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\usepackage[a4paper, total={180mm, 272mm}]{geometry}
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\setmainfont[Path=fonts/, Extension=.ttf]{ipaexm}
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\noindent \\
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Level Master Ino\medskip
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manongjohn d9b24b
Allows to perform a global correction to the image levels.\par
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For adjusting levels individually on RGBA channels, use the \textquotedbl Level RGBA Ino\textquotedbl \ effect.\\
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-{-}- \ Inputs \ -{-}-\\
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manongjohn d9b24b
Connect the image to be processed.\\
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Connect the reference image to assign the strength of the effect into each pixel.\\
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-{-}- \ Settings \ -{-}-\\
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manongjohn d9b24b
Allows to define the minimum and maximum values for the input pixel values.\par
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Values less than Min will be limited to Min, values greater than Max will be\par 
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limited to Max.\par
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Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 1.\par
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The default values are Min: 0, Max: 1.\par
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Values can take an input of up to 4 decimal places.\\
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manongjohn d9b24b
Allows to fit the range defined by \textquotedbl In\textquotedbl , to the range of\par 
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minimum and maximum values specified here.\par
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Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 1.\par
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The default values are, Min: 0, Max: 1.\par
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Values can take an input of up to 4 decimal places.\\
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manongjohn d9b24b
Perform gamma correction between \textquotedbl Out Min\textquotedbl \ and \textquotedbl Out Max\textquotedbl .\par
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A value between 0.1 and 1.0, will make the image become darker.\par
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When the value is 1.0, no correction will be performed.\par
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A value between 1.0 and 10.0, will make the image become brighter.\par
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The default value is 1.\\
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Alpha Rendering\par
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This option is valid only when there is an Alpha channel.\par
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When inactive, it masks the changes in the RGB values using the original Alpha\par 
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of the image.\par
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When active, the effect will be able to modify the Alpha channel, extending it\par 
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as necessary to reproduce the full span of the effect.\par
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The default setting is ON.\\
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manongjohn d9b24b
When ON, the image will be processed as if having a Premultiplied Alpha channel\par 
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(Alpha value already multiplied by RGB channels).\par
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If image is not premultiplied, the image may not look correct.\par
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The default setting is ON.\\
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manongjohn d9b24b
Specify which channel to use from the image connected to the Reference port to\par 
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drive the intensity of the effect.\par
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Choose from Red/Green/Blue/Alpha/Luminance.\par
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Choose Nothing to disable the effect.\par
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The default value is \textquotedbl Red\textquotedbl .
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