fukasawa e60969
# This is an OpenWatcom make file which builds pnglibconf.h - the libpng
fukasawa e60969
# configuration header.  You can ignore this file if you don't need to
fukasawa e60969
# configure libpng; a default configuration will be built.
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
# For more information build libpng.wpj under the IDE and then read the
fukasawa e60969
# generated files:
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
#    config.inf: Basic configuration information for a standard build.
fukasawa e60969
#    pngconfig.dfa: Advanced configuration for non-standard libpng builds.
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
DELETE=rm -f
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
# If your configuration needs to test compiler flags when building
fukasawa e60969
# pnglibconf.h you may need to override the following on the wmake command
fukasawa e60969
# line:
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
CPP=$(CC) -pw0
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
# Read awk from the environment if set, else it can be set on the command
fukasawa e60969
# line (the default approach is to set the %awk% environment variable in the
fukasawa e60969
# IDE libpng.wpj 'before' rule - this setting is local.)
fukasawa e60969
!ifdef %awk
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
# pnglibconf.h must exist in the source directory, this is the final rule
fukasawa e60969
# which copies the local built version (and this is the default target for
fukasawa e60969
# this makefile.)
fukasawa e60969
..\..\pnglibconf.h: pnglibconf.h
fukasawa e60969
 $(COPY) pnglibconf.h $@
fukasawa e60969

fukasawa e60969
!ifdef AWK
fukasawa e60969
# CPPFLAGS should contain the options to control the result,
fukasawa e60969
# but DEFS and CFLAGS are also supported here, override
fukasawa e60969
# as appropriate
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969

fukasawa e60969
pnglibconf.h: pnglibconf.dfn
fukasawa e60969
 $(DELETE) $@ dfn.c dfn1.out dfn2.out
fukasawa e60969
 $(ECHO) $#include "pnglibconf.dfn" >dfn.c
fukasawa e60969
 $(CPP) $(DFNFLAGS) dfn.c >dfn1.out
fukasawa e60969
 $(AWK) -f << dfn1.out >dfn2.out
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
 sub(/^.*PNG_DEFN_MAGIC-/, "")
fukasawa e60969
 sub(/ *-PNG_DEFN_END.*$$/, "")
fukasawa e60969
 gsub(/ *@@@ */, "")
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
 $(COPY) dfn2.out $@
fukasawa e60969
 @type << >pngconfig.inf
fukasawa e60969
This is a locally configurable build of libpng.lib; for configuration
fukasawa e60969
instructions consult and edit projects/openwatcom/pngconfig.dfa
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
 $(DELETE) dfn.c dfn1.out dfn2.out
fukasawa e60969

fukasawa e60969
pnglibconf.dfn: ..\..\scripts\pnglibconf.dfa ..\..\scripts\options.awk pngconfig.dfa ..\..\pngconf.h
fukasawa e60969
 $(DELETE) $@ dfn1.out dfn2.out
fukasawa e60969
 $(AWK) -f ..\..\scripts\options.awk out=dfn1.out version=search ..\..\pngconf.h ..\..\scripts\pnglibconf.dfa pngconfig.dfa $(DFA_XTRA) 1>&2
fukasawa e60969
 $(AWK) -f ..\..\scripts\options.awk out=dfn2.out dfn1.out 1>&2
fukasawa e60969
 $(COPY) dfn2.out $@
fukasawa e60969
 $(DELETE) dfn1.out dfn2.out
fukasawa e60969

fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
# The following lines are used to copy scripts\pnglibconf.h.prebuilt and make
fukasawa e60969
# the required change to the calling convention.
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
# By default libpng is built to use the __cdecl calling convention on
fukasawa e60969
# Windows.  This gives compatibility with MSVC and GCC.  Unfortunately it
fukasawa e60969
# does not work with OpenWatcom because OpenWatcom implements longjmp using
fukasawa e60969
# the __watcall convention (compared with both MSVC and GCC which use __cdecl
fukasawa e60969
# for library functions.)
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
# Thus the default must be changed to build on OpenWatcom and, once changed,
fukasawa e60969
# the result will not be compatible with applications built using other
fukasawa e60969
# compilers (in fact attempts to build will fail at compile time.)
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
pnglibconf.h: ..\..\scripts\pnglibconf.h.prebuilt .existsonly
fukasawa e60969
 @$(ECHO) .
fukasawa e60969
 @$(ECHO) .
fukasawa e60969
 @$(ECHO) $$(AWK) NOT AVAILABLE: COPYING scripts\pnglibconf.h.prebuilt
fukasawa e60969
 @$(ECHO) .
fukasawa e60969
 @$(ECHO) .
fukasawa e60969
 vi -q -k ":1,$$s/PNG_API_RULE 0$$/PNG_API_RULE 2/\n:w! $@\n:q!\n" ..\..\scripts\pnglibconf.h.prebuilt
fukasawa e60969
 @$(ECHO) .
fukasawa e60969
 @$(ECHO) .
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
 @$(ECHO) .
fukasawa e60969
 @$(ECHO) .
fukasawa e60969
 @type << >pngconfig.inf
fukasawa e60969
This is the default configuration of libpng.lib, if you wish to
fukasawa e60969
change the configuration please consult the instructions in
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969

fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969

fukasawa e60969
# Make the default files
fukasawa e60969
defaults: .symbolic
fukasawa e60969
 @$(COPY) << config.inf
fukasawa e60969
$# The libpng project is incompletely configured.  To complete configuration
fukasawa e60969
$# please complete the following steps:
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
$#   1) Edit the 'before' rule of libpng.wpj (from the IDE) to define the
fukasawa e60969
$#      locations of the zlib include file zlib.h and the built zlib library,
fukasawa e60969
$#      zlib.lib.
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
$#   2) If you want to change libpng to a non-standard configuration also
fukasawa e60969
$#      change the definition of 'awk' in the before rule to the name of your
fukasawa e60969
$#      awk command.  For more instructions on configuration read
fukasawa e60969
$#      pngconfig.dfa.
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
$#   3) Delete this file (config.inf).
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
 @$(COPY) << pngconfig.dfa
fukasawa e60969
$# pngconfig.dfa: this file contains configuration options for libpng.
fukasawa e60969
$# If emtpy the standard configuration will be built.  For this file to be
fukasawa e60969
$# used a working version of the program 'awk' is required and the program
fukasawa e60969
$# must be identified in the 'before' rule of the project.
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
$# If you don't already have 'awk', or the version of awk you have seems not
fukasawa e60969
$# to work, download Brian Kernighan's awk (Brian Kernighan is the author of
fukasawa e60969
$# awk.)  You can find source code and a built executable (called awk95.exe)
fukasawa e60969
$# here:
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
$#     http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~bwk/btl.mirror/
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
$# The executable works just fine.
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
$# If build issues errors after a change to pngconfig.dfa you have entered
fukasawa e60969
$# inconsistent feature requests, or even malformed requests, in
fukasawa e60969
$# pngconfig.dfa.  The error messages from awk should be comprehensible, but
fukasawa e60969
$# if not simply go back to the start (nothing but comments in this file) and
fukasawa e60969
$# enter configuration lines one by one until one produces an error.  (Or, of
fukasawa e60969
$# course, do the standard binary chop.)
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
$# You need to rebuild everything after a change to pnglibconf.dfa - i.e. you
fukasawa e60969
$# must do Actions/Mark All Targets for Remake.  This is because the compiler
fukasawa e60969
$# generated dependency information (as of OpenWatcom 1.9) does not record the
fukasawa e60969
$# dependency on pnglibconf.h correctly.
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
$# If awk isn't set then this file is bypassed.  If you just want the standard
fukasawa e60969
$# configuration it is automatically produced from the distributed version
fukasawa e60969
$# (scripts\pnglibconf.h.prebuilt) by editting PNG_API_RULE to 2 (to force use
fukasawa e60969
$# of the OpenWatcom library calling convention.)
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969
fukasawa e60969

fukasawa e60969
clean:: .symbolic
fukasawa e60969
 $(DELETE) ..\..\pnglibconf.h pnglibconf.* dfn.c *.out pngconfig.inf
fukasawa e60969
 $(DELETE) *.obj *.mbr *.sym *.err *.pch libpng.mk
fukasawa e60969
 $(DELETE) libpng.lib libpng.lbr libpng.lb1 libpng.cbr libpng.mk1
fukasawa e60969
 $(DELETE) pngtest.exe pngtest.map pngtest.lk1 pngtest.mk1
fukasawa e60969
 $(DELETE) pngvalid.exe pngvalid.map pngvalid.lk1 pngvalid.mk1
fukasawa e60969

fukasawa e60969
distclean:: clean .symbolic
fukasawa e60969
 $(DELETE) zlib.inf awk.inf config.inf pngconfig.dfa