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                        ZLib for Ada thick binding (ZLib.Ada)
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                        Release 1.3
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ZLib.Ada is a thick binding interface to the popular ZLib data
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compression library, available at http://www.gzip.org/zlib/.
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It provides Ada-style access to the ZLib C library.
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        Here are the main changes since ZLib.Ada 1.2:
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- Attension: ZLib.Read generic routine have a initialization requirement
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  for Read_Last parameter now. It is a bit incompartible with previous version,
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  but extends functionality, we could use new parameters Allow_Read_Some and
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  Flush now.
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- Added Is_Open routines to ZLib and ZLib.Streams packages.
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- Add pragma Assert to check Stream_Element is 8 bit.
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- Fix extraction to buffer with exact known decompressed size. Error reported by
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  Steve Sangwine.
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- Fix definition of ULong (changed to unsigned_long), fix regression on 64 bits
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  computers. Patch provided by Pascal Obry.
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- Add Status_Error exception definition.
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- Add pragma Assertion that Ada.Streams.Stream_Element size is 8 bit.
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        How to build ZLib.Ada under GNAT
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You should have the ZLib library already build on your computer, before
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building ZLib.Ada. Make the directory of ZLib.Ada sources current and
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issue the command:
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  gnatmake test -largs -L<directory is="" libz.a="" where=""> -lz</directory>
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Or use the GNAT project file build for GNAT 3.15 or later:
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  gnatmake -Pzlib.gpr -L<directory is="" libz.a="" where=""></directory>
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        How to build ZLib.Ada under Aonix ObjectAda for Win32 7.2.2
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1. Make a project with all *.ads and *.adb files from the distribution.
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2. Build the libz.a library from the ZLib C sources.
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3. Rename libz.a to z.lib.
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4. Add the library z.lib to the project.
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5. Add the libc.lib library from the ObjectAda distribution to the project.
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6. Build the executable using test.adb as a main procedure.
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        How to use ZLib.Ada
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The source files test.adb and read.adb are small demo programs that show
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the main functionality of ZLib.Ada.
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The routines from the package specifications are commented.
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Homepage: http://zlib-ada.sourceforge.net/
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Author: Dmitriy Anisimkov <anisimkov@yahoo.com></anisimkov@yahoo.com>
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Contributors: Pascal Obry <pascal@obry.org>, Steve Sangwine <sjs@essex.ac.uk></sjs@essex.ac.uk></pascal@obry.org>