Shinya Kitaoka |
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#pragma once
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#include "toonzqt/intfield.h"
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#include "tcommon.h"
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#undef DVAPI
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#undef DVVAR
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// forward declaration
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class QSlider;
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class QLabel;
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Shinya Kitaoka |
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namespace DVGui {
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/*! \brief The IntPairField class provides to view an object to manage a pair
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of int parameter.
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Inherits \b QWidget.
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The object is composed of an horizontal layout \b QHBoxLayout
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which contains
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two pair [label, text field] and a slider with two grab, one for
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each int
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value to manage. [label, text field] are a \b QLabel and a \b
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Objects are inserted in the following order: a label and
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respective text field,
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the slider and the other pair [lebel,text field].
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Object size width is not fixed, while height is equal to
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DVGui::WidgetHeight, 20;
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labels width depend from its text lenght, text fields has fixed
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size, while
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slider width change in according with widget size.
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Objects contained in this widget are connected, so if you change
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one value the
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other automatically change, if it is necessary. You can set
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current value,
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getValues(), minimum and max value, getRange(), using
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setValues(), setRange().
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To know when one of two int parameter value change class
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provides a signal,
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valuesChanged(); class emit signal when a grab slider position
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change or when
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editing text field, left or right is finished and current value
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is changed.
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Editing text field finished may occur if focus is lost or enter
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key is pressed.
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See SLOT: onLeftEditingFinished() and onRightEditingFinished().
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Shinya Kitaoka |
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\b Example:
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IntPairField* intPairFieldExample = new
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Shinya Kitaoka |
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intPairFieldExample->setLeftText(tr("Left Value:"));
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intPairFieldExample->setRightText(tr("Rigth Value:"));
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\b Result:
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\image html DoublePairField.jpg
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class DVAPI IntPairField : public QWidget {
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QPixmap m_handleLeftPixmap, m_handleRightPixmap, m_handleLeftGrayPixmap,
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Q_PROPERTY(QPixmap HandleLeftPixmap READ getHandleLeftPixmap WRITE
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Shinya Kitaoka |
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Q_PROPERTY(QPixmap HandleRightPixmap READ getHandleRightPixmap WRITE
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Shinya Kitaoka |
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Q_PROPERTY(QPixmap HandleLeftGrayPixmap READ getHandleLeftGrayPixmap WRITE
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Shinya Kitaoka |
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Q_PROPERTY(QPixmap HandleRightGrayPixmap READ getHandleRightGrayPixmap WRITE
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IntLineEdit *m_leftLineEdit;
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IntLineEdit *m_rightLineEdit;
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QColor m_lightLineColor; /*-- スライダ溝の明るい色(白) --*/
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QColor m_darkLineColor; /*-- スライダ溝の暗い色(128,128,128) --*/
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QColor LightLineColor READ getLightLineColor WRITE setLightLineColor);
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Q_PROPERTY(QColor DarkLineColor READ getDarkLineColor WRITE setDarkLineColor);
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QLabel *m_leftLabel, *m_rightLabel;
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std::pair<int, int=""> m_values;</int,>
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int m_minValue, m_maxValue;
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int m_grabOffset, m_grabIndex;
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int m_leftMargin, m_rightMargin;
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bool m_isMaxRangeLimited;
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Shinya Kitaoka |
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IntPairField(QWidget *parent = 0, bool isMaxRangeLimited = true);
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~IntPairField() {}
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Shinya Kitaoka |
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/*! Set current values to \b values. */
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void setValues(const std::pair<int, int=""> &values);</int,>
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/*! Return a pair containing current values. */
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std::pair<int, int=""> getValues() const { return m_values; }</int,>
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/*! Set left label string to \b QString \b text. Recompute left margin adding
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label width. */
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void setLeftText(const QString &text);
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/*! Set right label string to \b QString \b text. Recompute right margin
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label width. */
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void setRightText(const QString &text);
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void setLabelsEnabled(bool enable);
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/*! Set range of \b IntPairField to \b minValue, \b maxValue. */
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void setRange(int minValue, int maxValue);
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/*! Set \b minValue and \b maxValue to IntPairField range. */
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void getRange(int &minValue, int &maxValue);
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QPixmap getHandleLeftPixmap() const { return m_handleLeftPixmap; }
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void setHandleLeftPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap) {
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m_handleLeftPixmap = pixmap;
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QPixmap getHandleRightPixmap() const { return m_handleRightPixmap; }
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void setHandleRightPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap) {
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m_handleRightPixmap = pixmap;
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QPixmap getHandleLeftGrayPixmap() const { return m_handleLeftGrayPixmap; }
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void setHandleLeftGrayPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap) {
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m_handleLeftGrayPixmap = pixmap;
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QPixmap getHandleRightGrayPixmap() const { return m_handleRightGrayPixmap; }
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void setHandleRightGrayPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap) {
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m_handleRightGrayPixmap = pixmap;
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Shinya Kitaoka |
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void setLightLineColor(const QColor &color) { m_lightLineColor = color; }
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QColor getLightLineColor() const { return m_lightLineColor; }
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void setDarkLineColor(const QColor &color) { m_darkLineColor = color; }
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QColor getDarkLineColor() const { return m_darkLineColor; }
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/*! Return value corresponding \b x position. */
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double pos2value(int x) const;
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/*! Return x position corresponding \b value. */
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int value2pos(double v) const;
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Shinya Kitaoka |
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/*! Set current value to \b value.
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Set left or right value, or both, to value depending on
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current slider
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grab edited and \b value. */
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void setValue(int v);
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void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *);
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void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
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void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
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void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
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protected slots:
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/*! Set current left value to value in left text field; if necessary, if left
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value is greater than right, change also current right value.
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\n This protected slot is called when text editing is finished.
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\n Emit valuesChanged().
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\n If current left value is equal to left text field value, return and do
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nothing. */
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void onLeftEditingFinished();
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Shinya Kitaoka |
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/*! Set current right value to value in right text field; if necessary, if
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Shinya Kitaoka |
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value is lower than left, change also current left value.
Shinya Kitaoka |
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\n This protected slot is called when text editing is finished.
Shinya Kitaoka |
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\n Emit valuesChanged().
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\n If current right value is equal to right text field value return and
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do nothing. */
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void onRightEditingFinished();
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Shinya Kitaoka |
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/*! This signal is emitted when change one of two IntField value;
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if one slider grab position change or if one text field
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editing is finished. */
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void valuesChanged(bool isDragging);
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Shinya Kitaoka |
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} // namespace DVGui
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