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Changes in TIFF v3.4beta031
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<font size="+3">T</font>IFF <font size="+2">C</font>HANGE <font size="+2">I</font>NFORMATION
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    roentgen b75cab
    Current Version: v3.4beta031
    roentgen b75cab
    Previous Version: v3.4beta029
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    Master FTP Site: (, directory graphics/tiff
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    This document describes the changes made to the software between the
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    previous and current versions (see above).
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    If you don't find something listed here, then it was not done in this
    roentgen b75cab
    timeframe, or it was not considered important enough to be mentioned.
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    The following information is located here:
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    • Changes in the software configuration
    • roentgen b75cab
    • Changes in libtiff
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    • Changes in the manual pages
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      <font size="+3">C</font>HANGES IN THE SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION:
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        roentgen b75cab
      • configure now captures significantly more information
      • roentgen b75cab
           in the config.log file and provides more information when
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           it is unable to setup a configuration
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      • support was added for building shared libraries on more systems:
      • roentgen b75cab
           AIX, HPUX, Solaris, and Linux.
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      • a new configuration parameter <tt>LIBCOPTS</tt> was added for
      • roentgen b75cab
           passing arguments to the C compiler to use when building only
        roentgen b75cab
           the library; this is part of the enhanced support for building
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           shared libraries
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      • include files for optional packages that reside in /usr/include
      • roentgen b75cab
           are now handled correctly
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      • build trees may now be configured using either relative or absolute
      • roentgen b75cab
           pathnames to the source distribution
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      • several new configuration parameters were added, mainly for building
      • roentgen b75cab
           shared libraries: <tt>DIST_MAJOR</tt>, <tt>DIST_MINOR</tt>, 
        roentgen b75cab
           <tt>DIST_ALPHA</tt>, and <tt>DSOSUF_VERSION</tt>
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        <font size="+3">C</font>HANGES IN LIBTIFF:
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        • the Deflate support has been revised: it requires version 0.99 of
        • roentgen b75cab
             the zlib software distribution, the output format has changed and
          roentgen b75cab
             is incompatible with previous versions of this library (each
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             strip now includes a header read and written by the zlib library)
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        • the codec name printed by the TIFFPrintDirectory routine is now
        • roentgen b75cab
             taken from the codec table instead of from a builtin table; this means
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             that application-defined codecs are handled correctly
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        • a new symbol was added that contains the library version number;
        • roentgen b75cab
             this can be used to do a compile-time compatibility check of the
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             library version
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          <font size="+3">C</font>HANGES IN THE MANUAL PAGES:
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          • the creation and installation of manual pages was redone; it now
          • roentgen b75cab
                implements the documented ``configuration scheme''
            roentgen b75cab
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             TIFF home page.
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            roentgen b75cab
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            Sam Leffler /
            roentgen b75cab
            Last updated $Date: 1999/08/09 20:21:21 $.
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