Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
#include "stdfx.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
#include "tfxparam.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
#include "tpixelutils.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
#include "trop.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
#include "tparamset.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
// Local namespace stuff
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
namespace {
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
inline void pixelConvert(TPixel32 &dst, const TPixel32 &src) { dst = src; }
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
inline void pixelConvert(TPixel64 &dst, const TPixel32 &src) {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
dst = toPixel64(src);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
inline TRect gridAlign(const TRect &rect, TPoint origin, double step) {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TRect result(rect);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
result -= origin;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
result.x0 = step * tfloor(result.x0 / step);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
result.y0 = step * tfloor(result.y0 / step);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
result.x1 = step * tceil((result.x1 + 1) / step) - 1;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
result.y1 = step * tceil((result.y1 + 1) / step) - 1;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
result += origin;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
return result;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
inline TRectD gridAlign(const TRectD &rect, TPointD origin, double step) {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TRectD result(rect);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
result -= origin;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
result.x0 = step * tfloor(result.x0 / step);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
result.y0 = step * tfloor(result.y0 / step);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
result.x1 = step * tceil(result.x1 / step);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
result.y1 = step * tceil(result.y1 / step);
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
result += origin;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
return result;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
// Mosaic Namespace
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
namespace mosaic {
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
The mosaic::CellBuilder class is the virtual base class used by MosaicFx
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
to render a Mosaic cell with supplied colors.
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
template <typename pixel=""></typename>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
class CellBuilder {
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int m_lx, m_ly;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
double m_radius;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int m_wrap;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
CellBuilder(int cellLx, int cellLy, double radius, int wrap)
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
: m_lx(cellLx), m_ly(cellLy), m_radius(radius), m_wrap(wrap) {}
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
virtual ~CellBuilder() {}
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
virtual void doCell(PIXEL *cellBuffer, const PIXEL &cellColor,
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
const PIXEL &bgColor, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) = 0;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
} // namespace mosaic
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
// CellBuilder implementations
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
namespace mosaic {
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
template <typename gray="" pixel,="" typename=""></typename>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
class MaskCellBuilder : public CellBuilder<pixel> {</pixel>
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TRasterPT<gray> m_mask;</gray>
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
MaskCellBuilder(int cellLx, int cellLy, double radius, int wrap)
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
: CellBuilder<pixel>(cellLx, cellLy, radius, wrap) {}</pixel>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
void doCell(PIXEL *cellBuffer, const PIXEL &cellColor, const PIXEL &bgColor,
Shinya Kitaoka |
473e70 |
int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) override {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Apply the mask to the cell. 0 pixels are bgColored, GRAY::maxChannelValue
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// ones are cellColored.
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
PIXEL *pix, *line = cellBuffer, *lineEnd;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
GRAY *grPix, *grLine = m_mask->pixels(y0) + x0, *grLineEnd;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int x, y, grWrap = m_mask->getWrap(), lx = x1 - x0;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
for (y = y0; y < y1; ++y, line += this->m_wrap, grLine += grWrap) {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
lineEnd = line + lx;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
grLineEnd = grLine + lx;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
for (x = x0, pix = line, grPix = grLine; x < x1; ++x, ++pix, ++grPix)
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
*pix = blend(bgColor, cellColor,
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
grPix->value / (double)GRAY::maxChannelValue);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
template <typename gray="" pixel,="" typename=""></typename>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
class SquareBuilder : public MaskCellBuilder<pixel, gray=""> {</pixel,>
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
SquareBuilder(int cellLx, int cellLy, double radius, int wrap)
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
: MaskCellBuilder<pixel, gray="">(cellLx, cellLy, radius, wrap) {</pixel,>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Build the mask corresponding to a square of passed radius
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
GRAY *pix, *pixRev, *line, *lineEnd, *lineRev;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
this->m_mask = TRasterPT<gray>(cellLx, cellLy);</gray>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// For each pixel in the lower-left quadrant, fill in the corresponding mask
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// value.
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// The other ones are filled by mirroring.
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int i, j;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
double lxHalf = 0.5 * cellLx, lyHalf = 0.5 * cellLy;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int lxHalfI = tceil(lxHalf), lyHalfI = tceil(lyHalf);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
double val, addValX = radius - lxHalf + 1, addValY = radius - lyHalf + 1;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
for (i = 0; i < lyHalfI; ++i) {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
line = this->m_mask->pixels(i),
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
lineRev = this->m_mask->pixels(cellLy - i - 1);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
lineEnd = line + cellLx;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
for (j = 0, pix = line, pixRev = lineEnd - 1; j < lxHalfI;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
++j, ++pix, --pixRev) {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
val = tcrop(addValX + i, 0.0, 1.0) * tcrop(addValY + j, 0.0, 1.0);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
*pix = *pixRev = val * GRAY::maxChannelValue;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
memcpy(lineRev, line, cellLx * sizeof(GRAY));
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
template <typename gray="" pixel,="" typename=""></typename>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
class CircleBuilder : public MaskCellBuilder<pixel, gray=""> {</pixel,>
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
CircleBuilder(int cellLx, int cellLy, double radius, int wrap)
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
: MaskCellBuilder<pixel, gray="">(cellLx, cellLy, radius, wrap) {</pixel,>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Build the mask corresponding to a square of passed radius
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
GRAY *pix, *pixRev, *line, *lineEnd, *lineRev;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
this->m_mask = TRasterPT<gray>(cellLx, cellLy);</gray>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// For each pixel in the lower-left quadrant, fill in the corresponding mask
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// value.
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// The other ones are filled by mirroring.
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int i, j;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
double lxHalf = 0.5 * cellLx, lyHalf = 0.5 * cellLy;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int lxHalfI = tceil(lxHalf), lyHalfI = tceil(lyHalf);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
double val, addValX = 0.5 - lxHalf, addValY = 0.5 - lyHalf;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
for (i = 0; i < lyHalfI; ++i) {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
line = this->m_mask->pixels(i),
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
lineRev = this->m_mask->pixels(cellLy - i - 1);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
lineEnd = line + cellLx;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
for (j = 0, pix = line, pixRev = lineEnd - 1; j < lxHalfI;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
++j, ++pix, --pixRev) {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
val = tcrop(radius - sqrt(sq(i + addValX) + sq(j + addValY)), 0.0, 1.0);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
*pix = *pixRev = val * GRAY::maxChannelValue;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
memcpy(lineRev, line, cellLx * sizeof(GRAY));
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
} // namespace mosaic
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
// Mosaic Fx
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
class MosaicFx : public TStandardRasterFx {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TRasterFxPort m_input;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TDoubleParamP m_size;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TDoubleParamP m_distance;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TPixelParamP m_bgcolor;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TIntEnumParamP m_shape;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
: m_size(10.0)
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
, m_distance(10.0)
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
, m_bgcolor(TPixel32::Transparent)
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
, m_shape(new TIntEnumParam(0, "Square")) {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
bindParam(this, "size", m_size);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
bindParam(this, "distance", m_distance);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
bindParam(this, "bg_color", m_bgcolor);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
bindParam(this, "shape", m_shape);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
addInputPort("Source", m_input);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
m_size->setValueRange(0.0, (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)());</double>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
m_distance->setValueRange(0.0, (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)());</double>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
m_shape->addItem(1, "Round");
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
473e70 |
bool doGetBBox(double frame, TRectD &bBox, const TRenderSettings &info) override;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
473e70 |
void doDryCompute(TRectD &rect, double frame, const TRenderSettings &ri) override;
Shinya Kitaoka |
473e70 |
void doCompute(TTile &tile, double frame, const TRenderSettings &ri) override;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int getMemoryRequirement(const TRectD &rect, double frame,
Shinya Kitaoka |
473e70 |
const TRenderSettings &info) override;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
473e70 |
bool canHandle(const TRenderSettings &info, double frame) override {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// We'll return the handled affine only through handledAffine().
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
if ((m_size->getValue(frame) + m_distance->getValue(frame)) == 0.0)
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
return true;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
return false;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
473e70 |
TAffine handledAffine(const TRenderSettings &info, double frame) override {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Return the default implementation: only the scale part of the affine
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// can be handled. Rotations and other distortions would need us have to
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// implement diagonal grid lines - and we don't want to!
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Also, no translational component will be dealt for the same reason.
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TAffine scalePart(TRasterFx::handledAffine(info, frame));
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Plus, we want to avoid dealing with antialiases even on plain orthogonal
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// lines! So, we ensure that the step size will be flattened to integer.
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
double stepSize = m_size->getValue(frame) + m_distance->getValue(frame);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
double scale = tceil(stepSize * scalePart.a11) / stepSize;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
return TScale(scale, scale);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
template <typename pixel=""></typename>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
void doMosaic(TRasterPT<pixel> ras, TRasterPT<pixel> cellsRas, int step,</pixel></pixel>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
const TPoint &pos, TPixel32 bgcolor,
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
mosaic::CellBuilder<pixel> &cellBuilder) {</pixel>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Perform the mosaic's flattening operation on each grid cell.
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Cells are identified directly as we traverse the raster.
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int lx = ras->getLx(), ly = ras->getLy();
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int wrap = ras->getWrap();
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int cellLx = cellsRas->getLx(), cellLy = cellsRas->getLy(),
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
cellWrap = cellsRas->getWrap();
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int cellX, cellY;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int x0, y0, x1, y1;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
PIXEL actualBgColor;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
pixelConvert(actualBgColor, bgcolor);
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
PIXEL *buffer = ras->pixels(0);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
PIXEL *cellsBuf = cellsRas->pixels(0);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
for (cellY = 0; cellY < cellLy; ++cellY)
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
for (cellX = 0; cellX < cellLx; ++cellX) {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Build the cell geometry
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
x0 = pos.x + cellX * step, y0 = pos.y + cellY * step;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
x1 = x0 + step, y1 = y0 + step;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Retrieve the cell buffer position and its eventual adjustment
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int u0 = std::max(x0, 0), v0 = std::max(y0, 0);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int u1 = std::min(x1, lx), v1 = std::min(y1, ly);
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
PIXEL *cb = buffer + u0 + v0 * wrap;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
u0 -= x0, v0 -= y0, u1 -= x0, v1 -= y0;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Retrieve the cell color
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
PIXEL *color = cellsBuf + cellX + cellY * cellWrap;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
PIXEL cellBGColor = actualBgColor;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
double mFactor = color->m / (double)PIXEL::maxChannelValue;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
cellBGColor.r *= mFactor;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
cellBGColor.g *= mFactor;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
cellBGColor.b *= mFactor;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
cellBGColor.m *= mFactor;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
cellBuilder.doCell(cb, *color, cellBGColor, u0, v0, u1, v1);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
bool MosaicFx::doGetBBox(double frame, TRectD &bBox,
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
const TRenderSettings &info) {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Remember: info.m_affine MUST NOT BE CONSIDERED in doGetBBox's
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// implementation
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Retrieve the input bbox without applied affines.
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
if (!(m_input.getFx() && m_input->doGetBBox(frame, bBox, info))) return false;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Now, the grid has a given step size; the fx result is almost the same,
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// except that it must be ceiled to the grid step.
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
double step = m_size->getValue(frame) + m_distance->getValue(frame);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
if (!step) return true;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
bBox = ::gridAlign(bBox, TPointD(), step);
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
return true;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
void MosaicFx::doDryCompute(TRectD &rect, double frame,
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
const TRenderSettings &ri) {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
if (!m_input.isConnected()) return;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
double scale =
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
ri.m_affine.a11; // Legitimate due to handledAffine's implementation
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
double stepD =
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
(m_size->getValue(frame) + m_distance->getValue(frame)) * scale;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int step = tround(stepD);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
if (step <= 0) return;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TRectD bboxD;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
m_input->getBBox(frame, bboxD, ri);
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TRectD tileBoxD(::gridAlign(rect * bboxD, TPointD(), stepD));
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TRectD srcRectD(tround(tileBoxD.x0 / stepD), tround(tileBoxD.y0 / stepD),
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
tround(tileBoxD.x1 / stepD), tround(tileBoxD.y1 / stepD));
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int enlargement =
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
(ri.m_quality == TRenderSettings::StandardResampleQuality)
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
? 1.0
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
: (ri.m_quality == TRenderSettings::ImprovedResampleQuality)
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
? 2.0
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
: (ri.m_quality == TRenderSettings::HighResampleQuality) ? 3.0
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
: 0.0;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
srcRectD = srcRectD.enlarge(enlargement);
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TRenderSettings riLow(ri);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
riLow.m_affine = TScale(1.0 / stepD) * ri.m_affine;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
m_input->dryCompute(srcRectD, frame, riLow);
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
void MosaicFx::doCompute(TTile &tile, double frame, const TRenderSettings &ri) {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
if (!m_input.isConnected()) return;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// ri's affine is the one that has already been carried due to upstream geom
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// fxs.
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// It is handled; so, we can transfer geometrical data directly.
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
double scale =
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
ri.m_affine.a11; // Legitimate due to handledAffine's implementation
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
double stepD =
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
(m_size->getValue(frame) + m_distance->getValue(frame)) * scale;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int step = stepD = tround(stepD);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
if (step <= 0) {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// No blur will be done. The underlying fx may pass by.
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
m_input->compute(tile, frame, ri);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
double radius = 0.5 * tcrop(m_size->getValue(frame) * scale, 0.0, stepD);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TPixel32 bgcolor = m_bgcolor->getPremultipliedValue(frame);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Build the tile rect.
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TDimension tileSize(tile.getRaster()->getSize());
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TRectD tileRectD(tile.m_pos, TDimensionD(tileSize.lx, tileSize.ly));
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Observe that TRasterFx's documentation ensures
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// that passed tile's position is always integer, even if it's double-defined.
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Retrieve the input bbox
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TRectD bboxD;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
m_input->getBBox(frame, bboxD, ri);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Build the grid geometry. We require that the source tile is enlarged to
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// cover
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// a full grid step.
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TRectD tileBoxD(::gridAlign(tileRectD * bboxD, TPointD(), stepD));
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Now, we'll extract cell colors by computing tileBox with a res-reducing
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// affine.
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// So, the source tile will be
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TRect srcRect(tround(tileBoxD.x0 / stepD), tround(tileBoxD.y0 / stepD),
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
tround(tileBoxD.x1 / stepD) - 1,
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
tround(tileBoxD.y1 / stepD) - 1);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// The calculated source rect must be enlarged by a small amount, since the
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// resample algrotihms add some transparency to the edges.
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int enlargement =
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
(ri.m_quality == TRenderSettings::StandardResampleQuality)
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
? 1
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
: (ri.m_quality == TRenderSettings::ImprovedResampleQuality)
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
? 2
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
: (ri.m_quality == TRenderSettings::HighResampleQuality) ? 3
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
: 0;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
assert(enlargement > 0);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
srcRect = srcRect.enlarge(enlargement);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TRenderSettings riLow(ri);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
riLow.m_affine = TScale(1.0 / stepD) * ri.m_affine;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Compute the input tile.
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TRasterP srcRas(tile.getRaster()->create(srcRect.getLx(), srcRect.getLy()));
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TTile inTile(srcRas, TPointD(srcRect.x0, srcRect.y0));
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
m_input->compute(inTile, frame, riLow);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Eliminate the enlargement performed above
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TRect r(enlargement, enlargement, srcRas->getLx() - 1 - enlargement,
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
srcRas->getLy() - 1 - enlargement);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
srcRas = srcRas->extract(r);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
// Now, discriminate the tile's pixel size
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TRaster32P srcRas32(srcRas);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TRaster64P srcRas64(srcRas);
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TPoint pos(tround(tileBoxD.x0 - tileRectD.x0),
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
tround(tileBoxD.y0 - tileRectD.y0));
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
if (srcRas32) {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
typedef mosaic::CellBuilder<tpixel32> cb;</tpixel32>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
cb *cellsBuilder =
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
(m_shape->getValue() == 0)
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
? (cb *)new mosaic::SquareBuilder<tpixel32, tpixelgr8="">(</tpixel32,>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
step, step, radius, tile.getRaster()->getWrap())
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
: (cb *)new mosaic::CircleBuilder<tpixel32, tpixelgr8="">(</tpixel32,>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
step, step, radius, tile.getRaster()->getWrap());
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
doMosaic<tpixel32>(tile.getRaster(), srcRas32, step, pos, bgcolor,</tpixel32>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
delete cellsBuilder;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
} else if (srcRas64) {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
typedef mosaic::CellBuilder<tpixel64> cb;</tpixel64>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
cb *cellsBuilder =
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
(m_shape->getValue() == 0)
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
? (cb *)new mosaic::SquareBuilder<tpixel64, tpixelgr16="">(</tpixel64,>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
step, step, radius, tile.getRaster()->getWrap())
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
: (cb *)new mosaic::CircleBuilder<tpixel64, tpixelgr16="">(</tpixel64,>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
step, step, radius, tile.getRaster()->getWrap());
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
doMosaic<tpixel64>(tile.getRaster(), srcRas64, step, pos, bgcolor,</tpixel64>
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
delete cellsBuilder;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
} else
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
int MosaicFx::getMemoryRequirement(const TRectD &rect, double frame,
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
const TRenderSettings &info) {
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
double scale = info.m_affine.a11;
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
double stepD =
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
(m_size->getValue(frame) + m_distance->getValue(frame)) * scale;
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
TRectD srcRect(rect.x0 / stepD, rect.y0 / stepD, rect.x1 / stepD,
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
rect.y1 / stepD);
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Shinya Kitaoka |
120a6e |
return TRasterFx::memorySize(srcRect, info.m_bpp);
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
Toshihiro Shimizu |
890ddd |
FX_PLUGIN_IDENTIFIER(MosaicFx, "mosaicFx");