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Changes in TIFF v3.4beta034
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<font size="+3">T</font>IFF <font size="+2">C</font>HANGE <font size="+2">I</font>NFORMATION
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    Current Version: v3.4beta034
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    Previous Version: v3.4beta033
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    Master FTP Site: (, directory graphics/tiff
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    This document describes the changes made to the software between the
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    previous and current versions (see above).
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    If you don't find something listed here, then it was not done in this
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    timeframe, or it was not considered important enough to be mentioned.
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    The following information is located here:
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    • Changes in the software configuration
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    • Changes in libtiff
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      <font size="+3">C</font>HANGES IN THE SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION:
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      • support was added for building the library as a DSO under NetBSD
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      • a bug was fixed in the DSO support for Linux
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      • the handling of version strings has changed slightly to simplify parsing
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      • a new parameter, <tt>TIFFLIBREF</tt>, was added to control how the
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            library is referenced when linking programs in the tools directory
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        <font size="+3">C</font>HANGES IN LIBTIFF:
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        • DSO creation under Solaris now forces the DSO name with a <tt>-h</tt> option
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        • the interface to the mkversion program was changed
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              to eliminate the need to parse files
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        • a bug was fixed in the EOL-detection logic of the T.4/T.6 decoder
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        • ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT tag definitions were added to tiff.h
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           TIFF home page.
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          roentgen b75cab
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          Sam Leffler /
          roentgen b75cab
          Last updated $Date: 1999/08/09 20:21:21 $.
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