Grimaud |
7c3890 |
# Building on Windows
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
This software can be built using Visual Studio 2015 and Qt 5.6
Grimaud |
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Grimaud |
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## Required Software
Grimaud |
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Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
### Visual Studio Express 2015 for Windows Desktop
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- https://www.visualstudio.com/ja-jp/products/visual-studio-express-vs.aspx
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
- Make sure that the target platform is "for Windows Desktop" not "for Windows".
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- Community and Professional versions of Visual Studio 2015 for Windows Desktop also work.
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
Grimaud |
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### CMake
Grimaud |
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- https://cmake.org/download/
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- This will be used to create the `MSVC 2015` project file.
Grimaud |
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Grimaud |
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## Acquiring the Source Code
Grimaud |
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- Clone the base repository.
Grimaud |
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- Throughout the explanation `$opentoonz` will represent the root for the base repository.
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- Visual Studio cannot recognize UTF-8 without BOM source code properly. Furthermore, since the endline character is represented with only the LF character, one line comments in Japanese will often cause the following line to be treated as a comment by `MSVS` as well.
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
- In order to prevent this, please change the following setting in git so that it will preserve the proper endline characters:
Grimaud |
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- `git config core.safecrlf true`
Grimaud |
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Grimaud |
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## Installation of Required Libraries
Grimaud |
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Because of the size of these libraries, they are not maintained in the git repository.
Grimaud |
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They will have to be installed seperately as follows.
Grimaud |
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Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
### `lib` and `dll`
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- `lib` and `dll` files are tracked by [Git Large File Storage](https://git-lfs.github.com/).
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- Execute `git lfs pull` after `git clone` by using the `lfs` client.
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
### Qt
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- https://www.qt.io/download-open-source/
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
- Qt is a cross-platform GUI framework.
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- Install Qt 5.6 (64-bit version) by [Qt Online Installer for Windows](http://download.qt.io/official_releases/online_installers/qt-unified-windows-x86-online.exe).
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
### boost
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- Boost 1.55.0 or later is required (tested up to 1.60.0).
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- http://www.boost.org/users/history/version_1_61_0.html
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- Download boost_1_61_0.zip from the above link. Extract all contents to the '$opentoonz/thirdparty/boost' directory.
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- Install the following patch (Make the changes listed in the patch file), if you use Boost 1.55.0 with Visual Studio 2013.
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
- https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/attachment/ticket/9369/vc12_fix_has_member_function_callable_with.patch
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
Stephen Shkardoon |
e239ec |
Grimaud |
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## Building
Grimaud |
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Grimaud |
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### Using CMake to Create a Visual Studio Project
Grimaud |
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1. Launch CMake
Grimaud |
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2. In `Where is the source code`, navigate to `$opentoonz/toonz/sources`
Grimaud |
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3. In `Where to build the binaries`, navigate to `$opentoonz/toonz/build`
Grimaud |
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- Or to wherever you usually build to.
Grimaud |
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- If the build directory is in the git repository, be sure to add the directory to .gitignore
Grimaud |
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- If the build directory is different from the one above, be sure to change to the specified directory where appropriate below.
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
4. Click on Configure and select Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64.
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
5. If Qt was installed to a directory other than the default, and the error `Specify QT_PATH properly` appears, navigate to the `QT_DIR` install folder and specify the path to `msvc2015_64`. Rerun Configure.
Grimaud |
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6. Click Generate
Grimaud |
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- Should the CMakeLists.txt file change, such as during automatic build cleanup, there is no need to rerun CMake.
Grimaud |
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Grimaud |
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## Setting Up Libraries
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
Rename the following files:
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- `$opentoonz/thirdparty/LibJPEG/jpeg-9/jconfig.vc` to `$opentoonz/thirdparty/LibJPEG/jpeg-9/jconfig.h`
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- `$opentoonz/thirdparty/tiff-4.0.3/libtiff/tif_config.vc.h` to `$opentoonz/thirdparty/tiff-4.0.3/libtiff/tif_config.h`
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- `$opentoonz/thirdparty/tiff-4.0.3/libtiff/tiffconf.vc.h` to `$opentoonz/thirdparty/tiff-4.0.3/libtiff/tiffconf.h`
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- `$opentoonz/thirdparty/libpng-1.6.21/scripts/pnglibconf.h.prebuilt` to `$opentoonz/thirdparty/libpng-1.6.21/pnglibconf.h`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- Note that the destination is a different folder for the last file.
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
fd19c4 |
Add a guard for snprintf at tif_config.h(50):
Shinya Kitaoka |
fd19c4 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
fd19c4 |
+#if _MSC_VER < 1900
Shinya Kitaoka |
fd19c4 |
#define snprintf _snprintf
Shinya Kitaoka |
fd19c4 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
fd19c4 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
fd19c4 |
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
## Building
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
1. Open `$opentoonz/toonz/build/OpenToonz.sln` and change to `Release`
Grimaud |
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2. The output will be in `$opentoonz/toonz/build/Release`
Grimaud |
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Grimaud |
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## Running the Program
Grimaud |
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### Setting Up the Program's Path
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
1. Copy the entire contents of `$opentoonz/toonz/build/Release` to an appropriate folder.
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
2. In the path for `OpenToonz_1.0.exe`, append the Qt program `windeployqt.exe` as an argument.
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
- The necessary Qt library files should be in the same folder as `OpenToonz_1.0.exe`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- These include:
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `Qt5Core.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `Qt5Gui.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `Qt5Network.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `Qt5OpenGL.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `Qt5PrintSupport.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `Qt5Script.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `Qt5Svg.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `Qt5Widgets.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- These files should be in the corresponding folders in the same folder `OpenToonz_1.0.exe`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `/bearer/qgenericbearer.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `/bearer/qnativewifibearer.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `/iconengines/qsvgicon.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `/imageformats/qdds.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `/imageformats/qgif.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `/imageformats/qicns.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `/imageformats/qico.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `/imageformats/qjpeg.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `/imageformats/qsvg.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `/imageformats/qtga.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `/imageformats/qtiff.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `/imageformats/qwbmp.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `/imageformats/qwebp.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
- `/platforms/qwindows.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
3. Copy the following files to the same folder as `OpenToonz_1.0.exe`
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
- `$opentoonz/thirdparty/glut/3.7.6/lib/glut64.dll`
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
- `$opentoonz/thirdparty/glew/glew-1.9.0/bin/64bit/glew32.dll`
Jeremy Bullock |
e442b1 |
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
4. Copy the `srv` folder from the previous OpenToonz installation to the same folder as `OpenToonz_1.0.exe`
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
- If there is no `srv` folder, OpenToonz can still be used. However, various file formats such as `mov` cannot be used.
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
- Creating the files for `srv` is discussed later.
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
Grimaud |
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### Creating the stuff Folder
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
If a previous binary of OpenToonz was already installed, this step and the following about creating a registry key has already been dealt with. So feel free to skip these parts.
Grimaud |
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Grimaud |
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1. Copy the files from `$opentoonz/stuff` to an appropriate folder.
Grimaud |
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Grimaud |
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### Creating Registry Keys
Grimaud |
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1. Using the registry editor, create the following key and copy the path of the `$opentoonz/stuff` folder from above to it.
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
### Running
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
`OpenToonz_1.0.exe` can now be run. Congratulations!
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
## Creating the Files for the `srv` Folder
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
OpenToonz utilizes the QuickTime SDK's `mov` and associated file formats. Since the QuickTime SDK only comes in 32-bit versions, the 32-bit file `t32bitsrv.exe` from the QuickTime SDK is used in both the 64-bit and 32-bit versions of OpenToonz. As a result, the following instructions apply to both the 32 and 64-bit versions of OpenToonz.
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
Grimaud |
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### Qt
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- https://www.qt.io/download-open-source/
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- Install Qt 5.6 (32-bit version) by the by [Qt Online Installer for Windows](http://download.qt.io/official_releases/online_installers/qt-unified-windows-x86-online.exe).
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
### QuickTime SDK
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
1. Sign in using your Apple developer ID and download `QuickTime 7.3 SDK for Windows.zip` from the following url.
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
- https://developer.apple.com/downloads/?q=quicktime
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
2. After installing the QuickTime SDK, copy the contents of `C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime SDK` to `$opentoonz/thirdparty/quicktime/QT73SDK`
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
### Using CMake to Create a Visual Studio 32-bit Project
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
- Follow the same instructions as for the 64-bit version, but change the following:
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- `$opentoonz/toonz/build` to `$opentoonz/toonz/build32`
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- `Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64` to `Visual Studio 14 2015`
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
- Change `QT_PATH` to the path of your 32-bit version of Qt
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
Grimaud |
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### Building the 32-bit Version
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
1. Open `$opentoonz/toonz/build32/OpenToonz.sln`
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
Shinya Kitaoka |
0c20bd |
### Layout of the `srv` Folder
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
- For the 64-bit version, copy the following files to the `srv` folder:
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
- From `$opentoonz/toonz/build32/Release`
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
- t32bitsrv.exe
Grimaud |
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- image.dll
Grimaud |
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- tnzcore.dll
Grimaud |
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- From the 32-bit version of Qt
Grimaud |
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- Qt5Core.dll
Grimaud |
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- Qt5Network.dll
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
- `$opentoonz/thirdparty/glut/3.7.6/lib/glut32.dll`
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
## Creating Translation Files
Grimaud |
7c3890 |
Qt translation files are generated first from the source code to .ts files, then from .ts files to a .qm file. These files can be created in Visual Studio if the `translation_` project and `Build translation_??? only` (`translation_???`のみをビルド」) is used. These files are not created in the default `Build Project Solution`.