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\noindent \\
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Motion Wind Ino\medskip
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manongjohn d9b24b
Allow to add wind flow lines to the image.
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It uses an art drawing method, usually seen in animation, to represent a fast motion.\par
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Adds the effect of fast motion to the brightest pixels of the image.\\
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-{-}- \ Inputs \ -{-}-\\
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Connect the image to be processed.\\
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Connect the reference image to assign the strength of the effect into each pixel.\\
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-{-}- \ Settings \ -{-}-\\
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Specify the direction of the motion lines.\par
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Options available are: Right, Up, Left, Down.\par
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The default setting is Right.\par
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Direction is fixed for the default orientation of the image. If the column/layer is\par 
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rotated, motion lines will rotate with it.\\
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When inactive motion lines will spread from brightest parts of the image.\par
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When active motion lines will spread from darkest parts of the image..\par
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The default setting is inactive.\\
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Alpha Rendering\par
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This option is valid only when there is an Alpha channel.\par
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When inactive, it masks the changes in the RGB values using the original Alpha\par 
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of the image.\par
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When active, the effect will be able to modify the Alpha channel, extending it\par 
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as necessary to reproduce the full span of the effect.\par
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The default setting is ON.\\
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Length Min\\
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Length Max\par
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Specify the length of the motion lines.\par
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The unit is millimeters.\par
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Specify a value in the range from 0 to 1000.\par
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Decimal places are also taken into account, for subtle changes in the length.\par
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If Min and Max are different, the lenght of each motion line will be random, between\par 
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those values.
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\ \vspace{-0.2em}
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When Min and Max are the same, all motion lines will have the same lenght.\par
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The default value for Min is 0, and Max is 8.573.\par
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-{-}> See \textquotedbl Figure 1:\ \ Length Wind\textquotedbl \ .\par
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-{-}> See \textquotedbl Figure 4:\ \ Force is 1 and Density is 1\textquotedbl \ .\par
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-{-}> See \textquotedbl Figure 7:\ \ Length Wind and Force is 10\textquotedbl \ .\\
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Length Bias\par
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Allows to introduce a deviation in the random pattern of the length.\par
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Using values between 0.1 and 1.0, will make prevail shorter lines.\par
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Using a value of 1.0, the pattern will be uniform.\par
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Using values between 1.0 and 10.0, will make prevail longer lines.\par
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The default value is 1.\par
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-{-}> See \textquotedbl Figure 1:\ \ Length Wind\textquotedbl \ .\\
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Length Seed\par
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This seed controls the random pattern for the length.\par
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Specify an integer value greater than or equal to 0.\par
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If the same value is given to the same image, it will produce the same pattern.\par
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Changing the value will produce different patterns.\par
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For example, if you want an ever changing pattern of lines from a single image,\par
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you can animate the seed value on a frame by frame basis.\par
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The default value is set to 1.\\
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Force Min\\
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Force Max\par
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Allows to define the decay rate of the motion lines.\par
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Values between 0.1 and 1.0, will cause a fast decay rate,\par
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A value of 1.0 will produce a linear decay rate,\par
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Values between 1.0 and 10.0, will cause a slow decay rate,\par
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If Min and Max are different, the decay rate of each motion line will be random,\par 
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between those values.\par
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When Min and Max are the same, all motion lines will have the same decay rate.\par
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The default value is 1 for both.\par
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-{-}> See \textquotedbl Figure 2:\ \ Force Wind\textquotedbl \ .\par
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-{-}> See \textquotedbl Figure 5:\ \ Force is 0.1\textquotedbl \ .\par
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-{-}> See \textquotedbl Figure 7:\ \ Length Wind and Force is 10\textquotedbl \ .\\
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\ \vspace{-0.2em}
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Force Bias\par
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Allows to introduce a deviation in the random pattern of decay.\par
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Using values between 0.1 and 1.0, will make a strong decay prevail.\par
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Using a value of 1.0, the decay pattern will be uniform.\par
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Using values between 1.0 and 10.0, will make a weak decay prevail.\par
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The default value is 1.\par
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-{-}> See \textquotedbl Figure 2:\ \ Force Wind\textquotedbl \ .\\
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Force Seed\par
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This seed controls the random pattern for the decay rate.\par
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The options are similar to \textquotedbl Length Seed\textquotedbl .\\
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Density Min\\
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Density Max\par
manongjohn d9b24b
Allows to define the density of the motion lines.\par
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If it is 0, there will be no motion lines effect.\par
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Values between 0 and 1.0 will produce low densities.\par
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A value of 1.0 will produce a standard density.\par
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Values greater than 1.0 will produce high densities. The maximum value is 100.\par
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If Min and Max are different, density will be random between those values.\par 
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When Min and Max are the same, density will be uniform.\par 
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The default value is 1 for both.\par
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-{-}> See \textquotedbl Figure 3:\ \ Density Wind\textquotedbl \ .\par
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-{-}> See \textquotedbl Figure 6:\ \ Density is 0.2\textquotedbl \ .\\
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Density Bias\par
manongjohn d9b24b
Allows to introduce a deviation in the random pattern of density.\par
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Using values between 0.1 and 1.0, will make lower densities prevail.\par
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Using a value of 1.0, the density pattern will be uniform.\par
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Using values between 1.0 and 10.0, will make higher densities prevail..\par
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The default value is 1.\par
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-{-}> See \textquotedbl Figure 3:\ \ Density Wind\textquotedbl \ .\\
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Density Seed\par
manongjohn d9b24b
This seed controls the random pattern for the density.\par
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The options are similar to \textquotedbl Length Seed\textquotedbl .\\
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\ \vspace{-0.2em}
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manongjohn d9b24b
In order to achieve a uniform lines effect:\par
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The same values should be assigned to \textquotedbl Length Min\textquotedbl \ and \textquotedbl Length Max\textquotedbl ,\par
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\textquotedbl Force Min\textquotedbl \ and \textquotedbl Force Max\textquotedbl ,
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\textquotedbl Density Min\textquotedbl \ and \textquotedbl Density Max\textquotedbl \ parameters,\par 
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to produce uniform lines.\\
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To synchronize random patterns:\par
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If \textquotedbl Length Seed\textquotedbl , \textquotedbl Force Seed\textquotedbl , and \textquotedbl Density Seed\textquotedbl \ are set to the same value\par 
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at the same frame, its patterns will match, and it will become stronger and\par 
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weaker at the same time.\par
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Using different values will produce different patterns for each parameter.\\
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To fix a random pattern when the camera is moving:\par
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When moving the camera over a background image, the random pattern changes\par 
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on each frame according to the change of the picture.\par
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To fix the pattern the entire backgroung image must be processed.\\
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Length Ref\par
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When inactive there will be no reference image driving the Length.\par
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When active, the image connected to the Reference port will drive the Length.\par
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The values of the selected channel in the Reference parameter, will drive the Length.\par
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If no reference image is available, the length will be determined by the Source image\par 
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The darker the pixel where lines begin, the shorter they will be.\par
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As the whole image tone is lowered, please adjust the Min and Max Length values.\par
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The default state is inactive.\\
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Force Ref\par
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When inactive there will be no reference image driving the Force.\par
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When active, the image connected to the Reference port will drive the Force.\par
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The values of the selected channel in the Reference parameter, will drive the Force.\par
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If no reference image is available, the force will be determined by the Source image\par 
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The darker the pixel where lines begin, the weaker they will be.\par
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As the whole image tone is lowered, please adjust the Min and Max Force values.\par
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The default state is inactive.\\
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Density Ref\par
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When inactive there will be no reference image driving the Density.\par
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When active, the image connected to the Reference port will drive the Density.\par
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The values of the selected channel in the Reference parameter, will drive the\par 
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If no reference image is available, the density will be determined by the Source\par 
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image brightness.\par
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The darker the pixel where lines begin, the thinner they will be.\par
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As the whole image tone is lowered, please adjust the Min and Max Density values.\par
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The default state is inactive.\\
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Choose how the Reference image values are used to set the strength of the effect\par 
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into each pixel.\par
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Choose from Red/Green/Blue/Alpha/Luminance.\par
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Choose Nothing to disable the effect.\par
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The default value is Red.
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\ \vspace{-0.2em}
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\noindent Figure 1:\ \ Length Wind
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\noindent \begin{picture}(0,0)
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\put(209,-16.5){\normalsize{Bias is 0.1}}
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\put(351,-45){\normalsize{Bias is 10}}
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\noindent Figure 2:\ \ Force Wind
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\noindent \begin{picture}(0,0)
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\put(209,-16.5){\normalsize{Bias is 0.1}}
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\put(351,-45){\normalsize{Bias is 10}}
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\noindent Figure 3:\ \ Density Wind
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\noindent \begin{picture}(0,0)
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\put(209,-16.5){\normalsize{Bias is 0.1}}
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\put(351,-45){\normalsize{Bias is 10}}
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\ \vspace{-0.1em}
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\noindent \hskip 10.5em Length Min equal Max Wind\\[-0.15em]
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Figure 4:\ \ Force is 1 and Density is 1
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\noindent \begin{picture}(0,0)
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\noindent \hskip 10.5em Length Min equal Max Wind\\[-0.15em]
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Figure 5:\ \ Force is 0.1
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\noindent \begin{picture}(0,0)
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\noindent \hskip 10.5em Length Min equal Max Wind\\[-0.15em]
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Figure 6:\ \ Density is 0.2
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\noindent \begin{picture}(0,0)
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\noindent Figure 7:\ \ Length Wind and Force is 10
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\noindent \begin{picture}(0,0)
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