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/* Copyright 2009, 2010 The University of Texas at Austin.           */
kusano 2b45e8
/* All rights reserved.                                              */
kusano 2b45e8
/*                                                                   */
kusano 2b45e8
/* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or        */
kusano 2b45e8
/* without modification, are permitted provided that the following   */
kusano 2b45e8
/* conditions are met:                                               */
kusano 2b45e8
/*                                                                   */
kusano 2b45e8
/*   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above         */
kusano 2b45e8
/*      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following  */
kusano 2b45e8
/*      disclaimer.                                                  */
kusano 2b45e8
/*                                                                   */
kusano 2b45e8
/*   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above      */
kusano 2b45e8
/*      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following  */
kusano 2b45e8
/*      disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials       */
kusano 2b45e8
/*      provided with the distribution.                              */
kusano 2b45e8
/*                                                                   */
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/*    POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.                                    */
kusano 2b45e8
/*                                                                   */
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/* The views and conclusions contained in the software and           */
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/* documentation are those of the authors and should not be          */
kusano 2b45e8
/* interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed   */
kusano 2b45e8
/* or implied, of The University of Texas at Austin.                 */
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#include "common.h"
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
#define N	%i0
kusano 2b45e8
#define X	%i1
kusano 2b45e8
#define INCX	%i2
kusano 2b45e8
#define I	%i3
kusano 2b45e8
#define XX	%i4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
#ifdef DOUBLE
kusano 2b45e8
#define c1	%f0
kusano 2b45e8
#define c2	%f2
kusano 2b45e8
#define c3	%f4
kusano 2b45e8
#define c4	%f6
kusano 2b45e8
#define t1	%f8
kusano 2b45e8
#define t2	%f10
kusano 2b45e8
#define t3	%f12
kusano 2b45e8
#define t4	%f14
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
#define a1	%f16
kusano 2b45e8
#define a2	%f18
kusano 2b45e8
#define a3	%f20
kusano 2b45e8
#define a4	%f22
kusano 2b45e8
#define a5	%f24
kusano 2b45e8
#define a6	%f26
kusano 2b45e8
#define a7	%f28
kusano 2b45e8
#define a8	%f30
kusano 2b45e8
#define fmax	%f32
kusano 2b45e8
#define fzero	%f34
kusano 2b45e8
#define fone	%f36
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
#define c1	%f0
kusano 2b45e8
#define c2	%f1
kusano 2b45e8
#define c3	%f2
kusano 2b45e8
#define c4	%f3
kusano 2b45e8
#define t1	%f4
kusano 2b45e8
#define t2	%f5
kusano 2b45e8
#define t3	%f6
kusano 2b45e8
#define t4	%f7
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
#define a1	%f8
kusano 2b45e8
#define a2	%f9
kusano 2b45e8
#define a3	%f10
kusano 2b45e8
#define a4	%f11
kusano 2b45e8
#define a5	%f12
kusano 2b45e8
#define a6	%f13
kusano 2b45e8
#define a7	%f14
kusano 2b45e8
#define a8	%f15
kusano 2b45e8
#define fmax	%f16
kusano 2b45e8
#define fzero	%f17
kusano 2b45e8
#define fone	%f18
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
#ifdef DOUBLE
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	mov	X, XX
kusano 2b45e8
	mov	0x3ff, %g1
kusano 2b45e8
	sll	%g1, 20, %g1
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	N, 0
kusano 2b45e8
	ble	.LL99
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOV	fzero, c1
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	INCX, 0
kusano 2b45e8
	ble	.LL99
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	add	%sp, -8, %sp
kusano 2b45e8
	st	%g1, [%sp + STACK_START + 0]
kusano 2b45e8
	st	%g0, [%sp + STACK_START + 4]
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	add	N, -1, N
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X], c4
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[%sp + STACK_START], fone
kusano 2b45e8
	add	%sp, 8, %sp
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	c4, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	c4, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	c4, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	c4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	bne	.LL100
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	sra	N, 3, I
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I, 0
kusano 2b45e8
	ble,pn	%icc, .LL15
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a1
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  1 * SIZE], a2
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  2 * SIZE], a3
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  3 * SIZE], a4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  4 * SIZE], a5
kusano 2b45e8
	add	I, -1, I
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  5 * SIZE], a6
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I, 0
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  6 * SIZE], a7
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  7 * SIZE], a8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	ble,pt	%icc, .LL12
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, 8 * SIZE, X
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	prefetch [X + PREFETCHSIZE * SIZE], 0
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a2, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a1
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a3, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  1 * SIZE], a2
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a4, t4
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  2 * SIZE], a3
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  3 * SIZE], a4
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc1, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc2, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc3, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc1, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc2, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc3, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a5, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  4 * SIZE], a5
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a6, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  5 * SIZE], a6
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a7, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  6 * SIZE], a7
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a8, t4
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  7 * SIZE], a8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc1, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc2, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc3, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	add	I, -1, I
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc1, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I, 0
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc2, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc3, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	bg,pt	%icc, .LL11
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, 8 * SIZE, X
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a2, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a3, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a4, t4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc1, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc2, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc3, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc1, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc2, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc3, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a5, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a6, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a7, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a8, t4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc1, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc2, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc3, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc1, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc2, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc3, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	and	N, 7, I
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I,  0
kusano 2b45e8
	ble,a,pn %icc, .LL19
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a1
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	add	I, -1, I
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I, 0
kusano 2b45e8
	bg,pt	%icc, .LL16
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, 1 * SIZE, X
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc0, c2, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc1, c4, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	mov	XX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc0, c2, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc1, c4, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc0, c3, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc0, c3, c1
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	c1, fzero
kusano 2b45e8
	fbe	.LL99
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOV	c1, fmax
kusano 2b45e8
	add	N, 1, N
kusano 2b45e8
	FDIV	fone, c1, fone
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOV	fzero, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOV	fzero, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOV	fzero, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOV	fzero, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	sra	N, 3, I
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I, 0
kusano 2b45e8
	ble,pn	%icc, .LL35
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a1
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  1 * SIZE], a2
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  2 * SIZE], a3
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  3 * SIZE], a4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  4 * SIZE], a5
kusano 2b45e8
	add	I, -1, I
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  5 * SIZE], a6
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I, 0
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  6 * SIZE], a7
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  7 * SIZE], a8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	ble,pt	%icc, .LL32
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, 8 * SIZE, X
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	prefetch [X + PREFETCHSIZE * SIZE], 0
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a2, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a3, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  1 * SIZE], a2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a4, t4
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  2 * SIZE], a3
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t1, t1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  3 * SIZE], a4
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t2, t2, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t3, t3, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t4, t4, t4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c1, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a5, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  4 * SIZE], a5
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c2, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a6, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  5 * SIZE], a6
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c3, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a7, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  6 * SIZE], a7
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c4, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a8, t4
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  7 * SIZE], a8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t1, t1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t2, t2, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t3, t3, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t4, t4, t4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c1, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	add	I, -1, I
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c2, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I, 0
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c3, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c4, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	bg,pt	%icc, .LL31
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, 8 * SIZE, X
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a2, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a3, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a4, t4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t1, t1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t2, t2, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t3, t3, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t4, t4, t4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c1, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a5, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c2, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a6, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c3, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a7, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c4, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a8, t4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t1, t1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t2, t2, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t3, t3, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t4, t4, t4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c1, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c2, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c3, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c4, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	and	N, 7, I
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I,  0
kusano 2b45e8
	ble,a,pn %icc, .LL39
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t1, t1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c1, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	add	I, -1, I
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I, 0
kusano 2b45e8
	bg,pt	%icc, .LL36
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, 1 * SIZE, X
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c1, c2, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c3, c4, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c1, c3, c1
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FSQRT	c1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fmax, c1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	return	%i7 + 8
kusano 2b45e8
	clr	%g0
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	sra	N, 3, I
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I, 0
kusano 2b45e8
	ble,pn	%icc, .LL105
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a1
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a2
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a3
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a4
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a5
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a6
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	add	I, -1, I
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a7
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I, 0
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a8
kusano 2b45e8
	ble,pt	%icc, .LL102
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a1
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a2, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a2
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a3, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a3
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a4, t4
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a4
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc1, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc2, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc3, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc1, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc2, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc3, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a5, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a5
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a6, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a6
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a7, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a7
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a8, t4
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc1, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc2, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc3, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	add	I, -1, I
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc1, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I, 0
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc2, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc3, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	bg,pt	%icc, .LL101
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a2, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a3, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a4, t4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc1, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc2, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc3, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc1, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc2, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc3, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a5, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a6, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a7, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a8, t4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc1, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc2, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc3, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc1, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc2, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc3, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	and	N, 7, I
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I,  0
kusano 2b45e8
	ble,a,pn %icc, .LL109
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a1
kusano 2b45e8
	FABS	a1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc0, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	add	I, -1, I
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I, 0
kusano 2b45e8
	bg,pt	%icc, .LL106
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc0, c2, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc1, c4, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	mov	XX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc0, c2, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc1, c4, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	%fcc0, c3, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOVG	%fcc0, c3, c1
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FCMP	c1, fzero
kusano 2b45e8
	fbe	.LL99
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOV	c1, fmax
kusano 2b45e8
	FDIV	fone, c1, fone
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOV	fzero, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOV	fzero, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOV	fzero, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMOV	fzero, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	add	N, 1, N
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	sra	N, 3, I
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I, 0
kusano 2b45e8
	ble,pn	%icc, .LL135
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a1
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a2
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a3
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a4
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a5
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	add	I, -1, I
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a6
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I, 0
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a7
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	ble,pt	%icc, .LL132
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	prefetch [X + PREFETCHSIZE * SIZE], 0
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a2, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a1
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a3, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a2
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a4, t4
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a3
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t1, t1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a4
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t2, t2, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t3, t3, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t4, t4, t4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c1, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a5, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a5
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c2, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a6, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a6
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c3, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a7, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a7
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c4, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a8, t4
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t1, t1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t2, t2, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t3, t3, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t4, t4, t4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c1, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	add	I, -1, I
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c2, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I, 0
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c3, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c4, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	bg,pt	%icc, .LL131
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a2, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a3, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a4, t4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t1, t1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t2, t2, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t3, t3, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t4, t4, t4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c1, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a5, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c2, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a6, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c3, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a7, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c4, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a8, t4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t1, t1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t2, t2, t2
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t3, t3, t3
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t4, t4, t4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c1, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c2, t2, c2
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c3, t3, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c4, t4, c4
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	and	N, 7, I
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I,  0
kusano 2b45e8
	ble,a,pn %icc, .LL139
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	LDF	[X +  0 * SIZE], a1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fone, a1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	t1, t1, t1
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c1, t1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	add	I, -1, I
kusano 2b45e8
	cmp	I, 0
kusano 2b45e8
	bg,pt	%icc, .LL136
kusano 2b45e8
	add	X, INCX, X
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c1, c2, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c3, c4, c3
kusano 2b45e8
	FADD	c1, c3, c1
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	FSQRT	c1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
	FMUL	fmax, c1, c1
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8
	return	%i7 + 8
kusano 2b45e8
	clr	%g0
kusano 2b45e8
kusano 2b45e8