Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonzqt/planeviewer.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
// TnzQt includes
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonzqt/imageutils.h"
manongjohn 2c447c
#include "toonzqt/menubarcommand.h"
manongjohn 2c447c
#include "toonzqt/viewcommandids.h"
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
#include "../toonz/menubarcommandids.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
// TnzLib includes
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "toonz/stage.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
// TnzCore includes
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "trasterimage.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "ttoonzimage.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "tvectorimage.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "trop.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "tvectorrenderdata.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "tgl.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "tvectorgl.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include "tpalette.h"
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
// Qt includes
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include <qmouseevent></qmouseevent>
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include <qwheelevent></qwheelevent>
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include <qresizeevent></qresizeevent>
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#include <qhideevent></qhideevent>
manongjohn 2c447c
#include <qgestureevent></qgestureevent>
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
//#define PRINT_AFF
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
//    Local namespace  stuff
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
namespace {
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka d1f6c4
struct PlaneViewerZoomer final : public ImageUtils::ShortcutZoomer {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  PlaneViewerZoomer(PlaneViewer *planeViewer) : ShortcutZoomer(planeViewer) {}
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 473e70
  bool zoom(bool zoomin, bool resetZoom) override;
manongjohn 2c447c
  bool fit() override;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
bool PlaneViewerZoomer::zoom(bool zoomin, bool resetZoom) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  PlaneViewer &planeViewer = static_cast<planeviewer &="">(*getWidget());</planeviewer>
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
manongjohn 2c447c
  resetZoom ? planeViewer.resetView() : zoomin ? planeViewer.zoomIn()
manongjohn 2c447c
                                               : planeViewer.zoomOut();
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return true;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
manongjohn 2c447c
bool PlaneViewerZoomer::fit() {
manongjohn 2c447c
  PlaneViewer &planeViewer = static_cast<planeviewer &="">(*getWidget());</planeviewer>
manongjohn 2c447c
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manongjohn 2c447c
  return true;
manongjohn 2c447c
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
}  // namespace
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
PlaneViewer::PlaneViewer(QWidget *parent)
shun_iwasawa 96fddb
    : GLWidgetForHighDpi(parent)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    , m_firstResize(true)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    , m_xpos(0)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    , m_ypos(0)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    , m_aff()  // initialized at the first resize
manongjohn 2c447c
    , m_chessSize(40.0)
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    , m_firstDraw(true)
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    , m_dpiX(0.0)
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    , m_dpiY(0.0) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_zoomRange[0] = 1e-3, m_zoomRange[1] = 1024.0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  setBgColor(TPixel32(235, 235, 235), TPixel32(235, 235, 235));
manongjohn 2c447c
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manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::setZoomRange(double zoomMin, double zoomMax) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_zoomRange[0] = zoomMin, m_zoomRange[1] = zoomMax;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::setBgColor(const TPixel32 &color1, const TPixel32 &color2) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_bgColorF[0] = color1.r / 255.0, m_bgColorF[1] = color1.g / 255.0,
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_bgColorF[2] = color1.b / 255.0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_bgColorF[3] = color2.r / 255.0, m_bgColorF[4] = color2.g / 255.0,
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_bgColorF[5] = color2.b / 255.0;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::getBgColor(TPixel32 &color1, TPixel32 &color2) const {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  color1.r = m_bgColorF[0] * 255.0, color1.g = m_bgColorF[1] * 255.0,
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  color1.b = m_bgColorF[2] * 255.0;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  color2.r = m_bgColorF[3] * 255.0, color2.g = m_bgColorF[4] * 255.0,
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  color2.b = m_bgColorF[5] * 255.0;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::drawBackground() {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  glClearColor(m_bgColorF[0], m_bgColorF[1], m_bgColorF[2], 1.0);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (m_bgColorF[0] != m_bgColorF[3] || m_bgColorF[1] != m_bgColorF[4] ||
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      m_bgColorF[2] != m_bgColorF[5]) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    // Cast the widget rect to world rect
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TRectD rect(winToWorld(0, 0), winToWorld(width(), height()));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    // Deduce chess geometry
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TRect chessRect(tfloor(rect.x0 / m_chessSize),
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
                    tfloor(rect.y0 / m_chessSize), tceil(rect.x1 / m_chessSize),
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
                    tceil(rect.y1 / m_chessSize));
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    // Draw chess squares
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    glColor3f(m_bgColorF[3], m_bgColorF[4], m_bgColorF[5]);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    int x, y;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TPointD pos;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    double chessSize2 = 2.0 * m_chessSize;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    for (y = chessRect.y0; y < chessRect.y1; ++y) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      pos.y = y * m_chessSize;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      for (x = chessRect.x0 + ((chessRect.x0 + y) % 2), pos.x = x * m_chessSize;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
           x < chessRect.x1; x += 2, pos.x += chessSize2) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        glVertex2d(pos.x, pos.y);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        glVertex2d(pos.x + m_chessSize, pos.y);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        glVertex2d(pos.x + m_chessSize, pos.y + m_chessSize);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
        glVertex2d(pos.x, pos.y + m_chessSize);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
shun_iwasawa 5e0d4f
void PlaneViewer::initializeGL() { initializeOpenGLFunctions(); }
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::resizeGL(int width, int height) {
shun_iwasawa 1c961d
  width *= getDevPixRatio();
shun_iwasawa 1c961d
  height *= getDevPixRatio();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  gluOrtho2D(0, width, 0, height);
Shinya Kitaoka 210a8a
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (m_firstResize) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    m_firstResize = false;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    m_aff         = TTranslation(0.5 * width, 0.5 * height);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    m_width       = width;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    m_height      = height;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  } else {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TPointD oldCenter(m_width * 0.5, m_height * 0.5);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TPointD newCenter(width * 0.5, height * 0.5);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    m_aff    = * oldCenter, newCenter);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    m_width  = width;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    m_height = height;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 210a8a
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) {
manongjohn 2c447c
  if (m_gestureActive && m_touchDevice == QTouchDevice::TouchScreen &&
manongjohn 2c447c
      !m_stylusUsed) {
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
shun_iwasawa 96fddb
  QPoint curPos = event->pos() * getDevPixRatio();
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (event->buttons() & Qt::MidButton)
shun_iwasawa 96fddb
    moveView(curPos.x() - m_xpos, height() - curPos.y() - m_ypos);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
shun_iwasawa 96fddb
  m_xpos = curPos.x(), m_ypos = height() - curPos.y();
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) {
manongjohn 2c447c
  // qDebug() << "[mousePressEvent]";
manongjohn 2c447c
  if (m_gestureActive && m_touchDevice == QTouchDevice::TouchScreen &&
manongjohn 2c447c
      !m_stylusUsed) {
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
shun_iwasawa 96fddb
  m_xpos = event->x() * getDevPixRatio();
shun_iwasawa 96fddb
  m_ypos = height() - event->y() * getDevPixRatio();
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
manongjohn 2c447c
void PlaneViewer::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event) {
manongjohn 2c447c
  // qDebug() << "[mouseDoubleClickEvent]";
manongjohn 2c447c
  if (m_gestureActive && !m_stylusUsed) {
manongjohn 2c447c
    m_gestureActive = false;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
void PlaneViewer::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) {
manongjohn 2c447c
  m_gestureActive = false;
manongjohn 2c447c
  m_zooming       = false;
manongjohn 2c447c
  m_panning       = false;
manongjohn 2c447c
  m_stylusUsed    = false;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) {
manongjohn 2c447c
  int delta = 0;
manongjohn 2c447c
  switch (event->source()) {
manongjohn 2c447c
  case Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized: {
manongjohn 2c447c
    if (event->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier)
manongjohn 2c447c
      delta = event->angleDelta().x();
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
      delta = event->angleDelta().y();
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  case Qt::MouseEventSynthesizedBySystem: {
manongjohn 2c447c
    QPoint numPixels  = event->pixelDelta();
manongjohn 2c447c
    QPoint numDegrees = event->angleDelta() / 8;
manongjohn 2c447c
    if (!numPixels.isNull()) {
manongjohn 2c447c
      delta = event->pixelDelta().y();
manongjohn 2c447c
    } else if (!numDegrees.isNull()) {
manongjohn 2c447c
      QPoint numSteps = numDegrees / 15;
manongjohn 2c447c
      delta           = numSteps.y();
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  default:  // Qt::MouseEventSynthesizedByQt,
manongjohn 2c447c
            // Qt::MouseEventSynthesizedByApplication
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
      std::cout << "not supported event: Qt::MouseEventSynthesizedByQt, "
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
                << std::endl;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  }  // end switch
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  if (abs(delta) > 0) {
manongjohn 2c447c
    if ((m_gestureActive == true &&
manongjohn 2c447c
         m_touchDevice == QTouchDevice::TouchScreen) ||
manongjohn 2c447c
        m_gestureActive == false) {
manongjohn 2c447c
      TPointD pos(event->x() * getDevPixRatio(),
manongjohn 2c447c
                  height() - event->y() * getDevPixRatio());
manongjohn 2c447c
      double zoom_par = 1 + event->delta() * 0.001;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
manongjohn 2c447c
      zoomView(pos.x, pos.y, zoom_par);
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (PlaneViewerZoomer(this).exec(event)) return;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Jeremy Bullock 1ef2a2
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
//! Disposes of the auxiliary internal rasterBuffer().
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::hideEvent(QHideEvent *event) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_rasterBuffer = TRaster32P();
manongjohn 2c447c
  m_dpiX         = 0.0;  // reset dpi
manongjohn 2c447c
  m_dpiY         = 0.0;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
void PlaneViewer::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) {
manongjohn 2c447c
  QMenu *menu = new QMenu(this);
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  QAction *reset = menu->addAction(tr("Reset View"));
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  connect(reset, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(resetView()));
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  QAction *fit = menu->addAction(tr("Fit To Window"));
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  connect(fit, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(fitView()));
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  delete menu;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
void PlaneViewer::tabletEvent(QTabletEvent *e) {
manongjohn 2c447c
  // qDebug() << "[tabletEvent]";
manongjohn 2c447c
  if (e->type() == QTabletEvent::TabletPress) {
manongjohn 2c447c
    m_stylusUsed = e->pointerType() ? true : false;
manongjohn 2c447c
  } else if (e->type() == QTabletEvent::TabletRelease) {
manongjohn 2c447c
    m_stylusUsed = false;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
void PlaneViewer::gestureEvent(QGestureEvent *e) {
manongjohn 2c447c
  // qDebug() << "[gestureEvent]";
manongjohn 2c447c
  m_gestureActive = false;
manongjohn 2c447c
  if (QGesture *swipe = e->gesture(Qt::SwipeGesture)) {
manongjohn 2c447c
    m_gestureActive = true;
manongjohn 2c447c
  } else if (QGesture *pan = e->gesture(Qt::PanGesture)) {
manongjohn 2c447c
    m_gestureActive = true;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  if (QGesture *pinch = e->gesture(Qt::PinchGesture)) {
manongjohn 2c447c
    QPinchGesture *gesture = static_cast<qpinchgesture *="">(pinch);</qpinchgesture>
manongjohn 2c447c
    QPinchGesture::ChangeFlags changeFlags = gesture->changeFlags();
manongjohn 2c447c
    QPoint firstCenter                     = gesture->centerPoint().toPoint();
manongjohn 2c447c
    if (m_touchDevice == QTouchDevice::TouchScreen)
manongjohn 2c447c
      firstCenter = mapFromGlobal(firstCenter);
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
    if (gesture->state() == Qt::GestureStarted) {
manongjohn 2c447c
      m_gestureActive = true;
manongjohn 2c447c
    } else if (gesture->state() == Qt::GestureFinished) {
manongjohn 2c447c
      m_gestureActive = false;
manongjohn 2c447c
      m_zooming       = false;
manongjohn 2c447c
      m_scaleFactor   = 0.0;
manongjohn 2c447c
    } else {
manongjohn 2c447c
      if (changeFlags & QPinchGesture::ScaleFactorChanged) {
manongjohn 2c447c
        double scaleFactor = gesture->scaleFactor();
manongjohn 2c447c
        // the scale factor makes for too sensitive scaling
manongjohn 2c447c
        // divide the change in half
manongjohn 2c447c
        if (scaleFactor > 1) {
manongjohn 2c447c
          double decimalValue = scaleFactor - 1;
manongjohn 2c447c
          decimalValue /= 1.5;
manongjohn 2c447c
          scaleFactor = 1 + decimalValue;
manongjohn 2c447c
        } else if (scaleFactor < 1) {
manongjohn 2c447c
          double decimalValue = 1 - scaleFactor;
manongjohn 2c447c
          decimalValue /= 1.5;
manongjohn 2c447c
          scaleFactor = 1 - decimalValue;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
        if (!m_zooming) {
manongjohn 2c447c
          double delta = scaleFactor - 1;
manongjohn 2c447c
          m_scaleFactor += delta;
manongjohn 2c447c
          if (m_scaleFactor > .2 || m_scaleFactor < -.2) {
manongjohn 2c447c
            m_zooming = true;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
        if (m_zooming) {
manongjohn 2c447c
          zoomView(firstCenter.x() * getDevPixRatio(),
manongjohn 2c447c
                   firstCenter.y() * getDevPixRatio(), scaleFactor);
manongjohn 2c447c
          m_panning = false;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
        m_gestureActive = true;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
      if (changeFlags & QPinchGesture::CenterPointChanged) {
manongjohn 2c447c
        QPointF centerDelta = (gesture->centerPoint() * getDevPixRatio()) -
manongjohn 2c447c
                              (gesture->lastCenterPoint() * getDevPixRatio());
manongjohn 2c447c
        if (centerDelta.manhattanLength() > 1) {
manongjohn 2c447c
          // panQt(centerDelta.toPoint());
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
        m_gestureActive = true;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
void PlaneViewer::touchEvent(QTouchEvent *e, int type) {
manongjohn 2c447c
  // qDebug() << "[touchEvent]";
manongjohn 2c447c
  if (type == QEvent::TouchBegin) {
manongjohn 2c447c
    m_touchActive   = true;
manongjohn 2c447c
    m_firstPanPoint = e->touchPoints().at(0).pos();
manongjohn 2c447c
    // obtain device type
manongjohn 2c447c
    m_touchDevice = e->device()->type();
manongjohn 2c447c
  } else if (m_touchActive) {
manongjohn 2c447c
    // touchpads must have 2 finger panning for tools and navigation to be
manongjohn 2c447c
    // functional on other devices, 1 finger panning is preferred
manongjohn 2c447c
    if ((e->touchPoints().count() == 2 &&
manongjohn 2c447c
         m_touchDevice == QTouchDevice::TouchPad) ||
manongjohn 2c447c
        (e->touchPoints().count() == 1 &&
manongjohn 2c447c
         m_touchDevice == QTouchDevice::TouchScreen)) {
manongjohn 2c447c
      QTouchEvent::TouchPoint panPoint = e->touchPoints().at(0);
manongjohn 2c447c
      if (!m_panning) {
manongjohn 2c447c
        QPointF deltaPoint = panPoint.pos() - m_firstPanPoint;
manongjohn 2c447c
        // minimize accidental and jerky zooming/rotating during 2 finger
manongjohn 2c447c
        // panning
manongjohn 2c447c
        if ((deltaPoint.manhattanLength() > 100) && !m_zooming) {
manongjohn 2c447c
          m_panning = true;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
      if (m_panning) {
manongjohn 2c447c
        QPoint curPos      = panPoint.pos().toPoint() * getDevPixRatio();
manongjohn 2c447c
        QPoint lastPos     = panPoint.lastPos().toPoint() * getDevPixRatio();
manongjohn 2c447c
        QPoint centerDelta = curPos - lastPos;
manongjohn 2c447c
        moveView(centerDelta.x(), -centerDelta.y());
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  if (type == QEvent::TouchEnd || type == QEvent::TouchCancel) {
manongjohn 2c447c
    m_touchActive = false;
manongjohn 2c447c
    m_panning     = false;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
bool PlaneViewer::event(QEvent *e) {
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  switch (e->type()) {
manongjohn 2c447c
  case QEvent::TabletPress: {
manongjohn 2c447c
  QTabletEvent *te = static_cast<qtabletevent *="">(e);</qtabletevent>
manongjohn 2c447c
  qDebug() << "[event] TabletPress: pointerType(" << te->pointerType()
manongjohn 2c447c
  << ") device(" << te->device() << ")";
manongjohn 2c447c
  } break;
manongjohn 2c447c
  case QEvent::TabletRelease:
manongjohn 2c447c
  qDebug() << "[event] TabletRelease";
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  case QEvent::TouchBegin:
manongjohn 2c447c
  qDebug() << "[event] TouchBegin";
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  case QEvent::TouchEnd:
manongjohn 2c447c
  qDebug() << "[event] TouchEnd";
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  case QEvent::TouchCancel:
manongjohn 2c447c
  qDebug() << "[event] TouchCancel";
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
manongjohn 2c447c
  qDebug() << "[event] MouseButtonPress";
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
manongjohn 2c447c
  qDebug() << "[event] MouseButtonDblClick";
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
manongjohn 2c447c
  qDebug() << "[event] MouseButtonRelease";
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  case QEvent::Gesture:
manongjohn 2c447c
  qDebug() << "[event] Gesture";
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  if (e->type() == QEvent::Gesture &&
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
          ->isChecked()) {
manongjohn 2c447c
    gestureEvent(static_cast<qgestureevent *="">(e));</qgestureevent>
manongjohn 2c447c
    return true;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  if ((e->type() == QEvent::TouchBegin || e->type() == QEvent::TouchEnd ||
manongjohn 2c447c
       e->type() == QEvent::TouchCancel || e->type() == QEvent::TouchUpdate) &&
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
          ->isChecked()) {
manongjohn 2c447c
    touchEvent(static_cast<qtouchevent *="">(e), e->type());</qtouchevent>
manongjohn 2c447c
    m_gestureActive = true;
manongjohn 2c447c
    return true;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  return GLWidgetForHighDpi::event(e);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::resetView() {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_aff = TTranslation(0.5 * width(), 0.5 * height());
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
manongjohn 2c447c
void PlaneViewer::fitView() {
manongjohn 2c447c
  if (m_imageBounds.isEmpty()) return;
manongjohn 2c447c
  m_aff = TTranslation(0.5 * width(), 0.5 * height());
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  double imageScale = std::min(width() / (double)m_imageBounds.getLx(),
manongjohn 2c447c
                               height() / (double)m_imageBounds.getLy());
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  m_aff = TScale(imageScale, imageScale);
manongjohn 2c447c
  if (m_dpiX != 0.0 && m_dpiY != 0.0)
manongjohn 2c447c
    m_aff *= TScale(m_dpiX / Stage::inch, m_dpiY / Stage::inch);
manongjohn 2c447c
  m_aff.a13 = 0.5 * width();
manongjohn 2c447c
  m_aff.a23 = 0.5 * height();
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::setViewPos(double x, double y) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_aff.a13 = x, m_aff.a23 = y;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#ifdef PRINT_AFF
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  qDebug("zoom = %.4f;  pos = %.4f, %.4f", m_aff.a11, m_aff.a13, m_aff.a23);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::setViewZoom(double x, double y, double zoom) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  zoom         = tcrop(zoom, m_zoomRange[0], m_zoomRange[1]);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  double delta = zoom / m_aff.a11;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_aff.a13 = x + delta * (m_aff.a13 - x);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_aff.a23 = y + delta * (m_aff.a23 - y);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_aff.a11 = m_aff.a22 = zoom;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
#ifdef PRINT_AFF
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  qDebug("zoom = %.4f;  pos = %.4f, %.4f", m_aff.a11, m_aff.a13, m_aff.a23);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::zoomIn() {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  setViewZoom(ImageUtils::getQuantizedZoomFactor(m_aff.a11, true));
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::zoomOut() {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  setViewZoom(ImageUtils::getQuantizedZoomFactor(m_aff.a11, false));
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::pushGLWorldCoordinates() {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_matrix[0]  = m_aff.a11;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_matrix[4]  = m_aff.a12;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_matrix[12] = m_aff.a13;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_matrix[1]  = m_aff.a21;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_matrix[5]  = m_aff.a22;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_matrix[13] = m_aff.a23;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_matrix[2] = m_matrix[3] = m_matrix[6] = m_matrix[7] = m_matrix[8] =
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      m_matrix[9] = m_matrix[10] = m_matrix[11] = m_matrix[14] = 0;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  m_matrix[15] = 1.0;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  glLoadMatrixd(m_matrix);  //(GLdouble*) &m_matrix
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::pushGLWinCoordinates() {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::popGLCoordinates() { glPopMatrix(); }
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
TRaster32P PlaneViewer::rasterBuffer() {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (!m_rasterBuffer || m_rasterBuffer->getLx() != width() ||
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
      m_rasterBuffer->getLy() != height())
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    m_rasterBuffer = TRaster32P(width(), height());
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  return m_rasterBuffer;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::flushRasterBuffer() {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  glRasterPos2d(0, 0);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  glDrawPixels(width(), height(), TGL_FMT, TGL_TYPE,
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::draw(TRasterP ras, double dpiX, double dpiY, TPalette *pal) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TPointD rasCenter(ras->getCenterD());
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TRaster32P aux(rasterBuffer());
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
manongjohn 2c447c
  m_imageBounds = ras->getBounds();
manongjohn 2c447c
  if (m_dpiX == 0.0 || m_dpiY == 0.0) {
manongjohn 2c447c
    m_dpiX = dpiX;
manongjohn 2c447c
    m_dpiY = dpiY;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  if (m_firstDraw && !m_imageBounds.isEmpty()) {
manongjohn 2c447c
    m_firstDraw = false;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, m_matrix);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TAffine viewAff(m_matrix[0], m_matrix[4], m_matrix[12], m_matrix[1],
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
                  m_matrix[5], m_matrix[13]);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  viewAff = viewAff * TScale(Stage::inch / dpiX, Stage::inch / dpiY) *
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (pal)
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TRop::quickPut(aux, (TRasterCM32P)ras, pal, viewAff);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TRop::quickPut(aux, ras, viewAff);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
manongjohn 2c447c
glRasterPos2d could be used, along glBitmap and glPixelZoom...
manongjohn 2c447c
however, i've never been able to use them effectively...
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::draw(TRasterImageP ri) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  double dpiX, dpiY;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  ri->getDpi(dpiX, dpiY);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (dpiX == 0.0 || dpiY == 0.0) dpiX = dpiY = Stage::inch;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  draw(ri->getRaster(), dpiX, dpiY);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::draw(TToonzImageP ti) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  double dpiX, dpiY;
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  ti->getDpi(dpiX, dpiY);
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  if (dpiX == 0.0 || dpiY == 0.0) dpiX = dpiY = Stage::inch;
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  draw(ti->getRaster(), dpiX, dpiY, ti->getPalette());
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::draw(TVectorImageP vi) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TRectD bbox(vi->getBBox());
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TRect bboxI(tfloor(bbox.x0), tfloor(bbox.y0), tceil(bbox.x1) - 1,
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
              tceil(bbox.y1) - 1);
manongjohn 2c447c
  m_imageBounds = bboxI;
manongjohn 2c447c
  if (m_dpiX == 0.0 || m_dpiY == 0.0) {
manongjohn 2c447c
    m_dpiX = Stage::inch;
manongjohn 2c447c
    m_dpiY = Stage::inch;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
  if (m_firstDraw) {
manongjohn 2c447c
    m_firstDraw = false;
manongjohn 2c447c
manongjohn 2c447c
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  TVectorRenderData rd(TAffine(), bboxI, vi->getPalette(), 0, true, true);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
  tglDraw(rd, vi.getPointer());
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
void PlaneViewer::draw(TImageP img) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TRasterImageP ri(img);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (ri) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TToonzImageP ti(img);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (ti) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    TVectorImageP vi(img);
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
    if (vi) {
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Shinya Kitaoka 120a6e
Toshihiro Shimizu 890ddd