share tips or to troubleshoot, join the [Google OpenToonz Users forum](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/opentoonz_en)
Tom Byrer |
160f50 |
- If you found a bug with the software after troubleshooting, or are a developer, search the [Github issues](https://github.com/opentoonz/opentoonz/issues) and post there.
Tom Byrer |
160f50 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
00edc4 |
kusano |
4fc845 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
f26251 |
- Files outside of the `thirdparty` directory are based on the Modified BSD License.
Shinya Kitaoka |
f26251 |
- [modified BSD license](./LICENSE.txt).
Shinya Kitaoka |
f26251 |
- Based on this license, this software may be used or changed freely for business or personal use.
Shinya Kitaoka |
f26251 |
- For files in the `thirdparty` directory:
Shinya Kitaoka |
f26251 |
- Please consult with the licenses in the appropriate READMEs or source codes.
Shinya Kitaoka |
f26251 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
f26251 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
f26251 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
f26251 |
This Open Source Program is developed from Toonz, a software originally created by Digital Video, S.p.A., Rome Italy