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/*! @file zsnode_bmod.c
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* \brief Performs numeric block updates within the relaxed snode.
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* -- SuperLU routine (version 3.0) --
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* Univ. of California Berkeley, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center,
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* and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
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* October 15, 2003
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* Copyright (c) 1994 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
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* Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program for any
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* purpose, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
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* Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is
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* granted, provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that
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* the code was modified is included with the above copyright notice.
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#include "slu_zdefs.h"
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/*! \brief Performs numeric block updates within the relaxed snode.
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7d535a |
zsnode_bmod (
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7d535a |
const int jcol, /* in */
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7d535a |
const int jsupno, /* in */
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7d535a |
const int fsupc, /* in */
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7d535a |
doublecomplex *dense, /* in */
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7d535a |
doublecomplex *tempv, /* working array */
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7d535a |
GlobalLU_t *Glu, /* modified */
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SuperLUStat_t *stat /* output */
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#ifdef _CRAY
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_fcd ftcs1 = _cptofcd("L", strlen("L")),
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7d535a |
ftcs2 = _cptofcd("N", strlen("N")),
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7d535a |
ftcs3 = _cptofcd("U", strlen("U"));
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7d535a |
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int incx = 1, incy = 1;
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doublecomplex alpha = {-1.0, 0.0}, beta = {1.0, 0.0};
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doublecomplex comp_zero = {0.0, 0.0};
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7d535a |
int luptr, nsupc, nsupr, nrow;
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7d535a |
int isub, irow, i, iptr;
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7d535a |
register int ufirst, nextlu;
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7d535a |
int *lsub, *xlsub;
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7d535a |
doublecomplex *lusup;
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7d535a |
int *xlusup;
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7d535a |
flops_t *ops = stat->ops;
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7d535a |
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7d535a |
lsub = Glu->lsub;
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7d535a |
xlsub = Glu->xlsub;
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7d535a |
lusup = Glu->lusup;
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7d535a |
xlusup = Glu->xlusup;
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7d535a |
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7d535a |
nextlu = xlusup[jcol];
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7d535a |
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* Process the supernodal portion of L\U[*,j]
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for (isub = xlsub[fsupc]; isub < xlsub[fsupc+1]; isub++) {
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7d535a |
irow = lsub[isub];
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7d535a |
lusup[nextlu] = dense[irow];
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7d535a |
dense[irow] = comp_zero;
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7d535a |
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7d535a |
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xlusup[jcol + 1] = nextlu; /* Initialize xlusup for next column */
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if ( fsupc < jcol ) {
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7d535a |
luptr = xlusup[fsupc];
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7d535a |
nsupr = xlsub[fsupc+1] - xlsub[fsupc];
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7d535a |
nsupc = jcol - fsupc; /* Excluding jcol */
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7d535a |
ufirst = xlusup[jcol]; /* Points to the beginning of column
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jcol in supernode L\U(jsupno). */
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nrow = nsupr - nsupc;
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7d535a |
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7d535a |
ops[TRSV] += 4 * nsupc * (nsupc - 1);
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7d535a |
ops[GEMV] += 8 * nrow * nsupc;
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7d535a |
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7d535a |
#ifdef _CRAY
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7d535a |
CTRSV( ftcs1, ftcs2, ftcs3, &nsupc, &lusup[luptr], &nsupr,
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7d535a |
&lusup[ufirst], &incx );
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7d535a |
CGEMV( ftcs2, &nrow, &nsupc, &alpha, &lusup[luptr+nsupc], &nsupr,
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7d535a |
&lusup[ufirst], &incx, &beta, &lusup[ufirst+nsupc], &incy );
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7d535a |
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7d535a |
ztrsv_( "L", "N", "U", &nsupc, &lusup[luptr], &nsupr,
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7d535a |
&lusup[ufirst], &incx );
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7d535a |
zgemv_( "N", &nrow, &nsupc, &alpha, &lusup[luptr+nsupc], &nsupr,
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7d535a |
&lusup[ufirst], &incx, &beta, &lusup[ufirst+nsupc], &incy );
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7d535a |
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7d535a |
zlsolve ( nsupr, nsupc, &lusup[luptr], &lusup[ufirst] );
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7d535a |
zmatvec ( nsupr, nrow, nsupc, &lusup[luptr+nsupc],
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7d535a |
&lusup[ufirst], &tempv[0] );
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7d535a |
/* Scatter tempv[*] into lusup[*] */
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iptr = ufirst + nsupc;
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for (i = 0; i < nrow; i++) {
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7d535a |
z_sub(&lusup[iptr], &lusup[iptr], &tempv[i]);
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7d535a |
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7d535a |
tempv[i] = comp_zero;
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7d535a |
return 0;
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