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	Toonz Shader Fxs Manual
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 1. Introduction
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Toonz 7.1 allows users to write new Fxs using GLSL (the
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OpenGL Shading Language).
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Shader Fx interfaces are read once at Toonz's startup,
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but the underlying fx algorithm can be modified in
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real time to ease the fx creation process.
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Users reading these notes for the first time may want to
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refer to the official GLSL guide at:
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Up-and-running examples of GLSL (fragment) shader programs
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can be found at the GLSL sanbox gallery, from which some of
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the provided examples are adapted from (requires a
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WebGL-compatible web browser, such as Firefox or Google
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Further examples can be found at the beautiful gallery at:
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 2. Requirements
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The most recent version of your graphics drivers, as well
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as a fairly recent graphics card.
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Specifically, graphics drivers must support OpenGL 2.1,
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Transform Feedback and Pixel Buffers (either as a built-in
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feature or through extensions).
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 3. Limitations
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Shader fxs are rendered on the GPU, meaning that they are
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typically executed in a massively parallel fashion - ie fast.
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However, since most systems only adopt one GPU, only one
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Shader fx is allowed to be rendered at the same time.
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This means that Shader Fxs do not take advantage of multiple
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rendering threads in a Toonz rendering process like common
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CPU-based fxs do.
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Shader Fx are intended to apply a fragment shader on the
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output surface for the fx. In other words, each output pixel
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is processed separately using the supplied fragment shader
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This prevents the implementation of more complex output
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patterns that span multiple pixels at the same time.
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Furthermore, there is no way to specify intermediate buffer
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objects to read or write data to - which is often a common
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need when writing fxs.
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 3. Implementing a Shader Fx
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In order to implement a shader fx it's currently necessary
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to either create or edit the following files:
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  a. <toonz path="" stuff="">/config/current.txt</toonz>
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	This file hosts the associations between fxs and
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	their parameters and the names displayed in the GUI
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	(which are not locale-dependent).
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  b. <toonz path="" stuff="">/profiles/layouts/fxs/fxs.lst</toonz>
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	The list of fxs as displayed in the right-click
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	contextual menus like "Add Fx" or "Insert Fx"
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  c. <toonz path="" stuff="">/profiles/layouts/fxs/<your fx="" name="" shader="">.xml</your></toonz>
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	Parameters tabbing in the Fx Parameters Editor
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  d. <toonz library="" path="">/shaders/<your fx="" name="" shader="">.xml</your></toonz>
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	The Shader Fx interface.
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  e. The actual shader program files
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Please, observe that the paths and names outside brackets
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are mandatory.
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Apart from point (d) and (e) discussed separately, it is best
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to locate existing entries and emulate their behavior.
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You can typically find related entries by searching "Shader"
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in each file.
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 4. The Shader Interface File
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The Shader Fx Interface file at (3.d) is an xml document that
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defines the main properties of the fx.
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  a. Shader program files to be compiled at run-time
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  b. Input ports for the fx
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  c. Parameters
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  d. Restrictions to the class of world/output coordinates
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     transforms handled by the fx
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The file is read once when Toonz starts, so any modification
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will not be recognized until Toonz is restarted.
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The complete recognized file structure is as follows:
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<mainprogram>                       // (4.a) The applied fragment shader</mainprogram>
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    SHADER_myShaderName             // Internal name of the fx (mandatory, a simple app-unique literal id)
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    "programs/myShader.frag"        // The shader program file (3.e), relative to the
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                      // path of the interface file.
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<inputports>                        // (4.b) - Only a *fixed* number of ports allowed</inputports>
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  <inputport>                       // A first port</inputport>
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    "Source"                        // The displayed port name
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  <inputport>                       // Second port</inputport>
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  <portsprogram>                    // (4.a) Vertex shader used to acquire the geometry of</portsprogram>
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    <name>                          // input images. See (5.b).</name>
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      SHADER_myShader_ports         // The unique id for the vertex shader program (mandatory)
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<bboxprogram>                       // (4.a) Vertex shader used to calculate the fx's bbox.</bboxprogram>
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  <name>                            //  See (5.c).</name>
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<handledworldtransforms>            // (4.d) Optional, see (5.a)</handledworldtransforms>
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  isotropic                         // May be either 'any' (default) or 'isotropic'.
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           // Isotropic transforms exclude shears and non-uniform scales.
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<parameters>                        // (4.c)</parameters>
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    float radius                    // Parameter declaration
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    <default>                       // Additional Parameter attributes (can be omitted)</default>
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      10                            // The parameter default
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      0 20                          // The parameter range
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      length                        // The parameter concept type - or, how it is represented
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                          // by the Toonz GUI
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    float angle
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      angle_ui                      // Concepts of type <concept type="">_ui are editable in</concept>
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      <name>                        // camera stand</name>
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        "My Angle"
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<concept>                           // Composite parameter concepts can be formed by 2 or</concept>
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                                    // more parameters
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    "My Polar Coordinates"
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  <parameter>                       // List of involved parameters</parameter>
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4.1. Parameter Declarations
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Parameters are introduced by a declaration typically matching
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the corresponding GLSL variable declaration.
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The complete recognized list of supported parameter types is:
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  bool, float, vec2, int, ivec2, rgb, rgba
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The 'rgb' and 'rgba' types map to GLSL 'vec3' and 'vec4'
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variables respectively, but are displayed with the appropriate
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color editors by Toonz - plus, the range of their components
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automatically maps from [0, 255] in Toonz and the Shader
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Interface file to [0.0, 1.0] in the corresponding shader program
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4.2. Parameter Concepts
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Parameter 'concepts' are additional parameter properties that
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regard the way Toonz represents a certain parameter type.
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For example, a 'float' variable type may either indicate
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an angle, the length of a segment, a percentage value,
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and more.
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Fx writers may want to explicitly specify a parameter concept
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for the following reasons:
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  a. Impose a measure to the parameter (e.g. degrees, inches, %)
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  b. Make the parameter editable in camera-stand
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The complete list of supported parameter concepts is the following:
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  percent            - Displayed with the percentage '%' unit
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  length             - Displayed in length units (inches, mm, cm, etc..)
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luz paz 6454c4
  angle              - Displayed in angular units 'ďż˝'
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  point              - A vec2 displayed in length units
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  radius_ui          - Like length, displaying a radius in camstand. May compose with a point (the center)
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  width_ui           - Like length, displaying a vertical line width. May compose with the line's angle.
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  angle_ui           - Like angle, displaying it in camstand
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  point_ui           - Like point, in camstand
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  xy_ui              - Composes two float types in a point
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  vector_ui          - Composes two float types in an 'arrow'-like vector
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  polar_ui           - Like vector_ui, from a length and an angle
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  size_ui            - Displays a square indicating a size. May compose width and height in a rect.
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  quad_ui            - Composes 4 points in a quadrilateral
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  rect_ui            - Composes width, height, and the optional center point in a rect
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 5. Shader program files
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A shader program file is a simple text file containing the
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actual algorithms of a shader fx.
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In the current implementation of Toonz Shader Fxs, there are
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3 possible shader program files that need to be specified:
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  a. The main fragment shader program, responsible of
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     executing the code that actually renders the fx
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  b. An optional vertex shader program to calculate the 
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     geometries of contents required from input ports
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  c. An optional vertex shader program to calculate the
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     bounding box of the fx output
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 5.a. The 'MainProgram' Fragment Shader
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The main program is in practice a standard GLSL fragment
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shader - however, Toonz will provide it a set of additional
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uniform input variables that must be addressed to correctly
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compute the desired output.
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The complete list of additional variables always supplied
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by Toonz is:
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  uniform mat3    worldToOutput;
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  uniform mat3    outputToWorld;
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These matrix variables describe the affine transforms mapping
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output coordinates to Toonz's world coordinates, and vice-versa.
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They include an additional coordinate as an OpenGL version-portable
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way to perform translations by natural multiplication - transforming
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a point is then done like:
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  vec2 worldPoint = (outputToWorld * vec3(outPoint, 1.0)).xy
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Fx parameters are typically intended in world coordinates,
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and should be adjusted through these transforms - for example,
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a camstand-displayed radius value must be multiplied by the
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'worldToOutput' scale factors in order to get the corresponding
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value in output coordinates.
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World/Output transforms may be restricted to a specific sub-class
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of affine transforms by specifying so in the Shader Interface File.
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Restricting to isotropic transforms may be useful to simplify
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cases where angular values are taken into account, since this
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transforms class preserves angles by allowing only uniform scales,
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rotations and translations. Non-uniform scales and shears are
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later applied by Toonz on the produced fx output if necessary.
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In case input ports have been specified, we also have:
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  uniform sampler2D inputImage[n];
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  uniform mat3      outputToInput[n];
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  uniform mat3      inputToOutput[n];
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The sampler variables correspond to the input content to the
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fx. The matrix variables are the reference transforms from
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output to input variables, and vice-versa.
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Additional uniform variables corresponding to fx parameters
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will also be supplied by Toonz. For example, if a "float radius"
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parameter was specified, a corresponding
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  uniform float radius;
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input variable will be provided to the program.
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WARNING: Toonz requires that *output* colors must be 
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         'premultiplied' - that is, common RGB components
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         (in the range [0, 1]) must be stored multiplied
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         by their alpha component.
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 5.b. The optional 'PortsProgram' Vertex Shader
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The shader program (b) is required in case an fx specifies
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input ports, AND it needs to calculate some input content
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in a different region than the required output.
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It can be neglected otherwise.
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For example, a blur fx requires that input contents outside
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the required output rectangle are 'blurred in' it.
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The 'PortsProgram' vertex shader is a one-shot shader
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run by Toonz on a single dummy vertex - which uses
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OpenGL 3.0's "Transform Feedback" extension to return a
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set of predefined 'varying' output variables
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The complete set of variables supplied by Toonz and required
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in output by the program is:
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  uniform mat3    worldToOutput;
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  uniform mat3    outputToWorld;
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  uniform vec4    outputRect;
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  varying vec4    inputRect[portsCount];
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  varying vec4    worldToInput[portsCount];
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The transforms are intended in the same way as (5.a).
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The outputRect and inputRect[] variables store the
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(left, bottom, right, top) rect components in output
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and input coordinates respectively.
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Parameter input variables are obviously also supplied.
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WARNING: *All* the required output variables must be
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	 declared AND filled with values.
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         There is no recognized default for them, and the
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         fx will (silently) fail to render if some are not
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 5.c. The optional 'BBoxProgram' Vertex Shader
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Some fx may be able to restrict their opaque renderable
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area inside a rect.
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For example, blurring an image will 'blur out' the image
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content by the specified blur radius. Beyond that, the fx
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will render full transparent pixels. Thus, the bounding
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box of the fx in this case will be calculated as the
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input bounding box, enlarged by the blur radius.
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The default output bounding box is assumed to be infinite;
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if that is the case, the BBoxProgram can be omitted.
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Fx writers may want to supply an explicit program to
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calculate the bounding box of the fx, given its input
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bounding boxes. This is be useful in Toonz's rendering
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pipeline because the software is then allowed to
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restrict memory allocation (and fxs calculations)
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for the output image to said output bounding box, resulting
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in less memory consumption and increased speed.
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The complete set of variables supplied by Toonz and required
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in output by the program is:
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  uniform vec4 infiniteRect;
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  uniform vec4 inputBBox[portsCount];
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  varying vec4 outputBBox;
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The infiniteRect variable should be used to identify both
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input and output infinite bboxes.
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