Blob Blame Raw
#pragma once


// TnzQt includes
#include "toonzqt/dvdialog.h"
#include "toonzqt/selection.h"
#include "saveloadqsettings.h"

// Qt includes
#include <QScrollArea>
#include <QKeyEvent>

// STD includes
#include <vector>
#include <map>

// forward declaration
class TFrameId;
class TFilmstripSelection;
class FilmstripFrameHeadGadget;
class TXshSimpleLevel;
class QComboBox;
class InbetweenDialog;
class TXshLevel;
class SceneViewer;

const int fs_leftMargin       = 2;
const int fs_rightMargin      = 3;
const int fs_frameSpacing     = 6;
const int fs_iconMarginLR     = 5;
const int fs_iconMarginTop    = 5;
const int fs_iconMarginBottom = 15;

// FilmstripFrames
// (inserita dentro Filmstrip : QScrollArea)

class FilmstripFrames final : public QFrame, public TSelection::View {

  FilmstripFrames(QScrollArea *parent   = 0,
                  Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::WindowFlags());

  bool m_isVertical    = true;
  bool m_showNavigator = true;
  bool m_showComboBox  = true;

  void setBGColor(const QColor &color) { m_bgColor = color; }
  QColor getBGColor() const { return m_bgColor; }
  void setLightLineColor(const QColor &color) { m_lightLineColor = color; }
  QColor getLightLineColor() const { return m_lightLineColor; }
  void setDarkLineColor(const QColor &color) { m_darkLineColor = color; }
  QColor getDarkLineColor() const { return m_darkLineColor; }

  // helper method: get the current level
  TXshSimpleLevel *getLevel() const;

  QSize getIconSize() const { return m_iconSize; }
  int getFrameLabelWidth() const { return m_frameLabelWidth; }

  // convert mouse coordinate y to a frame index and vice versa
  int y2index(int y) const;
  int index2y(int index) const;

  // convert mouse coordinate x to a frame index and vice versa
  int x2index(int x) const;
  int index2x(int index) const;

  // returns the frame id of the provided index if index >= 0
  // otherwise returns TFrameId()
  TFrameId index2fid(int index) const;

  // returns the index if the frame exists, otherwise -1
  int fid2index(const TFrameId &fid) const;

  // returns the height of all frames plus a blank one
  int getFramesHeight() const;

  // returns the width of all frames plus a blank one
  int getFramesWidth() const;

  // aggiorna le dimensioni del QWidget in base al numero di fotogrammi del
  // livello
  // la dimensione verticale e' sempre >= minimumHeight. Questo permette di
  // gestire
  // lo scroll anche oltre i frame esistenti.
  // se minimumHeight == -1 viene utilizzato
  // visibleRegion().boundingRect().bottom()
  void updateContentHeight(int minimumHeight = -1);
  void updateContentWidth(int minimumHeight = -1);

  // makes sure that the indexed frame is visible (scrolling if necessary)
  void showFrame(int index);

  // esegue uno scroll di dy pixel. se dy<0 fa scorrere i fotogrammi verso
  // l'alto
  // lo scroll e' illimitato verso il basso. aggiorna contentHeight
  void scroll(int dy);

  // overridden from TSelection::View
  void onSelectionChanged() override { update(); }

  enum SelectionMode {
  void select(int index, SelectionMode mode = SIMPLE_SELECT);

  int getOneFrameHeight();
  int getOneFrameWidth();
  void setOrientation(bool isVertical);
  void setNavigator(bool showNavigator);
  void setComboBox(bool showComboBox);

  void orientationToggledSignal(bool);
  void comboBoxToggledSignal();
  void navigatorToggledSignal();
  void levelSelectedSignal(int);

  void showEvent(QShowEvent *) override;
  void hideEvent(QHideEvent *) override;
  void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) override;

  enum {
    F_NORMAL          = 0,
  };  // Flags
  void drawFrameIcon(QPainter &p, const QRect &r, int index,
                     const TFrameId &fid, int flags);

  void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
  void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
  void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *) override;
  void enterEvent(QEvent *event) override;
  void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override;
  void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override;

  void startAutoPanning();
  void stopAutoPanning();
  void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *) override;
  TFrameId getCurrentFrameId();
  void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) override;

  void startDragDrop();
  void createSelectLevelMenu(QMenu *menu);
  void inbetween();

  void execNavigatorPan(const QPoint &point);
  void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;

protected slots:
  void onLevelChanged();
  void onLevelSwitched(TXshLevel *);
  void onFrameSwitched();
  void getViewer();
  void orientationToggled(bool);
  void comboBoxToggled(bool);
  void navigatorToggled(bool);
  void levelSelected(int);
  void onViewerAboutToBeDestroyed();

  // QSS Properties

  QColor m_bgColor;
  QColor m_lightLineColor;
  QColor m_darkLineColor;

  Q_PROPERTY(QColor BGColor READ getBGColor WRITE setBGColor)
      QColor LightLineColor READ getLightLineColor WRITE setLightLineColor)
  Q_PROPERTY(QColor DarkLineColor READ getDarkLineColor WRITE setDarkLineColor)

  // Widgets

  QScrollArea *m_scrollArea;
  TFilmstripSelection *m_selection;
  FilmstripFrameHeadGadget *m_frameHeadGadget;
  InbetweenDialog *m_inbetweenDialog;
  SceneViewer *m_viewer;
  bool m_justStartedSelection  = false;
  int m_indexForResetSelection = -1;
  bool m_allowResetSelection   = false;
  int m_timerInterval          = 100;
  // State data

  QPoint m_pos;  //!< Last mouse position.

  const QSize m_iconSize;
  const int m_frameLabelWidth;

  std::pair<int, int> m_selectingRange;

  int m_scrollSpeed,
      m_dragSelectionStartIndex,  //!< Starting level index during drag
                                  //! selections.
      m_dragSelectionEndIndex,  //!< Ending level index during drag selections.
      m_timerId;                // per l'autoscroll

  bool m_selecting, m_dragDropArmed, m_readOnly;

  QPoint m_naviRectPos;
  QPointF m_icon2ViewerRatio;
  bool m_isNavigatorPanning;

// Filmstrip

class Filmstrip final : public QWidget, public SaveLoadQSettings {

  FilmstripFrames *m_frames;

  QScrollArea *m_frameArea;
  QComboBox *m_chooseLevelCombo;

  std::vector<TXshSimpleLevel *> m_levels;
  std::map<TXshSimpleLevel *, TFrameId> m_workingFrames;
  bool m_isVertical    = true;
  bool m_showNavigator = true;
  bool m_showComboBox  = true;

  Filmstrip(QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::WindowFlags());

  // SaveLoadQSettings
  virtual void save(QSettings &settings) const override;
  virtual void load(QSettings &settings) override;

  void setOrientation(bool isVertical);
  void showEvent(QShowEvent *) override;
  void hideEvent(QHideEvent *) override;
  void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) override;
  // void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event){
  //  event->ignore();

public slots:
  //! Aggiorna il "titolo" del widget e rinfresca la filmstrip se c'e' qualche
  //! "check" attivo.
  void onLevelSwitched(TXshLevel *oldLevel);
  // void ensureValuesVisible(int x, int y);

  void onSliderMoved(int);
  void onLevelChanged();
  // update combo items when the contents of scene cast are changed
  void updateChooseLevelComboItems();
  // change the current level when the combo item selected
  void onChooseLevelComboChanged(int index);

  void onFrameSwitched();
  void orientationToggled(bool);
  void comboBoxToggled();
  void navigatorToggled();

  void updateWindowTitle();
  // synchronize the current index of combo to the current level
  void updateCurrentLevelComboItem();

// inbetweenDialog

class InbetweenDialog final : public DVGui::Dialog {
  QComboBox *m_comboBox;

  InbetweenDialog(QWidget *parent);

  void setValue(const QString &value);
  QString getValue();

  int getIndex(const QString &text);

#endif  // FILMSTRIP_H