Jeremy Bullock f15907
#pragma once
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
// TnzCore includes
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "stopmotion.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "penciltestpopup.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
// TnzQt includes
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "toonzqt/tabbar.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include "toonzqt/gutil.h"
shun-iwasawa 31accf
#include "toonzqt/colorfield.h"
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
// Qt includes
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include <qwidget></qwidget>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include <qframe></qframe>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include <qtabbar></qtabbar>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include <qslider></qslider>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include <qscrollarea></qscrollarea>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#include <qpointf></qpointf>
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#undef DVAPI
Jeremy Bullock f15907
#undef DVVAR
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
//    Forward declarations
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class TColorStyle;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class TPalette;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class TXshLevelHandle;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class QGridLayout;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class QLabel;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class QStackedWidget;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class QSlider;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class QRadioButton;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class QButtonGroup;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class QPushButton;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class QTabWidget;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class QToolBar;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class QTimer;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
class QGroupBox;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
// StopMotionController
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
class StopMotionController final : public QWidget {
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  StopMotion *m_stopMotion;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  QWidget *m_parent;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      *m_levelHandle;  //!< for clearing the level cache when the color changed
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  DVGui::TabBar *m_tabBar;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  QFrame *m_mainControlsPage;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  QFrame *m_cameraSettingsPage;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  QFrame *m_optionsPage;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QFrame *m_motionPage;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QFrame *m_lightPage;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QFrame *m_dslrFrame;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QFrame *m_webcamFrame;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QFrame *m_noCameraFrame;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  QStackedWidget *m_stackedChooser;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  TabBarContainter *m_tabBarContainer;  //!< Tabs container for pages
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QPushButton *m_toggleLiveViewButton, *m_setToCurrentXSheetFrameButton,
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QPushButton *m_captureButton, *m_zoomButton, *m_fileFormatOptionButton,
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      *m_pickZoomButton, *m_focusNearButton, *m_focusFarButton,
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      *m_focusNear2Button, *m_focusNear3Button, *m_focusFar2Button,
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      *m_focusFar3Button, *m_captureFilterSettingsBtn, *m_testLightsButton;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  QHBoxLayout *m_focusAndZoomLayout;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  QLabel *m_frameInfoLabel, *m_cameraSettingsLabel, *m_cameraModeLabel,
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      *m_resolutionLabel, *m_directShowLabel, *m_cameraStatusLabel,
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      *m_apertureLabel, *m_kelvinValueLabel, *m_isoLabel, *m_shutterSpeedLabel,
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  QToolButton *m_previousLevelButton, *m_previousFrameButton,
Jeremy Bullock f15907
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QSlider *m_apertureSlider, *m_shutterSpeedSlider, *m_isoSlider,
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      *m_kelvinSlider, *m_webcamFocusSlider, *m_webcamWhiteBalanceSlider,
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      *m_webcamExposureSlider, *m_webcamBrightnessSlider,
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      *m_webcamContrastSlider, *m_webcamGainSlider, *m_webcamSaturationSlider;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QComboBox *m_cameraListCombo, *m_exposureCombo, *m_fileTypeCombo,
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      *m_whiteBalanceCombo, *m_resolutionCombo, *m_imageQualityCombo,
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      *m_pictureStyleCombo, *m_controlDeviceCombo;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  LevelNameLineEdit *m_levelNameEdit;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  QCheckBox *m_blackScreenForCapture, *m_useScaledFullSizeImages,
Jeremy Bullock f15907
      *m_placeOnXSheetCB, *m_directShowCB, *m_liveViewOnAllFramesCB,
shun-iwasawa 31accf
      *m_useMjpgCB, *m_useNumpadCB, *m_drawBeneathCB, *m_timerCB;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  DVGui::FileField *m_saveInFileFld;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  DVGui::IntLineEdit *m_xSheetFrameNumberEdit;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  FrameNumberLineEdit *m_frameNumberEdit;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  DVGui::IntField *m_onionOpacityFld, *m_postCaptureReviewFld,
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  PencilTestSaveInFolderPopup *m_saveInFolderPopup;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  DVGui::IntField *m_timerIntervalFld;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  DVGui::ColorField *m_screen1ColorFld, *m_screen2ColorFld, *m_screen3ColorFld;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QGroupBox *m_screen1Box;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QGroupBox *m_screen2Box;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QGroupBox *m_screen3Box;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QGroupBox *m_webcamAutoFocusGB;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  QTimer *m_lightTestTimer;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  StopMotionController(QWidget *parent = 0);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void updateStopMotion();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void showEvent(QShowEvent *event) override;
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void hideEvent(QHideEvent *event) override;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  // void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override;
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
protected slots:
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void refreshCameraList(QString activeCamera = "");
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void refreshCameraListCalled();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void refreshOptionsLists();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onCameraListComboActivated(int index);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onResolutionComboActivated(const QString &itemText);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onCaptureFilterSettingsBtnPressed();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onFileFormatOptionButtonPressed();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onLevelNameEdited();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onNextName();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onPreviousName();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onNextFrame();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onPreviousFrame();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onNextNewLevel();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onLastFrame();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onFileTypeActivated();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onFrameNumberChanged();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onXSheetFrameNumberChanged();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onFrameCaptured(QImage &image);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onOnionOpacityFldEdited();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onOnionOpacitySliderChanged(bool ignore);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onLiveViewToggleClicked();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onCaptureButtonClicked(bool);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void setPage(int);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onScaleFullSizeImagesChanged(int checked);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onBlackScreenForCaptureChanged(int checked);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onPlaceOnXSheetChanged(int checked);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onUseMjpgChanged(int checked);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onUseDirectShowChanged(int checked);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onLiveViewOnAllFramesChanged(int checked);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onUseNumpadChanged(int checked);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onDrawBeneathChanged(int checked);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void updateDimensions();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onSaveInPathEdited();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onSceneSwitched();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onPreviousXSheetFrame();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onNextXSheetFrame();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void setToCurrentXSheetFrame();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // motion control
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void serialPortChanged(int);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // time lapse
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onIntervalTimerCBToggled(bool);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onIntervalSliderValueChanged(bool);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onIntervalCaptureTimerTimeout();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onIntervalCountDownTimeout();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onIntervalAmountChanged(int);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onIntervalToggled(bool);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onIntervalStarted();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onIntervalStopped();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // lights and screens
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void setScreen1Color(const TPixel32 &value, bool isDragging);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void setScreen2Color(const TPixel32 &value, bool isDragging);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void setScreen3Color(const TPixel32 &value, bool isDragging);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onScreen1OverlayToggled(bool);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onScreen2OverlayToggled(bool);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onScreen3OverlayToggled(bool);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onTestLightsPressed();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onTestLightsTimeout();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onScreen1ColorChanged(TPixel32);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onScreen2ColorChanged(TPixel32);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onScreen3ColorChanged(TPixel32);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onScreen1OverlayChanged(bool);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onScreen2OverlayChanged(bool);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onScreen3OverlayChanged(bool);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // canon stuff
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onApertureChanged(int index);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onShutterSpeedChanged(int index);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onIsoChanged(int index);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onExposureChanged(int index);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onWhiteBalanceChanged(int index);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onColorTemperatureChanged(int index);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onImageQualityChanged(int index);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onPictureStyleChanged(int index);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onZoomPressed();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onPickZoomPressed();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onFocusNear();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onFocusFar();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onFocusNear2();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onFocusFar2();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onFocusNear3();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onFocusFar3();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onApertureChangedSignal(QString);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onIsoChangedSignal(QString);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onShutterSpeedChangedSignal(QString);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onExposureChangedSignal(QString);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onWhiteBalanceChangedSignal(QString);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onColorTemperatureChangedSignal(QString);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onImageQualityChangedSignal(QString);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onPictureStyleChangedSignal(QString);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void refreshApertureList();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void refreshShutterSpeedList();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void refreshIsoList();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void refreshExposureList();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void refreshWhiteBalanceList();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void refreshColorTemperatureList();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void refreshImageQualityList();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void refreshPictureStyleList();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void refreshMode();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onFocusCheckToggled(bool on);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onPickFocusCheckToggled(bool on);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onAlwaysUseLiveViewImagesButtonClicked();
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onAlwaysUseLiveViewImagesToggled(bool);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onCaptureReviewFldEdited();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onCaptureReviewSliderChanged(bool ignore);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onSubsamplingFldEdited();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onSubsamplingSliderChanged(bool ignore);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onSubsamplingChanged(int);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onFilePathChanged(QString);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onLevelNameChanged(QString);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onFileTypeChanged(QString);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onXSheetFrameNumberChanged(int);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onFrameNumberChanged(int);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onFrameInfoTextChanged(QString);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onOpacityChanged(int opacity);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onScaleFullSizeImagesSignal(bool);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onBlackCaptureSignal(bool);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onLiveViewOnAllFramesSignal(bool);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onPlaceOnXSheetSignal(bool);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onUseMjpgSignal(bool);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onUseDirectShowSignal(bool);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onReviewTimeChangedSignal(int);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onUseNumpadSignal(bool);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onDrawBeneathSignal(bool);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onLiveViewChanged(bool);
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onNewCameraSelected(int, bool);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  // webcam
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onWebcamResolutionsChanged();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void onNewWebcamResolutionSelected(int);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onWebcamAutofocusToggled(bool);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onWebcamFocusSliderChanged(int value);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onWebcamExposureSliderChanged(int value);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onWebcamBrightnessSliderChanged(int value);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onWebcamContrastSliderChanged(int value);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onWebcamGainSliderChanged(int value);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void onWebcamSaturationSliderChanged(int value);
shun-iwasawa 31accf
  void getWebcamStatus();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
public slots:
Jeremy Bullock f15907
  void openSaveInFolderPopup();
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907
Jeremy Bullock f15907