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#include <memory></memory>
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#include "tmachine.h"
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#include "tsio_mp3.h"
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#include "tsystem.h"
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#include "tfilepath_io.h"
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#include "tsound_t.h"
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#include "toonz/preferences.h"
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#include "toonz/toonzfolders.h"
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#include <qdir></qdir>
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#include <qprocess></qprocess>
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TSoundTrackReaderMp3::TSoundTrackReaderMp3(const TFilePath &fp)
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    : TSoundTrackReader(fp) {}
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TSoundTrackP TSoundTrackReaderMp3::load() {
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  FfmpegAudio *ffmepegAudio = new FfmpegAudio();
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  TFilePath tempFile        = ffmepegAudio->getRawAudio(m_path);
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  Tifstream is(tempFile);
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  if (!is)
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    throw TException(L"Unable to load the RAW file " + m_path.getWideString() +
Jeremy Bullock 3f5067
                     L" : doesn't exist");
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  is.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end);
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  long sampleCount = is.tellg() / 4;
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  is.seekg(0, std::ios_base::beg);
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  TSoundTrack *track = new TSoundTrackStereo16(44100, 2, sampleCount);
Jeremy Bullock 3f5067 *)track->getRawData(), sampleCount * 4);
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  return track;
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bool FfmpegAudio::checkFfmpeg() {
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  // check the user defined path in preferences first
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  QString path = Preferences::instance()->getFfmpegPath() + "/ffmpeg";
Jeremy Bullock 3f5067
#if defined(_WIN32)
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  path = path + ".exe";
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  if (TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(TFilePath(path))) return true;
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  // check the OpenToonz root directory next
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  path = QDir::currentPath() + "/ffmpeg";
Jeremy Bullock 3f5067
#if defined(_WIN32)
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  path = path + ".exe";
Jeremy Bullock 3f5067
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  if (TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(TFilePath(path))) {
shun-iwasawa 8fb291
    Preferences::instance()->setValue(ffmpegPath, QDir::currentPath());
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    return true;
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  // give up
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  return false;
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TFilePath FfmpegAudio::getFfmpegCache() {
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  QString cacheRoot = ToonzFolder::getCacheRootFolder().getQString();
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  if (!TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(TFilePath(cacheRoot + "/ffmpeg"))) {
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    TSystem::mkDir(TFilePath(cacheRoot + "/ffmpeg"));
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  std::string ffmpegPath =
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      TFilePath(cacheRoot + "/ffmpeg").getQString().toStdString();
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  return TFilePath(cacheRoot + "/ffmpeg");
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void FfmpegAudio::runFfmpeg(QStringList args) {
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  // write the file
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  QString m_ffmpegPath      = Preferences::instance()->getFfmpegPath();
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  std::string strFfmpegPath = m_ffmpegPath.toStdString();
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  QProcess ffmpeg;
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  ffmpeg.start(m_ffmpegPath + "/ffmpeg", args);
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  QString results = ffmpeg.readAllStandardError();
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  results += ffmpeg.readAllStandardOutput();
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  int exitCode = ffmpeg.exitCode();
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  std::string strResults = results.toStdString();
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TFilePath FfmpegAudio::getRawAudio(TFilePath path) {
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  std::string name       = path.getName();
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  TFilePath outPath      = getFfmpegCache() + TFilePath(name + ".raw");
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  std::string strPath    = path.getQString().toStdString();
Jeremy Bullock 3f5067
  std::string strOutPath = outPath.getQString().toStdString();
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  QStringList args;
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  args << "-i";
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  args << path.getQString();
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  args << "-f";
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  args << "s16le";
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  args << "-ac";
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  args << "2";
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  args << "-ar";
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  args << "44100";
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  args << "-y";
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  args << outPath.getQString();
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  return outPath;
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