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\usepackage[a4paper, total={180mm, 272mm}]{geometry}
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\noindent \\
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Motion Blur Ino\medskip
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Produces a linear motion blur effect by using translation values.\par
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It is also possible to specify an afterimage shake effect in the options.\\
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When \textquotedbl Alpha Rendering\textquotedbl \ is ON, Alpha channel will be processed first,\par
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then it will process all RGB pixels where the Alpha channel is not zero.\\
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When \textquotedbl Alpha Rendering\textquotedbl \ is OFF, Alpha channel will not be taken into account,\par
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so the RGB image changes will not be masked, causing defined edges.\\
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-{-}- \ Inputs \ -{-}-\\
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Connect the image to be processed.\\
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-{-}- \ Settings \ -{-}-\\
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Depend Move\par
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\noindent \ \ \, P1 -> P2\par
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Use the X1,Y1,X2,Y2 parameters to specify movement in a fixed direction and\par 
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\noindent \ \ \, Motion\par
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It will take into account the object movements along the E/W and N/S channels,\par 
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on a frame-by-frame basis.\par
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The X1,Y1,X2,Y2 parameters values will be ignored.\\
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Specifies the start and end coordinate values for the motion blur.\par
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The origin of the used coordinate system is at the lower left corner.\par
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The unit is millimeters.\par
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By specifying values with decimal places, it will be possible to define subtle changes\par 
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in the length.\par
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If the distance between the starting and ending points is less than 1/16 of a pixel,\par 
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it will have no effect.\par
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The default values are\par
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\noindent \hskip 7em X1 Y1 -> 0.0 0.0\par
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\noindent \hskip 7em X2 Y2 -> 1.0 1.0\par
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\ \vspace{-0.2em}
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\noindent Scale\par
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Adjusts the scale for the length of the motion blur effect.\par
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For example,\par
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\noindent \hskip 7em X1 Y1 -> 0.0 0.0\par
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\noindent \hskip 7em X2 Y2 -> 1.0 -1.0\par
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\noindent \hskip 7em Scale -> 100\par
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Would be equivalent to,\par
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\noindent \hskip 7em X1 Y1 -> 0.0 0.0\par
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\noindent \hskip 7em X2 Y2 -> 100.0 -100.0\par
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and will have the same effect.\par
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When Scale is 0, blur will not be applied.\par
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The default value is 1, which will apply no scaling.\\
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Allows to adjust the blur strenght.\par
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With a value between 1.0 and 10.0, blur will become stronger.\par
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With a value between 0.1 and 1.0, blur will become lighter.\par
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The default value is 1, which will produce an linear attenuation.\\
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Afterimage Length\par
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Specify the lenght of the afterimage effect.\par
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The unit is millimeters.\par
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Specify a value greater than or equal to 0.\par
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For example, to create an afterimage for a line with a width of 3,\par
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specify a value greater than or equal to 3.\par
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The default value is 0, which produces no afterimage.\\
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Afterimage Power\par
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Determines the strength of the afterimage.\par
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At 0, no afterimage effect will be applied.\par
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The larger the value, the less blur and stronger afterimage effect will be applied.\par
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The default value of 1 is the strongest possible one. Where there will be no\par 
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motion blur, but only the afterimage effect applied.\\
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Alpha Rendering\par
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This option is valid only when there is an Alpha channel.\par
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When inactive, it masks the changes in the RGB values using the original Alpha\par 
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of the image.\par
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When active, the effect will be able to modify the Alpha channel, extending it\par 
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as necessary to reproduce the full span of the effect.\par
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The default setting is active.
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