Blob Blame Raw

# Setting Up the Development Environment on MacOSX

## Necessary Software

- git
- brew
- Xcode
- cmake
  - Version 3.2.2 confirmed to work.
- Qt
    - qt-opensource-mac-x64-clang-5.6.2.dmg
- boost
  - (or later, though only 1.55.0 is supported)

## Building on MacOSX

### 0. Install Qt 5.6 (Most recent is 5.6.2)

### 1. Install Dependent Packages

With homebrew, you can install them with following command.

$ brew install glew lz4 libjpeg libpng lzo pkg-config libusb cmake git-lfs libmypaint

Or, you should build and install them manually.

### 2. Clone the Repository

$ git clone
cd opentoonz
git lfs pull

### (Optional) Create the stuff Directory

If the directory `/Applications/OpenToonz/OpenToonz_1.1_stuff` does not exist, enter the following command:

$ sudo cp -r stuff /Applications/OpenToonz/OpenToonz_1.1_stuff

### 3. Build tiff in thirdparty

$ cd thirdparty/tiff-4.0.3
$ ./configure && make

### 4. Put Boost library into thirdpaty directory
The following assumes `boost_1_55_0.tar.bz2` was downloaded to `~/Downloads`.

$ cd ../boost
$ mv ~/Downloads/boost_1_55_0.tar.bz2 .
$ tar xjvf boost_1_55_0.tar.bz2

### 5. Update the path to your Qt 5.6 install in opentoonz/toonz/sources/CMakeLists.txt line 160 or 172 
If using Qt 5.6.2, this is unnecessary.

### 6. Copy the lzo header folder to the lzo driver directory

$ cd ../lzo
$ cp -r 2.03/include/lzo driver

### 6. Build Everything Together

$ cd ../../toonz
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
  CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/Qt5.6.2/5.6/clang_64 cmake ../sources
$ make

Please be patient as the install will take a while.

### After Building

$ open ./toonz/