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"HTML Tidy for Linux (vers 25 March 2009), see">
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<title>Building the TIFF Software Distribution</title>
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"images/cramps.gif" width="159" height="203" align="left" border=
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"1" hspace="6"> Building the Software Distribution
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  • Building on a UNIX system.
  • roentgen b75cab
  • Building on an MS-DOS or Windows system.
  • roentgen b75cab
  • Building on a VMS system.
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  • Building the Software on Other
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    This chapter contains step-by-step instructions on how to configure
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    and build the TIFF software distribution. The software is most
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    easily built on a UNIX system, but with a little bit of work it can
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    easily be built and used on other non-UNIX platforms.
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    Building on a UNIX System

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    To build the software on a UNIX system you need to first run the
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    configure shell script that is located in the top level of the
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    source directory. This script probes the target system for
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    necessary tools and functions and constructs a build environment in
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    which the software may be compiled. Once configuration is done, you
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    simply run <tt>make</tt> (or <tt>gmake</tt>) to build the software
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    and then <tt>make install</tt> to do the installation; for example:
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    hyla% cd ./tiff-4.0.0
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    hyla% ./configure
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        ...lots of messages...
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    hyla% make
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        ...lots of messages...
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    hyla% make check
    roentgen b75cab
        ...lots of messages...
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    hyla# make install