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1. General
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1.1  Q Can I find useful paper about GotoBLAS2?
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     A You may check following URL.
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    11. Kazushige Goto and Robert A. van de Geijn, " Anatomy of
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	High-Performance Matrix Multiplication," ACM Transactions on
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	Mathematical Software, accepted.
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    15. Kazushige Goto and Robert van de Geijn, "High-Performance
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        Implementation of the Level-3 BLAS." ACM Transactions on
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        Mathematical Software, submitted.
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1.2  Q Does GotoBLAS2 work with Hyperthread (SMT)?
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     A Yes, it will work. GotoBLAS2 detects Hyperthread and
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       avoid scheduling on the same core.
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1.3  Q When I type "make", following error occured. What's wrong?
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	$shell> make
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	"./Makefile.rule", line 58: Missing dependency operator
kusano 2b45e8
	"./Makefile.rule", line 61: Need an operator
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     A This error occurs because you didn't use GNU make. Some binary
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       packages install GNU make as "gmake" and it's worth to try.
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1.4  Q Function "xxx" is slow. Why?
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     A Generally GotoBLAS2 has many well optimized functions, but it's
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       far and far from perfect. Especially Level 1/2 function
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       performance depends on how you call BLAS. You should understand
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       what happends between your function and GotoBLAS2 by using profile
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       enabled version or hardware performance counter. Again, please
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       don't regard GotoBLAS2 as a black box.
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1.5  Q I have a commercial C compiler and want to compile GotoBLAS2 with
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       it. Is it possible?
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     A All function that affects performance is written in assembler
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       and C code is just used for wrapper of assembler functions or
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       complicated functions. Also I use many inline assembler functions,
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       unfortunately most of commercial compiler can't handle inline
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       assembler. Therefore you should use gcc.
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1.6  Q I use OpenMP compiler. How can I use GotoBLAS2 with it?
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     A Please understand that OpenMP is a compromised method to use 
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       thread. If you want to use OpenMP based code with GotoBLAS2, you
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       should enable "USE_OPENMP=1" in Makefile.rule.
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1.7  Q Could you tell me how to use profiled library?
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     A You need to build and link your application with -pg
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       option. After executing your application, "gmon.out" is
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       generated in your current directory.
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       $shell> gprof <your application="" name=""> gmon.out</your>
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       Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
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	 %   cumulative   self              self     total
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	time   seconds   seconds    calls  Ks/call  Ks/call  name
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	89.86    975.02   975.02    79317     0.00     0.00  .dgemm_kernel
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	 4.19   1020.47    45.45       40     0.00     0.00  .dlaswp00N
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	 2.28   1045.16    24.69     2539     0.00     0.00  .dtrsm_kernel_LT
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	 1.19   1058.03    12.87    79317     0.00     0.00  .dgemm_otcopy
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	 1.05   1069.40    11.37     4999     0.00     0.00  .dgemm_oncopy
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       I think profiled BLAS library is really useful for your
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       research. Please find bottleneck of your application and
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       improve it.
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1.8  Q Is number of thread limited?
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     A Basically, there is no limitation about number of threads. You
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       can specify number of threads as many as you want, but larger
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       number of threads will consume extra resource. I recommend you to
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       specify minimum number of threads.
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2. Architecture Specific issue or Implementation
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2.1 Q GotoBLAS2 seems to support any combination with OS and
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      architecture. Is it possible?
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    A Combination is limited by current OS and architecture. For
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      examble, the combination OSX with SPARC is impossible. But it
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      will be possible with slight modification if these combination
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      appears in front of us.
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2.2 Q I have POWER architecture systems. Do I need extra work?
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    A Although POWER architecture defined special instruction
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      like CPUID to detect correct architecture, it's privileged
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      and can't be accessed by user process. So you have to set
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      the architecture that you have manually in getarch.c.
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2.3 Q I can't create DLL on Cygwin (Error 53). What's wrong?
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    A You have to make sure if lib.exe and mspdb80.dll are in Microsoft
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      Studio PATH. The easiest way is to use 'which' command.
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    $shell> which lib.exe
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    /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/VC98/bin/lib.exe