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This directory contains sample programs to illustrate how to use
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various functions provded in SuperLU. You can modify these
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examples to suit your applications.
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Here are the descriptions of the double precision examples:
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dlinsol : use simple driver DGSSV to solve a linear system one time.
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dlinsol1: use simple driver DGSSV in the symmetric mode.
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dlinsolx: use DGSSVX with the full (default) options to solve a
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linear system.
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dlinsolx1: use DGSSVX to factorize A first, then solve the system later.
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dlinsolx2: use DGSSVX to solve systems repeatedly with the same sparsity
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pattern of matrix A.
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superlu : the small 5x5 sample program in Section 2 of the Users' Guide.
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ditersol: use GMRES with ILU preconditioner to solver a linear system.
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(The ILU is computed by the routine SRC/dgsitrf.c)
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To compile all the examples, type:
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% make
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To run the small 5x5 sample program in Section 1 of the Users' Guide, type:
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% superlu
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To run the real version examples, type:
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% dlinsol < g10 (or, % slinsol < g10)
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% dlinsolx -h < g10 (or, % slinsolx < g10)
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% dlinsolx1 < g10 (or, % slinsolx1 < g10)
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% dlinsolx2 < g10 (or, % slinsolx2 < g10)
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To run the complex version examples, type:
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% zlinsol < cmat (or, % clinsol < cmat)
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% zlinsolx < cmat (or, % clinsolx < cmat)
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% zlinsolx1 < cmat (or, % clinsolx1 < cmat)
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% zlinsolx2 < cmat (or, % clinsolx2 < cmat)
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To run the ILU preconditioner example, type:
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% ditersol -h < g10
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% zitersol -h < cmat
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