Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
// TnzCore includes
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "tstream.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
// TnzBase includes
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toutputproperties.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "tfx.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "tparamcontainer.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "tparamset.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "tfxattributes.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
// TnzLib includes
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/fxdag.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/txshchildlevel.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/txshcell.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/observer.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/controlpointobserver.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/tcolumnfx.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/tcolumnfxset.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/txshlevelcolumn.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/txshpalettecolumn.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/txshzeraryfxcolumn.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/txshsoundcolumn.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/sceneproperties.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/toonzscene.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/columnfan.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/txshleveltypes.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/txshnoteset.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/txshsimplelevel.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/stage.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/textureutils.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "xshhandlemanager.h"
Jaroslav 203cc8
#include "orientation.h"
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
#include "toonz/expressionreferencemonitor.h"
manongjohn 8404a6
#include "toonz/navigationtags.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/txsheet.h"
Jeremy Bullock 57507e
#include "toonz/preferences.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
// STD includes
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
#include <set></set>
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
using namespace std;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
namespace {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
string getColumnDefaultName(TXsheet *xsh, int col, QString oldName) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(col);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (column) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TXshLevelColumn *lc = column->getLevelColumn();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (lc) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      int r0, r1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      if (lc->getRange(r0, r1)) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        TXshCell cell = lc->getCell(r0);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        TXshLevel *level = cell.m_level.getPointer();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        if (level) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          bool isNumber = true;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          oldName.right(oldName.size() - 3).toInt(&isNumber);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          if (oldName.left(3) == "Col" && isNumber)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
            return ::to_string(level->getName());
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
            return "";
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return "Col" + std::to_string(col + 1);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void setColumnName(TXsheet *xsh, int col) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TStageObject *obj = xsh->getStageObject(TStageObjectId::ColumnId(col));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  QString oldName   = QString::fromStdString(obj->getName());
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  string name       = getColumnDefaultName(xsh, col, oldName);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!name.empty()) obj->setName(name);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
}  // namespace
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
// TXsheetImp
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
struct TXsheet::TXsheetImp {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  unsigned long m_id;  //!< The xsheet instance's unique identifier
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TColumnSetT<txshcolumn> m_columnSet;</txshcolumn>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TStageObjectTree *m_pegTree;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  FxDag *m_fxDag;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int m_frameCount;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int m_soloColumn;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int m_viewColumn;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TSoundTrackP m_mixedSound;
Jaroslav 203cc8
  ColumnFan m_columnFans[Orientations::COUNT];
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  XshHandleManager *m_handleManager;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  ToonzScene *m_scene;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
  ExpressionReferenceMonitor *m_expRefMonitor;
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  static inline unsigned long newIdentifier() {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    static unsigned long currentId = 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    return ++currentId;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Jaroslav 203cc8
  void copyFoldedState();
Jaroslav 203cc8
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Jaroslav 203cc8
  void initColumnFans();
Jaroslav 203cc8
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // not implemented
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXsheetImp(const TXsheetImp &);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXsheetImp &operator=(const TXsheetImp &);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    : m_fromFrame(-1), m_toFrame(-1), m_frameRate(-1), m_isPreview(false) {}
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
TXsheet::SoundProperties::~SoundProperties() {}
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
inline bool TXsheet::SoundProperties::operator==(
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    const SoundProperties &c) const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return m_fromFrame == c.m_fromFrame && m_toFrame == c.m_toFrame &&
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
         m_frameRate == c.m_frameRate && m_isPreview == c.m_isPreview;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
inline bool TXsheet::SoundProperties::operator!=(
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    const SoundProperties &c) const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return !(*this == c);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    : m_id(newIdentifier())
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    , m_pegTree(new TStageObjectTree)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    , m_handleManager(0)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    , m_fxDag(new FxDag())
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    , m_frameCount(0)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    , m_soloColumn(-1)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    , m_viewColumn(-1)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    , m_mixedSound(0)
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
    , m_scene(0)
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
    , m_expRefMonitor(new ExpressionReferenceMonitor()) {
Jaroslav 203cc8
Jaroslav 203cc8
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
TXsheet::TXsheetImp::~TXsheetImp() {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  delete m_pegTree;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  delete m_fxDag;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  delete m_handleManager;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Jaroslav 203cc8
Jaroslav 203cc8
Jaroslav 203cc8
void TXsheet::TXsheetImp::initColumnFans() {
Jaroslav 203cc8
  for (auto o : Orientations::all()) {
Jaroslav 203cc8
    int index = o->dimension(PredefinedDimension::INDEX);
shun-iwasawa 52004d
shun-iwasawa 52004d
shun-iwasawa 52004d
Jaroslav 203cc8
Jaroslav 203cc8
Jaroslav 203cc8
Jaroslav 203cc8
void TXsheet::TXsheetImp::copyFoldedState() {
Jaroslav 203cc8
  for (int i = 1; i < Orientations::COUNT; i++)
Jaroslav 203cc8
Jaroslav 203cc8
Jaroslav 203cc8
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
// TXsheet
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    : TSmartObject(m_classCode)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    , m_player(0)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    , m_imp(new TXsheet::TXsheetImp)
John Dancel c323ac
    , m_notes(new TXshNoteSet())
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
    , m_cameraColumnIndex(0)
manongjohn 8404a6
    , m_observer(nullptr)
manongjohn 8404a6
    , m_navigationTags(new NavigationTags()) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // extern TSyntax::Grammar *createXsheetGrammar(TXsheet*);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_soundProperties      = new TXsheet::SoundProperties();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_imp->m_handleManager = new XshHandleManager(this);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
manongjohn 4334db
manongjohn 4334db
  // Dummy camera column
manongjohn 4334db
  m_cameraColumn          = TXshColumn::createEmpty(0);
manongjohn 4334db
  m_cameraColumn->m_index = -1;
manongjohn 4334db
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
TXsheet::~TXsheet() {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (m_notes) delete m_notes;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (m_soundProperties) delete m_soundProperties;
manongjohn 8404a6
  if (m_navigationTags) delete m_navigationTags;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
unsigned long TXsheet::id() const { return m_imp->m_id; }
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
int TXsheet::getFrameCount() const { return m_imp->m_frameCount; }
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
const TXshCell &TXsheet::getCell(int row, int col) const {
Jaroslav 203cc8
  return getCell(CellPosition(row, col));
Jaroslav 203cc8
Jaroslav 203cc8
Jaroslav 203cc8
const TXshCell &TXsheet::getCell(const CellPosition &pos) const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  static const TXshCell emptyCell;
Jaroslav 203cc8
Jaroslav 203cc8
  TXshColumnP column = m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumn(pos.layer());
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!column) return emptyCell;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshCellColumn *xshColumn = column->getCellColumn();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!xshColumn) return emptyCell;
Jaroslav 203cc8
  return xshColumn->getCell(pos.frame());
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
bool TXsheet::setCell(int row, int col, const TXshCell &cell) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (row < 0 || col < 0) return false;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  bool wasColumnEmpty = isColumnEmpty(col);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshCellColumn *cellColumn;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!cell.isEmpty()) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TXshLevel *level = cell.m_level.getPointer();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    int levelType               = level->getType();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TXshColumn::ColumnType type = TXshColumn::eLevelType;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (levelType == SND_XSHLEVEL)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      type = TXshColumn::eSoundType;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    else if (levelType == SND_TXT_XSHLEVEL)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      type = TXshColumn::eSoundTextType;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    else if (levelType == PLT_XSHLEVEL)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      type = TXshColumn::ePaletteType;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    else if (levelType == ZERARYFX_XSHLEVEL)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      type = TXshColumn::eZeraryFxType;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    else if (levelType == MESH_XSHLEVEL)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      type = TXshColumn::eMeshType;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    cellColumn = touchColumn(col, type)->getCellColumn();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  } else {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TXshColumn *column = getColumn(col);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    cellColumn         = column ? column->getCellColumn() : 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!cellColumn || cellColumn->isLocked()) return false;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!cellColumn->setCell(row, cell)) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (wasColumnEmpty) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    return false;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TFx *fx = cellColumn->getFx();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (wasColumnEmpty && fx && fx->getOutputConnectionCount() == 0 &&
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      cellColumn->getPaletteColumn() == 0)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (cell.isEmpty())
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  else if (row >= m_imp->m_frameCount)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    m_imp->m_frameCount = row + 1;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
shun-iwasawa 23b326
  // set the level name to the column
shun-iwasawa 23b326
  if (wasColumnEmpty && cellColumn && !cell.isEmpty() &&
shun-iwasawa 23b326
      Preferences::instance()->isLinkColumnNameWithLevelEnabled()) {
shun-iwasawa 23b326
shun-iwasawa 23b326
shun-iwasawa 23b326
shun-iwasawa 23b326
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return true;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::getCells(int row, int col, int rowCount, TXshCell cells[]) const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  static const TXshCell emptyCell;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int i;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshColumnP column = m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumn(col);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!column) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    for (i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) cells[i] = emptyCell;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshCellColumn *xshColumn = column->getCellColumn();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!xshColumn) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    for (i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) cells[i] = emptyCell;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  xshColumn->getCells(row, rowCount, cells);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
bool TXsheet::setCells(int row, int col, int rowCount, const TXshCell cells[]) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  static const TXshCell emptyCell;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int i = 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  while (i < rowCount && cells[i].isEmpty()) i++;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // inserito da Elisa verso novembre 2009.
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // cosi' ha il difetto che se assegno celle vuote non fa nulla
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // per ora lo commento. bisogna indagare se questo rompe qualcosa
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // ho modificato il seguito per gestire il caso in cui i>=rowCount
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // => niente livelli dentro cells
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // if(i>=rowCount)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  //  return false;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshColumn::ColumnType type = TXshColumn::eLevelType;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (i < rowCount) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TXshLevel *level = cells[i].m_level.getPointer();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    int levelType    = level->getType();
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (levelType == SND_XSHLEVEL)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      type = TXshColumn::eSoundType;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    else if (levelType == SND_TXT_XSHLEVEL)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      type = TXshColumn::eSoundTextType;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    else if (levelType == PLT_XSHLEVEL)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      type = TXshColumn::ePaletteType;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    else if (levelType == ZERARYFX_XSHLEVEL)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      type = TXshColumn::eZeraryFxType;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    else if (levelType == MESH_XSHLEVEL)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      type = TXshColumn::eMeshType;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
John Dancel 421acd
  bool wasColumnEmpty = isColumnEmpty(col);
John Dancel 421acd
  if (col < 0) return false;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshCellColumn *column = touchColumn(col, type)->getCellColumn();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!column) return false;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int oldColRowCount = column->getMaxFrame() + 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  bool ret           = column->setCells(row, rowCount, cells);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!ret || column->isLocked()) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (wasColumnEmpty) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    return false;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int newColRowCount = column->getMaxFrame() + 1;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TFx *fx = column->getFx();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (wasColumnEmpty && fx && fx->getOutputConnectionCount() == 0)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (newColRowCount > m_imp->m_frameCount)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    m_imp->m_frameCount = newColRowCount;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  else {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (oldColRowCount == m_imp->m_frameCount &&
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        newColRowCount < m_imp->m_frameCount)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
shun-iwasawa 23b326
  row + 1;
shun-iwasawa 23b326
shun-iwasawa 23b326
  // set the level name to the column
shun-iwasawa 23b326
  if (wasColumnEmpty && i < rowCount &&
shun-iwasawa 23b326
      Preferences::instance()->isLinkColumnNameWithLevelEnabled()) {
shun-iwasawa 23b326
shun-iwasawa 23b326
shun-iwasawa 23b326
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return true;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::insertCells(int row, int col, int rowCount) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshColumnP column = m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumn(col);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!column || column->isLocked()) return;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshCellColumn *xshColumn = column->getCellColumn();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!xshColumn) return;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  xshColumn->insertEmptyCells(row, rowCount);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // aggiorno il frame count
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int fc = xshColumn->getMaxFrame() + 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (fc > m_imp->m_frameCount) m_imp->m_frameCount = fc;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::removeCells(int row, int col, int rowCount) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshColumnP column = m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumn(col);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!column || column->isLocked()) return;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshCellColumn *xshCellColumn = column->getCellColumn();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!xshCellColumn) return;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int oldColRowCount = xshCellColumn->getMaxFrame() + 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  xshCellColumn->removeCells(row, rowCount);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // aggiornamento framecount
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (oldColRowCount == m_imp->m_frameCount) updateFrameCount();
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::clearCells(int row, int col, int rowCount) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  const TXshColumnP &column = m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumn(col);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!column || column->isLocked()) return;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshCellColumn *xshCellColumn = column->getCellColumn();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!xshCellColumn) return;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int oldColRowCount = xshCellColumn->getMaxFrame() + 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  xshCellColumn->clearCells(row, rowCount);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // aggiornamento framecount
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (oldColRowCount == m_imp->m_frameCount) updateFrameCount();
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::clearAll() {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int c0 = 0, c1 = m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumnCount() - 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int r0 = 0, r1 = getFrameCount() - 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (m_imp->m_pegTree) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    delete m_imp->m_pegTree;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    m_imp->m_pegTree = new TStageObjectTree();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (m_imp->m_fxDag) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    delete m_imp->m_fxDag;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    m_imp->m_fxDag = new FxDag();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_imp->m_frameCount = 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_imp->m_mixedSound = 0;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
int TXsheet::getCellRange(int col, int &r0, int &r1) const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  r0                 = 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  r1                 = -1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshColumnP column = m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumn(col);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!column) return 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshCellColumn *cellColumn = column->getCellColumn();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!cellColumn) return 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return cellColumn->getRange(r0, r1);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
int TXsheet::getMaxFrame(int col) const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshColumnP column = m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumn(col);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!column) return 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return column->getMaxFrame();
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
bool TXsheet::isColumnEmpty(int col) const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshColumnP column = m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumn(col);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return column ? column->isEmpty() : true;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::getUsedLevels(set<txshlevel *=""> &levels) const {</txshlevel>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  set<const *="" txsheet=""> visitedXshs;</const>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  vector<const *="" txsheet=""> todoXshs;</const>
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  while (!todoXshs.empty()) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    const TXsheet *xsh = todoXshs.back();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    int c0 = 0, c1 = xsh->getColumnCount() - 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    for (int c = c0; c <= c1; ++c) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      TXshColumnP column = const_cast<txsheet *="">(xsh)->getColumn(c);</txsheet>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      if (!column) continue;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      TXshCellColumn *cellColumn = column->getCellColumn();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      if (!cellColumn) continue;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      int r0, r1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      if (!cellColumn->getRange(r0, r1)) continue;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      TXshLevel *level = 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      for (int r = r0; r <= r1; r++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        TXshCell cell = cellColumn->getCell(r);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        if (cell.isEmpty() || !cell.m_level) continue;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        if (level != cell.m_level.getPointer()) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          level = cell.m_level.getPointer();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          if (level->getChildLevel()) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
            TXsheet *childXsh = level->getChildLevel()->getXsheet();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
            if (visitedXshs.count(childXsh) == 0) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
bool TXsheet::isLevelUsed(TXshLevel *level) const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  set<txshlevel *=""> levels;</txshlevel>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return levels.count(level) > 0;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
TStageObject *TXsheet::getStageObject(const TStageObjectId &id) const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  assert(id != TStageObjectId::NoneId);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return m_imp->m_pegTree->getStageObject(id);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
TStageObjectTree *TXsheet::getStageObjectTree() const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return m_imp->m_pegTree;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
TAffine TXsheet::getPlacement(const TStageObjectId &id, int frame) const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  assert(id != TStageObjectId::NoneId);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return m_imp->m_pegTree->getStageObject(id)->getPlacement(frame);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
double TXsheet::getZ(const TStageObjectId &id, int frame) const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  assert(id != TStageObjectId::NoneId);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return m_imp->m_pegTree->getStageObject(id)->getZ(frame);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
double TXsheet::getNoScaleZ(const TStageObjectId &id) const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  assert(id != TStageObjectId::NoneId);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return m_imp->m_pegTree->getStageObject(id)->getNoScaleZ();
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
TAffine TXsheet::getParentPlacement(const TStageObjectId &id, int frame) const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  assert(id != TStageObjectId::NoneId);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return m_imp->m_pegTree->getStageObject(id)->getParentPlacement(frame);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
TPointD TXsheet::getCenter(const TStageObjectId &id, int frame) const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  assert(id != TStageObjectId::NoneId);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return m_imp->m_pegTree->getStageObject(id)->getCenter(frame);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::setCenter(const TStageObjectId &id, int frame,
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
                        const TPointD ¢er) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  assert(id != TStageObjectId::NoneId);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_imp->m_pegTree->getStageObject(id)->setCenter(frame, center);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
TStageObjectId TXsheet::getStageObjectParent(const TStageObjectId &id) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  assert(id != TStageObjectId::NoneId);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return m_imp->m_pegTree->getStageObject(id)->getParent();
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::setStageObjectParent(const TStageObjectId &id,
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
                                   const TStageObjectId &parentId) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  assert(id != TStageObjectId::NoneId);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
bool TXsheet::hasChildren(const TStageObjectId &id) const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  assert(id != TStageObjectId::NoneId);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return m_imp->m_pegTree->getStageObject(id)->hasChildren();
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
TAffine TXsheet::getCameraAff(int frame) const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TStageObjectId cameraId = getStageObjectTree()->getCurrentCameraId();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TAffine cameraAff       = getPlacement(cameraId, frame);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  double cameraZ          = getZ(cameraId, frame);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TAffine aff             = cameraAff * TScale((1000 + cameraZ) / 1000);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return aff;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::reverseCells(int r0, int c0, int r1, int c1) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int rowCount = r1 - r0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (rowCount < 0 || c1 - c0 < 0) return;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (int j = c0; j <= c1; j++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    int i1, i2;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    for (i1 = r0, i2 = r1; i1 < i2; i1++, i2--) {
Jaroslav 203cc8
      TXshCell app1 = getCell(CellPosition(i1, j));
Jaroslav 203cc8
      TXshCell app2 = getCell(CellPosition(i2, j));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      setCell(i1, j, app2);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      setCell(i2, j, app1);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::swingCells(int r0, int c0, int r1, int c1) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int rowCount = r1 - r0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (rowCount < 0 || c1 - c0 < 0) return;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int r0Mod = r1 + 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (int c = c0; c <= c1; ++c) insertCells(r0Mod, c, rowCount);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (int j = c0; j <= c1; j++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    for (int i1 = r0Mod, i2 = r1 - 1; i2 >= r0; i1++, i2--) {
Jaroslav 203cc8
      TXshCell cell = getCell(CellPosition(i2, j));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      setCell(i1, j, cell);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
bool TXsheet::incrementCells(int r0, int c0, int r1, int c1,
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
                             vector<std::pair<trect, txshcell="">> &forUndo) {</std::pair<trect,>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (int j = c0; j <= c1; j++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    int i = r0;
Jaroslav 203cc8
    while (getCell(CellPosition(i, j)).isEmpty() && i <= r1 - 1) i++;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    for (; i <= r1 - 1; i++) {
Jaroslav 203cc8
      if (getCell(CellPosition(i + 1, j)).isEmpty()) break;
Jaroslav 203cc8
      const TXshCell &ce1 = getCell(CellPosition(i, j)),
Jaroslav 203cc8
                     &ce2 = getCell(CellPosition(i + 1, j));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      if (ce2.getSimpleLevel() != ce1.getSimpleLevel() ||
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          ce2.getFrameId().getNumber() < ce1.getFrameId().getNumber())
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        return false;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    i = r0;
Jaroslav 203cc8
    while (getCell(CellPosition(i, j)).isEmpty() && i <= r1 - 1) i++;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    int count;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    for (; i <= r1 - 1; i++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      count = 1;
Jaroslav 203cc8
      if (getCell(CellPosition(i + 1, j)).isEmpty()) continue;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Jaroslav 203cc8
      int frame1 = getCell(CellPosition(i, j)).getFrameId().getNumber();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      if (frame1 == -1) break;
Jaroslav 203cc8
      while (!getCell(CellPosition(i + 1, j)).isEmpty() &&
Jaroslav 203cc8
             getCell(CellPosition(i + 1, j)).getFrameId().getNumber() ==
Jaroslav 203cc8
                 getCell(CellPosition(i, j)).getFrameId().getNumber())
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        i++, count++;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Jaroslav 203cc8
      int frame2 = getCell(CellPosition(i + 1, j)).getFrameId().getNumber();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      if (frame2 == -1) break;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      if (frame1 + count == frame2)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Jaroslav 203cc8
      else if (frame1 + count < frame2)  // add
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        int numCells = frame2 - frame1 - count;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        insertCells(i + 1, j, numCells);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        forUndo.push_back(std::pair<trect, txshcell="">(</trect,>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
            TRect(i + 1, j, i + 1 + numCells - 1, j), TXshCell()));
Jaroslav 203cc8
        for (int k = 1; k <= numCells; k++)
Jaroslav 203cc8
          setCell(i + k, j, getCell(CellPosition(i, j)));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        i += numCells;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        r1 += numCells;
Jaroslav 203cc8
      } else  // remove
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        int numCells = count - frame2 + frame1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        i            = i - numCells;
Jaroslav 203cc8
Jaroslav 203cc8
            std::pair<trect, txshcell="">(TRect(i + 1, j, i + 1 + numCells - 1, j),</trect,>
Jaroslav 203cc8
                                       getCell(CellPosition(i + 1, j))));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        removeCells(i + 1, j, numCells);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        r1 -= numCells;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return true;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::duplicateCells(int r0, int c0, int r1, int c1, int upTo) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  assert(upTo >= r1 + 1);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int chunk = r1 - r0 + 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (int j = c0; j <= c1; j++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    insertCells(r1 + 1, j, upTo - (r1 + 1) + 1);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    for (int i = r1 + 1; i <= upTo; i++)
Jaroslav 203cc8
      setCell(i, j, getCell(CellPosition(r0 + ((i - (r1 + 1)) % chunk), j)));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::stepCells(int r0, int c0, int r1, int c1, int type) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int nr = r1 - r0 + 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int nc = c1 - c0 + 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (nr < 1 || nc <= 0) return;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int size = nr * nc;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  std::unique_ptr<txshcell[]> cells(new TXshCell[size]);</txshcell[]>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!cells) return;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // salvo il contenuto delle celle in cells
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int k = 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (int r = r0; r <= r1; r++)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    for (int c = c0; c <= c1; c++) {
Jaroslav 203cc8
      cells[k++] = getCell(CellPosition(r, c));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int nrows = nr * (type - 1);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (int c = c0; c <= c1; ++c) insertCells(r1 + 1, c, nrows);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (int j = c0; j <= c1; j++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    int i, k;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    for (i = r0, k = j - c0; k < size; k += nc) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      for (int i1 = 0; i1 < type; i1++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        if (cells[k].isEmpty())
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          clearCells(i + i1, j);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          setCell(i + i1, j, cells[k]);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      i += type;  // dipende dal tipo di step (2 o 3 per ora)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::increaseStepCells(int r0, int c0, int &r1, int c1) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int c, size = r1 - r0 + 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  QList<int> ends;</int>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (c = c0; c <= c1; c++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    int r = r0, i = 0, rEnd = r1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    while (r <= rEnd) {
Jaroslav 203cc8
      TXshCell cell = getCell(CellPosition(r, c));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      if (!cell.isEmpty()) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        insertCells(r, c);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        setCell(r, c, cell);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Jaroslav 203cc8
        while (cell == getCell(CellPosition(r, c)) && r <= rEnd) r++;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      } else
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (ends.isEmpty()) return;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // controllo se devo cambiare la selezione
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  bool allIncreaseIsEqual = true;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (c = 0; c < ends.size() - 1 && allIncreaseIsEqual; c++)
shun-iwasawa 52004d
    allIncreaseIsEqual = allIncreaseIsEqual && ends[c] == ends[c + 1];
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (allIncreaseIsEqual) r1 = ends[0];
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::decreaseStepCells(int r0, int c0, int &r1, int c1) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int c, size = r1 - r0 + 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  QList<int> ends;</int>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (c = c0; c <= c1; c++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    int r = r0, i = 0, rEnd = r1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    while (r <= rEnd) {
Jaroslav 203cc8
      TXshCell cell = getCell(CellPosition(r, c));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      if (!cell.isEmpty()) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        bool removed = false;
Jaroslav 203cc8
        while (cell == getCell(CellPosition(r, c)) && r <= rEnd) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          if (!removed) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
            removed = true;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
            removeCells(r, c);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          } else
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      } else
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (ends.isEmpty()) return;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // controllo se devo cambiare la selezione
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  bool allDecreaseIsEqual = true;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (c = 0; c < ends.size() - 1 && allDecreaseIsEqual; c++)
shun-iwasawa 52004d
    allDecreaseIsEqual = allDecreaseIsEqual && ends[c] == ends[c + 1];
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (allDecreaseIsEqual) r1 = ends[0];
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::eachCells(int r0, int c0, int r1, int c1, int type) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int nr = r1 - r0 + 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int nc = c1 - c0 + 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (nr < type || nc <= 0) return;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int newRows = nr % type ? nr / type + 1 : nr / type;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int size = newRows * nc;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  assert(size > 0);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  std::unique_ptr<txshcell[]> cells(new TXshCell[size]);</txshcell[]>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int i, j, k;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (j = r0, i = 0; i < size;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
       j += type)  // in cells copio il contenuto delle celle che mi interessano
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Jaroslav 203cc8
    for (k = c0; k <= c1; k++, i++) cells[i] = getCell(CellPosition(j, k));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int c;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (c = c0; c <= c1; ++c) removeCells(r0 + newRows, c, nr - newRows);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (i = r0, k = 0; i < r0 + newRows && k < size; i++)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    for (j = c0; j <= c1; j++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      //----110523 iwasawa
Shinya Kitaoka 38fd86
      // Eachでできた空きセルに、操作前のセルの中身が残ってしまう不具合を修正
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      if (cells[k].isEmpty())
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        clearCells(i, j);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        setCell(i, j, cells[k]);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
/*! force cells order in n-steps. returns the row amount after process
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
shun-iwasawa 68b038
int TXsheet::reframeCells(int r0, int r1, int col, int step, int withBlank) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // Row amount in the selection
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int nr = r1 - r0 + 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (nr < 1) return 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  QVector<txshcell> cells;</txshcell>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (int r = r0; r <= r1; r++) {
Jaroslav 203cc8
    if (cells.size() == 0 || cells.last() != getCell(CellPosition(r, col)))
Jaroslav 203cc8
      cells.push_back(getCell(CellPosition(r, col)));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
shun-iwasawa aa65b8
  // if withBlank is greater than -1, remove empty cells from cell order
shun-iwasawa aa65b8
  if (withBlank >= 0) {
shun-iwasawa aa65b8
    auto itr = cells.begin();
shun-iwasawa aa65b8
    while (itr != cells.end()) {
shun-iwasawa aa65b8
      if ((*itr).isEmpty())
shun-iwasawa aa65b8
        itr = cells.erase(itr);
shun-iwasawa aa65b8
shun-iwasawa aa65b8
shun-iwasawa aa65b8
shun-iwasawa aa65b8
shun-iwasawa aa65b8
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (cells.empty()) return 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // row amount after n-step
shun-iwasawa 68b038
  int nrows = cells.size() * step;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
shun-iwasawa aa65b8
  if (withBlank > 0) {
shun-iwasawa 68b038
    nrows += cells.size() * withBlank * step;
shun-iwasawa aa65b8
shun-iwasawa aa65b8
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // if needed, insert cells
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (nr < nrows) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    insertCells(r1 + 1, col, nrows - nr);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // if needed, remove cells
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  else if (nr > nrows) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    removeCells(r0 + nrows, col, nr - nrows);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (int i = r0, k = 0; i < r0 + nrows; k++) {
shun-iwasawa 68b038
    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < step; i1++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      if (cells[k].isEmpty())
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        clearCells(i + i1, col);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        setCell(i + i1, col, cells[k]);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
shun-iwasawa 68b038
    i += step;  // dipende dal tipo di step (2 o 3 per ora)
shun-iwasawa aa65b8
shun-iwasawa aa65b8
    if (withBlank > 0) {
shun-iwasawa 68b038
      for (int i1 = 0; i1 < withBlank * step; i1++) {
shun-iwasawa aa65b8
        clearCells(i + i1, col);
shun-iwasawa aa65b8
shun-iwasawa 68b038
      i += withBlank * step;
shun-iwasawa aa65b8
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return nrows;  // return row amount after process
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::resetStepCells(int r0, int c0, int r1, int c1) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int c, size = r1 - r0 + 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (c = c0; c <= c1; c++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    int r = r0, i = 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TXshCell *cells = new TXshCell[size];
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    while (r <= r1) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      // mi prendo le celle che mi servono
Jaroslav 203cc8
      cells[i] = getCell(CellPosition(r, c));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Jaroslav 203cc8
      while (cells[i] == getCell(CellPosition(r, c)) && r <= r1) r++;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    size = i;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    removeCells(r0, c, r1 - r0 + 1);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    insertCells(r0, c, i);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    i = 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    r = r0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++, r++) setCell(r, c, cells[i]);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
/*! Roll first cells of rect r0,c0,r1,c1. Move cells contained in first row to
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
 * last row.
shun-iwasawa 339c73
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::rollupCells(int r0, int c0, int r1, int c1) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int nc   = c1 - c0 + 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int size = 1 * nc;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  assert(size > 0);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  std::unique_ptr<txshcell[]> cells(new TXshCell[size]);</txshcell[]>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // in cells copio il contenuto delle celle che mi interessano
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int k;
Jaroslav 203cc8
  for (k = c0; k <= c1; k++) cells[k - c0] = getCell(CellPosition(r0, k));
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (k = c0; k <= c1; k++) removeCells(r0, k, 1);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (k = c0; k <= c1; k++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    insertCells(r1, k, 1);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    setCell(r1, k, cells[k - c0]);  // setto le celle
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
/*! Roll last cells of rect r0,c0,r1,c1. Move cells contained in last row to
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
 * first row.
shun-iwasawa 339c73
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::rolldownCells(int r0, int c0, int r1, int c1) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int nc   = c1 - c0 + 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int size = 1 * nc;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  assert(size > 0);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  std::unique_ptr<txshcell[]> cells(new TXshCell[size]);</txshcell[]>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // in cells copio il contenuto delle celle che mi interessano
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int k;
Jaroslav 203cc8
  for (k = c0; k <= c1; k++) cells[k - c0] = getCell(CellPosition(r1, k));
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (k = c0; k <= c1; k++) removeCells(r1, k, 1);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (k = c0; k <= c1; k++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    insertCells(r0, k, 1);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    setCell(r0, k, cells[k - c0]);  // setto le celle
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
/*! Stretch cells contained in rect r0,c0,r1,c1, from r1-r0+1 to nr.
luzpaz 27707d
                If nr>r1-r0+1 add cells, otherwise remove cells. */
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::timeStretch(int r0, int c0, int r1, int c1, int nr) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int oldNr = r1 - r0 + 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (nr > oldNr) /* ingrandisce */
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    int c;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    for (c = c0; c <= c1; c++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      int dn = nr - oldNr;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      assert(oldNr > 0);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      std::unique_ptr<txshcell[]> cells(new TXshCell[oldNr]);</txshcell[]>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      getCells(r0, c, oldNr, cells.get());
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      insertCells(r0 + 1, c, dn);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      int i;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      for (i = nr - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        int j = i * double(oldNr) / double(nr);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        if (j < i) setCell(i + r0, c, cells[j]);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  } else /* rimpicciolisce */
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    int c;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    for (c = c0; c <= c1; c++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      int dn = oldNr - nr;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      std::unique_ptr<txshcell[]> cells(new TXshCell[oldNr]);</txshcell[]>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      getCells(r0, c, oldNr, cells.get());
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      int i;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        int j = i * double(oldNr) / double(nr);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        if (j > i) setCell(i + r0, c, cells[j]);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      removeCells(r1 - dn + 1, c, dn);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
int TXsheet::exposeLevel(int row, int col, TXshLevel *xl, bool overwrite) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!xl) return 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  std::vector<tframeid> fids;</tframeid>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int frameCount = 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (fids.empty()) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    setCell(row, col, TXshCell(xl, TFrameId(1)));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    return frameCount;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  exposeLevel(row, col, xl, fids, overwrite);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return (int)fids.size();
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
// customized version for load level popup
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
int TXsheet::exposeLevel(int row, int col, TXshLevel *xl,
shun-iwasawa ef0f8b
                         std::vector<tframeid> &fIds_, TFrameId xFrom,</tframeid>
shun-iwasawa ef0f8b
                         TFrameId xTo, int step, int inc, int frameCount,
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
                         bool doesFileActuallyExist) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!xl) return 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  std::vector<tframeid> fids;</tframeid>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (doesFileActuallyExist)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  else {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)fIds_.size(); i++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // multiple exposing
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (frameCount < 0 || xFrom < 0 || xTo < 0 || step < 0 || inc < 0) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    insertCells(row, col, xl->getFrameCount());
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    frameCount = 1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (fids.empty())
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      setCell(row, col, TXshCell(xl, TFrameId(1)));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    else {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      frameCount = (int)fids.size();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      insertCells(row, col, frameCount);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      std::vector<tframeid>::iterator it;</tframeid>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      for (it = fids.begin(); it != fids.end(); ++it)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        setCell(row++, col, TXshCell(xl, *it));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    return frameCount;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // single exposing
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  insertCells(row, col, frameCount);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (fids.empty()) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    setCell(row, col, TXshCell(xl, TFrameId(1)));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  } else {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (inc == 0)  // inc = Auto
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      std::vector<tframeid>::iterator it;</tframeid>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      it = fids.begin();
shun-iwasawa ef0f8b
      while (*it < xFrom) it++;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      if (step == 0)  // Step = Auto
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        std::vector<tframeid>::iterator next_it;</tframeid>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        next_it = it;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
shun-iwasawa ef0f8b
        for (int f = 0; f < frameCount; f++) {
shun-iwasawa ef0f8b
          setCell(row++, col, TXshCell(xl, *it));
shun-iwasawa ef0f8b
          if (next_it != fids.end()) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      else  // Step != Auto
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        int loopCount = frameCount / step;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        for (int loop = 0; loop < loopCount; loop++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          for (int s = 0; s < step; s++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
            setCell(row++, col, TXshCell(xl, *it));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    } else  // inc != Auto
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      int loopCount;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      if (step == 0)  // Step = Auto
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        step = inc;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      loopCount = frameCount / step;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      for (int loop = 0; loop < loopCount; loop++) {
shun-iwasawa ef0f8b
        TFrameId id(xFrom.getNumber() + loop * inc, xFrom.getLetter());
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        for (int s = 0; s < step; s++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          setCell(row++, col, TXshCell(xl, id));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return frameCount;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::exposeLevel(int row, int col, TXshLevel *xl,
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
                          std::vector<tframeid> fids, bool overwrite) {</tframeid>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int frameCount = (int)fids.size();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!overwrite) insertCells(row, col, frameCount);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  std::vector<tframeid>::iterator it;</tframeid>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (it = fids.begin(); it != fids.end(); ++it)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    setCell(row++, col, TXshCell(xl, *it));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::updateFrameCount() {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_imp->m_frameCount = 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (int i = 0; i < m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumnCount(); ++i) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TXshColumnP cc = m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumn(i);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (cc && !cc->isEmpty())
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      m_imp->m_frameCount =
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          std::max(m_imp->m_frameCount, cc->getMaxFrame() + 1);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::loadData(TIStream &is) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TStageObjectId cameraId   = TStageObjectId::CameraId(0);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TStageObject *firstCamera = getStageObject(cameraId);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int col = 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  string tagName;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  while (is.openChild(tagName)) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (tagName == "columns") {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      while (!is.eos()) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        TPersist *p = 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        is >> p;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        TXshColumn *column = dynamic_cast<txshcolumn *="">(p);</txshcolumn>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        if (!column) throw TException("expected xsheet column");
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        m_imp->m_columnSet.insertColumn(col++, column);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        if (TXshZeraryFxColumn *zc =
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
                dynamic_cast<txshzeraryfxcolumn *="">(column)) {</txshzeraryfxcolumn>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          TFx *fx         = zc->getZeraryColumnFx()->getZeraryFx();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          int fxTypeCount = m_imp->m_fxDag->getFxTypeCount(fx);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          int maxFxTypeId = std::max(fxTypeCount, fx->getAttributes()->getId());
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          m_imp->m_fxDag->updateFxTypeTable(fx, maxFxTypeId);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          for (int j = 0; j < fx->getParams()->getParamCount(); j++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
            TParam *param = fx->getParams()->getParam(j);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
            if (TDoubleParam *dp = dynamic_cast<tdoubleparam *="">(param))</tdoubleparam>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
            else if (dynamic_cast<tpointparam *="">(param) ||</tpointparam>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
                     dynamic_cast<trangeparam *="">(param) ||</trangeparam>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
                     dynamic_cast<tpixelparam *="">(param)) {</tpixelparam>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
              TParamSet *paramSet = dynamic_cast<tparamset *="">(param);</tparamset>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
              int f;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
              for (f = 0; f < paramSet->getParamCount(); f++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
                TDoubleParam *dp = dynamic_cast<tdoubleparam *="">(</tdoubleparam>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
                if (!dp) continue;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
shun-iwasawa f84c65
    } else if (tagName == "cameraColumn") {
shun-iwasawa f84c65
      while (is.openChild(tagName)) {
shun-iwasawa f84c65
        if (!m_cameraColumn->getCellColumn()->loadCellMarks(tagName, is))
shun-iwasawa f84c65
          throw TException("Camera Column, unknown tag: " + tagName);
shun-iwasawa f84c65
shun-iwasawa f84c65
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    } else if (tagName == "pegbars") {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      TPersist *p = m_imp->m_pegTree;
manongjohn 4334db
      m_imp->m_pegTree->loadData(is, this);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    } else if (tagName == "fxnodes") {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      std::vector<tfx *=""> fxs;</tfx>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      for (int i = 0; i < (int)fxs.size(); i++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        TFx *fx = fxs[i];
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        for (int j = 0; j < fx->getParams()->getParamCount(); j++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          TParam *param = fx->getParams()->getParam(j);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          if (TDoubleParam *dp = dynamic_cast<tdoubleparam *="">(param))</tdoubleparam>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          else if (dynamic_cast<tpointparam *="">(param) ||</tpointparam>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
                   dynamic_cast<trangeparam *="">(param) ||</trangeparam>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
                   dynamic_cast<tpixelparam *="">(param)) {</tpixelparam>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
            TParamSet *paramSet = dynamic_cast<tparamset *="">(param);</tparamset>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
            int f;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
            for (f = 0; f < paramSet->getParamCount(); f++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
              TDoubleParam *dp = dynamic_cast<tdoubleparam *="">(</tdoubleparam>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
              if (!dp) continue;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      if (is.matchEndTag()) continue;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      // was ist dass?
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      TFxSet fxSet;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    } else if (tagName == "columnFan") {
Jaroslav 203cc8
Jaroslav 203cc8
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    } else if (tagName == "noteSet") {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
manongjohn 8404a6
    } else if (tagName == "navigationTags") {
manongjohn 8404a6
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    } else {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      throw TException("xsheet, unknown tag: " + tagName);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::saveData(TOStream &os) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (int c = 0; c < m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumnCount(); ++c) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TXshColumnP column = m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumn(c);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (column && c < getFirstFreeColumnIndex()) os << column.getPointer();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
shun-iwasawa f84c65
shun-iwasawa f84c65
  // save cell marks in the camera column
shun-iwasawa f84c65
  if (!m_cameraColumn->getCellColumn()->getCellMarks().isEmpty()) {
shun-iwasawa f84c65
shun-iwasawa f84c65
shun-iwasawa f84c65
shun-iwasawa f84c65
shun-iwasawa f84c65
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
manongjohn 4334db
  m_imp->m_pegTree->saveData(os, getFirstFreeColumnIndex(), this);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // os << *(m_imp->m_pegTree);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  FxDag *fxDag = getFxDag();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  fxDag->saveData(os, getFirstFreeColumnIndex());
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Jaroslav 203cc8
  // does not matter which Orientation to take, as all fans share folded data
Jaroslav 203cc8
  ColumnFan *columnFan = getColumnFan(Orientations::topToBottom());
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!columnFan->isEmpty()) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshNoteSet *notes = getNotes();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (notes->getCount() > 0) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
manongjohn 8404a6
manongjohn 8404a6
  NavigationTags *navigationTags = getNavigationTags();
manongjohn 8404a6
  if (navigationTags->getCount() > 0) {
manongjohn 8404a6
manongjohn 8404a6
manongjohn 8404a6
manongjohn 8404a6
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::insertColumn(int col, TXshColumn::ColumnType type) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  insertColumn(col, TXshColumn::createEmpty(type));
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::insertColumn(int col, TXshColumn *column) {
John Dancel 421acd
  if (col < 0) col = 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_imp->m_columnSet.insertColumn(col, column);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (column->getPaletteColumn() ==
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      0)  // palette column are not connected to the xsheet fx node
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TFx *fx = column->getFx();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (fx) getFxDag()->addToXsheet(fx);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
shun-iwasawa 98258e
shun-iwasawa 98258e
  for (ColumnFan &columnFan : m_imp->m_columnFans) {
shun-iwasawa 98258e
shun-iwasawa 98258e
                                   m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumnCount() - col);
shun-iwasawa 98258e
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
  notify(TXsheetColumnChange(TXsheetColumnChange::Insert, col));
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::removeColumn(int col) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshColumn *column = getColumn(col);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (column) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TFx *fx = column->getFx();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (fx) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      // disconnetto dal columnFx tutti gli effetti connessi in uscita
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      TFxPort *outPort = 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      while ((outPort = fx->getOutputConnection(0))) outPort->setFx(0);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
shun-iwasawa 98258e
shun-iwasawa 98258e
  for (ColumnFan &columnFan : m_imp->m_columnFans) {
shun-iwasawa 98258e
shun-iwasawa 98258e
                                  m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumnCount() - col);
shun-iwasawa 98258e
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
  notify(TXsheetColumnChange(TXsheetColumnChange::Remove, col));
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::moveColumn(int srcIndex, int dstIndex) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (srcIndex == dstIndex) return;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  assert(srcIndex >= 0);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  assert(dstIndex >= 0);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int col = std::max(srcIndex, dstIndex);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (col >= m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumnCount()) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    int n = m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumnCount();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    touchColumn(col, TXshColumn::eLevelType);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    while (n <= col) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      TXshColumn *column = getColumn(n);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  assert(m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumnCount() > srcIndex);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  assert(m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumnCount() > dstIndex);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (srcIndex < dstIndex) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    int c0 = srcIndex;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    int c1 = dstIndex;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    assert(c0 < c1);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    m_imp->m_columnSet.rollLeft(c0, c1 - c0 + 1);
shun-iwasawa 98258e
    for (ColumnFan &columnFan : m_imp->m_columnFans)
shun-iwasawa 98258e
      columnFan.rollLeftFoldedState(c0, c1 - c0 + 1);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    for (int c = c0; c < c1; ++c) m_imp->m_pegTree->swapColumns(c, c + 1);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  } else {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    int c0 = dstIndex;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    int c1 = srcIndex;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    assert(c0 < c1);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    m_imp->m_columnSet.rollRight(c0, c1 - c0 + 1);
shun-iwasawa 98258e
    for (ColumnFan &columnFan : m_imp->m_columnFans)
shun-iwasawa 98258e
      columnFan.rollRightFoldedState(c0, c1 - c0 + 1);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    for (int c = c1 - 1; c >= c0; --c) m_imp->m_pegTree->swapColumns(c, c + 1);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
  notify(TXsheetColumnChange(TXsheetColumnChange::Move, srcIndex, dstIndex));
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
TXshColumn *TXsheet::getColumn(int col) const {
manongjohn 4334db
  if (col < 0) return m_cameraColumn;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumn(col).getPointer();
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
int TXsheet::getColumnCount() const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return m_imp->m_columnSet.getColumnCount();
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
int TXsheet::getFirstFreeColumnIndex() const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int i = getColumnCount();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  while (i > 0 && isColumnEmpty(i - 1)) --i;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return i;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
TXshColumn *TXsheet::touchColumn(int index, TXshColumn::ColumnType type) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshColumn *column = m_imp->m_columnSet.touchColumn(index, type).getPointer();
John Dancel 421acd
  if (index < 0 || !column) return 0;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // NOTE (Daniele): The following && should be a bug... but I fear I'd break
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // something changing it.
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // Observe that the implied behavior is that of REPLACING AN EXISTING
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // Please, Inquire further if you're not upon release!
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (column->isEmpty() && column->getColumnType() != type) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    insertColumn(index, type);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    column = getColumn(index);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return column;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
namespace {  // Utility function
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void searchAudioColumn(TXsheet *xsh, std::vector<txshsoundcolumn *=""> &sounds,</txshsoundcolumn>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
                       bool isPreview = true) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int i       = 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int columns = xsh->getColumnCount();
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (; i < columns; ++i) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(i);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (column) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      TXshSoundColumn *soundCol = column->getSoundColumn();
shun-iwasawa 339c73
      if (soundCol && !soundCol->isEmpty() &&
shun-iwasawa 339c73
          ((isPreview && soundCol->isCamstandVisible()) ||
shun-iwasawa 339c73
           (!isPreview && soundCol->isPreviewVisible()))) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
}  // namespace
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
TSoundTrack *TXsheet::makeSound(SoundProperties *properties) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  std::vector<txshsoundcolumn *=""> sounds;</txshsoundcolumn>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  searchAudioColumn(this, sounds, properties->m_isPreview);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!m_imp->m_mixedSound || *properties != *m_soundProperties) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (!sounds.empty() && properties->m_fromFrame <= properties->m_toFrame)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      m_imp->m_mixedSound = sounds[0]->mixingTogether(
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          sounds, properties->m_fromFrame, properties->m_toFrame,
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      m_imp->m_mixedSound = 0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    delete m_soundProperties;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    m_soundProperties = properties;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  } else
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    delete properties;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return m_imp->m_mixedSound.getPointer();
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::scrub(int frame, bool isPreview) {
Toondad 9c4638
  try {
Toondad 9c4638
    double fps =
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toondad 9c4638
    TXsheet::SoundProperties *prop = new TXsheet::SoundProperties();
Toondad 9c4638
    prop->m_isPreview              = isPreview;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toondad 9c4638
    TSoundTrack *st = makeSound(prop);  // Absorbs prop's ownership
Toondad 9c4638
    if (!st) return;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toondad 9c4638
    double samplePerFrame = st->getSampleRate() / fps;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toondad 9c4638
    double s0 = frame * samplePerFrame, s1 = s0 + samplePerFrame;
Jeremy Bullock 57507e
    // if (m_player && m_player->isPlaying()) {
Jeremy Bullock 57507e
    //    try {
Jeremy Bullock 57507e
    //        m_player->stop();
Jeremy Bullock 57507e
    //    }
Jeremy Bullock 57507e
    //    catch (const std::runtime_error& e) {
Jeremy Bullock 57507e
    //        int i = 0;
Jeremy Bullock 57507e
    //    }
Jeremy Bullock 57507e
    //    catch (const std::exception& e) {
Jeremy Bullock 57507e
    //        int i = 0;
Jeremy Bullock 57507e
    //    }
Jeremy Bullock 57507e
    //    catch (...) {
Jeremy Bullock 57507e
    //        int i = 0;
Jeremy Bullock 57507e
    //    }
Jeremy Bullock 57507e
Toondad 9c4638
    play(st, s0, s1, false);
Toondad 9c4638
  } catch (TSoundDeviceException &e) {
Toondad 9c4638
    if (e.getType() == TSoundDeviceException::NoDevice) {
Toondad 9c4638
      std::cout << ::to_string(e.getMessage()) << std::endl;
Toondad 9c4638
    } else {
Toondad 9c4638
      throw TSoundDeviceException(e.getType(), e.getMessage());
Toondad 9c4638
Toondad 9c4638
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::stopScrub() {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (m_player) m_player->stop();
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::play(TSoundTrackP soundtrack, int s0, int s1, bool loop) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!TSoundOutputDevice::installed()) return;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!m_player) m_player = new TSoundOutputDevice();
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (m_player) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    try {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      m_player->play(soundtrack, s0, s1, loop);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    } catch (TSoundDeviceException &) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
FxDag *TXsheet::getFxDag() const { return m_imp->m_fxDag; }
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Jaroslav 203cc8
ColumnFan *TXsheet::getColumnFan(const Orientation *o) const {
Jaroslav 203cc8
  int index = o->dimension(PredefinedDimension::INDEX);
Jaroslav 203cc8
  return &m_imp->m_columnFans[index];
Jaroslav 203cc8
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
ToonzScene *TXsheet::getScene() const { return m_imp->m_scene; }
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::setScene(ToonzScene *scene) { m_imp->m_scene = scene; }
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
bool TXsheet::checkCircularReferences(const TXshCell &cellCandidate) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (cellCandidate.isEmpty() || !cellCandidate.m_level->getChildLevel())
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    return false;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXsheet *childCandidate = cellCandidate.m_level->getChildLevel()->getXsheet();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return checkCircularReferences(childCandidate);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
bool TXsheet::checkCircularReferences(TXshColumn *columnCandidate) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!columnCandidate || !columnCandidate->getLevelColumn()) return false;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshLevelColumn *lc = columnCandidate->getLevelColumn();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int r0 = 0, r1 = -1;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (lc->getRange(r0, r1) <= 0) return false;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int r;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TXshCell oldCell;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (r = r0; r <= r1; r++) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TXshCell cell = lc->getCell(r);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    // to speed up:
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (cell.m_level.getPointer() == oldCell.m_level.getPointer()) continue;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (checkCircularReferences(cell)) return true;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    oldCell = cell;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return false;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void TXsheet::invalidateSound() { m_imp->m_mixedSound = TSoundTrackP(); }
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
bool TXsheet::checkCircularReferences(TXsheet *childCandidate) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (this == childCandidate) return true;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (childCandidate == 0) return false;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int i;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (i = 0; i < childCandidate->getColumnCount(); i++)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (checkCircularReferences(childCandidate->getColumn(i))) return true;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return false;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
// Builds the camstand bbox associated to the specified xsheet
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
TRectD TXsheet::getBBox(int r) const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  static const double maxDouble = (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)();</double>
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  static const TRectD voidRect(maxDouble, maxDouble, -maxDouble, -maxDouble);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  struct locals {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    static TRectD getBBox(const TXsheet *xsh, int r, int c) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      // Discriminate cell content
Jaroslav 203cc8
      const TXshCell &cell = xsh->getCell(CellPosition(r, c));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      if (cell.isEmpty()) return voidRect;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      if (TXshChildLevel *cl = cell.getChildLevel())
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        return cl->getXsheet()->getBBox(cell.getFrameId().getNumber() - 1);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      TXshSimpleLevel *sl = cell.getSimpleLevel();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      if (!sl ||
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          !(sl->getType() &
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
            LEVELCOLUMN_XSHLEVEL))  // Avoid other mesh levels - which could
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        return voidRect;            // be deformed too...
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      // Retrieve column affine
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      TAffine columnZaff;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        TStageObject *colObj = xsh->getStageObject(TStageObjectId::ColumnId(c));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        const TAffine &columnAff = colObj->getPlacement(r);  // ...
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        double columnZ           = colObj->getZ(r);          // ...
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        double columnNoScaleZ    = colObj->getGlobalNoScaleZ();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        TStageObjectId cameraId =
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        TStageObject *camera = xsh->getStageObject(cameraId);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        const TAffine &cameraAff = camera->getPlacement(r);  // ...
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        double cameraZ           = camera->getZ(r);          // ...
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        if (!TStageObject::perspective(columnZaff, cameraAff, cameraZ,
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
                                       columnAff, columnZ, columnNoScaleZ))
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
          return voidRect;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      const TRectD &bbox = sl->getBBox(cell.getFrameId());
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      if (bbox.getLx() <= 0.0 || bbox.getLy() <= 0.0) return voidRect;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      return columnZaff * TScale(Stage::inch, Stage::inch) * bbox;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // Initialize a union-neutral rect
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TRectD bbox(voidRect);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  // Traverse the xsheet's columns, adding the bbox of each
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  int c, cCount = getColumnCount();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  for (c = 0; c != cCount; ++c) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    // Skip empty or invisible columns
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TXshColumn *column = getColumn(c);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (column->isEmpty() || !column->isCamstandVisible()) continue;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    const TRectD &colBBox = locals::getBBox(this, r, c);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    // Make the union
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    bbox.x0 = std::min(bbox.x0, colBBox.x0);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    bbox.y0 = std::min(bbox.y0, colBBox.y0);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    bbox.x1 = std::max(bbox.x1, colBBox.x1);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    bbox.y1 = std::max(bbox.y1, colBBox.y1);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return bbox;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
shun-iwasawa 5e2a8f
shun-iwasawa 5e2a8f
shun-iwasawa 5e2a8f
Jaroslav 203cc8
bool TXsheet::isRectEmpty(const CellPosition &pos0,
Jaroslav 203cc8
                          const CellPosition &pos1) const {
Jaroslav 203cc8
  for (int frame = pos0.frame(); frame <= pos1.frame(); frame++)
Jaroslav 203cc8
    for (int layer = pos0.layer(); layer <= pos1.layer(); layer++)
Jaroslav 203cc8
      if (!getCell(CellPosition(frame, layer)).isEmpty()) return false;
shun-iwasawa 5e2a8f
  return true;
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
// Function triggered by AutoInputCellNumberPopup.
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
// executing this on column selection, set r1 = -1.
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
// Here are the expected behaviors
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
// 1. Cell Selection + Overwrite
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
//    Cells will be input from the top of the selected range.
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
//    New arrangement CANNOT run over the selected range.
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
//    If the new arrangement is shorter than the selected range,
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
//    excess cells will not be cleared but keep their contents.
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
//    (It is the same behavior as Celsys' QuickChecker)
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
// 2. Cell Selection + Insert
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
//    New arrangement will be inserted before the selected range.
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
//    If the selected range has multiple columns, then the inserted
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
//    cells will be expanded to the longest arrangement with empty cells.
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
// 3. Column Selection + Overwrite
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
//    Cells will be input from the top of the columns.
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
//    New arrangement CAN run over the existing column range.
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
//    If the new arrangement is shorter than the selected range,
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
//    excess cells will not be cleared but keep their contents.
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
// 4. Column Selection + Insert
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
//    New arrangement will be inserted at the top of the columns.
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
//    If multiple columns are selected, then the inserted cells
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
//    will be expanded to the longest arrangement with empty cells.
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
void TXsheet::autoInputCellNumbers(int increment, int interval, int step,
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
                                   int repeat, int from, int to, int r0, int r1,
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
                                   bool isOverwrite,
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
                                   std::vector<int> columnIndices,</int>
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
                                   std::vector<txshlevelp> levels,</txshlevelp>
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
                                   int rowsCount) {
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
  int rowUpTo = (r1 == -1) ? rowsCount - 1
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
                           : ((isOverwrite) ? std::min(r1, r0 + rowsCount - 1)
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
                                            : r0 + rowsCount - 1);
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
  // for each column
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
  for (int c = 0; c < columnIndices.size(); c++) {
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
    int columnIndex  =;
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
    TXshLevelP level =;
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
    // on insertion, insert empty cells first
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
    if (!isOverwrite) insertCells(r0, columnIndex, rowsCount);
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
    // obtain fids to be input
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
    std::vector<tframeid> fids;</tframeid>
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
    if (increment == 0) {
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
      std::vector<tframeid> wholeFids;</tframeid>
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
      if (from <= to) {
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
        for (auto itr = wholeFids.begin(); itr != wholeFids.end(); ++itr) {
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
          if ((*itr).getNumber() >= from && (*itr).getNumber() <= to)
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
          else if ((*itr).getNumber() > to)
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
      } else {  // from > to
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
        for (auto itr = wholeFids.rbegin(); itr != wholeFids.rend(); ++itr) {
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
          if ((*itr).getNumber() <= from && (*itr).getNumber() >= to)
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
          else if ((*itr).getNumber() < to)
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
    } else {  // increment != 0
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
      int f = from;
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
      if (from <= to) {
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
        while (f <= to) {
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
          f += increment;
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
      } else {  // from > to
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
        while (f >= to) {
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
          f -= increment;
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
    // input cells
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
    int row             = r0;
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
    int repeat_itr      = 0;
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
    int fid_itr         = 0;
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
    int step_interv_itr = 0;
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
    while (row <= rowUpTo) {
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
      // input cell
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
      if (step_interv_itr < step)
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
        setCell(row, columnIndex, TXshCell(level,;
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
      // .. or set empty cell as interval
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
        setCell(row, columnIndex, TXshCell());
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
      // increment
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
      // next frame
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
      if (step_interv_itr == step + interval) {
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
        step_interv_itr = 0;
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
      // next repeat cycle
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
      if (fid_itr == fids.size()) {
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
        fid_itr = 0;
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
      if (repeat_itr == repeat) break;
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
shun-iwasawa 947ad3
Toondad 9c4638
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
void TXsheet::setObserver(TXsheetColumnChangeObserver *observer) {
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
  m_observer = observer;
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
void TXsheet::notify(const TXsheetColumnChange &change) {
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
  if (m_observer) m_observer->onChange(change);
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
void TXsheet::notifyFxAdded(const std::vector<tfx *=""> &fxs) {</tfx>
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
  if (m_observer) m_observer->onFxAdded(fxs);
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
void TXsheet::notifyStageObjectAdded(const TStageObjectId id) {
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
  if (m_observer) m_observer->onStageObjectAdded(id);
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
bool TXsheet::isReferenceManagementIgnored(TDoubleParam *param) {
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
  if (m_observer) return m_observer->isIgnored(param);
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
  return false;
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
ExpressionReferenceMonitor *TXsheet::getExpRefMonitor() const {
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
  return m_imp->m_expRefMonitor;
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
shun-iwasawa 4a3868
manongjohn 8404a6
manongjohn 8404a6
bool TXsheet::isFrameTagged(int frame) const {
manongjohn 8404a6
  if (frame < 0) return false;
manongjohn 8404a6
manongjohn 8404a6
  return m_navigationTags->isTagged(frame);
manongjohn 8404a6
manongjohn 8404a6
manongjohn 8404a6
manongjohn 8404a6
manongjohn 8404a6
void TXsheet::toggleTaggedFrame(int frame) {
manongjohn 8404a6
  if (frame < 0) return;
manongjohn 8404a6
manongjohn 8404a6
  if (isFrameTagged(frame))
manongjohn 8404a6
manongjohn 8404a6
manongjohn 8404a6
manongjohn 8404a6