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/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kite 9753a4
   ComboViewer / Viewer / FlipBook
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
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#ComboViewerPanel {
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  & Toolbar {
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    border-bottom: 1px solid @accent1; // Accent line against viewport
Kite 9753a4
    &::separator:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
      // Workaround for first tool button (#W001)
Kite 9753a4
      margin: 0 0 0 2px;
Kite 9753a4
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    & QToolButton {
Kite 9753a4
      // (#W001) Make sure the first tool button has enough space on the left
Kite 9753a4
      margin: 2px 0 3px 2px;
Kite 9753a4
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#ComboViewerToolOptions {
Kite 9753a4
  border-bottom: 1px solid @accent1; // Accent line against viewport/ToolBar
Kite 9753a4
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FlipBook {
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Kite 9753a4
  // BUG 01:
Kite 9753a4
  // 2px width is required for the border-top property to work.
Kite 9753a4
  // There is a hard-coded GRAY line that is persistent no matter what.
Kite 9753a4
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  // BUG 02:
Kite 9753a4
  // When opening a new ComboViewer panel from the Windows menu...
Kite 9753a4
  // The border-top property will not be shown until the app has been
Kite 9753a4
  // restarted, or the theme reloaded.
Kite 9753a4
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  // If these BUGS have been fixed then consider if the border-top
Kite 9753a4
  // property below requires adjustment, to 1px for example.
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  & #ToolBarContainer {
Kite 9753a4
    background-color: transparent;
Kite 9753a4
    border-top: 2px solid @accent1;
Kite 9753a4
    border-bottom: 1px solid @accent1;
Kite 9753a4
    // Hides right border on #ScrollRightButton when
Kite 9753a4
    // FPS Slider is hidden
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    padding-right: -1px;
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    & QLineEdit {
Kite 9753a4
      border-color: @fps-input-border-color;
Kite 9753a4
      border-top-right-radius: 0;
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      border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
Kite 9753a4
      height: 16px;
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shun_iwasawa 4a5f42
QToolBar#FlipConsolePlayToolBar {
Kite 9753a4
  &::separator:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
    margin: 0 2px;
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  & QToolButton {
Kite 9753a4
    margin-top: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
    margin-bottom: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
    height: 16px;
shun_iwasawa 4a5f42
    padding-left: 6px;
shun_iwasawa 4a5f42
    padding-right: 6px;
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#ViewerFpsSlider {
Kite 9753a4
  background-color: transparent;
Kite 9753a4
  background-image: url('@{img-url}/slider_groove.png');
Kite 9753a4
  background-position: center center;
Kite 9753a4
  background-repeat: repeat-x;
Kite 9753a4
  border: 0;
Kite 9753a4
  height: 19px;
Kite 9753a4
  margin: 0 3px 0 31px;
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  max-width: 450px;
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  min-width: 0px;
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  &::sub-line:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
    subcontrol-origin: absolute;
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    background-color: @button-bg-color;
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    border: 1px solid @button-border-color;
Kite 9753a4
    height: 16px;
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    left: -33px;
Kite 9753a4
    padding-left: 1px;
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    width: 14px;
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    &:pressed {
Kite 9753a4
      background-color: @button-bg-color-pressed;
Kite 9753a4
      border-color: @accent1;
Kite 9753a4
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  &::add-line:horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
    subcontrol-position: left;
Kite 9753a4
    background-color: @button-bg-color;
Kite 9753a4
    border: 1px solid @button-border-color;
Kite 9753a4
    border-top-right-radius: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
    border-bottom-right-radius: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
    left: 13px;
Kite 9753a4
    height: 16px;
Kite 9753a4
    image-position: center center;
Kite 9753a4
    width: 13px;
Kite 9753a4
    &:pressed {
Kite 9753a4
      background-color: @button-bg-color-pressed;
Kite 9753a4
      border-color: @accent1;
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  &::handle {
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    &::horizontal {
Kite 9753a4
      @size: 9px;
Kite 9753a4
      background-color: @slider-handle-bg-color;
Kite 9753a4
      border: 1px solid @slider-handle-border-color;
Kite 9753a4
      border-radius: 2px;
Kite 9753a4
      margin: 2px 0 3px 0;
Kite 9753a4
      min-width: @size;
Kite 9753a4
      width: @size;
Kite 9753a4
      max-width: @size;
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FlipSlider {
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  qproperty-PBHeight: 15;
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  qproperty-PBOverlay: url('@{img-url}/@{flipslider-img}');
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  qproperty-PBMarker: url('@{img-url}/@{flipmarker-img}');
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  qproperty-PBColorMarginLeft: 1;
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  qproperty-PBColorMarginTop: 2;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-PBColorMarginRight: 1;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-PBColorMarginBottom: 2;
Kite 9753a4
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  qproperty-PBMarkerMarginLeft: 3;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-PBMarkerMarginRight: 3;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-notStartedColor: @flipslider-notstarted-color;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-startedColor: @flipslider-started-color;
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-baseColor: @flipslider-base-color;
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Ruler {
Kite 9753a4
  qproperty-ParentBGColor: @viewer-ruler-bg-color;
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  qproperty-ScaleColor: @viewer-ruler-scale-color;
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#RulerToolOptionValues {
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  color: @viewer-ruler-ToolOptionValues-color;
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