Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include "commandbarpopup.h"
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
// Tnz includes
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include "tapp.h"
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include "menubar.h"
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include "shortcutpopup.h"
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
// TnzQt includes
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include "toonzqt/gutil.h"
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
// TnzLib includes
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include "toonz/toonzfolders.h"
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
// TnzCore includes
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include "tsystem.h"
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
// Qt includes
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include <qmainwindow></qmainwindow>
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include <qpushbutton></qpushbutton>
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include <qvboxlayout></qvboxlayout>
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include <qhboxlayout></qhboxlayout>
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include <qgridlayout></qgridlayout>
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include <qheaderview></qheaderview>
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include <qtdebug></qtdebug>
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include <qxmlstreamreader></qxmlstreamreader>
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include <qxmlstreamwriter></qxmlstreamwriter>
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include <qdatastream></qdatastream>
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include <qmimedata></qmimedata>
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include <qdrag></qdrag>
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include <qmouseevent></qmouseevent>
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include <qpainter></qpainter>
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include <qapplication></qapplication>
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#include <qlabel></qlabel>
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
shun-iwasawa 563e65
// CommandItem
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
shun-iwasawa 563e65
CommandItem::CommandItem(QTreeWidgetItem* parent, QAction* action)
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    : QTreeWidgetItem(parent, UserType), m_action(action) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsEnabled |
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  QString tempText = m_action->text();
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  // removing accelerator key indicator
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  tempText = tempText.replace(QRegExp("&([^& ])"), "\\1");
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  // removing doubled &s
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  tempText = tempText.replace("&&", "&");
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  setText(0, tempText);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  setToolTip(0, QObject::tr("[Drag] to move position"));
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
// SeparatorItem
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
SeparatorItem::SeparatorItem(QTreeWidgetItem* parent)
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    : QTreeWidgetItem(parent, UserType) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsEnabled |
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  setText(0, QObject::tr("----Separator----"));
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  setToolTip(0, QObject::tr("[Drag] to move position"));
shun-iwasawa 563e65
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
shun-iwasawa 563e65
// CommandListTree
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
CommandListTree::CommandListTree(const QString& dropTargetString,
shun-iwasawa 563e65
                                 QWidget* parent, bool withSeparator)
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    : m_dropTargetString(dropTargetString), QTreeWidget(parent) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  setIconSize(QSize(21, 18));
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  QIcon menuFolderIcon(createQIcon("folder_project", true));
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  invisibleRootItem()->setIcon(0, menuFolderIcon);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  QTreeWidgetItem* menuCommandFolder = new QTreeWidgetItem(this);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
      0, "1");  // set tentative name for "Menu Commands" folder
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  menuCommandFolder->setIcon(0, invisibleRootItem()->icon(0));
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  addFolder(ShortcutTree::tr("File"), MenuFileCommandType, menuCommandFolder);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  addFolder(ShortcutTree::tr("Edit"), MenuEditCommandType, menuCommandFolder);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  addFolder(ShortcutTree::tr("Scan & Cleanup"), MenuScanCleanupCommandType,
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  addFolder(ShortcutTree::tr("Level"), MenuLevelCommandType, menuCommandFolder);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  addFolder(ShortcutTree::tr("Xsheet"), MenuXsheetCommandType,
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  addFolder(ShortcutTree::tr("Cells"), MenuCellsCommandType, menuCommandFolder);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  addFolder(ShortcutTree::tr("Play"), MenuPlayCommandType, menuCommandFolder);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  addFolder(ShortcutTree::tr("Render"), MenuRenderCommandType,
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  addFolder(ShortcutTree::tr("View"), MenuViewCommandType, menuCommandFolder);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  addFolder(ShortcutTree::tr("Windows"), MenuWindowsCommandType,
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  addFolder(ShortcutTree::tr("Help"), MenuHelpCommandType, menuCommandFolder);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  addFolder(ShortcutTree::tr("SubMenu Commands"), MenuCommandType,
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  // set tentative name for "Tools" folder
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  QTreeWidgetItem* toolsFolder = addFolder("2", ToolCommandType);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  QTreeWidgetItem* advancedFolder = new QTreeWidgetItem(this);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  advancedFolder->setText(0, "3");  // set tentative name for "Advanced" folder
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  advancedFolder->setIcon(0, invisibleRootItem()->icon(0));
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  addFolder(ShortcutTree::tr("Fill"), FillCommandType, advancedFolder);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  QTreeWidgetItem* rcmSubFolder =
shun-iwasawa 563e65
      addFolder(ShortcutTree::tr("Right-click Menu Commands"),
shun-iwasawa 563e65
                RightClickMenuCommandType, advancedFolder);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  addFolder(ShortcutTree::tr("Cell Mark"), CellMarkCommandType, rcmSubFolder);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  addFolder(ShortcutTree::tr("Tool Modifiers"), ToolModifierCommandType,
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  addFolder(ShortcutTree::tr("Visualization"), VisualizationButtonCommandType,
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  addFolder(ShortcutTree::tr("Misc"), MiscCommandType, advancedFolder);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  addFolder(ShortcutTree::tr("RGBA Channels"), RGBACommandType, advancedFolder);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  sortItems(0, Qt::AscendingOrder);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  // set the actual names after sorting items
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  menuCommandFolder->setText(0, ShortcutTree::tr("Menu Commands"));
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  toolsFolder->setText(0, ShortcutTree::tr("Tools"));
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  advancedFolder->setText(0, ShortcutTree::tr("Advanced"));
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  if (withSeparator) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    SeparatorItem* sep = new SeparatorItem(0);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    sep->setToolTip(0, QObject::tr("[Drag&Drop] to copy separator to %1")
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
shun-iwasawa 563e65
QTreeWidgetItem* CommandListTree::addFolder(const QString& title,
shun-iwasawa 563e65
                                            int commandType,
shun-iwasawa 563e65
                                            QTreeWidgetItem* parentFolder) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  QTreeWidgetItem* folder;
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  if (!parentFolder)
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    folder = new QTreeWidgetItem(this);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    folder = new QTreeWidgetItem(parentFolder);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  folder->setText(0, title);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  folder->setIcon(0, invisibleRootItem()->icon(0));
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  std::vector<qaction*> actions;</qaction*>
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  CommandManager::instance()->getActions((CommandType)commandType, actions);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  for (int i = 0; i < (int)actions.size(); i++) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    CommandItem* item = new CommandItem(folder, actions[i]);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    item->setToolTip(0, QObject::tr("[Drag&Drop] to copy command to %1")
shun-iwasawa 563e65
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  return folder;
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
void CommandListTree::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  CommandItem* commandItem = dynamic_cast<commanditem*>(itemAt(event->pos()));</commanditem*>
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  SeparatorItem* separatorItem =
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  if (commandItem || separatorItem) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    std::string dragStr;
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    QString dragPixmapTxt;
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    if (commandItem) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
      dragStr =
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
      dragPixmapTxt = commandItem->getAction()->text();
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    } else {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
      dragStr       = "separator";
shun-iwasawa 563e65
      dragPixmapTxt = tr("----Separator----");
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    QMimeData* mimeData = new QMimeData;
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    QFontMetrics fm(QApplication::font());
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    QPixmap pix(fm.boundingRect(dragPixmapTxt).adjusted(-2, -2, 2, 2).size());
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    QPainter painter(&pix);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    painter.fillRect(pix.rect(), Qt::white);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    painter.drawText(pix.rect(), Qt::AlignCenter, dragPixmapTxt);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    QDrag* drag = new QDrag(this);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
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shun-iwasawa 563e65
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void CommandListTree::displayAll(QTreeWidgetItem* item) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  int childCount = item->childCount();
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
void CommandListTree::hideAll(QTreeWidgetItem* item) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  int childCount = item->childCount();
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
void CommandListTree::searchItems(const QString& searchWord) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  // if search word is empty, show all items
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  if (searchWord.isEmpty()) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    int itemCount = topLevelItemCount();
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    // revert to the initial state - expanding "Menu Commands" tree
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    findItems(ShortcutTree::tr("Menu Commands"), Qt::MatchExactly)[0]
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  // hide all items first
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  int itemCount = topLevelItemCount();
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  QList<qtreewidgetitem*> foundItems =</qtreewidgetitem*>
shun-iwasawa 563e65
      findItems(searchWord, Qt::MatchContains | Qt::MatchRecursive, 0);
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  if (foundItems.isEmpty()) {  // if nothing is found, do nothing but update
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  // for each item found, show it and show its parent
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  for (auto item : foundItems) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    while (item) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
shun-iwasawa 563e65
      item = item->parent();
shun-iwasawa 563e65
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shun-iwasawa 563e65
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
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// CommandBarTree
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
CommandBarTree::CommandBarTree(TFilePath& path, QWidget* parent)
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    : QTreeWidget(parent) {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  setIconSize(QSize(21, 17));
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  /*- Load path if it does exist. If not, then load from the template. -*/
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  TFilePath fp;
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  if (TFileStatus(path).isWritable())
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    fp = path;
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  else {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    if (path.getName() == "xsheettoolbar") {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
      fp = ToonzFolder::getTemplateModuleDir() + TFilePath("xsheettoolbar.xml");
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    } else {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
      fp = ToonzFolder::getTemplateModuleDir() + TFilePath("commandbar.xml");
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
void CommandBarTree::loadMenuTree(const TFilePath& fp) {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  QFile file(toQString(fp));
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  if (! | QFile::Text)) {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    qDebug() << "Cannot read file" << file.errorString();
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  QXmlStreamReader reader(&file);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  if (reader.readNextStartElement()) {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    if ( == "commandbar") {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
      while (reader.readNextStartElement()) {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
        if ( == "command") {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
          QString cmdName = reader.readElementText();
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
          QAction* action = CommandManager::instance()->getAction(
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
          if (action) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
            CommandItem* item = new CommandItem(0, action);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
        } else if ( == "separator") {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
          SeparatorItem* sep = new SeparatorItem(0);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
        } else
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    } else
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
      reader.raiseError(QObject::tr("Incorrect file"));
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  if (reader.hasError()) {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    qDebug() << "Cannot read menubar xml";
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
void CommandBarTree::loadMenuRecursive(QXmlStreamReader& reader,
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
                                       QTreeWidgetItem* parentItem) {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  while (reader.readNextStartElement()) {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    if ( == "command") {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
      QString cmdName = reader.readElementText();
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
      QAction* action =
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
shun-iwasawa 563e65
      if (action) CommandItem* item = new CommandItem(parentItem, action);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    } else if ( == "command_debug") {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
#ifndef NDEBUG
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
      QString cmdName = reader.readElementText();
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
      QAction* action =
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
shun-iwasawa 563e65
      if (action) CommandItem* item = new CommandItem(parentItem, action);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    } else if ( == "separator") {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
      SeparatorItem* sep = new SeparatorItem(parentItem);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    } else
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
void CommandBarTree::saveMenuTree(TFilePath& path) {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  QFile file(toQString(path));
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  if (! | QFile::Text)) {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    qDebug() << "Cannot read file" << file.errorString();
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  QXmlStreamWriter writer(&file);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  { saveMenuRecursive(writer, invisibleRootItem()); }
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
void CommandBarTree::saveMenuRecursive(QXmlStreamWriter& writer,
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
                                       QTreeWidgetItem* parentItem) {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  for (int c = 0; c < parentItem->childCount(); c++) {
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    CommandItem* command = dynamic_cast<commanditem*>(parentItem->child(c));</commanditem*>
shun-iwasawa 563e65
    SeparatorItem* sep   = dynamic_cast<separatoritem*>(parentItem->child(c));</separatoritem*>
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    if (command)
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    else if (sep)
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
bool CommandBarTree::dropMimeData(QTreeWidgetItem* parent, int index,
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
                                  const QMimeData* data,
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
                                  Qt::DropAction action) {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  if (data->hasText()) {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    QString txt = data->text();
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    QTreeWidgetItem* item;
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    if (txt == "separator")
shun-iwasawa 563e65
      item = new SeparatorItem(0);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    else {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
      QAction* act =
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
      if (!act) return false;
shun-iwasawa 563e65
      item = new CommandItem(0, act);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    if (parent)
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
      parent->insertChild(index, item);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
      insertTopLevelItem(index, item);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    return true;
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  return false;
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
QStringList CommandBarTree::mimeTypes() const {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  QStringList qstrList;
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  return qstrList;
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
void CommandBarTree::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent* event) {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  QTreeWidgetItem* item = itemAt(event->pos());
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  if (item != currentItem()) setCurrentItem(item);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  QMenu* menu = new QMenu(this);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  QAction* action;
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  if (item) {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    action = menu->addAction(tr("Remove \"%1\"").arg(item->text(0)));
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(removeItem()));
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  delete menu;
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
void CommandBarTree::removeItem() {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  QTreeWidgetItem* item = currentItem();
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  if (!item) return;
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  if (indexOfTopLevelItem(item) >= 0)
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  delete item;
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
// CommandBarPopup
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
CommandBarPopup::CommandBarPopup(bool isXsheetToolbar)
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    : Dialog(TApp::instance()->getMainWindow(), true, false,
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
             "CustomizeCommandBar") {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  QLabel* commandBarLabel;
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  if (isXsheetToolbar) {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    m_path = ToonzFolder::getMyModuleDir() + TFilePath("xsheettoolbar.xml");
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    commandBarLabel = new QLabel(tr("XSheet Toolbar"));
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    setWindowTitle(tr("Customize XSheet Toolbar"));
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  } else {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    m_path = ToonzFolder::getMyModuleDir() + TFilePath("commandbar.xml");
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    commandBarLabel = new QLabel(tr("Command Bar"));
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    setWindowTitle(tr("Customize Command Bar"));
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
shun-iwasawa 563e65
  m_commandListTree = new CommandListTree(commandBarLabel->text(), this);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  m_menuBarTree     = new CommandBarTree(m_path, this);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  QPushButton* okBtn     = new QPushButton(tr("OK"), this);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  QPushButton* cancelBtn = new QPushButton(tr("Cancel"), this);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  QLabel* commandItemListLabel = new QLabel(tr("Toolbar Items"), this);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  QFont f("Arial", 15, QFont::Bold);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  QLabel* noticeLabel =
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
      new QLabel(tr("Duplicated commands will be ignored. Only "
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
                    "the last one will appear in the menu bar."),
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  QFont nf("Arial", 9, QFont::Normal);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
manongjohn 048d93
  QLineEdit* searchEdit = new QLineEdit(this);
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Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  //--- layout
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    QGridLayout* mainUILay = new QGridLayout();
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
      mainUILay->addWidget(commandBarLabel, 0, 0);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
      mainUILay->addWidget(commandItemListLabel, 0, 1);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
manongjohn 048d93
      mainUILay->addWidget(m_menuBarTree, 1, 0, 2, 1);
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      QHBoxLayout* searchLay = new QHBoxLayout();
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        searchLay->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Search:"), this), 0);
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      mainUILay->addLayout(searchLay, 1, 1);
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      mainUILay->addWidget(m_commandListTree, 2, 1);
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      mainUILay->addWidget(noticeLabel, 3, 0, 1, 2);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    mainUILay->setRowStretch(0, 0);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    mainUILay->setRowStretch(1, 1);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    mainUILay->setRowStretch(2, 0);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    mainUILay->setColumnStretch(0, 1);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    mainUILay->setColumnStretch(1, 1);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    m_topLayout->addLayout(mainUILay, 1);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    m_buttonLayout->addWidget(okBtn, 0);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
    m_buttonLayout->addWidget(cancelBtn, 0);
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  //--- signal/slot connections
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  bool ret = connect(okBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onOkPressed()));
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
  ret      = ret && connect(cancelBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject()));
manongjohn 048d93
  ret = ret && connect(searchEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this,
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                       SLOT(onSearchTextChanged(const QString&)));
manongjohn 048d93
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
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Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
void CommandBarPopup::onOkPressed() {
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
Jeremy Bullock 0ff1b6
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void CommandBarPopup::onSearchTextChanged(const QString& text) {
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  static bool busy = false;
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  if (busy) return;
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  busy = true;
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  busy = false;
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