Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Component: Button Styles
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FxSettingsPreviewShowButton {
Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/plus.svg');
Kite 9753a4
  image-position: center center;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 1px;
Kite 9753a4
  min-width: 10px;
Kite 9753a4
  min-height: 10px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FxSettingsPreviewShowButton:checked {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #2f2f2f;
Kite 9753a4
  border-color: #222222;
Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/minus.svg');
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FxSettingsPreviewShowButton:checked:pressed {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #2f2f2f;
Kite 9753a4
  border-color: #5483a6;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FxSettingsPreviewShowButton:checked:hover {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #434343;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#TopBar #EditToolLockButton::indicator,
Kite 9753a4
QToolBar QToolButton,
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SchematicBottomFrame QToolBar QToolButton,
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
#XSheetToolbar #XSheetToolbarLevelButton {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 1px solid #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  border-radius: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 1px;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#TopBar #EditToolLockButton::indicator:hover,
Kite 9753a4
QToolBar QToolButton:hover,
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SchematicBottomFrame QToolBar QToolButton:hover,
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
#XSheetToolbar #XSheetToolbarLevelButton:hover {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #6e6e6e;
Kite 9753a4
  border-color: #343434;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#TopBar #EditToolLockButton::indicator:pressed,
Kite 9753a4
QToolBar QToolButton:pressed,
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SchematicBottomFrame QToolBar QToolButton:pressed,
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
#XSheetToolbar #XSheetToolbarLevelButton:pressed {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #2f2f2f;
Kite 9753a4
  border-color: #151515;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#TopBar #EditToolLockButton::indicator:checked,
Kite 9753a4
QToolBar QToolButton:checked,
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SchematicBottomFrame QToolBar QToolButton:checked,
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
#XSheetToolbar #XSheetToolbarLevelButton:checked {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #2f2f2f;
Kite 9753a4
  border-color: #222222;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#TopBar #EditToolLockButton::indicator:checked:hover,
Kite 9753a4
QToolBar QToolButton:checked:hover,
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SchematicBottomFrame QToolBar QToolButton:checked:hover,
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
#XSheetToolbar #XSheetToolbarLevelButton:checked:hover {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #404040;
Kite 9753a4
  border-color: #222222;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#TopBar #EditToolLockButton::indicator:disabled,
Kite 9753a4
QToolBar QToolButton:disabled,
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SchematicBottomFrame QToolBar QToolButton:disabled,
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
#XSheetToolbar #XSheetToolbarLevelButton:disabled {
Kite 9753a4
  color: #808080;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
PaletteViewer QToolBar QToolButton {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: none;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  border-radius: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
PaletteViewer QToolBar QToolButton:hover {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #6e6e6e;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
PaletteViewer QToolBar QToolButton:pressed {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Component: Group Boxes
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QGroupBox {
Kite 9753a4
  border: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
  border-radius: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Component: Icons
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#EditToolLockButton::indicator {
Kite 9753a4
  height: 16px;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 1px;
Kite 9753a4
  width: 16px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#EditToolLockButton::indicator:unchecked {
Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/cam_unlock.svg');
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#EditToolLockButton::indicator:checked {
Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/cam_lock.svg');
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ForceSquaredPixelButton {
Kite 9753a4
  height: 16px;
Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/fsp_unchecked.svg');
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 1px;
Kite 9753a4
  width: 16px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ForceSquaredPixelButton:checked {
Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/fsp_checked.svg');
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Component: Tabs
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FxSettingsTabBar {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: transparent;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-BottomAboveLineColor: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-BottomBelowLineColor: #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#PaletteTabBar::tab {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
  border-right: 1px solid #242424;
Kite 9753a4
  color: #999999;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0 0 1px 0;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 3px 4px 3px 4px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#PaletteTabBar::tab:hover {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #505050;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#PaletteTabBar::tab:selected {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  color: #f2f2f2;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 1px 4px 2px 4px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#PaletteTabBar::tab:only-one {
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 3px 4px 4px 4px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FxSettingsTabBar::tab {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
  border-top: 1px solid #242424;
Kite 9753a4
  border-right: 1px solid #242424;
Kite 9753a4
  border-left: 1px solid #242424;
Kite 9753a4
  color: #999999;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 3px -1px 1px 0;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 2px 7px 1px 7px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FxSettingsTabBar::tab:selected {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  border-top-right-radius: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
  border-top-left-radius: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
  color: #f2f2f2;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 1px -1px 0 0;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 2px 7px 2px 7px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FxSettingsTabBar::tab:only-one {
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 1px 0 0 0;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 3px 7px 3px 7px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FxSettingsTabBar::tab:last {
Kite 9753a4
  margin-right: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  border-top-right-radius: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FxSettingsTabBar::tab:first {
Kite 9753a4
  border-top-left-radius: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Component: Treeviews / Branch
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SceneCast QTreeView,
Kite 9753a4
#StudioPalette QTreeView,
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
ProjectPopup QTreeView,
Kite 9753a4
#Tasks QTreeView,
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionEditorTree {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  alternate-background-color: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  outline: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SceneCast QTreeView::item,
Kite 9753a4
#StudioPalette QTreeView::item,
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
ProjectPopup QTreeView::item,
Kite 9753a4
#Tasks QTreeView::item {
Kite 9753a4
  color: #cccccc;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SceneCast QTreeView::item:selected,
Kite 9753a4
#StudioPalette QTreeView::item:selected,
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
ProjectPopup QTreeView::item:selected,
Kite 9753a4
#Tasks QTreeView::item:selected {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #5483a6;
Kite 9753a4
  color: #ffffff;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SceneCast QTreeView::item:focus,
Kite 9753a4
#StudioPalette QTreeView::item:focus,
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
ProjectPopup QTreeView::item:focus,
Kite 9753a4
#Tasks QTreeView::item:focus {
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  outline: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SceneCast QTreeView::branch:adjoins-item,
Kite 9753a4
#StudioPalette QTreeView::branch:adjoins-item,
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#Tasks QTreeView::branch:adjoins-item,
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionEditorTree::branch:adjoins-item {
Kite 9753a4
  border-image: url('imgs/white/tree17_branch-end.svg') 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SceneCast QTreeView::branch:has-siblings,
Kite 9753a4
#StudioPalette QTreeView::branch:has-siblings,
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#Tasks QTreeView::branch:has-siblings,
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionEditorTree::branch:has-siblings {
Kite 9753a4
  border-image: url('imgs/white/tree17_vline.svg') 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SceneCast QTreeView::branch:has-siblings:adjoins-item,
Kite 9753a4
#StudioPalette QTreeView::branch:has-siblings:adjoins-item,
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#Tasks QTreeView::branch:has-siblings:adjoins-item,
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionEditorTree::branch:has-siblings:adjoins-item {
Kite 9753a4
  border-image: url('imgs/white/tree17_branch-more.svg') 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SceneCast QTreeView::branch:has-children:closed,
Kite 9753a4
#StudioPalette QTreeView::branch:has-children:closed,
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#Tasks QTreeView::branch:has-children:closed,
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionEditorTree::branch:has-children:closed {
Kite 9753a4
  background: url('imgs/white/tree17_branch-closed_nosib.svg') no-repeat;
Kite 9753a4
  border-image: none;
Kite 9753a4
  image: none;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SceneCast QTreeView::branch:has-children:open,
Kite 9753a4
#StudioPalette QTreeView::branch:has-children:open,
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#Tasks QTreeView::branch:has-children:open,
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionEditorTree::branch:has-children:open {
Kite 9753a4
  background: url('imgs/white/tree17_branch-open_nosib.svg') no-repeat;
Kite 9753a4
  border-image: none;
Kite 9753a4
  image: none;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SceneCast QTreeView::branch:has-children:has-siblings:closed,
Kite 9753a4
#StudioPalette QTreeView::branch:has-children:has-siblings:closed,
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#Tasks QTreeView::branch:has-children:has-siblings:closed,
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionEditorTree::branch:has-children:has-siblings:closed {
Kite 9753a4
  background: url('imgs/white/tree17_branch-closed.svg') no-repeat;
Kite 9753a4
  border-image: none;
Kite 9753a4
  image: none;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SceneCast QTreeView::branch:has-children:has-siblings:open,
Kite 9753a4
#StudioPalette QTreeView::branch:has-children:has-siblings:open,
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#Tasks QTreeView::branch:has-children:has-siblings:open,
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionEditorTree::branch:has-children:has-siblings:open {
Kite 9753a4
  background: url('imgs/white/tree17_branch-open.svg') no-repeat;
Kite 9753a4
  border-image: none;
Kite 9753a4
  image: none;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
ProjectPopup QTreeView::branch:adjoins-item {
Kite 9753a4
  border-image: url('imgs/white/tree22_branch-end.svg') 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
ProjectPopup QTreeView::branch:has-siblings {
Kite 9753a4
  border-image: url('imgs/white/tree22_vline.svg') 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
ProjectPopup QTreeView::branch:has-siblings:adjoins-item {
Kite 9753a4
  border-image: url('imgs/white/tree22_branch-more.svg') 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
ProjectPopup QTreeView::branch:has-children:closed {
Kite 9753a4
  background: url('imgs/white/tree22_branch-closed_nosib.svg') no-repeat;
Kite 9753a4
  border-image: none;
Kite 9753a4
  image: none;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
ProjectPopup QTreeView::branch:has-children:open {
Kite 9753a4
  background: url('imgs/white/tree22_branch-open_nosib.svg') no-repeat;
Kite 9753a4
  border-image: none;
Kite 9753a4
  image: none;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
ProjectPopup QTreeView::branch:has-children:has-siblings:closed {
Kite 9753a4
  background: url('imgs/white/tree22_branch-closed.svg') no-repeat;
Kite 9753a4
  border-image: none;
Kite 9753a4
  image: none;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
ProjectPopup QTreeView::branch:has-children:has-siblings:open {
Kite 9753a4
  background: url('imgs/white/tree22_branch-open.svg') no-repeat;
Kite 9753a4
  border-image: none;
Kite 9753a4
  image: none;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
QWidget {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  color: #cccccc;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QWidget:disabled {
Kite 9753a4
  color: #808080;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QFrame {
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#helpToolTip {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #ffffe1;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 1px solid #000;
Kite 9753a4
  color: #000;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 1px 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Dock Separator
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
TPanel {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #222222;
Kite 9753a4
  height: 4px;
Kite 9753a4
  width: 4px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#TDockPlaceholder {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #ed6969;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   TopBar / QMenuBar
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#TopBar {
Kite 9753a4
  background: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  border-bottom: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
  height: 21px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#TopBar #EditToolLockButton {
Kite 9753a4
  spacing: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#TopBar #EditToolLockButton::indicator {
Kite 9753a4
  height: 17px;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 1px 2px 0 0;
Kite 9753a4
  padding-left: 1px;
Kite 9753a4
  padding-right: 1px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#TopBarTabContainer {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  margin-bottom: 1px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#StackedMenuBar {
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QMenuBar {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QMenuBar::item {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  border-left: 1px solid #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 3px 5px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QMenuBar::item:selected {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #626262;
Kite 9753a4
  color: #cccccc;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QMenuBar::item:pressed {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #5483a6;
Kite 9753a4
  color: #ffffff;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Room Tabs
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#TopBarTab {
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#TopBarTab::tab {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
  border-top: 1px solid #242424;
Kite 9753a4
  border-right: 1px solid #242424;
Kite 9753a4
  color: #999999;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0 0 0 0;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 2px 10px 3px 10px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#TopBarTab::tab:hover {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #555555;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#TopBarTab::tab:selected {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #222222;
Kite 9753a4
  color: #d9d9d9;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#TopBarTab::tab:first {
Kite 9753a4
  border-left: 1px solid #242424;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#TopBarTab::tab:last {
Kite 9753a4
  border-right: 1px solid #242424;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   QMenu (Context Menu)
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
QMenu {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 2px 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QMenu::item {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QMenu::item:selected {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QMenu::item:checked {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QMenu::item:checked:selected {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
  color: #ffffff;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QMenu::item:disabled {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QMenu::item:disabled:selected {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QMenu::separator {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QMenu::icon {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QMenu::icon:checked {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #5483a6;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QMenu::indicator {
Kite 9753a4
  margin-left: 7px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Title Bars (Global)
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
TPanelTitleBar {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Scroll Bars (Global)
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
QAbstractScrollArea::corner {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar:vertical {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::handle {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::handle:vertical:hover {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::handle:vertical:pressed {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::handle:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::handle:vertical {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::add-line {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::add-line:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::add-line:horizontal:pressed {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::add-line:vertical {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::add-line:vertical:pressed {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::sub-line {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::sub-line:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::sub-line:horizontal:pressed {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::sub-line:vertical:pressed {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::up-arrow:vertical {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::down-arrow:vertical {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::left-arrow:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::right-arrow:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QScrollBar::add-page:vertical {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Tool Bars (Global)
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
QToolBar {
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QToolBar::separator:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QToolBar::separator:vertical {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QToolBar QToolButton::menu-indicator {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QToolBar QToolButton::menu-button {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QToolBar QLabel {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QToolBar QToolBar {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
DvScrollWidget QPushButton {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
DvScrollWidget QPushButton:hover {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #626262;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
DvScrollWidget QPushButton:pressed {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #2f2f2f;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ScrollDownButton {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
  padding: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ScrollDownButton:hover {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #626262;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ScrollDownButton:pressed {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ScrollLeftButton {
Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/scroll-left.svg');
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ScrollRightButton {
Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/scroll-right.svg');
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ScrollUpButton {
Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/scroll-up.svg');
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ScrollDownButton {
Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/scroll-down.svg');
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#keyFrameNavigator {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#keyFrameNavigator QToolButton {
Kite 9753a4
  min-width: 18px;
Kite 9753a4
Jeremy Bullock c82a0a
#keyFrameNavigator #PreviousKey {
Jeremy Bullock c82a0a
  image: url('imgs/white/prevkey.png');
Jeremy Bullock c82a0a
Jeremy Bullock c82a0a
#keyFrameNavigator #PreviousKey:disabled {
Jeremy Bullock c82a0a
  image: url('imgs/white/prevkey_disabled.png');
Jeremy Bullock c82a0a
Jeremy Bullock c82a0a
#keyFrameNavigator #NextKey {
Jeremy Bullock c82a0a
  image: url('imgs/white/nextkey.png');
Jeremy Bullock c82a0a
Jeremy Bullock c82a0a
#keyFrameNavigator #NextKey:disabled {
Jeremy Bullock c82a0a
  image: url('imgs/white/nextkey_disabled.png');
Jeremy Bullock c82a0a
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Treeviews (Global)
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
QListView {
Kite 9753a4
  outline: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Tabs (Global)
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#TabBarContainer {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   UI Controls
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QComboBox {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QComboBox:hover {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionSegmentViewerLinkButton:pressed {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionSegmentViewerLinkButton:checked {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionSegmentViewerLinkButton:checked:hover {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #434343;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QComboBox:disabled {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#PushButton_NoPadding {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* Camera Capture */
Kite 9753a4
#GearButton {
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-icon: url('imgs/white/gear.svg');
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SubfolderButton {
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-icon: url('imgs/white/subfolder.svg');
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QComboBox {
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 1px 0 1px 5px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QComboBox::drop-down {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QComboBox::down-arrow {
Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/combo-down.svg');
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QComboBox::down-arrow:disabled {
Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/combo-down-disabled.svg');
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
.QComboBox QAbstractItemView,
Kite 9753a4
QComboBox QAbstractItemView {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#tasksAddBox {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
  padding: 0 0 0 1px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#tasksAddBox:focus {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #343434;
Kite 9753a4
  border-color: #5483a6;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#tasksAddBox:disabled {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
  border-color: #343434;
Kite 9753a4
  color: #808080;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QCheckBox {
Kite 9753a4
  color: #cccccc;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QCheckBox:hover {
Kite 9753a4
  color: #ffffff;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QCheckBox:disabled {
Kite 9753a4
  color: #808080;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QGroupBox::indicator {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
  height: 9px;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 1px;
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QGroupBox::indicator:checked:hover {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #404040;
Kite 9753a4
  border-color: #a1a1a1;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QGroupBox::indicator:checked {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #343434;
Kite 9753a4
  border-color: #272727;
Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/checkmark.svg');
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QGroupBox::indicator:checked:disabled {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/checkmark-disabled.svg');
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QGroupBox::indicator:disabled {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
  border-color: #343434;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#CameraSettingsRadioButton_Small::indicator:unchecked {
Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/radiobutton_unchecked.svg');
Kite 9753a4
  image-position: center center;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#CameraSettingsRadioButton_Small::indicator:checked {
Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/radiobutton_checked.svg');
Kite 9753a4
  image-position: center center;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QGroupBox {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QGroupBox::title {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QGroupBox::title:disabled {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QGroupBox::indicator {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QGroupBox:disabled {
Kite 9753a4
  color: #808080;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QSlider::groove:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: transparent;
Kite 9753a4
  background-image: url('imgs/white/slider_groove.png');
Kite 9753a4
  background-position: center center;
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
  height: 20px;
Kite 9753a4
  min-height: 20px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QSlider::handle:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
  background: #878787;
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
  width: 9px;
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#DoublePairField {
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   File Browser
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
/* Left Pane
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#DirTreeView {
Kite 9753a4
  border: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
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Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#DirTreeView QScrollBar:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
  height: 16px;
Kite 9753a4
  margin-bottom: -1px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* Right Pane
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
DvItemViewerPanel {
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-TextColor: #cccccc;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-AlternateBackground: #434343;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-SelectedTextColor: #ffffff;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-FolderTextColor: #99d5e6;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-SelectedItemBackground: #5483a6;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FileBrowser DvItemViewerPanel,
Kite 9753a4
#SceneCast DvItemViewerPanel {
Kite 9753a4
  background: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FileBrowser #castFrame,
Kite 9753a4
#SceneCast #castFrame {
Kite 9753a4
  border-top: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
  border-right: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
  border-bottom: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FileBrowser #castFrame QScrollBar:vertical,
Kite 9753a4
#SceneCast #castFrame QScrollBar:vertical {
Kite 9753a4
  width: 16px;
Kite 9753a4
  margin-right: -1px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FileBrowser QToolButton,
Kite 9753a4
#SceneCast QToolButton {
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 1px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
DvDirTreeView {
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-TextColor: #cccccc;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-SelectedTextColor: #ffffff;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-SelectedItemBackground: #5483a6;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-FolderTextColor: #99d5e6;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-SelectedFolderTextColor: #ffffff;
Kite 9753a4
  alternate-background-color: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FileDoesNotExistLabel {
Kite 9753a4
  color: #ff0000;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Scene Cast
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#SceneCast QToolBar {
Kite 9753a4
  border-top: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SceneCast QToolButton {
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 3px 1px 2px 1px;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 1px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#CastBrowser {
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Film Strip
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#FilmStrip QComboBox {
Kite 9753a4
  border-radius: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  border-width: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FilmStrip QComboBox QAbstractItemView {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Cleanup Settings
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#CleanupSettings #CleanupSettingsFrame {
Kite 9753a4
  margin-top: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
  margin-bottom: 4px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#CleanupSettings QGroupBox {
Kite 9753a4
  margin-bottom: 3px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
ParamsPage {
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-TextColor: #cccccc;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Camera Settings
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#CameraSettingsButton {
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#CameraSettingsRadioButton:hover {
Kite 9753a4
  background: none;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#CameraSettingsDPI {
Kite 9753a4
  color: #99d5e6;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#CameraSettingsRadioButton_Small {
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#CameraSettingsRadioButton_Small::indicator {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: transparent;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  height: 21px;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  width: 11px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ForceSquaredPixelButton {
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  background: none;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Output Settings
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#OutputSettingsLabel {
Kite 9753a4
  color: #99d5e6;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
PencilTestPopup {
Kite 9753a4
  /* Allow for using a 768 screen */
Kite 9753a4
  min-height: 730px;
Kite 9753a4
  /* some clipping will still occur on width, but this
Kite 9753a4
     allows for filling half of a 1024 screen */
Kite 9753a4
  min-width: 512px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#MatchLineButton {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #6e6e6e;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#MatchLineButton::pressed {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #949494;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#LargeSizedText {
Kite 9753a4
  font-size: 17px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#StartupLabel {
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 3px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#StartupLabel:hover {
Kite 9753a4
  background: #626262;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QStatusBar {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #c0c0c0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QStatusBar::item {
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QStatusBar QLabel {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #c0c0c0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QStatusBar #StatusBarLabel {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #ffffff;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 1px 3px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#TitleTxtLabel {
Kite 9753a4
  color: #99d5e6;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Style Editor
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#StyleEditor QPushButton {
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 2px 1px;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#StyleEditor #TabBarContainer {
Kite 9753a4
  margin-left: -4px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#StyleEditor #bottomWidget {
Kite 9753a4
  border-top: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 3px 2px 8px 3px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#StyleEditor #bottomWidget QPushButton {
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 3px 5px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#HexagonalColorWheel {
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-BGColor: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
/* Horizontal QSlider */
Kite 9753a4
#colorSlider::groove:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
  height: 1px;
Kite 9753a4
  border-image: none;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#colorSlider::handle:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
  width: 8px;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: -8px -4px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#colorSliderSubButton {
Kite 9753a4
  background: none;
Kite 9753a4
  border-color: transparent;
Kite 9753a4
  image-position: center center;
Kite 9753a4
  min-height: 16px;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  min-width: 18px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#colorSliderAddButton {
Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/scroll-right.svg');
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#colorSliderSubButton {
Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/scroll-left.svg');
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#PlainColorPageParts {
Kite 9753a4
  border-top: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#PlainColorPageParts QLineEdit {
Kite 9753a4
  max-width: 35px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Palette Viewer / Studio Palette
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
PaletteViewer DvScrollWidget QPushButton {
Kite 9753a4
  border-top: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  margin-bottom: 1px;
Kite 9753a4
  max-width: 15px;
Kite 9753a4
  min-width: 15px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
PaletteViewer DvScrollWidget #ScrollLeftButton {
Kite 9753a4
  border-right: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
  border-left: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
  max-width: 15px;
Kite 9753a4
  min-width: 15px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
PaletteViewer DvScrollWidget #ScrollRightButton {
Kite 9753a4
  border-right: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  margin-left: 1px;
Kite 9753a4
  max-width: 15px;
Kite 9753a4
  min-width: 15px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
PaletteViewer QToolBar {
Kite 9753a4
  background: none;
Kite 9753a4
  border-bottom: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
PaletteViewer QToolBar::separator:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
PaletteViewer QToolBar QToolButton {
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0 0 1px 0;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 1px 1px 2px 1px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#PageViewer {
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-TextColor: #cccccc;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#PaletteLockButton {
Kite 9753a4
  border-radius: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0 0 1px 1px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#PaletteLockButton:hover {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #ed6969;
Kite 9753a4
  border-color: #ed6969;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#PaletteLockButton:checked {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #ed6969;
Kite 9753a4
  border-color: #ed6969;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#PaletteLockButton:checked:hover {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #f29797;
Kite 9753a4
  border-color: #f29797;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Quick Renamer
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#WordButton {
Kite 9753a4
  padding-right: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  padding-left: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Popup Windows
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
QDialog {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QDialog #dialogButtonFrame {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  border-top: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
QDialog #dialogButtonFrame QPushButton {
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 3px 15px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Scene Settings
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#SceneSettings QLabel {
Kite 9753a4
  color: #99d5e6;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#PreferencesPopup QListWidget {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
  alternate-background-color: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
  font-size: 13px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#PreferencesPopup QListWidget::item {
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 3px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#PreferencesPopup QListWidget::item:hover {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #626262;
Kite 9753a4
  color: #cccccc;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#PreferencesPopup QListWidget::item:selected {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #5483a6;
Kite 9753a4
  color: #ffffff;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Keyboard Shortcuts
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#ShortcutTree {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
  alternate-background-color: #434343;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ShortcutTree::item {
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 1px 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ShortcutTree QScrollBar:vertical {
Kite 9753a4
  width: 16px;
Kite 9753a4
  margin-right: -1px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   New Project / Configure Project Window
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
ProjectPopup QLabel {
Kite 9753a4
  color: #99d5e6;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Schematic Node Viewer
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#SchematicBottomFrame {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SchematicBottomFrame QToolBar::separator:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SchematicBottomFrame QToolBar QToolButton {
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#SchematicSceneViewer {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
  border-bottom: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   FX Settings
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
FxSettings QToolBar {
Kite 9753a4
  border-top: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
  border-right: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
  border-left: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
  min-height: 23px;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 3px 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
FxSettings QToolBar QToolBar {
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FxSettingsLabel {
Kite 9753a4
  color: #a0e680;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FxSettingsHelpButton {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #80a0dc;
Kite 9753a4
  color: #000;
Kite 9753a4
  padding-top: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  padding-bottom: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FxSettingsHelpButton:hover {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #a8bee7;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Script Console
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#ScriptConsole {
Kite 9753a4
  font-family: 'Courier New', monospace;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  color: #000;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 3px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ScriptConsole QFrame {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #dcdcdc;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ScriptConsole TPanelTitleBar {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Task Viewer
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#TaskSheetItemLabel {
Kite 9753a4
  color: #cccccc;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#Tasks QToolBar {
Kite 9753a4
  border-bottom: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#Tasks QToolBar QToolButton {
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 2px 2px 3px 2px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#Tasks QTreeView {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Tool Bar
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#ToolBar TPanelTitleBar {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  background-image: url('imgs/white/title_grip_horizontal.svg');
Kite 9753a4
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  height: 17px;
Kite 9753a4
  max-height: 17px;
Kite 9753a4
  min-height: 17px;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-BorderPixmap: url('none');
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-ActiveBorderPixmap: url('none');
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-FloatBorderPixmap: url('imgs/white/titlebar_float.png');
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-FloatActiveBorderPixmap: url('imgs/white/titlebar_float.png');
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ToolBar QToolBar {
Kite 9753a4
  padding-left: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Tool Options
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#ToolOptions TPanelTitleBar {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  background-image: url('imgs/white/title_grip_vertical.svg');
Kite 9753a4
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  width: 17px;
Kite 9753a4
  min-width: 17px;
Kite 9753a4
  max-width: 17px;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-BorderPixmap: url('none');
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-ActiveBorderPixmap: url('none');
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-FloatBorderPixmap: url('imgs/white/titlebar_float.png');
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-FloatActiveBorderPixmap: url('imgs/white/titlebar_float.png');
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
IconViewField {
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-ScalePegPixmap: url("imgs/white/selectiontool_scalepeg.svg");
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-RotationPixmap: url("imgs/white/selectiontool_rotation.svg");
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-PositionPixmap: url("imgs/white/selectiontool_position.svg");
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-ThicknessPixmap: url("imgs/white/selectiontool_thickness.svg");
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#EditToolLockButton {
Kite 9753a4
  spacing: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#EditToolLockButton:hover {
Kite 9753a4
  background: none;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
PopupButton::menu-indicator {
Kite 9753a4
  border-left: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  height: 17px;
Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/combo_down_arrow.png');
Kite 9753a4
  width: 10px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
PopupButton::menu-indicator:disabled {
Kite 9753a4
  image: url('imgs/white/combo_down_arrow-disabled.png');
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#Join {
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 0 4px 0 -8px;
Kite 9753a4
  max-width: 32px;
Kite 9753a4
  min-width: 32px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#Cap QMenu,
Kite 9753a4
#Join QMenu {
Kite 9753a4
  max-width: 28px;
Kite 9753a4
  min-width: 28px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#Cap QMenu::item,
Kite 9753a4
#Join QMenu::item {
Kite 9753a4
  max-width: 28px;
Kite 9753a4
  min-width: 28px;
Kite 9753a4
  padding: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
#XSheetToolbar {
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  margin: 0;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  padding: 0;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  border: 0;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
#XSheetToolbar::separator:horizontal {
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  margin-right: 3;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  margin-left: 3;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
#XSheetToolbar #XSheetToolbarLevelButton {
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  padding: 2;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
shun_iwasawa 4a5f42
QToolBar#MediumPaddingToolBar QToolButton {
shun_iwasawa 4a5f42
  padding-left: 3;
shun_iwasawa 4a5f42
  padding-right: 3;
shun_iwasawa 4a5f42
shun_iwasawa 4a5f42
QToolBar#WidePaddingToolBar QToolButton {
shun_iwasawa 4a5f42
  padding-left: 6;
shun_iwasawa 4a5f42
  padding-right: 6;
shun_iwasawa 4a5f42
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   ComboViewer / Viewer / FlipBook
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#ComboViewerPanel Toolbar {
Kite 9753a4
  border-bottom: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ComboViewerPanel Toolbar::separator:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0 0 0 2px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ComboViewerPanel Toolbar QToolButton {
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 2px 0 3px 2px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ComboViewerToolOptions {
Kite 9753a4
  border-bottom: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ComboViewer #ToolBarContainer,
Kite 9753a4
#ViewerPanel #ToolBarContainer,
Kite 9753a4
FlipBook #ToolBarContainer {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: transparent;
Kite 9753a4
  border-top: 2px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
  border-bottom: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
  padding-right: -1px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ComboViewer #ToolBarContainer QLineEdit,
Kite 9753a4
#ViewerPanel #ToolBarContainer QLineEdit,
Kite 9753a4
FlipBook #ToolBarContainer QLineEdit {
Kite 9753a4
  border-color: #292929;
Kite 9753a4
  border-top-right-radius: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  height: 16px;
Kite 9753a4
shun_iwasawa 4a5f42
QToolBar#FlipConsolePlayToolBar::separator:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0 2px;
Kite 9753a4
shun_iwasawa 4a5f42
QToolBar#FlipConsolePlayToolBar QToolButton {
Kite 9753a4
  margin-top: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
  margin-bottom: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
  height: 16px;
shun_iwasawa 4a5f42
  padding-left: 6px;
shun_iwasawa 4a5f42
  padding-right: 6px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ViewerFpsSlider {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: transparent;
Kite 9753a4
  background-image: url('imgs/white/slider_groove.png');
Kite 9753a4
  background-position: center center;
Kite 9753a4
  background-repeat: repeat-x;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  height: 19px;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0 3px 0 31px;
Kite 9753a4
  max-width: 450px;
Kite 9753a4
  min-width: 0px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ViewerFpsSlider::sub-line:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
  subcontrol-origin: absolute;
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #626262;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 1px solid #343434;
Kite 9753a4
  height: 16px;
Kite 9753a4
  left: -33px;
Kite 9753a4
  padding-left: 1px;
Kite 9753a4
  width: 14px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ViewerFpsSlider::sub-line:horizontal:pressed {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #2f2f2f;
Kite 9753a4
  border-color: #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ViewerFpsSlider::add-line:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
  subcontrol-position: left;
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #626262;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 1px solid #343434;
Kite 9753a4
  border-top-right-radius: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
  border-bottom-right-radius: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
  left: 13px;
Kite 9753a4
  height: 16px;
Kite 9753a4
  image-position: center center;
Kite 9753a4
  width: 13px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ViewerFpsSlider::add-line:horizontal:pressed {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #2f2f2f;
Kite 9753a4
  border-color: #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ViewerFpsSlider::handle::horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #878787;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
  border-radius: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 2px 0 3px 0;
Kite 9753a4
  min-width: 9px;
Kite 9753a4
  width: 9px;
Kite 9753a4
  max-width: 9px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
FlipSlider {
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-PBHeight: 15;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-PBOverlay: url('imgs/white/flipslider.svg');
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-PBMarker: url('imgs/white/flipmarker.svg');
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-PBColorMarginLeft: 1;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-PBColorMarginTop: 2;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-PBColorMarginRight: 1;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-PBColorMarginBottom: 2;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-PBMarkerMarginLeft: 3;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-PBMarkerMarginRight: 3;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-notStartedColor: #CC2222;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-startedColor: #00ff00;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-baseColor: #404040;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Ruler {
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-ParentBGColor: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-ScaleColor: #cccccc;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#RulerToolOptionValues {
Kite 9753a4
  color: #000000;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   XSheet Viewer
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
/* ScrollAreas (Row, Column and Cell)
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ScrollArea {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#xsheetScrollArea {
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* xsheetColumnHeader (Context Menus)
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#xsheetColumnAreaMenu_Preview {
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  background-color: #E6E678;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#xsheetColumnAreaMenu_Lock {
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  background-color: #F5F5F5;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#xsheetColumnAreaMenu_Camstand {
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  background-color: #FFA480;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#xsheetColumnAreaMenu_Camstand {
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  color: #000;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#noteTextEdit {
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  color: #000;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* XSheet Spreadsheet
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
XsheetViewer {
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-TextColor: #cccccc;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-BGColor: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-LightLineColor: #2c2c2c;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-MarkerLineColor: #1E96C4;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-VerticalLineColor: #222222;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-VerticalLineHeadColor: #808080;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-PreviewFrameTextColor: #96E6E6;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-CurrentRowBgColor: #506082;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-EmptyColumnHeadColor: #606060;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-SelectedColumnTextColor: #E66464;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-EmptyCellColor: #404040;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-NotEmptyColumnColor: #484848;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-SelectedEmptyCellColor: #6C6C6C;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-LevelColumnColor: #4C6E4C;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-LevelColumnBorderColor: #8FB38F;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-SelectedLevelColumnColor: #6B8C6B;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-VectorColumnColor: #7B7B4C;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-VectorColumnBorderColor: #BBBB9A;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-SelectedVectorColumnColor: #8C8C60;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-ChildColumnColor: #6A526B;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-ChildColumnBorderColor: #B1A3B3;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-SelectedChildColumnColor: #7A617A;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-FullcolorColumnColor: #657A96;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-FullcolorColumnBorderColor: #9EB8BB;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-SelectedFullcolorColumnColor: #8896A7;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-FxColumnColor: #56553C;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-FxColumnBorderColor: #95958A;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-SelectedFxColumnColor: #6A6D5A;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-ReferenceColumnColor: #616161;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-ReferenceColumnBorderColor: #A2A2A2;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-SelectedReferenceColumnColor: #828282;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-PaletteColumnColor: #3A655F;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-PaletteColumnBorderColor: #86ACA7;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-SelectedPaletteColumnColor: #5F8581;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-MeshColumnColor: #684D86;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-MeshColumnBorderColor: #BA92EF;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-SelectedMeshColumnColor: #8A75A2;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-SoundColumnColor: #657456;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-SoundColumnBorderColor: #A0AF7D;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-SelectedSoundColumnColor: #7F956A;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-SoundColumnHlColor: #34FE5E;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-SoundColumnTrackColor: #B6C29D;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-ColumnHeadPastelizer: #000;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-SelectedColumnHead: #506082;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-LightLightBGColor: #404040;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-LightBGColor: #F0F0F0;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-DarkBGColor: #E1E1E1;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-DarkLineColor: #969696;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   Function Editor
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionEditor QToolBar {
Kite 9753a4
  border-bottom: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionEditor QToolBar QToolBar {
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionEditor QToolBar QLabel {
Kite 9753a4
  margin-left: 5px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionEditor QToolBar QToolButton {
Kite 9753a4
  height: 18px;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionEditorTree {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
  alternate-background-color: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
  border-top: 1px solid #2c2c2c;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
/* Function Editor Spreadsheet
Kite 9753a4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Kite 9753a4
FunctionTreeView {
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-TextColor: #cccccc;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-CurrentTextColor: #E66464;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
FunctionPanel {
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-BGColor: #3b3b3b;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-ValueLineColor: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-FrameLineColor: #606060;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-OtherCurvesColor: #888888;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-RulerBackground: #333333;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-TextColor: #cccccc;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-SubColor: #000;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-SelectedColor: #FFA500;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
SpreadsheetViewer {
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-LightLightBGColor: #404040;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-CurrentRowBgColor: #506082;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-LightLineColor: #2c2c2c;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-MarkerLineColor: #1E96C4;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-BGColor: #484848;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-VerticalLineColor: #222222;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-KeyFrameColor: #995d1d;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-KeyFrameBorderColor: #c9b04b;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-SelectedKeyFrameColor: #978056;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-InBetweenColor: #666250;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-InBetweenBorderColor: #cdcec8;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-SelectedInBetweenColor: #7e8079;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-SelectedEmptyColor: #6C6C6C;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-SelectedSceneRangeEmptyColor: #757575;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-TextColor: #cccccc;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-ColumnHeaderBorderColor: #808080;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  qproperty-SelectedColumnTextColor: #E66464;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#ExpressionField {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: #e6e6e6;
Jeremy Bullock 15fcba
  border: 1px solid #333;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionSegmentViewerLinkButton {
Kite 9753a4
  background-image: url('imgs/white/segment_unlinked.svg');
Kite 9753a4
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionSegmentViewerLinkButton:hover {
Kite 9753a4
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionSegmentViewerLinkButton:checked {
Kite 9753a4
  background-image: url('imgs/white/segment_linked.svg');
Kite 9753a4
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
Kite 9753a4
Kite 9753a4
#FunctionSegmentViewerLinkButton:disabled {
Kite 9753a4
  background-image: url('imgs/white/segment_disabled.svg');
Kite 9753a4
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
Kite 9753a4