Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "stopmotion.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
// TnzCore includes
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "menubarcommandids.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "tapp.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "tenv.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "tsystem.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "filebrowsermodel.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "penciltestpopup.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "tlevel_io.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "toutputproperties.h"
shun-iwasawa 31accf
#include "filebrowserpopup.h"
shun-iwasawa 31accf
#include "tunit.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "toonz/namebuilder.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "toonz/preferences.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "toonz/tcamera.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "toonz/tcolumnhandle.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "toonz/tframehandle.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "toonz/levelset.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "toonz/sceneproperties.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "toonz/toonzscene.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "toonz/tscenehandle.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "toonz/stage.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "toonz/txsheethandle.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "toonz/txshlevelhandle.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "toonz/levelproperties.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "toonz/tstageobjecttree.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "toonzqt/menubarcommand.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include <qapplication></qapplication>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include <qcamera></qcamera>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include <qcamerainfo></qcamerainfo>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include <qcoreapplication></qcoreapplication>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include <qdesktopwidget></qdesktopwidget>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include <qdialog></qdialog>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include <qfile></qfile>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include <qstring></qstring>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include <qtimer></qtimer>
shun-iwasawa 31accf
#include <qxmlstreamwriter></qxmlstreamwriter>
shun-iwasawa 31accf
#include <qxmlstreamreader></qxmlstreamreader>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
// Connected camera
Jeremy Bullock f15907
TEnv::IntVar StopMotionOpacity("StopMotionOpacity", 100);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
TEnv::IntVar StopMotionAlwaysLiveView("StopMotionAlwaysLiveView", 0);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
TEnv::IntVar StopMotionPlaceOnXSheet("StopMotionPlaceOnXSheet", 1);
justburner d63640
TEnv::IntVar StopMotionReviewDSec("StopMotionReviewDSec", 10);
justburner d63640
TEnv::IntVar StopMotionIntervalDSec("StopMotionIntervalDSec", 100);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
TEnv::IntVar StopMotionUseNumpad("StopMotionUseNumpad", 0);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
TEnv::IntVar StopMotionDrawBeneathLevels("StopMotionDrawBeneathLevels", 1);
justburner d63640
TEnv::IntVar StopMotionPlayCaptureSound("StopMotionPlayCaptureSound", 0);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
// Connected camera
Jeremy Bullock f15907
TEnv::StringVar StopMotionCameraName("CamCapCameraName", "");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
// Camera resolution
Jeremy Bullock f15907
TEnv::StringVar StopMotionCameraResolution("CamCapCameraResolution", "");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
namespace {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
TPointD getCurrentCameraDpi() {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TCamera *camera =
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TDimensionD size = camera->getSize();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TDimension res   = camera->getRes();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  return TPointD(res.lx / size.lx, /;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
bool findCell(TXsheet *xsh, int col, const TXshCell &targetCell,
Jeremy Bullock f15907
              int &bottomRowWithTheSameLevel) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  bottomRowWithTheSameLevel = -1;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TXshColumnP column        = const_cast<txsheet *="">(xsh)->getColumn(col);</txsheet>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (!column) return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TXshCellColumn *cellColumn = column->getCellColumn();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (!cellColumn) return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int r0, r1;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (!cellColumn->getRange(r0, r1)) return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  for (int r = r0; r <= r1; r++) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    TXshCell cell = cellColumn->getCell(r);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (cell == targetCell) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      bottomRowWithTheSameLevel = r;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      return true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (cell.m_level == targetCell.m_level) bottomRowWithTheSameLevel = r;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
QChar numToLetter(int letterNum) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  switch (letterNum) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  case 0:
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    return QChar();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  case 1:
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    return 'A';
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  case 2:
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    return 'B';
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  case 3:
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    return 'C';
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  case 4:
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    return 'D';
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  case 5:
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    return 'E';
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  case 6:
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    return 'F';
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  case 7:
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    return 'G';
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  case 8:
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    return 'H';
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  case 9:
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    return 'I';
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    return QChar();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
QString convertToFrameWithLetter(int value, int length = -1) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  QString str;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  str.setNum((int)(value / 10));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  while (str.length() < length) str.push_front("0");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  QChar letter = numToLetter(value % 10);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (!letter.isNull()) str.append(letter);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  return str;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
QString fidsToString(const std::vector<tframeid> &fids,</tframeid>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
                     bool letterOptionEnabled) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (fids.empty()) return StopMotion::tr("No", "frame id");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  QString retStr("");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (letterOptionEnabled) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    bool beginBlock = true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    for (int f = 0; f < fids.size() - 1; f++) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      int num      = fids[f].getNumber();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      int next_num = fids[f + 1].getNumber();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (num % 10 == 0 && num + 10 == next_num) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        if (beginBlock) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          retStr += convertToFrameWithLetter(num) + " - ";
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          beginBlock = false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      } else {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        retStr += convertToFrameWithLetter(num) + ", ";
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        beginBlock = true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    retStr += convertToFrameWithLetter(fids.back().getNumber());
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  } else {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    bool beginBlock = true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    for (int f = 0; f < fids.size() - 1; f++) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      int num      = fids[f].getNumber();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      int next_num = fids[f + 1].getNumber();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (num + 1 == next_num) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        if (beginBlock) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          retStr += QString::number(num) + " - ";
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          beginBlock = false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      } else {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        retStr += QString::number(num) + ", ";
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        beginBlock = true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    retStr += QString::number(fids.back().getNumber());
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  return retStr;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
bool getRasterLevelSize(TXshLevel *level, TDimension &dim) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  std::vector<tframeid> fids;</tframeid>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (fids.empty()) return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TXshSimpleLevel *simpleLevel = level->getSimpleLevel();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (!simpleLevel) return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TRasterImageP rimg = (TRasterImageP)simpleLevel->getFrame(fids[0], false);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (!rimg || rimg->isEmpty()) return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  dim = rimg->getRaster()->getSize();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  return true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
};  // namespace
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
StopMotion::StopMotion() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_opacity = StopMotionOpacity;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_webcam = new Webcam();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_canon  = Canon::instance();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_serial = new StopMotionSerial();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_light  = new StopMotionLight();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_alwaysLiveView = StopMotionAlwaysLiveView;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_placeOnXSheet      = StopMotionPlaceOnXSheet;
justburner d63640
  m_reviewTimeDSec     = StopMotionReviewDSec;
justburner d63640
  m_intervalDSec       = StopMotionIntervalDSec;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_useNumpadShortcuts = StopMotionUseNumpad;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_drawBeneathLevels  = StopMotionDrawBeneathLevels;
justburner d63640
  m_playCaptureSound   = StopMotionPlayCaptureSound;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_numpadForStyleSwitching =
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_turnOnRewind = Preferences::instance()->rewindAfterPlaybackEnabled();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_timer        = new QTimer(this);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_reviewTimer  = new QTimer(this);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_intervalTimer      = new QTimer(this);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_countdownTimer     = new QTimer(this);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_webcamOverlayTimer = new QTimer(this);
justburner d63640
  m_camSnapSound       = new QSound(":Resources/camera_snap.wav");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // Make the interval timer single-shot. When the capture finished, restart
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // timer for next frame.
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // This is because capturing and saving the image needs some time.
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TXsheetHandle *xsheetHandle = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TSceneHandle *sceneHandle   = TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFrameHandle *frameHandle   = TApp::instance()->getCurrentFrame();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  bool ret                    = true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  ret = ret &&
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        connect(xsheetHandle, SIGNAL(xsheetSwitched()), this, SLOT(update()));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  ret = ret && connect(m_reviewTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this,
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  ret = ret && connect(m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onTimeout()));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  ret = ret && connect(sceneHandle, SIGNAL(sceneSwitched()), this,
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  ret = ret && connect(frameHandle, SIGNAL(isPlayingStatusChanged()), this,
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  ret = ret && connect(m_intervalTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this,
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  ret = ret && connect(m_webcamOverlayTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this,
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  ret = ret && connect(m_canon, SIGNAL(newCanonImageReady()), this,
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  ret = ret && connect(m_canon, SIGNAL(canonCameraChanged(QString)), this,
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  ToonzScene *scene = TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->getScene();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_filePath = scene->getDefaultLevelPath(OVL_TYPE, m_levelName.toStdWString())
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
StopMotion::~StopMotion() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::onSceneSwitched() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TApp *app         = TApp::instance();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  ToonzScene *scene = app->getCurrentScene()->getScene();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TXsheet *xsh      = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_filePath = scene->getDefaultLevelPath(OVL_TYPE, m_levelName.toStdWString())
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_frameNumber = 1;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TLevelSet *levelSet = scene->getLevelSet();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  std::vector<txshlevel *=""> levels;</txshlevel>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  int size   = levels.size();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  bool found = false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    TXshLevel *level = levels[i];
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (level->getType() == OVL_XSHLEVEL) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      TXshSimpleLevel *sl    = 0;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      sl                     = level->getSimpleLevel();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      bool isStopMotionLevel = sl->getProperties()->isStopMotionLevel();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (isStopMotionLevel) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        m_filePath    = sl->getPath().getParentDir().getQString();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        m_levelName   = QString::fromStdWString(sl->getName());
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        m_frameNumber = sl->getFrameCount() + 1;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        setXSheetFrameNumber(xsh->getFrameCount() + 1);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 6bac0f
        m_sl  = sl;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        found = true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (!found) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
bool StopMotion::buildLiveViewMap(TXshSimpleLevel *sl) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TApp *app         = TApp::instance();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  ToonzScene *scene = app->getCurrentScene()->getScene();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TXsheet *xsh      = scene->getXsheet();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  std::wstring levelName = m_levelName.toStdWString();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (levelName.empty()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    return false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_usingWebcam) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    return false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath liveViewFolder = scene->decodeFilePath(
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      TFilePath(m_filePath) + TFilePath(levelName + L"_LiveView"));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath levelFp = TFilePath(m_filePath) +
shun-iwasawa 31accf
                      TFilePath(levelName + L".." + m_fileType.toStdWString());
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath actualLevelFp = scene->decodeFilePath(levelFp);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath liveViewFp =
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      scene->decodeFilePath(liveViewFolder + TFilePath(levelName + L"..jpg"));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (!TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(liveViewFolder)) return false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  int count = sl->getFrameCount();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  std::vector<tframeid> fids;</tframeid>
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  for (TFrameId id : fids) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    int frameNumber = id.getNumber();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(liveViewFp.withFrame(frameNumber))) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      TRaster32P image;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      JpgConverter::loadJpg(liveViewFp.withFrame(frameNumber), image);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      m_liveViewImageMap.insert(std::pair<int, traster32p="">(frameNumber, image));</int,>
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_liveViewImageMap.size() > 0) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    return true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  } else
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    return false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::disconnectAllCameras() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_liveViewStatus > LiveViewClosed) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_usingWebcam) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    m_usingWebcam = false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_liveViewStatus = LiveViewClosed;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_isTimeLapse     = false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_intervalStarted = false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  emit(newCameraSelected(0, false));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::onPlaybackChanged() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (TApp::instance()->getCurrentFrame()->isPlaying() ||
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      m_liveViewStatus == LiveViewClosed)
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int r0, r1, step;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  ToonzScene *scene = TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->getScene();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  scene->getProperties()->getPreviewProperties()->getRange(r0, r1, step);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (r1 > -1) return;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int frame     = TApp::instance()->getCurrentFrame()->getFrame();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int lastFrame = TApp::instance()->getCurrentFrame()->getMaxFrameIndex();
flurick c8ee00
  if (m_xSheetFrameNumber - 1 == frame + 1) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    TApp::instance()->getCurrentFrame()->setFrame(m_xSheetFrameNumber - 1);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::setOpacity(int opacity) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_opacity         = opacity;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  StopMotionOpacity = m_opacity;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::lowerOpacity() {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int opacity = round((double)m_opacity / 255.0 * 10.0);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  opacity *= 10;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  opacity -= 10;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_opacity         = double(opacity) / 100.0 * 255.0;
otakuto 158f9f
  m_opacity         = std::max(0, m_opacity);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  StopMotionOpacity = m_opacity;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::raiseOpacity() {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int opacity = round((double)m_opacity / 255.0 * 10.0);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  opacity *= 10;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  opacity += 10;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_opacity         = double(opacity) / 100.0 * 255.0;
otakuto 158f9f
  m_opacity         = std::min(255, m_opacity);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  StopMotionOpacity = m_opacity;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::setAlwaysLiveView(bool on) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_alwaysLiveView         = on;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  StopMotionAlwaysLiveView = int(on);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::setPlaceOnXSheet(bool on) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_placeOnXSheet         = on;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  StopMotionPlaceOnXSheet = int(on);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
justburner d63640
void StopMotion::setReviewTimeDSec(int timeDSec) {
justburner d63640
  m_reviewTimeDSec     = timeDSec;
justburner d63640
  StopMotionReviewDSec = timeDSec;
justburner d63640
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::jumpToCameraFrame() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_liveViewStatus == LiveViewPaused && !m_userCalledPause) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    m_liveViewStatus = LiveViewOpen;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_hasLineUpImage) m_showLineUpImage = true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TApp::instance()->getCurrentFrame()->setFrame(m_xSheetFrameNumber - 1);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::removeStopMotionFrame() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_xSheetFrameNumber == 1) return;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TApp *app         = TApp::instance();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  ToonzScene *scene = app->getCurrentScene()->getScene();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TXsheet *xsh      = scene->getXsheet();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  int row = m_xSheetFrameNumber - 2;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // find which column the level is on.
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // check with the current column first
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  int col       = app->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(row, col);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TXshSimpleLevelP sl;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  bool found = false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (!cell.isEmpty()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (cell.getSimpleLevel() != 0) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      sl = cell.getSimpleLevel();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (sl.getPointer()->getName() == m_levelName.toStdWString()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        found = true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (!found) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    int cols = xsh->getColumnCount();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      cell = xsh->getCell(row, i);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (!cell.isEmpty()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        if (cell.getSimpleLevel() != 0) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
          sl = cell.getSimpleLevel();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
          if (sl.getPointer()->getName() == m_levelName.toStdWString()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
            found = true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
            col   = i;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (!found) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    // DVGui::error(tr("Could not find an xsheet level with  the current
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    // level"));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TXshCellColumn *xshCellColumn = xsh->getColumn(col)->getCellColumn();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (!xshCellColumn) return;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  xshCellColumn->removeCells(row, 1);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  setXSheetFrameNumber(m_xSheetFrameNumber - 1);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::setUseNumpadShortcuts(bool on) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_useNumpadShortcuts = on;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  StopMotionUseNumpad  = int(on);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::setDrawBeneathLevels(bool on) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_drawBeneathLevels         = on;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  StopMotionDrawBeneathLevels = int(on);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::toggleInterval(bool on) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_isTimeLapse = on;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::startInterval() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_liveViewStatus > 1) {
justburner d63640
    m_intervalTimer->start(m_intervalDSec * 100);
justburner d63640
    if (m_intervalDSec != 0) m_countdownTimer->start(100);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    m_intervalStarted = true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    DVGui::warning(tr("Please start live view before using time lapse."));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    m_intervalStarted = false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::stopInterval() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_intervalStarted = false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
justburner d63640
void StopMotion::setIntervalDSec(int value) {
justburner d63640
  m_intervalDSec         = value;
justburner d63640
  StopMotionIntervalDSec = value;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::onIntervalCaptureTimerTimeout() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_liveViewStatus > 0) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    DVGui::warning(tr("Please start live view before using time lapse."));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    m_intervalStarted = false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::restartInterval() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // restart interval timer for capturing next frame (it is single shot)
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_isTimeLapse && m_intervalStarted) {
justburner d63640
    m_intervalTimer->start(m_intervalDSec * 100);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    // restart the count down as well (for aligning the timing. It is not
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    // single shot)
justburner d63640
    if (m_intervalDSec != 0) m_countdownTimer->start(100);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::toggleNumpadShortcuts(bool on) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // can't just return if this feature is off
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // it could have been toggled while the camera was active
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (!m_useNumpadShortcuts) on = false;
shun-iwasawa 6bac0f
  CommandManager *comm = CommandManager::instance();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (on) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    // if turning it on, get all old shortcuts
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (m_numpadForStyleSwitching) {
shun-iwasawa 2c27a4
      Preferences::instance()->setValue(useNumpadForSwitchingStyles, false);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    std::string shortcut;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    QAction *action;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      shortcut = QString::number(i).toStdString();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      action   = comm->getActionFromShortcut(shortcut);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (action) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
            std::pair<std::string, *="" qaction="">(shortcut, action));</std::string,>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    shortcut = "+";
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    action   = comm->getActionFromShortcut(shortcut);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (action) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          std::pair<std::string, *="" qaction="">(shortcut, action));</std::string,>
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    shortcut = "-";
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    action   = comm->getActionFromShortcut(shortcut);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (action) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          std::pair<std::string, *="" qaction="">(shortcut, action));</std::string,>
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    shortcut = "Enter";
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    action   = comm->getActionFromShortcut(shortcut);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
          std::pair<std::string, *="" qaction="">(shortcut, action));</std::string,>
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    shortcut = "Backspace";
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    action   = comm->getActionFromShortcut(shortcut);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
          std::pair<std::string, *="" qaction="">(shortcut, action));</std::string,>
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    shortcut = "Return";
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    action   = comm->getActionFromShortcut(shortcut);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (action) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          std::pair<std::string, *="" qaction="">(shortcut, action));</std::string,>
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    shortcut = "*";
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    action   = comm->getActionFromShortcut(shortcut);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (action) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          std::pair<std::string, *="" qaction="">(shortcut, action));</std::string,>
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    shortcut = ".";
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    action   = comm->getActionFromShortcut(shortcut);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
          std::pair<std::string, *="" qaction="">(shortcut, action));</std::string,>
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    shortcut = "/";
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    action   = comm->getActionFromShortcut(shortcut);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
          std::pair<std::string, *="" qaction="">(shortcut, action));</std::string,>
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    // now set all new shortcuts
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    action = comm->getAction(MI_PrevFrame);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (action) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionNextFrame);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (action) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionJumpToCamera);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (action) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    action = comm->getAction(MI_Loop);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (action) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    action = comm->getAction(MI_Play);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (action) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionRaiseOpacity);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (action) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionLowerOpacity);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (action) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionCapture);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionRemoveFrame);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionToggleLiveView);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionToggleUseLiveViewImages);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionToggleZoom);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionPickFocusCheck);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    action = comm->getAction(MI_ShortPlay);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    // unset the new shortcuts first
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (m_oldActionMap.size() > 0) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      QAction *action;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_PrevFrame);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionNextFrame);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionJumpToCamera);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_Loop);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_Play);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionCapture);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionLowerOpacity);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionRaiseOpacity);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionToggleLiveView);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionToggleUseLiveViewImages);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionToggleZoom);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_ShortPlay);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionPickFocusCheck);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionRemoveFrame);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      // now put back the old shortcuts
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      auto it = m_oldActionMap.begin();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      while (it != m_oldActionMap.end()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (m_numpadForStyleSwitching) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        std::string shortcut;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        QAction *action;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
          shortcut = QString::number(i).toStdString();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
          action   = comm->getActionFromShortcut(shortcut);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
          if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
            action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        Preferences::instance()->setValue(useNumpadForSwitchingStyles, true);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::toggleNumpadForFocusCheck(bool on) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  CommandManager *comm = CommandManager::instance();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_useNumpadShortcuts) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (on) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      QAction *action;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_PrevFrame);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionNextFrame);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionJumpToCamera);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_Loop);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_Play);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionToggleLiveView);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_ShortPlay);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionCapture);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      QAction *action;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_PrevFrame);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionNextFrame);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionJumpToCamera);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_Loop);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_Play);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionToggleLiveView);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_ShortPlay);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      action = comm->getAction(MI_StopMotionCapture);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        action = NULL;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::setXSheetFrameNumber(int frameNumber) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_xSheetFrameNumber = frameNumber;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TApp::instance()->getCurrentFrame()->setFrame(frameNumber - 1);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
bool StopMotion::loadLineUpImage() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_liveViewStatus == LiveViewClosed || m_userCalledPause) return false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  int row;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_xSheetFrameNumber == 1) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    row = 0;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    row = m_xSheetFrameNumber - 2;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_hasLineUpImage = loadLiveViewImage(row, m_lineUpImage);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  return m_hasLineUpImage;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
bool StopMotion::loadLiveViewImage(int row, TRaster32P &image) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // first see if the level exists in the current level set
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  ToonzScene *currentScene = TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->getScene();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TLevelSet *levelSet      = currentScene->getLevelSet();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  std::wstring levelName = m_levelName.toStdWString();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // level with the same name
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TXshLevel *level_sameName = levelSet->getLevel(levelName);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath levelFp = TFilePath(m_filePath) +
shun-iwasawa 31accf
                      TFilePath(levelName + L".." + m_fileType.toStdWString());
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // level with the same path
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TXshLevel *level_samePath = levelSet->getLevel(*(currentScene), levelFp);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // TFilePath actualLevelFp = currentScene->decodeFilePath(levelFp);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TXshSimpleLevelP sl;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (level_sameName && level_samePath && level_sameName == level_samePath) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    sl                 = dynamic_cast<txshsimplelevel *="">(level_sameName);</txshsimplelevel>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    bool isRasterLevel = sl && (sl->getType() == OVL_XSHLEVEL);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (!isRasterLevel) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  } else
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // next we need to find the column the level is on
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TApp *app    = TApp::instance();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TXsheet *xsh = currentScene->getXsheet();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  int col      = app->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int foundCol = -1;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // most possibly, it's in the current column
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int rowCheck;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  findCell(xsh, col, TXshCell(level_sameName, TFrameId(1)), rowCheck);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (rowCheck >= 0) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    foundCol = col;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  } else {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    // search entire xsheet
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    for (int c = 0; c < xsh->getColumnCount(); c++) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (c == col) continue;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      findCell(xsh, c, TXshCell(level_sameName, TFrameId(1)), rowCheck);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (rowCheck >= 0) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        foundCol = c;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (rowCheck < 0) return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // note found row represents the last row found that uses
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // the active level
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(row, foundCol);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (!(cell.getSimpleLevel() != 0 &&
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        cell.getSimpleLevel() == level_sameName->getSimpleLevel())) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    return false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFrameId frameId = xsh->getCell(row, foundCol).getFrameId();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int frameNumber = frameId.getNumber();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (m_usingWebcam) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (frameNumber > 0) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      image = sl->getFrame(frameId, false)->raster();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      return true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    } else
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // first check if the image is in the live view map
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  std::map<int, traster32p="">::iterator it;</int,>
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  it = m_liveViewImageMap.find(frameNumber);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (it != m_liveViewImageMap.end()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    image = m_liveViewImageMap.find(frameNumber)->second;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    return true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // it's not in the map
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // now check to see if a file actually exists
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // then put it in the map
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath liveViewFolder = currentScene->decodeFilePath(
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      TFilePath(m_filePath) + TFilePath(levelName + L"_LiveView"));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath liveViewFp = currentScene->decodeFilePath(
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      liveViewFolder + TFilePath(levelName + L"..jpg"));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath liveViewFile(liveViewFp.withFrame(frameNumber));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (TFileStatus(liveViewFile).doesExist()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (JpgConverter::loadJpg(liveViewFile, image)) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      m_liveViewImageMap.insert(std::pair<int, traster32p="">(frameNumber, image));</int,>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      return true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::setFrameNumber(int frameNumber) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_frameNumber = frameNumber;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::nextFrame() {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (Preferences::instance()->isShowFrameNumberWithLettersEnabled()) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    int f = m_frameNumber;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (f % 10 == 0)  // next number
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      m_frameNumber = ((int)(f / 10) + 1) * 10;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    else  // next alphabet
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      m_frameNumber = f + 1;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  } else
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_frameNumber = m_frameNumber + 1;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::lastFrame() {}
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::previousFrame() {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int f = m_frameNumber;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (f > 1) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (Preferences::instance()->isShowFrameNumberWithLettersEnabled()) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (f % 10 == 0)  // next number
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        m_frameNumber = ((int)(f / 10) - 1) * 10;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      else  // next alphabet
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        m_frameNumber = f - 1;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    } else
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      m_frameNumber = f - 1;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::setLevelName(QString levelName) { m_levelName = levelName; }
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::nextName() {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  std::unique_ptr<flexiblenamecreator> nameCreator(new FlexibleNameCreator());</flexiblenamecreator>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (!nameCreator->setCurrent(m_levelName.toStdWString())) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  std::wstring levelName = nameCreator->getNext();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::previousName() {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  std::unique_ptr<flexiblenamecreator> nameCreator(new FlexibleNameCreator());</flexiblenamecreator>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  std::wstring levelName;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
luz paz 6454c4
  // if the current level name is non-sequential, then try to switch the last
luz paz 6454c4
  // sequential level in the scene.
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (!nameCreator->setCurrent(m_levelName.toStdWString())) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    TLevelSet *levelSet =
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    for (;;) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      levelName = nameCreator->getPrevious();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (levelSet->getLevel(levelName) != 0) break;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (levelName == L"A") {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  } else
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    levelName = nameCreator->getPrevious();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::setFileType(QString fileType) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_fileType = fileType;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::setFilePath(QString filePath) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_filePath = filePath;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  ToonzScene *scene = TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->getScene();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath saveInPath(filePath.toStdWString());
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::setSubsamplingValue(int subsampling) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_subsampling = subsampling;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::getSubsampling() {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  ToonzScene *currentScene = TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->getScene();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TLevelSet *levelSet      = currentScene->getLevelSet();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  std::wstring levelName = m_levelName.toStdWString();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // level with the same name
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TXshLevel *level_sameName = levelSet->getLevel(levelName);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath levelFp = TFilePath(m_filePath) +
Jeremy Bullock f15907
                      TFilePath(levelName + L".." + m_fileType.toStdWString());
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // level with the same path
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TXshLevel *level_samePath = levelSet->getLevel(*(currentScene), levelFp);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath actualLevelFp = currentScene->decodeFilePath(levelFp);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (level_sameName && level_samePath && level_sameName == level_samePath) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    TXshSimpleLevelP m_sl;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_sl               = dynamic_cast<txshsimplelevel *="">(level_sameName);</txshsimplelevel>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    bool isRasterLevel = m_sl && (m_sl->getType() == OVL_XSHLEVEL);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (isRasterLevel) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      int currSubsampling = m_sl->getProperties()->getSubsampling();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      m_subsampling       = currSubsampling;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    } else
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  } else
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
justburner d63640
void StopMotion::setPlayCaptureSound(bool on) {
justburner d63640
  m_playCaptureSound         = on;
justburner d63640
  StopMotionPlayCaptureSound = on;
justburner d63640
justburner d63640
justburner d63640
justburner d63640
justburner d63640
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::update() { getSubsampling(); }
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::setSubsampling() {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  ToonzScene *currentScene = TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->getScene();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TLevelSet *levelSet      = currentScene->getLevelSet();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  std::wstring levelName = m_levelName.toStdWString();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // level with the same name
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TXshLevel *level_sameName = levelSet->getLevel(levelName);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath levelFp = TFilePath(m_filePath) +
Jeremy Bullock f15907
                      TFilePath(levelName + L".." + m_fileType.toStdWString());
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // level with the same path
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TXshLevel *level_samePath = levelSet->getLevel(*(currentScene), levelFp);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath actualLevelFp = currentScene->decodeFilePath(levelFp);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (level_sameName && level_samePath && level_sameName == level_samePath) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    TXshSimpleLevelP m_sl;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_sl               = dynamic_cast<txshsimplelevel *="">(level_sameName);</txshsimplelevel>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    bool isRasterLevel = m_sl && (m_sl->getType() & RASTER_TYPE);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (isRasterLevel) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      int currSubsampling = m_sl->getProperties()->getSubsampling();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      int newSubsampling  = m_subsampling;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (currSubsampling != newSubsampling) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::onTimeout() {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int currentFrame = TApp::instance()->getCurrentFrame()->getFrame();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if ((m_liveViewStatus > LiveViewClosed && m_liveViewStatus < LiveViewPaused &&
shun-iwasawa 31accf
       !TApp::instance()->getCurrentFrame()->isPlaying()) ||
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      (m_liveViewStatus == LiveViewPaused && !m_userCalledPause)) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (getAlwaysLiveView() || (currentFrame >= m_xSheetFrameNumber - 2)) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (!m_usingWebcam) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        bool success = m_canon->downloadEVFData();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        if (success) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
          m_hasLiveViewImage = false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        bool success = m_webcam->getWebcamImage(m_liveViewImage);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        if (success) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
          m_hasLiveViewImage = false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if ((!getAlwaysLiveView() &&
shun-iwasawa 31accf
           !(currentFrame >= m_xSheetFrameNumber - 2)) ||
shun-iwasawa 31accf
          m_canon->m_pickLiveViewZoom) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        m_showLineUpImage = false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      } else {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        m_showLineUpImage = true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    } else if (m_liveViewStatus == LiveViewOpen) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      m_liveViewStatus = LiveViewPaused;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //  else if (m_liveViewStatus == LiveViewPaused && !m_userCalledPause) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //    if (getAlwaysLiveView() || (currentFrame == m_xSheetFrameNumber - 1)) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //      if (!m_usingWebcam) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //#ifdef WITH_CANON
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //        bool success = m_canon->downloadEVFData();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //        if (success) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //          setLiveViewImage();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //        } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //          m_hasLiveViewImage = false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //        }
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //      } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //        bool success = m_webcam->getWebcamImage(m_liveViewImage);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //        if (success) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //          setLiveViewImage();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //        } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //          m_hasLiveViewImage = false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //        }
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //      }
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //    }
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  //  }
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::setLiveViewImage() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_hasLiveViewImage = true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // make sure not to set to LiveViewOpen if it has been turned off
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_liveViewStatus > LiveViewClosed && !m_userCalledPause) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    m_liveViewStatus = LiveViewOpen;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_liveViewDpi.x == 0.0 || m_liveViewImageDimensions.lx == 0) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    TCamera *camera =
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    TDimensionD size = camera->getSize();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    m_liveViewImageDimensions =
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        TDimension(m_liveViewImage->getLx(), m_liveViewImage->getLy());
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    double minimumDpi = std::min(m_liveViewImageDimensions.lx / size.lx,
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 6bac0f
    m_liveViewDpi     = TPointD(minimumDpi, minimumDpi);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (!m_usingWebcam) {
shun-iwasawa 6bac0f
      minimumDpi     = std::min(m_fullImageDimensions.lx / size.lx,
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      m_fullImageDpi = TPointD(minimumDpi, minimumDpi);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      m_fullImageDimensions = m_liveViewImageDimensions;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      m_fullImageDpi        = m_liveViewDpi;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
// void StopMotion::setLiveViewImage() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
//    m_hasLiveViewImage = true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
//    m_liveViewStatus = LiveViewOpen;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
//    if (m_hasLiveViewImage &&
shun-iwasawa 31accf
//        (m_liveViewDpi.x == 0.0 || m_liveViewImageDimensions.lx == 0)) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
//        TCamera* camera =
shun-iwasawa 31accf
//            TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->getScene()->getCurrentCamera();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
//        TDimensionD size = camera->getSize();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
//        m_liveViewImageDimensions =
shun-iwasawa 31accf
//            TDimension(m_liveViewImage->getLx(), m_liveViewImage->getLy());
shun-iwasawa 31accf
//        double minimumDpi = std::min(m_liveViewImageDimensions.lx / size.lx,
shun-iwasawa 31accf
//   /;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
//        m_liveViewDpi = TPointD(minimumDpi, minimumDpi);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
//        m_fullImageDimensions = m_liveViewImageDimensions;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
//        m_fullImageDpi = m_liveViewDpi;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
//        emit(newDimensions());
shun-iwasawa 31accf
//    }
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
//    emit(newLiveViewImageReady());
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::onReviewTimeout() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_liveViewStatus > LiveViewClosed) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    m_liveViewStatus = LiveViewOpen;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TApp::instance()->getCurrentFrame()->setFrame(m_xSheetFrameNumber - 1);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
bool StopMotion::importImage() {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TApp *app         = TApp::instance();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  ToonzScene *scene = app->getCurrentScene()->getScene();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TXsheet *xsh      = scene->getXsheet();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  std::wstring levelName = m_levelName.toStdWString();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (levelName.empty()) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        tr("No level name specified: please choose a valid level name"));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (m_usingWebcam) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_newImage = m_liveViewImage;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int frameNumber = m_frameNumber;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  /* create parent directory if it does not exist */
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath parentDir     = scene->decodeFilePath(TFilePath(m_filePath));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath fullResFolder = scene->decodeFilePath(
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      TFilePath(m_filePath) + TFilePath(levelName + L"_FullRes"));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath liveViewFolder = scene->decodeFilePath(
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      TFilePath(m_filePath) + TFilePath(levelName + L"_LiveView"));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath levelFp = TFilePath(m_filePath) +
Jeremy Bullock f15907
                      TFilePath(levelName + L".." + m_fileType.toStdWString());
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath actualLevelFp = scene->decodeFilePath(levelFp);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath actualFile(actualLevelFp.withFrame(frameNumber));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath fullResFp =
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      scene->decodeFilePath(fullResFolder + TFilePath(levelName + L"..jpg"));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath fullResFile(fullResFp.withFrame(frameNumber));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath liveViewFp =
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      scene->decodeFilePath(liveViewFolder + TFilePath(levelName + L"..jpg"));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath liveViewFile(liveViewFp.withFrame(frameNumber));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath tempFile = parentDir + "temp.jpg";
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TXshSimpleLevel *sl = 0;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TXshLevel *level    = scene->getLevelSet()->getLevel(levelName);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  enum State { NEWLEVEL = 0, ADDFRAME, OVERWRITE } state;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  /* if the level already exists in the scene cast */
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (level) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    /* if the existing level is not a raster level, then return */
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (level->getType() != OVL_XSHLEVEL) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          tr("The level name specified is already used: please choose a "
Jeremy Bullock f15907
             "different level name."));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    /* if the existing level does not match file path and pixel size, then
Jeremy Bullock f15907
     * return */
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    sl = level->getSimpleLevel();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (scene->decodeFilePath(sl->getPath()) != actualLevelFp) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          tr("The save in path specified does not match with the existing "
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (sl->getProperties()->getImageRes() !=
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        TDimension(m_newImage->getLx(), m_newImage->getLy())) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          "The captured image size does not match with the existing level."));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    /* if the level already have the same frame, then ask if overwrite it */
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    TFilePath frameFp(actualLevelFp.withFrame(frameNumber));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (TFileStatus(frameFp).doesExist()) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      QString question =
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          tr("File %1 already exists.\nDo you want to overwrite it?")
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      int ret = DVGui::MsgBox(question, QObject::tr("Overwrite"),
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (ret == 0 || ret == 2) return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      state = OVERWRITE;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    } else
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      state = ADDFRAME;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  /* if the level does not exist in the scene cast */
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  else {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    /* if the file does exist, load it first */
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(actualLevelFp)) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      level = scene->loadLevel(actualLevelFp);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (!level) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        DVGui::error(tr("Failed to load %1.").arg(toQString(actualLevelFp)));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      /* if the loaded level does not match in pixel size, then return */
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      sl = level->getSimpleLevel();
shun-iwasawa 6bac0f
      if (!sl || sl->getProperties()->getImageRes() !=
shun-iwasawa 6bac0f
                     TDimension(m_newImage->getLx(), m_newImage->getLy())) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
            tr("The captured image size does not match with the existing "
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      /* confirm overwrite */
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      TFilePath frameFp(actualLevelFp.withFrame(frameNumber));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (TFileStatus(frameFp).doesExist()) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        QString question =
Jeremy Bullock f15907
            tr("File %1 already exists.\nDo you want to overwrite it?")
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        int ret = DVGui::MsgBox(question, QObject::tr("Overwrite"),
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        if (ret == 0 || ret == 2) return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    /* if the file does not exist, then create a new level */
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    else {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      TXshLevel *level = scene->createNewLevel(OVL_XSHLEVEL, levelName,
Jeremy Bullock f15907
                                               TDimension(), 0, levelFp);
shun-iwasawa 6bac0f
      sl               = level->getSimpleLevel();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      sl->setPath(levelFp, true);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      TPointD dpi;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      // Right now always set the dpi to scale to the camera width
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (Preferences::instance()->getPixelsOnly() && false)
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        dpi = getCurrentCameraDpi();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      // Compute the dpi so that the image will fit
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      // to the camera frame
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      else {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        TCamera *camera =
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        TDimensionD size  = camera->getSize();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        double minimumDpi = std::min(m_newImage->getLx() / size.lx,
Jeremy Bullock f15907
                                     m_newImage->getLy() /;
shun-iwasawa 6bac0f
        dpi               = TPointD(minimumDpi, minimumDpi);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          TDimension(m_newImage->getLx(), m_newImage->getLy()));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    state = NEWLEVEL;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (!TFileStatus(parentDir).doesExist()) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    QString question;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    question = tr("Folder %1 doesn't exist.\nDo you want to create it?")
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    int ret = DVGui::MsgBox(question, QObject::tr("Yes"), QObject::tr("No"));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (ret == 0 || ret == 2) return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    try {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    } catch (...) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      DVGui::error(tr("Unable to create") + toQString(parentDir));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (!m_usingWebcam) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (!TFileStatus(fullResFolder).doesExist()) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      try {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      } catch (...) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        DVGui::error(tr("Unable to create") + toQString(fullResFolder));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (!TFileStatus(liveViewFolder).doesExist()) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      try {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      } catch (...) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        DVGui::error(tr("Unable to create") + toQString(liveViewFolder));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // move the temp file
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (!m_usingWebcam) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (m_canon->m_useScaledImages) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      TSystem::copyFile(fullResFile, tempFile);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (m_hasLineUpImage) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      JpgConverter::saveJpg(m_lineUpImage, liveViewFile);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      // check the live view image map to see if there is already
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      // an image with this framenumber.  Overwrite if it exists
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      std::map<int, traster32p="">::iterator it;</int,>
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      it = m_liveViewImageMap.find(frameNumber);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (it != m_liveViewImageMap.end()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        m_liveViewImageMap.find(frameNumber)->second = m_lineUpImage;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        return true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
            std::pair<int, traster32p="">(m_frameNumber, m_lineUpImage));</int,>
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFrameId fid(frameNumber);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TPointD levelDpi = sl->getDpi();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  /* create the raster */
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TRaster32P raster = m_newImage;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TRasterImageP ri(raster);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  ri->setDpi(levelDpi.x, levelDpi.y);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  /* setting the frame */
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  sl->setFrame(fid, ri);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  /* set dirty flag */
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // if (m_saveOnCaptureCB->isChecked()) sl->save();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // for now always save.  This can be tweaked later
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_sl = sl;
justburner d63640
  if (getReviewTimeDSec() > 0 && !m_isTimeLapse) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    m_liveViewStatus = LiveViewPaused;
justburner d63640
    m_reviewTimer->start(getReviewTimeDSec() * 100);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  /* placement in xsheet */
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (!getPlaceOnXSheet()) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    return true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int row = m_xSheetFrameNumber - 1;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int col = app->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // if the level is newly created or imported, then insert a new column
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (state == NEWLEVEL) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (!xsh->isColumnEmpty(col)) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      col += 1;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    xsh->insertCells(row, col);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    xsh->setCell(row, col, TXshCell(sl, fid));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
justburner d63640
    if (getReviewTimeDSec() == 0 || m_isTimeLapse)
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      app->getCurrentFrame()->setFrame(row + 1);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_xSheetFrameNumber = row + 2;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    // if (m_newImage->getLx() > 2000) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    //  m_subsampling = 4;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    //  setSubsampling();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    return true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // if the same cell is already in the column, then just replace the content
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // and do not set a new cell
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int foundCol, foundRow = -1;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // most possibly, it's in the current column
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int rowCheck;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (findCell(xsh, col, TXshCell(sl, fid), rowCheck)) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    return true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (rowCheck >= 0) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    foundRow = rowCheck;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    foundCol = col;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // search entire xsheet
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  for (int c = 0; c < xsh->getColumnCount(); c++) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (c == col) continue;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (findCell(xsh, c, TXshCell(sl, fid), rowCheck)) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      return true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (rowCheck >= 0) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      foundRow = rowCheck;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      foundCol = c;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // note found row represents the last row found that uses
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // the active level
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // if there is a column containing the same level
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (foundRow >= 0) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    // put the cell at the bottom
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    xsh->insertCells(row, foundCol);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    xsh->setCell(row, foundCol, TXshCell(sl, fid));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
justburner d63640
    if (getReviewTimeDSec() == 0 || m_isTimeLapse)
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      app->getCurrentFrame()->setFrame(row + 1);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_xSheetFrameNumber = row + 2;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // if the level is registered in the scene, but is not placed in the xsheet,
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // then insert a new column
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  else {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (!xsh->isColumnEmpty(col)) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      col += 1;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    xsh->setCell(row, col, TXshCell(sl, fid));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
justburner d63640
    if (getReviewTimeDSec() == 0 || m_isTimeLapse)
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      app->getCurrentFrame()->setFrame(row + 1);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_xSheetFrameNumber = row + 2;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  return true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::captureImage() {
justburner d63640
  if (m_playCaptureSound) {
justburner d63640
justburner d63640
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_isTimeLapse && !m_intervalStarted) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_isTimeLapse && m_intervalStarted && m_intervalTimer->isActive()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (!m_hasLiveViewImage || m_liveViewStatus != LiveViewOpen) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    DVGui::warning(tr("Cannot capture image unless live view is active."));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  bool sessionOpen = false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  sessionOpen = m_canon->m_sessionOpen;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if ((!m_usingWebcam && !sessionOpen) || m_userCalledPause) {
shun-iwasawa 2c27a4
    DVGui::warning(tr("Please start live view before capturing an image."));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (m_usingWebcam) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::captureWebcamImage() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_light->useOverlays()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  } else {
justburner d63640
    if (getReviewTimeDSec() > 0 && !m_isTimeLapse) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (m_liveViewStatus > LiveViewClosed) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        // m_liveViewStatus = LiveViewPaused;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_lineUpImage    = m_liveViewImage;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_hasLineUpImage = true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::captureWebcamOnTimeout() {
justburner d63640
  if (getReviewTimeDSec() > 0 && !m_isTimeLapse) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (m_liveViewStatus > LiveViewClosed) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      // m_liveViewStatus = LiveViewPaused;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_lineUpImage    = m_liveViewImage;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_hasLineUpImage = true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::captureDslrImage() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
justburner d63640
  if (getReviewTimeDSec() > 0 && !m_isTimeLapse) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_liveViewStatus > LiveViewClosed && !m_isTimeLapse) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    // m_liveViewStatus = LiveViewPaused;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (m_hasLiveViewImage) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_lineUpImage    = m_liveViewImage;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_hasLineUpImage = true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TApp *app         = TApp::instance();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  ToonzScene *scene = app->getCurrentScene()->getScene();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int frameNumber        = m_frameNumber;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  std::wstring levelName = m_levelName.toStdWString();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath parentDir = scene->decodeFilePath(TFilePath(m_filePath));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath tempFile  = parentDir + "temp.jpg";
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (!TFileStatus(parentDir).doesExist()) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_tempFile = tempFile.getQString();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::postImportProcess() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (Preferences::instance()->isShowFrameNumberWithLettersEnabled()) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    int f = m_frameNumber;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (f % 10 == 0)  // next number
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      m_frameNumber = ((int)(f / 10) + 1) * 10;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    else  // next alphabet
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      m_frameNumber = f + 1;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  } else
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_frameNumber += 1;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  /* notify */
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_isTimeLapse && m_intervalStarted) restartInterval();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::saveXmlFile() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TApp *app         = TApp::instance();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  ToonzScene *scene = app->getCurrentScene()->getScene();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TXsheet *xsh      = scene->getXsheet();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  std::wstring levelName = m_levelName.toStdWString();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath parentDir    = scene->decodeFilePath(TFilePath(m_filePath));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath tempFile     = parentDir + TFilePath(levelName + L".xml");
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QString xmlFileName    = tempFile.getQString();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QFile xmlFile(xmlFileName);
shun-iwasawa 31accf;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QXmlStreamWriter xmlWriter(&xmlFile);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  xmlWriter.writeTextElement("LevelName", QString::fromStdWString(levelName));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_usingWebcam) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    xmlWriter.writeTextElement("Webcam", "yes");
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    xmlWriter.writeTextElement("CameraName", m_webcam->getWebcamDescription());
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    xmlWriter.writeTextElement("Webcam", "no");
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    xmlWriter.writeTextElement("Aperture", m_canon->getCurrentAperture());
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    xmlWriter.writeTextElement("ISO", m_canon->getCurrentIso());
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  xmlWriter.writeTextElement("Frame", "Yes");
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
bool StopMotion::loadXmlFile() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TApp *app         = TApp::instance();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  ToonzScene *scene = app->getCurrentScene()->getScene();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TXsheet *xsh      = scene->getXsheet();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  bool webcam      = false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  bool foundCamera = false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QString text;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  int x;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  int y;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  std::wstring levelName = m_levelName.toStdWString();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath parentDir    = scene->decodeFilePath(TFilePath(m_filePath));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath tempFile     = parentDir + TFilePath(levelName + L".xml");
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QString xmlFileName    = tempFile.getQString();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QFile xmlFile(xmlFileName);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (!xmlFile.exists()) return false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QXmlStreamReader xmlReader;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  while (!xmlReader.atEnd()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (xmlReader.isStartElement()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if ( == "Webcam") {
shun-iwasawa 6bac0f
        text = xmlReader.readElementText();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        if (text == "yes") webcam = true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if ( == "CameraName") {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        text = xmlReader.readElementText();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        if (webcam) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
          QList<qcamerainfo> cameras = QCameraInfo::availableCameras();</qcamerainfo>
shun-iwasawa 31accf
          if (cameras.size() > 0) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
            for (int i = 0; i < cameras.size(); i++) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
              if ( == text) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
                changeCameras(i + 1);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
                foundCamera = true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
          QString camName = "";
shun-iwasawa 31accf
          if (m_canon->getCameraCount() > 0) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
            camName = QString::fromStdString(m_canon->getCameraName());
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
          if (text == camName) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
            foundCamera = true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if ( == "CameraResolutionX") {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        text = xmlReader.readElementText();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        x    = text.toInt();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if ( == "CameraResolutionY") {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        text = xmlReader.readElementText();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        y    = text.toInt();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        if (foundCamera == true && webcam == true) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
              QString(QString::number(x) + " x " + QString::number(y)));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if ( == "Aperture") {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        text = xmlReader.readElementText();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        if (foundCamera == true && webcam == false) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if ( == "ShutterSpeed") {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        text = xmlReader.readElementText();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        if (foundCamera == true && webcam == false) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if ( == "ISO") {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        text = xmlReader.readElementText();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        if (foundCamera == true && webcam == false) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if ( == "PictureStyle") {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        text = xmlReader.readElementText();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        if (foundCamera == true && webcam == false) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if ( == "ImageQuality") {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        text = xmlReader.readElementText();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        if (foundCamera == true && webcam == false) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if ( == "WhiteBalance") {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        text = xmlReader.readElementText();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        if (foundCamera == true && webcam == false) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if ( == "ColorTemperature") {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        text = xmlReader.readElementText();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        if (foundCamera == true && webcam == false) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if ( == "ExposureCompensation") {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        text = xmlReader.readElementText();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        if (foundCamera == true && webcam == false) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if ( == "FocusCheckLocationX") {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        text                        = xmlReader.readElementText();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        m_canon->m_finalZoomPoint.x = text.toInt();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if ( == "FocusCheckLocationY") {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        text                        = xmlReader.readElementText();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        m_canon->m_finalZoomPoint.y = text.toInt();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  return true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
bool StopMotion::exportImageSequence() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TApp *app         = TApp::instance();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  ToonzScene *scene = app->getCurrentScene()->getScene();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TXsheet *xsh      = scene->getXsheet();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  std::wstring levelName = m_levelName.toStdWString();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (levelName.empty()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        tr("No level name specified: please choose a valid level name"));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    return false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  int frameNumber = m_frameNumber;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath parentDir     = scene->decodeFilePath(TFilePath(m_filePath));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath fullResFolder = scene->decodeFilePath(
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      TFilePath(m_filePath) + TFilePath(levelName + L"_FullRes"));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath liveViewFolder = scene->decodeFilePath(
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      TFilePath(m_filePath) + TFilePath(levelName + L"_LiveView"));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath levelFp = TFilePath(m_filePath) +
shun-iwasawa 31accf
                      TFilePath(levelName + L".." + m_fileType.toStdWString());
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath actualLevelFp = scene->decodeFilePath(levelFp);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath fullResFp =
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      scene->decodeFilePath(fullResFolder + TFilePath(levelName + L"..jpg"));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath fullResFile(fullResFp.withFrame(frameNumber));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath liveViewFp =
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      scene->decodeFilePath(liveViewFolder + TFilePath(levelName + L"..jpg"));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath liveViewFile(liveViewFp.withFrame(frameNumber));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath tempFile = parentDir + "temp.jpg";
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TXshSimpleLevel *sl = 0;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TXshLevel *level    = scene->getLevelSet()->getLevel(levelName);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (level == NULL) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    DVGui::error(tr("No level exists with the current name."));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    return false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  /* if the existing level is not a raster level, then return */
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (level->getType() != OVL_XSHLEVEL) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    DVGui::error(tr("This is not an image level."));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    return false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (!level->getSimpleLevel()->getProperties()->isStopMotionLevel()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    DVGui::error(tr("This is not a stop motion level."));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    return false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  sl = level->getSimpleLevel();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (scene->decodeFilePath(sl->getPath()) != actualLevelFp) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        tr("The save in path specified does not match with the existing "
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    return false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // find which column the level is on.
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // check with the first column
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  int col = TApp::instance()->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  int r0, r1, row;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  xsh->getColumn(col)->getRange(r0, r1);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TXshSimpleLevel *colLevel = xsh->getCell(r0, col).getSimpleLevel();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (colLevel != sl) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    int cols = xsh->getColumnCount();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      xsh->getColumn(col)->getRange(r0, r1);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      colLevel = xsh->getCell(r0, col).getSimpleLevel();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (colLevel == sl) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        col = i;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    DVGui::error(tr("Could not find an xsheet level with  the current level"));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    return false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  row = r0;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  xsh->getColumn(col)->getLevelRange(row, r0, r1);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  GenericSaveFilePopup *m_saveSequencePopup =
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      new GenericSaveFilePopup("Export Image Sequence");
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath fp = m_saveSequencePopup->getPath();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (fp == TFilePath()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    DVGui::error(tr("No export path given."));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    return false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath sourceFile;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath exportFilePath =
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      scene->decodeFilePath(fp + TFilePath(levelName + L"..jpg"));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TFilePath exportFile;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  int exportFrameNumber = 1;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  for (int i = r0; i <= r1; i++) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    int cellNumber = xsh->getCell(i, col).getFrameId().getNumber();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    fullResFile    = fullResFp.withFrame(cellNumber);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (TFileStatus(fullResFile).doesExist()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      sourceFile = fullResFile;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      sourceFile = actualLevelFp.withFrame(cellNumber);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (!TFileStatus(sourceFile).doesExist()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      DVGui::error(tr("Could not find the source file."));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      return false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    exportFile = exportFilePath.withFrame(exportFrameNumber);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (TFileStatus(exportFile).doesExist()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      QString question = tr("Overwrite existing files?");
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      int ret          = DVGui::MsgBox(question, QObject::tr("Overwrite"),
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      if (ret == 0 || ret == 2) return false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    TSystem::copyFile(exportFile, sourceFile);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (!TFileStatus(exportFile).doesExist()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      DVGui::error(tr("An error occurred.  Aborting."));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      return false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa c7f5f4
  QString msg = tr("Successfully exported %1 images.")
shun-iwasawa c7f5f4
                    .arg(QString::number(exportFrameNumber - 1));
shun-iwasawa c7f5f4
  DVGui::MsgBoxInPopup(DVGui::MsgType(DVGui::INFORMATION), msg);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  return true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
// Refresh information that how many & which frames are saved for the current
shun-iwasawa 31accf
// level
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::refreshFrameInfo() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  bool sessionOpen = false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  sessionOpen = m_canon->m_sessionOpen;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if ((!sessionOpen && m_liveViewStatus < LiveViewOpen) && !m_usingWebcam) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_frameInfoText = "";
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  QString tooltipStr, labelStr;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  enum InfoType { NEW = 0, ADD, OVERWRITE, WARNING } infoType(WARNING);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  static QColor infoColors[4] = {Qt::cyan, Qt::green, Qt::yellow, Qt::red};
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  ToonzScene *currentScene = TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->getScene();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TLevelSet *levelSet      = currentScene->getLevelSet();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  std::wstring levelName = m_levelName.toStdWString();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int frameNumber        = m_frameNumber;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TDimension stopMotionRes;
shun-iwasawa 6bac0f
  bool checkRes = true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_usingWebcam) stopMotionRes = m_liveViewImageDimensions;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  else if (m_canon->m_useScaledImages ||
shun-iwasawa 31accf
           !m_canon->getCurrentImageQuality().contains("Large")) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    stopMotionRes = m_canon->m_proxyImageDimensions;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (m_canon->m_proxyImageDimensions == TDimension(0, 0)) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      checkRes = false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    stopMotionRes = m_fullImageDimensions;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  bool letterOptionEnabled =
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // level with the same name
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TXshLevel *level_sameName = levelSet->getLevel(levelName);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath levelFp = TFilePath(m_filePath) +
Jeremy Bullock f15907
                      TFilePath(levelName + L".." + m_fileType.toStdWString());
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // level with the same path
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TXshLevel *level_samePath = levelSet->getLevel(*(currentScene), levelFp);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath actualLevelFp = currentScene->decodeFilePath(levelFp);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // level existence
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  bool levelExist = TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(actualLevelFp);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // frame existence
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath frameFp(actualLevelFp.withFrame(frameNumber));
shun-iwasawa 6bac0f
  bool frameExist = false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (levelExist) frameExist = TFileStatus(frameFp).doesExist();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // reset acceptable camera size
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_allowedCameraSize = QSize();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // ### CASE 1 ###
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // If there is no same level registered in the scene cast
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (!level_sameName && !level_samePath) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    // If there is a level in the file system
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (levelExist) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      TLevelReaderP lr;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      TLevelP level_p;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      try {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        lr = TLevelReaderP(actualLevelFp);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      } catch (...) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        // TODO: output something
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        m_frameInfoText = tr("UNDEFINED WARNING");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (!lr) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        // TODO: output something
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        m_frameInfoText = tr("UNDEFINED WARNING");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      try {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        level_p = lr->loadInfo();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      } catch (...) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        // TODO: output something
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        m_frameInfoText = tr("UNDEFINED WARNING");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (!level_p) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        // TODO: output something
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        m_frameInfoText = tr("UNDEFINED WARNING");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      int frameCount      = level_p->getFrameCount();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      TLevel::Iterator it = level_p->begin();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      std::vector<tframeid> fids;</tframeid>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      for (int i = 0; it != level_p->end(); ++it, ++i)
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      tooltipStr +=
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          tr("The level is not registered in the scene, but exists in the file "
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      // check resolution
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      const TImageInfo *ii;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      try {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        ii = lr->getImageInfo(fids[0]);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      } catch (...) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        // TODO: output something
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        m_frameInfoText = tr("UNDEFINED WARNING");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      TDimension dim(ii->m_lx, ii->m_ly);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      // if the saved images has not the same resolution as the current camera
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      // resolution
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (checkRes && m_hasLiveViewImage && stopMotionRes != dim) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        tooltipStr += tr("\nWARNING : Image size mismatch. The saved image "
Jeremy Bullock f15907
                         "size is %1 x %2.")
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        labelStr += tr("WARNING ");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        infoType = WARNING;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      // if the resolutions are matched
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        if (frameCount == 1)
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          tooltipStr += tr("\nFrame %1 exists.")
Jeremy Bullock f15907
                            .arg(fidsToString(fids, letterOptionEnabled));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          tooltipStr += tr("\nFrames %1 exist.")
Jeremy Bullock f15907
                            .arg(fidsToString(fids, letterOptionEnabled));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        // if the frame exists, then it will be overwritten
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        if (frameExist) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          labelStr += tr("OVERWRITE 1 of");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          infoType = OVERWRITE;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        } else {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          labelStr += tr("ADD to");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          infoType = ADD;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        if (frameCount == 1)
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          labelStr += tr(" %1 frame").arg(frameCount);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          labelStr += tr(" %1 frames").arg(frameCount);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      m_allowedCameraSize = QSize(dim.lx,;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    // If no level exists in the file system, then it will be a new level
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    else {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      tooltipStr += tr("The level will be newly created.");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      labelStr += tr("NEW");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      infoType = NEW;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // ### CASE 2 ###
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // If there is already the level registered in the scene cast
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  else if (level_sameName && level_samePath &&
Jeremy Bullock f15907
           level_sameName == level_samePath) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    tooltipStr += tr("The level is already registered in the scene.");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (!levelExist) tooltipStr += tr("\nNOTE : The level is not saved.");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    std::vector<tframeid> fids;</tframeid>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    // check resolution
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    TDimension dim;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    bool ret = getRasterLevelSize(level_sameName, dim);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (!ret) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      tooltipStr +=
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          tr("\nWARNING : Failed to get image size of the existing level %1.")
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      labelStr += tr("WARNING ");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      infoType = WARNING;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    // if the saved images has not the same resolution as the current camera
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    // resolution
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    else if (checkRes && m_hasLiveViewImage && stopMotionRes != dim) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      tooltipStr += tr("\nWARNING : Image size mismatch. The existing level "
Jeremy Bullock f15907
                       "size is %1 x %2.")
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      labelStr += tr("WARNING ");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      infoType = WARNING;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    // if the resolutions are matched
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      int frameCount = fids.size();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (fids.size() == 1)
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        tooltipStr += tr("\nFrame %1 exists.")
Jeremy Bullock f15907
                          .arg(fidsToString(fids, letterOptionEnabled));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        tooltipStr += tr("\nFrames %1 exist.")
Jeremy Bullock f15907
                          .arg(fidsToString(fids, letterOptionEnabled));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      // Check if the target frame already exist in the level
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      bool hasFrame = false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      for (int f = 0; f < frameCount; f++) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        if ( == frameNumber) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          hasFrame = true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      // If there is already the frame then it will be overwritten
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (hasFrame) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        labelStr += tr("OVERWRITE 1 of");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        infoType = OVERWRITE;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      // Or, the frame will be added to the level
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      else {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        labelStr += tr("ADD to");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        infoType = ADD;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (frameCount == 1)
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        labelStr += tr(" %1 frame").arg(frameCount);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        labelStr += tr(" %1 frames").arg(frameCount);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_allowedCameraSize = QSize(dim.lx,;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // ### CASE 3 ###
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // If there are some conflicts with the existing level.
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  else {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (level_sameName) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      TFilePath anotherPath = level_sameName->getPath();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      tooltipStr +=
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          tr("WARNING : Level name conflicts. There already is a level %1 in the scene with the path\
Jeremy Bullock f15907
                        \n          %2.")
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      // check resolution
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      TDimension dim;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      bool ret = getRasterLevelSize(level_sameName, dim);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (ret && checkRes && m_hasLiveViewImage && stopMotionRes != dim)
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        tooltipStr += tr("\nWARNING : Image size mismatch. The size of level "
Jeremy Bullock f15907
                         "with the same name is is %1 x %2.")
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      m_allowedCameraSize = QSize(dim.lx,;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (level_samePath) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      std::wstring anotherName = level_samePath->getName();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (!tooltipStr.isEmpty()) tooltipStr += QString("\n");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      tooltipStr +=
Jeremy Bullock f15907
          tr("WARNING : Level path conflicts. There already is a level with the path %1\
Jeremy Bullock f15907
                        \n          in the scene with the name %2.")
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      // check resolution
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      TDimension dim;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      bool ret = getRasterLevelSize(level_samePath, dim);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      if (ret && checkRes && m_hasLiveViewImage && stopMotionRes != dim)
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        tooltipStr += tr("\nWARNING : Image size mismatch. The size of level "
Jeremy Bullock f15907
                         "with the same path is %1 x %2.")
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      m_allowedCameraSize = QSize(dim.lx,;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    labelStr += tr("WARNING");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    infoType = WARNING;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  QColor infoColor   = infoColors[(int)infoType];
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_infoColorName    =;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_frameInfoText    = labelStr;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_frameInfoToolTip = tooltipStr;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::updateLevelNameAndFrame(std::wstring levelName) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (levelName != m_levelName.toStdWString()) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_levelName = QString::fromStdWString(levelName);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // m_previousLevelButton->setDisabled(levelName == L"A");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // set the start frame 10 if the option in preferences
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // "Show ABC Appendix to the Frame Number in Xsheet Cell" is active.
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // (frame 10 is displayed as "1" with this option)
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  bool withLetter =
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TLevelSet *levelSet =
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TXshLevel *level_p = levelSet->getLevel(levelName);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int startFrame;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (!level_p) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    startFrame = withLetter ? 10 : 1;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  } else {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    std::vector<tframeid> fids;</tframeid>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (fids.empty()) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      startFrame = withLetter ? 10 : 1;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    } else {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      int lastNum = fids.back().getNumber();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      startFrame  = withLetter ? ((int)(lastNum / 10) + 1) * 10 : lastNum + 1;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (level_p) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    TXshSimpleLevel *sl = level_p->getSimpleLevel();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (sl && sl->getType() == OVL_XSHLEVEL &&
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        sl->getProperties()->isStopMotionLevel()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_frameNumber = startFrame;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::setToNextNewLevel() {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  const std::unique_ptr<namebuilder> nameBuilder(NameBuilder::getBuilder(L""));</namebuilder>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TLevelSet *levelSet =
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  ToonzScene *scene      = TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->getScene();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  std::wstring levelName = L"";
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // Select a different unique level name in case it already exists (either in
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // scene or on disk)
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath fp;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  TFilePath actualFp;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  for (;;) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    levelName = nameBuilder->getNext();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (levelSet->getLevel(levelName) != 0) continue;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    fp = TFilePath(m_filePath) +
Jeremy Bullock f15907
         TFilePath(levelName + L".." + m_fileType.toStdWString());
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    actualFp = scene->decodeFilePath(fp);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(actualFp)) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::refreshCameraList() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QString camera = "";
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  bool hasCamera = false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_canon->m_sessionOpen && m_canon->getCameraCount() > 0 &&
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      !m_usingWebcam && m_canon->m_cameraName == m_canon->getCameraName()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    hasCamera = true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    camera    = QString::fromStdString(m_canon->m_cameraName);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_usingWebcam) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    QList<qcamerainfo> cameras = QCameraInfo::availableCameras();</qcamerainfo>
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (m_usingWebcam && cameras.size() > 0) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      for (int i = 0; i < cameras.size(); i++) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
        if ( == m_webcam->getWebcamDescription()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
          hasCamera = true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
          camera    = m_webcam->getWebcamDescription();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (!hasCamera) disconnectAllCameras();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::changeCameras(int index) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // note: index is negative if this is called to load DSLR from load settings
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  QList<qcamerainfo> cameras = QCameraInfo::availableCameras();</qcamerainfo>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // if selected the non-connected state, then disconnect the current camera
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (index == 0) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // There is a "Select Camera" as the first index
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  index -= 1;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // first see if the index didn't actually change
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (cameras.size() > 0 && index < cameras.size() && index >= 0) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if ( == m_webcam->getWebcamDeviceName()) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if ((index > cameras.size() - 1) && m_canon->m_sessionOpen) return;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // close live view if open
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_liveViewStatus > LiveViewClosed) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // Check if its a webcam or DSLR
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // Webcams are listed first, so see if one of them is selected
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (index < 0 || index > cameras.size() - 1) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_usingWebcam = false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  } else {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_usingWebcam = true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // in case the camera is not changed
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (m_usingWebcam) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (m_canon->m_sessionOpen && m_canon->getCameraCount() > 0) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    m_webcam->setWebcam(new QCamera(;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    // loading new camera
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    QList<qsize> webcamResolutions = m_webcam->getWebcamResolutions();</qsize>
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    int sizeCount                  = webcamResolutions.count() - 1;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    int width;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    int height;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    for (int s = 0; s < webcamResolutions.size(); s++) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      width  =;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      height =;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    // see if we can set the webcam resolution to the current camera resolution
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    TDimension res = TApp::instance()
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (webcamResolutions.contains(QSize(res.lx, {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      width     = res.lx;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      height    =;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      sizeCount = webcamResolutions.indexOf(QSize(res.lx,;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
        QString(QString::number(width) + " x " + QString::number(height)));
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    emit(newCameraSelected(index + 1, true));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (index == -2) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      index = cameras.size();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    emit(newCameraSelected(index + 1, false));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_useNumpadShortcuts) toggleNumpadShortcuts(true);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_liveViewDpi      = TPointD(0.0, 0.0);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_hasLineUpImage   = false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_hasLiveViewImage = false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_isTimeLapse && m_intervalStarted) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // after all live view data is cleared, start it again.
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::setWebcamResolution(QString resolution) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // resolution is written in the itemText with the format "<width> x</width>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // <height>" (e.g. "800 x 600")</height>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  QStringList texts = resolution.split(' ');
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // the split text must be "<width>" "x" and "<height>"</height></width>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (texts.size() != 3) return;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  int tempStatus   = m_liveViewStatus;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_liveViewStatus = LiveViewClosed;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  bool startTimer = false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (m_timer->isActive()) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    startTimer = true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 1000);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_liveViewDpi    = TPointD(0.0, 0.0);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  m_liveViewStatus = tempStatus;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  if (startTimer) m_timer->start(40);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // update env
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  int index = m_webcam->getIndexOfResolution();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
bool StopMotion::toggleLiveView() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  bool sessionOpen = false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  sessionOpen = m_canon->m_sessionOpen;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if ((sessionOpen || m_usingWebcam) && m_liveViewStatus == LiveViewClosed) {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_liveViewDpi             = TPointD(0.0, 0.0);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_liveViewImageDimensions = TDimension(0, 0);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (!m_usingWebcam) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    } else
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      m_liveViewStatus = LiveViewStarting;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    Preferences::instance()->setValue(rewindAfterPlayback, false);
shun-iwasawa 2c27a4
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    return true;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  } else if ((sessionOpen || m_usingWebcam) &&
shun-iwasawa 31accf
             m_liveViewStatus > LiveViewClosed) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (!m_usingWebcam) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    } else {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (m_turnOnRewind) {
shun-iwasawa 2c27a4
      Preferences::instance()->setValue(rewindAfterPlayback, true);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 2c27a4
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    m_liveViewStatus = LiveViewClosed;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  } else {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    DVGui::warning(tr("No camera selected."));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    return false;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
void StopMotion::pauseLiveView() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  if (m_liveViewStatus == LiveViewOpen) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    m_liveViewStatus  = LiveViewPaused;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_userCalledPause = true;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  } else if (m_liveViewStatus == LiveViewPaused) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    m_liveViewStatus  = LiveViewOpen;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    m_userCalledPause = false;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  } else if (m_liveViewStatus == LiveViewClosed) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::toggleAlwaysUseLiveViewImages() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  m_alwaysUseLiveViewImages = !m_alwaysUseLiveViewImages;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::onCanonCameraChanged(QString camera) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
std::string StopMotion::getTEnvCameraName() { return StopMotionCameraName; }
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::setTEnvCameraName(std::string name) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  StopMotionCameraName = name;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
std::string StopMotion::getTEnvCameraResolution() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  return StopMotionCameraResolution;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
void StopMotion::setTEnvCameraResolution(std::string resolution) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  StopMotionCameraResolution = resolution;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class StopMotionCaptureCommand : public MenuItemHandler {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  StopMotionCaptureCommand() : MenuItemHandler(MI_StopMotionCapture) {}
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void execute() {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    StopMotion *sm = StopMotion::instance();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (sm->m_liveViewStatus > 0) sm->captureImage();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
} StopMotionCaptureCommand;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class StopMotionRaiseOpacityCommand : public MenuItemHandler {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      : MenuItemHandler(MI_StopMotionRaiseOpacity) {}
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void execute() {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    StopMotion *sm = StopMotion::instance();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (sm->m_liveViewStatus > 0) sm->raiseOpacity();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
} StopMotionRaiseOpacityCommand;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class StopMotionLowerOpacityCommand : public MenuItemHandler {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      : MenuItemHandler(MI_StopMotionLowerOpacity) {}
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void execute() {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    StopMotion *sm = StopMotion::instance();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    if (sm->m_liveViewStatus > 0) sm->lowerOpacity();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
} StopMotionLowerOpacityCommand;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class StopMotionToggleLiveViewCommand : public MenuItemHandler {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      : MenuItemHandler(MI_StopMotionToggleLiveView) {}
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void execute() {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    StopMotion *sm = StopMotion::instance();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
} StopMotionToggleLiveViewCommand;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class StopMotionLowerSubsamplingCommand : public MenuItemHandler {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      : MenuItemHandler(MI_StopMotionLowerSubsampling) {}
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void execute() {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    StopMotion *sm = StopMotion::instance();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    sm->setSubsamplingValue(std::max(1, sm->getSubsamplingValue() - 1));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
} StopMotionLowerSubsamplingCommand;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class StopMotionRaiseSubsamplingCommand : public MenuItemHandler {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      : MenuItemHandler(MI_StopMotionRaiseSubsampling) {}
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void execute() {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    StopMotion *sm = StopMotion::instance();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    sm->setSubsamplingValue(std::min(30, sm->getSubsamplingValue() + 1));
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
} StopMotionRaiseSubsamplingCommand;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class StopMotionJumpToCameraCommand : public MenuItemHandler {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      : MenuItemHandler(MI_StopMotionJumpToCamera) {}
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void execute() {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
    StopMotion *sm = StopMotion::instance();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
} StopMotionJumpToCameraCommand;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
class StopMotionExportImageSequence : public MenuItemHandler {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      : MenuItemHandler(MI_StopMotionExportImageSequence) {}
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void execute() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    StopMotion *sm = StopMotion::instance();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
} StopMotionExportImageSequence;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
class StopMotionRemoveFrame : public MenuItemHandler {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  StopMotionRemoveFrame() : MenuItemHandler(MI_StopMotionRemoveFrame) {}
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void execute() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    StopMotion *sm = StopMotion::instance();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
} StopMotionRemoveFrame;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
class StopMotionNextFrame : public MenuItemHandler {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  StopMotionNextFrame() : MenuItemHandler(MI_StopMotionNextFrame) {}
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void execute() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    StopMotion *sm = StopMotion::instance();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    int index      = TApp::instance()->getCurrentFrame()->getFrameIndex();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    int maxInXSheet =
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    int max = std::max(maxInXSheet, sm->getXSheetFrameNumber() - 1);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    if (index < max) {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      TApp::instance()->getCurrentFrame()->setFrame(index + 1);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
} StopMotionNextFrame;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
class StopMotionToggleUseLiveViewImagesCommand : public MenuItemHandler {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      : MenuItemHandler(MI_StopMotionToggleUseLiveViewImages) {}
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void execute() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    StopMotion *sm = StopMotion::instance();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
} StopMotionToggleUseLiveViewImagesCommand;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
class StopMotionPickFocusCheck : public MenuItemHandler {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  StopMotionPickFocusCheck() : MenuItemHandler(MI_StopMotionPickFocusCheck) {}
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void execute() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    StopMotion *sm = StopMotion::instance();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
} StopMotionPickFocusCheck;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
class StopMotionToggleZoomCommand : public MenuItemHandler {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  StopMotionToggleZoomCommand() : MenuItemHandler(MI_StopMotionToggleZoom) {}
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void execute() {
shun-iwasawa 31accf
    StopMotion *sm = StopMotion::instance();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
} StopMotionToggleZoomCommand;
flurick c8ee00