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\usepackage[a4paper, total={180mm, 272mm}]{geometry}
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\setmainfont[Path=fonts/, Extension=.ttf]{ipaexm}
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\noindent \\
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Max Min Ino\medskip
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It inflates the brightest (darkest) portions of the image.\\
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The shape can be round or polygonal.\par
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It produces smooth changes.\\
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First, it processes the Alpha channel, if specified.\par
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Then it handles RGB values of pixels, where the Alpha channel is not zero.\\
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-{-}- \ Inputs \ -{-}-\\
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Connect the image to be processed.\\
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Connect the reference image to assign the strength of the effect into each pixel.\\
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-{-}- \ Settings \ -{-}-\\
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Max Min Select\par
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Specify the processing method.\par
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\textquotedbl Max\textquotedbl \ -> Inflate the bright areas of the image\par
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\textquotedbl Min\textquotedbl \ -> Inflate the dark areas of the image\par
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When using \textquotedbl Min\textquotedbl , black lines in the cell image outline will be painted with 0\par 
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in the transparent area outside them, so transparent area expands and black lines\par 
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It also increases the region defined by the Alpha in the same way.\par
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The default setting is \textquotedbl Max\textquotedbl .\\
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Specify the size of the bulge by a circle radius.\par
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The unit is millimeters.\par
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Specify a number greater than or equal to 0.\par
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By adding smoothing (in pixels) it will not inflate with values smaller than 1.\par
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Therefore, if the value is less, there will be an effect with a fine image,\par
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but it may not make the effect noticeable on a rough image.\par
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A larger Radius will take more time to process.\\
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\ \vspace{-0.2em}
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Polygon Number\par
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Allows to specify if inflate into a circle or a polygon shape.\par
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Specify an integer value.\par
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A value of 2 will inflate using a circle of the specified Radius.\par
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3 or more, will inflate to the number of sides of the polygon. The maximum is 16.\par
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Polygons begin from the right side of the center of the bulge.\par
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The default value is 2.
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\noindent Degree\par
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Specifies the angle of the polygon, when \textquotedbl Polygon Number\textquotedbl \ value is 3 or more.\par
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When \textquotedbl Polygon Number\textquotedbl \ value is 2, it will have no effect.\par
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Specify a value of 0 or more degrees.\par
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It will rotate in clockwise direction.\par
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The default value is 0.\\
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Alpha Rendering\par
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This option is valid only when there is an Alpha channel.\par
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When inactive, it masks the changes in the RGB values using the original Alpha\par 
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of the image.\par
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When active, the effect will be able to modify the Alpha channel, extending it\par 
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as necessary to reproduce the full span of the effect.\par
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The default setting is ON.\\
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Specify which channel to use from the image connected to the Reference port to\par 
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drive the intensity of the effect.\par
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Choose from Red/Green/Blue/Alpha/Luminance.\par
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Choose Nothing to disable the effect.\par
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The default value is \textquotedbl Red\textquotedbl .
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