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 LZO -- a real-time data compression library
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 Author  : Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
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 Version : 2.03
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 Date    : 30 Apr 2008
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 LZO is a portable lossless data compression library written in ANSI C.
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 It offers pretty fast compression and very fast decompression.
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 Decompression requires no memory.
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 In addition there are slower compression levels achieving a quite
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 competitive compression ratio while still decompressing at
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 this very high speed.
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 The LZO algorithms and implementations are copyrighted OpenSource
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 distributed under the GNU General Public License.
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 LZO is a data compression library which is suitable for data
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 de-/compression in real-time. This means it favours speed
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 over compression ratio.
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 The acronym LZO is standing for Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer.
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 LZO is written in ANSI C. Both the source code and the compressed
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 data format are designed to be portable across platforms.
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 LZO implements a number of algorithms with the following features:
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 - Decompression is simple and *very* fast.
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 - Requires no memory for decompression.
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 - Compression is pretty fast.
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 - Requires 64 kB of memory for compression.
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 - Allows you to dial up extra compression at a speed cost in the
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   compressor. The speed of the decompressor is not reduced.
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 - Includes compression levels for generating pre-compressed
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   data which achieve a quite competitive compression ratio.
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 - There is also a compression level which needs only 8 kB for compression.
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 - Algorithm is thread safe.
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 - Algorithm is lossless.
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 LZO supports overlapping compression and in-place decompression.
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 Design criteria
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 LZO was designed with speed in mind. Decompressor speed has been
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 favoured over compressor speed. Real-time decompression should be
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 possible for virtually any application. The implementation of the
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 LZO1X decompressor in optimized i386 assembler code runs about at
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 the third of the speed of a memcpy() - and even faster for many files.
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 In fact I first wrote the decompressor of each algorithm thereby
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 defining the compressed data format, verified it with manually
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 created test data and at last added the compressor.
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 To keep you interested, here is an overview of the average results
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 when compressing the Calgary Corpus test suite with a blocksize
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 of 256 kB, originally done on an ancient Intel Pentium 133.
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 The naming convention of the various algorithms goes LZOxx-N, where N is
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 the compression level. Range 1-9 indicates the fast standard levels using
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 64 kB memory for compression. Level 99 offers better compression at the
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 cost of more memory (256 kB), and is still reasonably fast.
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 Level 999 achieves nearly optimal compression - but it is slow
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 and uses much memory, and is mainly intended for generating
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 pre-compressed data.
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 The C version of LZO1X-1 is about 4-5 times faster than the fastest
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 zlib compression level, and it also outperforms other algorithms
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 like LZRW1-A and LZV in both compression ratio and compression speed
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 and decompression speed.
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 | Algorithm        Length  CxB   ComLen  %Remn  Bits   Com K/s   Dec K/s |
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 | ---------        ------  ---   ------  -----  ----   -------   ------- |
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 |                                                                        |
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 | memcpy()         224401    1   224401  100.0  8.00  60956.83  59124.58 |
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 |                                                                        |
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 | LZO1-1           224401    1   117362   53.1  4.25   4665.24  13341.98 |
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 | LZO1-99          224401    1   101560   46.7  3.73   1373.29  13823.40 |
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 |                                                                        |
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 | LZO1A-1          224401    1   115174   51.7  4.14   4937.83  14410.35 |
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 | LZO1A-99         224401    1    99958   45.5  3.64   1362.72  14734.17 |
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 |                                                                        |
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 | LZO1B-1          224401    1   109590   49.6  3.97   4565.53  15438.34 |
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 | LZO1B-2          224401    1   106235   48.4  3.88   4297.33  15492.79 |
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 | LZO1B-3          224401    1   104395   47.8  3.83   4018.21  15373.52 |
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 | LZO1B-4          224401    1   104828   47.4  3.79   3024.48  15100.11 |
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 | LZO1B-5          224401    1   102724   46.7  3.73   2827.82  15427.62 |
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 | LZO1B-6          224401    1   101210   46.0  3.68   2615.96  15325.68 |
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 | LZO1B-7          224401    1   101388   46.0  3.68   2430.89  15361.47 |
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 | LZO1B-8          224401    1    99453   45.2  3.62   2183.87  15402.77 |
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 | LZO1B-9          224401    1    99118   45.0  3.60   1677.06  15069.60 |
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 | LZO1B-99         224401    1    95399   43.6  3.48   1286.87  15656.11 |
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 | LZO1B-999        224401    1    83934   39.1  3.13    232.40  16445.05 |
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 |                                                                        |
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 | LZO1C-1          224401    1   111735   50.4  4.03   4883.08  15570.91 |
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 | LZO1C-2          224401    1   108652   49.3  3.94   4424.24  15733.14 |
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 | LZO1C-3          224401    1   106810   48.7  3.89   4127.65  15645.69 |
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 | LZO1C-4          224401    1   105717   47.7  3.82   3007.92  15346.44 |
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 | LZO1C-5          224401    1   103605   47.0  3.76   2829.15  15153.88 |
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 | LZO1C-6          224401    1   102585   46.5  3.72   2631.37  15257.58 |
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 | LZO1C-7          224401    1   101937   46.2  3.70   2378.57  15492.49 |
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 | LZO1C-8          224401    1   100779   45.6  3.65   2171.93  15386.07 |
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 | LZO1C-9          224401    1   100255   45.4  3.63   1691.44  15194.68 |
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 | LZO1C-99         224401    1    97252   44.1  3.53   1462.88  15341.37 |
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 | LZO1C-999        224401    1    87740   40.2  3.21    306.44  16411.94 |
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 |                                                                        |
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 | LZO1F-1          224401    1   113412   50.8  4.07   4755.97  16074.12 |
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 | LZO1F-999        224401    1    89599   40.3  3.23    280.68  16553.90 |
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 |                                                                        |
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 | LZO1X-1(11)      224401    1   118810   52.6  4.21   4544.42  15879.04 |
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 | LZO1X-1(12)      224401    1   113675   50.6  4.05   4411.15  15721.59 |
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 | LZO1X-1          224401    1   109323   49.4  3.95   4991.76  15584.89 |
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 | LZO1X-1(15)      224401    1   108500   49.1  3.93   5077.50  15744.56 |
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 | LZO1X-999        224401    1    82854   38.0  3.04    135.77  16548.48 |
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 |                                                                        |
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 | LZO1Y-1          224401    1   110820   49.8  3.98   4952.52  15638.82 |
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 | LZO1Y-999        224401    1    83614   38.2  3.05    135.07  16385.40 |
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 |                                                                        |
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 | LZO1Z-999        224401    1    83034   38.0  3.04    133.31  10553.74 |
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 |                                                                        |
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 | LZO2A-999        224401    1    87880   40.0  3.20    301.21   8115.75 |
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  - CxB is the number of blocks
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  - K/s is the speed measured in 1000 uncompressed bytes per second
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  - the assembler decompressors are even faster
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 Short documentation
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 LZO is a block compression algorithm - it compresses and decompresses
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 a block of data. Block size must be the same for compression
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 and decompression.
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 LZO compresses a block of data into matches (a sliding dictionary)
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 and runs of non-matching literals. LZO takes care about long matches
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 and long literal runs so that it produces good results on highly
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 redundant data and deals acceptably with non-compressible data.
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 When dealing with uncompressible data, LZO expands the input
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 block by a maximum of 16 bytes per 1024 bytes input.
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 I have verified LZO using such tools as valgrind and other memory checkers.
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 And in addition to compressing gigabytes of files when tuning some parameters
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 I have also consulted various `lint' programs to spot potential portability
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 problems. LZO is free of any known bugs.
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 The algorithms
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 There are too many algorithms implemented. But I want to support
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 unlimited backward compatibility, so I will not reduce the LZO
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 distribution in the future.
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 As the many object files are mostly independent of each other, the
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 size overhead for an executable statically linked with the LZO library
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 is usually pretty low (just a few kB) because the linker will only add
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 the modules that you are actually using.
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 I first published LZO1 and LZO1A in the Internet newsgroups
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 comp.compression and comp.compression.research in March 1996.
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 They are mainly included for compatibility reasons. The LZO2A
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 decompressor is too slow, and there is no fast compressor anyway.
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 My experiments have shown that LZO1B is good with a large blocksize
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 or with very redundant data, LZO1F is good with a small blocksize or
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 with binary data and that LZO1X is often the best choice of all.
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 LZO1Y and LZO1Z are almost identical to LZO1X - they can achieve a
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 better compression ratio on some files.
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 Beware, your mileage may vary.
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 Usage of the library
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 Despite of its size, the basic usage of LZO is really very simple.
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 Let's assume you want to compress some data with LZO1X-1:
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   A) compression
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      * include <lzo lzo1x.h=""></lzo>
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        call lzo_init()
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        compress your data with lzo1x_1_compress()
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      * link your application with the LZO library
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   B) decompression
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      * include <lzo lzo1x.h=""></lzo>
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        call lzo_init()
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        decompress your data with lzo1x_decompress()
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      * link your application with the LZO library
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 The program examples/simple.c shows a fully working example.
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 See also LZO.FAQ for more information.
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 Building LZO
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 As LZO uses Autoconf+Automake+Libtool the building process under
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 UNIX systems should be very unproblematic. Shared libraries are
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 supported on many architectures as well.
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 For detailed instructions see the file INSTALL.
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 Please note that due to the design of the ELF executable format
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 the performance of a shared library on i386 systems (e.g. Linux)
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 is a little bit slower, so you may want to link your applications
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 with the static version (liblzo2.a) anyway.
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 For building under DOS, Win16, Win32, OS/2 and other systems
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 take a look at the file B/00readme.txt.
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 In case of troubles (like decompression data errors) try recompiling
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 everything without optimizations - LZO may break the optimizer
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 of your compiler. See the file BUGS.
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 LZO is written in ANSI C. In particular this means:
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   - your compiler must understand prototypes
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   - your compiler must understand prototypes in function pointers
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   - your compiler must correctly promote integrals ("value-preserving")
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   - your preprocessor must implement #elif, #error and stringizing
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   - you must have a conforming and correct <limits.h> header</limits.h>
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   - you must have <stddef.h>, <string.h> and other ANSI C headers</string.h></stddef.h>
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   - you should have size_t and ptrdiff_t
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 I have built and tested LZO successfully on a variety of platforms
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 including DOS (16 + 32 bit), Windows 3.x (16-bit), Win32, Win64,
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 Linux, *BSD, HP-UX and many more.
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 LZO is also reported to work under AIX, ConvexOS, IRIX, MacOS, PalmOS (Pilot),
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 PSX (Sony Playstation), Solaris, SunOS, TOS (Atari ST) and VxWorks.
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 Furthermore it is said that its performance on a Cray is superior
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 to all other machines...
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 And I think it would be much fun to translate the decompressors
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 to Z-80 or 6502 assembly.
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 The future
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 Here is what I'm planning for the next months. No promises, though...
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 - interfaces to .NET and Mono
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 - interfaces to Perl, Java, Python, Delphi, Visual Basic, ...
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 - improve documentation and API reference
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 Some comments about the source code
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 Be warned: the main source code in the `src' directory is a
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 real pain to understand as I've experimented with hundreds of slightly
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 different versions. It contains many #if and some gotos, and
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 is *completely optimized for speed* and not for readability.
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 Code sharing of the different algorithms is implemented by stressing
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 the preprocessor - this can be really confusing. Lots of marcos and
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 assertions don't make things better.
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 Nevertheless LZO compiles very quietly on a variety of
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 compilers with the highest warning levels turned on, even
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 in C++ mode.
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 LZO is Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
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 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
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 LZO is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
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 See the file COPYING.
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 Special licenses for commercial and other applications which
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 are not willing to accept the GNU General Public License
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 are available by contacting the author.
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