manongjohn d9b24b
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
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Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
      <title>PN PerspectiveFx Iwa</title>
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd

PN PerspectiveFx Iwa

Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
manongjohn 5d1508

● Overview

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This effect generates a deep Perlin noise pattern on a horizontal plane.
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In addition to the normal noise pattern, there is a mode for outputting as an offset reference image
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for the WarpHVIno effect, and a mode for outputting the Fresnel reflection intensity of the water surface
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as seen from the camera, when the noise pattern is the water surface wave height.
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
manongjohn 5d1508

● Parameters

Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
    manongjohn d9b24b
  • Mode : Specify drawing mode. There is a choice of the 4 following modes:
  • Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
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    • Noise : Draws a Perlin noise pattern. The noise value is calculated for each sampling
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      	point obtained by dividing 1 pixel into 100.
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    • Noise (no resampled) : Draws a Perlin noise pattern. Subpixel processing is not performed
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      	and results are obtained at high speed, but the noise pattern near the horizon is irregular.
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    • Warp HV offset : When the noise pattern is set to the level of the water surface, the red
    • manongjohn d9b24b
      	or green channel is drawn to show how much the light reflected by the water surface is in the
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      	horizontal or vertical direction.
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      	By connecting to the WarpHVIno effect's "Hori" and "Vert" ports, you can reproduce the distortion of
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      	the reflected water surface. You can adjust the shade of the pattern with the "Wave Height" parameter
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      	described below.
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      	*Since the WarpHVIno effect port refers by default to the Red channel for both "Hori" and "Vert", channel
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      	conversion is required on the "Vert" port side, using Channel Selector effect.
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    • Fresnel reflectivity : When the noise pattern is high or low on the water surface, the Fresnel
    • manongjohn d9b24b
      	reflection intensity of the water surface as seen from the camera is output in shades. The reflected
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      	intensity at the bottom of the camera frame is normalized and displayed as 0 brightness. You can adjust
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      	the shade of the pattern with the "Wave Height" parameter described below.
      Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
      Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
      manongjohn d9b24b
    • Size : Specify the size of the main random pattern.
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    • Evolution : Specify the expansion of the main random pattern.
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    • Octaves : Specify how many levels of random pattern to synthesize.
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    • Offset : Specify the offset position of the first random pattern.
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      The right direction of the camera is positive on the X axis, and the back direction of the camera is positive on
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      the Y axis.
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    • p_Intensity : Specify the pattern intensity ratio, between the current generation and the next
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    • p_Size : OSpecify the pattern size ratio, between the current generation and the next generation.
    • manongjohn d9b24b
    • p_Evolution : Specify the ratio of the pattern evolution period, between the current generation and the next
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    • p_Offset : Specify the pattern offset ratio, between the current generation and the next generation.
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    • Fov : Specify the vertical angle of view of the camera in degrees.
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      When the angle of view is large, the perspective is emphasized (wide angle), and when the angle of view is
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      small, the perspective is compressed (telephoto).
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    • Eye Level : Specify the vanishing point (Horizon line) position of the camera.
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    • Alpha Rendering : Specifies whether the noise intensity value is also stored in the Alpha channel.
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    • Wave Height : When the noise pattern is the height of the water surface, specify the difference in wave
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      height between the maximum and minimum noise positions.
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      Valid only for "Warp HV offset" and "Fresnel reflectivity" modes.
      Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
      Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
      Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
      Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd